What did Austria-Hungary do in 1908 that increