what can you do to protect yourself from social media abuse


Answer 1


it's simple just quiet the social media and do physical exercise and play outdoor games.

Answer 2


Don't accept friend requests from strangers. ...

Be careful when you check-in or share your location. ...

Don't share personal information online. ...

Related Questions

Fearful -






school is a one syllabic word and all the patterns are stressed

Paragraph on how I am going to spend my holidays. in English for grade 2.



Paragraph writing on how I am going to spend my holidays.


With the holidays upcoming in the next few days, I have planned several activities that I want to get done or experience. The first is to go to my grandparents' farm in the villages and help them out with farm work. I always loved going there for the holidays and even this year won't be any different. I will be there for the whole duration of the holidays. Then, I also planned to walk around the village and help out any in their house repairs, or their farm work. There's also the plan to go into the nearby forest and see how the birds and animals are, what type of species are still there, and just try to enjoy nature. My whole holiday plan involves me being there in the village instead of staying in the city and getting bored. Besides, it's always nice to be with my grandparents and enjoy their company.

Is this sentence: "It'll arrive unassembled" correct in grammar? I thought it should be adv instead of adj, I mean the world "unassembled" is an adj in this sentence.
Thanks for helping me.



The sentence looks great with no adjustments


Gladys and Andrew are taking a psychology class together. During the ice-breaker activity on the first
day of class, Andrew shares with Gladys that he has a difficult time seeing, despite the fact that he
wears glasses and that he is worried about missing out of important parts of the lecture notes. Gladys
then asks him if he would like a copy of her notes. Andrew gratefully accepts.
Gladys has demonstrated civility which requires:
A productivity and intelligence.
B empathy
c ethics.
D a high IQ



C. ethics.


Civility is a characteristic that requires the individual to have a strong ethical sense. In this case, we can see that Gladys has ethics in her actions to help Andrew.

This is because ethics is the term that determines a person's social behavior based on what he believes to be right or wrong. For Gladys, helping people is the right thing to be done within the social environment, so it acts in an ethical manner. In addition, it refers to the ability of an individual to live within the established norms for the maintenance of social interaction, that is, civility is part of ethics.

<p>Many countries have compulsory military service for men after they leave school. It would be a good idea to adopt this system, for men and possibly women. With increasing job opportunities and career options in various fields people are reluctant to join military. This is becoming a major concern for various countries. There are a few countries where men have to serve military necessarily after completing their education. In my opinion this rule should be there in every country both for men and women. This will not only strengthen armed forces of the country but will also improve health and security of people. Although countries have started using machines more than men during wars, still the importance of human soldiers cannot be neglected. With the growth of finance, marketing and education sectors, people are getting more job opportunities. most importantly the risk of life is not there in these sectors. This is the main reason of people becoming reluctant to join armed forces. If military service is made mandatory, people will not have any option other than joining military for a few years. This will help in strengthening of military. Health is another area where people will be benefitted by joining military. Rigorous exercises and activities help in strengthening both mind and body. Increasing fat in people can be dealt with only by physical exercise. Crime is growing at an alarming rate in every country. More than half of these crimes are against women. Most of these crimes are committed because women are not confident enough to oppose the crime. Military training can help in improving their confidenceto stand against crime and raise their voice. To conclude, military service after schooling should be made compulsory both for males as swell as females. This improve country's security as well as the health of its citizens</p>​


Answerletter. where he question

please write story about disability and discrimination person.​




The morning of my job interview brought excitement and anxiety. At the same time, I felt prepared and confident. It was the beginning of 2017 and already I had gone through three rounds of phone interviews, all rigorous, yet fair. This final interview would be our first face-to-face meeting. After passing through such an extensive interview process, backed by my impeccable credentials, I felt this meeting would be a formality.  

A 14-year veteran New York City public school teacher, I was applying for a literacy coach position to train new teachers. The interviews had gone so well, I was certain a job offer would soon follow.  

I met my interviewer for the first time at Starbucks. Soon after we started, I saw the sparkle leave her eyes. I noticed the fidgeting, a symptom of her sense of discomfort. Instead of asking about my pedagogical philosophy or leadership style, she asked me this: How am I able to get the students to listen to me?  

The implication behind her question was clear: She didn’t think my students pay attention to me. Despite 14 years of exemplary performance evaluations, including high ratings for classroom management, somehow she believed my skills were wanting.  

Later, I was informed that I was not selected for the position. After sailing through every stage of the application process, something had changed. Suddenly, she seemed to lose all enthusiasm for my candidacy.  

What happened?  

Disabled in a city not made for me

Meeting me for the first time, my interviewer saw a woman in a motorized wheelchair. She didn’t see a black woman. She didn’t even see a capable professional. What she saw was a disabled person.  

I am a tenured, New York City teacher with a master’s degree in School Leadership from New York University. At my school, I held four leadership positions: English Department chair, testing coordinator, grade level chair and professional development committee member. The next step in my career would be educational administration.  

I also have spinal muscular atrophy type II, a neural disease that occurs in 1 in every 6,000 children. It leads to decreased motor skills and deteriorating muscles. In 2008, I survived a risky surgery in which my spine was exposed, untwisted, and reinforced with titanium, possibly adding as many as 20 years to my life.    

How to prevent corruption, protect the rule of law and repair democracy: Bharara & Whitman  

Immigrant detention centers keep profiting from immoral policies  

Despite my professional qualifications, there have been some programs I am unable to take full advantage of because of a lack of disability access. I was accepted to the CUNY-NYC Leadership Academy Program for Future Middle School Principals. The program was extremely rigorous. The reality of living with a disability means that my physical needs had to be met before I could work toward any goal. I had to consider whether the “reasonable accommodations” that employers are required to provide under the 1990 Americans With Disabilities Act — certain protections are guaranteed by law — would allow me to participate.  

Classes were held from 4 to 8 p.m. once a week in Queens. The journey from my school in the Bronx began right after work. In a society where the infrastructure is designed for able-bodied individuals, most people can’t conceptualize how challenging it can be for people with physical disabilities. A small thing we take for granted — going to the bathroom in a public place — can present a serious problem when there are no bathrooms that are wheelchair accessible.  

Of course, if I had to use the bathroom during the school day, I couldn’t because I could not enter with my wheelchair. I had to wait until I got home to relieve myself. Under this program, I would not make it home until 10 pm. My doctor had warned me to consider the long-term impact of this schedule on my kidneys and overall health.  

To further complicate the matter, the only wheelchair access to the building where the class was being held was on a side street that required me to pass through a parking lot. When I arrived at the door, I would have to wait for security to let me in.  

Dayniah Manderson is a 38-year-old veteran public school educator and single mother. She served as Ms. Wheelchair New York 2017 and is an advocate for people with disabilities.  



Nelson Cornwall was hard of hearing, yet he wanted to be a commercial air-pilot. This dream of his would always get him laughs and mockery by part of the men and women who hung around him as well as the kids. “How can a man who has no hearing be capable to fly a plane?” asked the people who met Nelson. Yet, Nelson did not give up. He interned in the “Wayward Aviation Academy” and got his license.

Once he had his license in hand he looked for employment as a cargo carrier. However, no matter where he went people mocked him saying a man who communicates through sign language cannot become a pilot. Once man who interviewed him by the name of Joel laughed at his attempt to communicate with him through sign language, the man spoke slowly. Very slowly so Nelson could understand what his lips spoke: “Listen kid, no one will hire you. You think you are complete? You aren’t complete, no one will hire you”. Nelson understood his words, and left the place with tears in his eyes.

He kept looking for work desperately. Until, one day a nice and kind gentleman gave him a chance, an opportunity. “Can you fly” asked the man to Nelson. Nelson read his lips and understood him. Nelson nodded yes, and rode one of the aircrafts provided by the nice gentleman. When everyone saw he could ride an aircraft they were shocked and learned their lesson to not mock a man with a disability. For who knows maybe a man with a disability may just do the same thing that you can do.

Note: Some writers omit the comma before and in a series. If you omit the final comma before and, do so consistently in your writing.

EXERCISE 14 Using commas to separate independent clauses and items in a series Read the sentences. Add commas to separate independent clauses and items in a series.

1 Jack his brother and I are going hiking and fishing this weekend.

2 We had wanted to go to the beach but we couldn't get hotel accommodations.

3 We decided to go to the mountains instead and enjoy the cooler weather.

4 We'll probably hike for a few days and then we'll relax by fishing at the local lake.

5 We'll take food sleeping bags a few changes of clothes but little else.

6 Would you like to come along or are you busy this weekend?

Follow-up Write two sentences illustrating Guideline 3 and two illustrating Guideline 4. Write about a recent vacation.




1 Jack his brother, and I are going hiking and fishing this weekend.

2 We had wanted to go to the beach, but we couldn't get hotel accommodations.

3 We decided to go to the mountains instead, and enjoy the cooler weather.

4 We'll probably hike for a few days, and then we'll relax by fishing at the local lake.

5 We'll take food sleeping bags, a few changes of clothes but little else.

6 Would you like to come along, or are you busy this weekend?


for the first one it's after Jack. The second is after beach. I think the third is after mountains but not sure. The 4th is is before the word and. 5 is after food and sleeping bags. And I'm assuming 6 is after along.

why is miss kenton important to the plot of remains of the day?​



her character


She is a strong woman. Kind, intelligent, headstrong, and stubborn. she takes a lot of pride in her work. a big part of the story is the relationship between her and Stevens. she has a lot of moral character and doesn't hesitate to object to the Jewish maids that are getting dismissed AKA fired. but she also recognizes her own fragility as a woman alone and without resources and a society that still expects women to either get married or basically be servants. she's a complicated woman

what is a good way to address with the hiring personality in cover letter



Photos and music



help me please I will mark you as brainliest and it is 29 point who cannot do this homework do not answer and you will not get the point ok grade 7



When you came back, she already cleaned the house.

He felt sorry that he hurt his father so much.

When I finished my homework I helped father in the garden.

The policeman said he witnessed the whole scene himself.

Mother hung the clothes on the line after she washed them.

The firemen arrived only a few minutes after our neighbor telephoned them.


Very much explantory.

Read this example of incorrect sentence structure,
Winter is coming I need'a new coat.
Which revisions best correct the sentence? Select three options,
Winter is coming; I need a new coat.
Winter is coming, so I need a new coat.
When winter is coming, I need a new coat.
Because winter is coming, I need a new coat,
Although winter is coming, I need a new coat,



A. Winter is coming; I need a new coat.

B. Winter is coming, so I need a new coat.

D. Because winter is coming, I need a new coat

I hope this helps!

Answer: the answers above is correct which is:

A. Winter is coming; I need a new coat.

B. Winter is coming, so I need a new coat.

D. Because winter is coming, I need a new coat


I took the test on edg 2022

she said to me," we lived in china for five years."(change in to indirect speech).​


She told me they lived in China for five years

On January 16, 1917, in a clear attempt to convince the Mexican government to help Germany in the war, Arthur Zimmermann, the German foreign secretary, sent a telegram to Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador in Washington. The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff, so he made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat to Sweden and from there to Washington through diplomatic channels. —The Dark Game, Paul Janeczko Which piece of textual evidence best supports the inference that the message Zimmermann sent was very important? Check all that apply. “On January 16, 1917” “a clear attempt to convince the Mexican government to help Germany in the war” “Arthur Zimmermann . . . sent a telegram to Count von Bernstorff” “The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff” “he made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat”


Answer:"The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff" definitely implies a sense of urgency. "He made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat" does too—I'd say something's important if it requires its own boat.


The piece of textual evidence which best supports the inference that the message Zimmermann sent was very important is "The foreign secretary wanted to be certain that this message reached von Bernstorff" definitely implies a sense of urgency. "He made arrangements for it to be carried aboard a U-boat" does too—I'd say something's important if it requires its own boat.

What is Inference?

This refers to the use of deductions to come to a conclusion about a thing based on the available evidence.

With this in mind and from the given narration, there is the use of inference to show that the message Zimmermann sent was very important and this was showed in the fact there was a sense of emergency.

Read more about inference here:


Choose the sentence with the correct usage.

a. Although he continued to advise me, I no longer took his advice.

b. Although he continued to advice me, I no longer took his advise.

c. Although he continued to advise me, I no longer took his advise.

d. Although he continued to advice me, I no longer took advise.




the spelling for advice is correct there

advice mean: guidance or recommendations offered with regard to prudent future action.

Learning Task 4 Imagine you are the principal in an institution. As the school head, how are you going to address the social issues that circulate in your school? In your pad paper, copy the table. Write in the second column your suggested solution to the social issue indicated in the first column.

Social Issues
1. Gender Bias /Discrimination
2 Overpopulation
3. Bullying
4. Fake News
5. Child Abuse
Proposed Solution ​



Proposed Solution : as below.


1. Gender Bias /Discrimination:  Allowing room for equal participation and encouraging mutualism. Making gender-friendly etc.

2 Overpopulation: Making population productive policies that check, making daily schedules, and working in shifts.

3. Bullying: Conducting anger management and personality clashes.

4. Fake News: Identifying the source of news and referring to only standardized news available in the market.

5. Child Abuse: Reducing hostile environments and bad habits.

A social issue is one that concerns a large number of people, many of whom have different views on what’s at stake and how to alleviate the problem.

What are the Social issues?

1. Gender Bias /Discrimination:  Providing equal participation and encouraging mutualism.

2 Overpopulation: Making population productive policies that check, making daily schedules, and working in shifts.

3. Bullying: Conducting anger management and personality clashes.

4. Fake News: Identifying the source of news and referring to only standardized news available in the market.

5. Child Abuse: Reducing hostile environments and bad habits.

Learn more about Social issues, refer to the link:



Q2a). State TWO (2) assumptions of using the Rational method for computing runoff.

b). Explain eachof the following terms in relation to determining storm runoff.
i. Time of concentration
ii. Runoff coefficient
iii. Return period

c).With the aid of a sketch, explain a hydrograph.​


Q2a). State TWO (2) assumptions of using the Rational method for computing runoff.

b). Explain eachof the following terms in relation to determining storm runoff.
i. Time of concentration
ii. Runoff coefficient
iii. Return period

c).With the aid of a sketch, explain a hydrograph. Bc c. F d wmakskd
Hchysyfrograoh cmfmjekwkx
Hope it helps
C ndjwjncbbbhgwjahcow

Where do you put the closing sentence in a paragraph?
A. In the middle of the paragraph
B. At the beginning of the paragraph
C. At the end of the paragraph
D. Wherever it sounds best


pretty sure C. at the end of a paragraph

The closing sentence in a paragraph must always be put at the end of the paragraph. Thus, the correct option is C.

What is a Paragraph?

A paragraph may be defined as a collection of words that makes complete sense and convey some sort of information on the basis of specific topics.

It may also be characterized as a cluster of sentences that intertwined with each other in order to discuss, debate, or reveal a central idea on a specific matter.

The closing sentence necessarily terminates the group of words and explains a particular paragraph in more precise forms. This sentence overall expresses the sense of understanding or the complete conclusion of the entire paragraph.

Therefore, the closing sentence in a paragraph must always be put at the end of the paragraph. Thus, the correct option is C.

To learn more about Paragraphs, refer to the link:



Write a paragraph that makes a point with the help of a strong analogy. Then write a paragraph that uses a weak or false analogy to do the same.

If you’re having trouble thinking of points or arguments to make, consider using one of the following:

Getting rid of all homework
Being a bystander to bullying
Imposing limits on the use of technology
Removing age limits on driver’s tests





Just like a warrior's weapon is a sword, a writer's weapon is a pen. A sword either makes or breaks people, and is either used to kill or protect. It’s the same as how writers use a pen: they write the words in their minds, and these words can also make or break people.

The protagonist in a novel is similar to that of a lion, they both are strong and have claws and teeth. Just as a lion can tear you from limb to limb, a protagonist in a story can metaphorically do the same. The difference is the protagonist uses hurtful words, and other mechanisms, just as a lion uses its teeth and claws to tear apart its prey.


Hope this helps anyone who reads it.

Which sentence contains an infinitive?

Help pls


It is normal to make mistakes. :)

Although many steps have already been taken, the restructuring is ________ considered to be in its early phases.

Select one:
A. still
B. already
C. yet
D. rarely





There are many ways to represent the words and restructuring is considered to be an early part or early phase of still that is in process and is continuous.

The statement will be, although many steps have already been taken, the restructuring is still considered to be in its early phases. Option A is correct.

The sentences have use of words that have been used for making the sentence meaning appropriate, and specific.

Adverbs are the words that are used to specify the situation of the verb. The sentence has the restructuring as the verb. The work has been continuously performed and is in continuous form. The adverb that specifies the continuous work has been still.

Thus the statement will be, although many steps have already been taken, the restructuring is still considered to be in its early phases. Option A is correct.

For more information about adverbs, refer to the link:


10. What are some differences between Poe's literary impact and his cultural impact??


Edgar Allan Poe influenced Literature in many ways. He has influenced comic books, novels, series, and short stories. He influenced science fiction and also detective fiction. ... This character and Poe laid the 'groundwork' for the Sherlock Holmes books.

In the conclusion of "Speech After Being Convicted of Voting," why does Susan B. Anthony make a connection between women's suffrage and the struggle of black people? O A. To appeal to men in the audience who are doubtful of a woman's intellect B. To appeal to a population who voted for the abolition of slavery C. To appeal to members of the audience who are former slave owners D. To appeal to women in the audience who support women's suffrage​



B. To appeal to a population who voted for the abolition of slavery


In the conclusion of "Speech After Being Convicted of Voting," the author Susan B. Anthony makes a connection between women's suffrage and the struggle of black people in order to appeal to a population who voted for the abolition of slavery.

She was aware that if she made the connection between women's suffrage and the struggles of black people, she would make an appeal to the blacks and people who helped abolish slavery.

suppose you are living away from your home and having financial problem to pay your school fees and buy the things of your everyday needs. write a letter to your parent asking for money.​


Answer and Explanation:

Dear dad,

How have you and mom been? I miss you guys so much already!

I wish I were writing with better news, but the fact is I have been going through a rough patch lately. Things have not been going well financially. I lost my job a couple of weeks ago and haven't been able to find another since. As you can imagine, debts have begun to pile up. Not only am I behind on school fees, I'm also behind on rent. To be completely honest, I barely have money to buy groceries for the next few days.

I know you will scold me for having taken so long to write and ask for your help, but I really thought I would be able to find another job quickly. I wanted to be independent and make you proud of me. But I have to admit life away from home is a lot tougher than I had first imagined.

I'd like to thank you in advance, since I know you will surely help me. Any amount of money would be my salvation now.

I'm sorry and thank you!

... (name)

Managing your resources requires:
A spending what your earn, saving only when you have money left over, eating convenient fast food,
B paying bills and taxes on time, staying healthy, and spending less than you earn.
C limiting yourself on food, clothing, and entertainment.
D saving 50% of your earnings and becoming a minimalist.





the correct answer is B

L. Read the following sentences. Write whether they show problem or solution. Write your answer on the blank. 1. Some people are not disposing their garbage properly. 2. The local government issued an order of dredging the rivers. 3. Electric bill is so high that many families find it hard to pay. 4. Turn off lights and appliances when not in used. 5. Many forests are denuded because of illegal logging. 6. Students can not have an access of the internet. 7. The children are having hard time in studying because of gadgets. 8. Anna left the room messy. 9. Father raises animals in the backyard. 10. There are many out of school youths engaged in illegal used of drugs.​




1. Some people are not disposing of their garbage properly.

3. Electric bill is so high that many families find it hard to pay.

5. Many forests are denuded because of illegal logging.

6. Students can not have access to the internet.

7. The children are having a hard time studying because of gadgets.

8. Anna left the room messy.

10. There are many out-of-school youths engaged in the illegal use of drugs.​


2. The local government issued an order of dredging the rivers.

4. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

9. Father raises animals in the backyard.


Any event or situation that poses a problem or an issue is termed a problem. This is one part of an organizational pattern that categorizes situations into certain 'sections', with this side as more of the sector that focuses on the dilemma factor.

Likewise, the solution sector is where the remedy for the problems is given.

The given sentences/statements and their category are listed as below-


1. Some people are not disposing of their garbage properly.

3. Electric bill is so high that many families find it hard to pay.

5. Many forests are denuded because of illegal logging.

6. Students can not have access to the internet.

7. The children are having a hard time studying because of gadgets.

8. Anna left the room messy.

10. There are many out-of-school youths engaged in the illegal use of drugs.​


2. The local government issued an order of dredging the rivers.

4. Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

9. Father raises animals in the backyard.

The ladies coats were red and green. * put the right panctuation in this sentence 2_ What a piece of work is man How noble in reason * put the right punctuation in this sentence too...plz help​


you have got punctuation errors and I do not know what the question/s are that you want me to answer

it would help if you did this:

1) (question)

2) (question)


What type of characterization do you observe in
Scrooge's interaction with the men who are collecting
donations for the poor?
What motivates Scrooge's reply to the men?
edge 2021



Indirect characterization.


Indirect type of characterization we observe in  Scrooge's interaction with the men who are collecting donations for the poor. He told them he already supports the prisons and workhouses for the poor so he can't contribute in the donations for the poor. Indirect characterization is the process of describing a character through thoughts, actions, speech, and dialogue of that character.



Answer: 1. Efficacious

2. Dexterous

3. Dynamic

4. Effortenry

5. Disparaged


1. We had hoped that someone would discover an efficacious treatment of AIDS.

Efficacious means effective in producing a desired result.

2. The architect was very dexterous and could build even the most complicated models.

Dexterous means showing skills especially with the hands.

3. The aspiring actress was extremely dynamic in her performance in New York; the audience gave her a standing ovation.

Dynamic means full of energy and positive in attitude.

4. I was shocked that Nadia had the effortenry to ask for a favor immediately after she had insulted me.

Effortenry means extreme rudeness or a behavior that is not acceptable to others.

5. The opponents disparaged one another, each one attacking each other's character.

Disparage means regarding someone or something to be of little worth.

Please help I can’t understand it ………………….



You're matching prompts to description so for example you would match name, address, and email to personal information.

Today I went to the zoo. I saw a(n) (adjective) (Noun) jumping up and down in its tree. He (verb, past tense) _(adverb) through the large tunnel that led to its (adjective) (noun). I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray _(noun) towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me hungry. I went to get a _(adjective) Scoop of ice cream. It filled my stomach. Afterwards I had to (verb) (adverb) to catch our bus. When I got home! (verb, past tense) my mom for a (adjective) day at the zoo.​



Today I went to the zoo. I saw a (silly) (Monkey) jumping up and down in its tree. He (run, ran) (quickly) through the large tunnel that led to its (cozy) (nest). I got some peanuts and passed them through the cage to a gigantic gray (elephant) towering above my head. Feeding that animal made me hungry. I went to get a (delicious) Scoop of ice cream. It filled my stomach. Afterwards I had to (leave) (early) to catch our bus. When I got home! (hug, hugged) my mom for a (wonderful) day at the zoo.

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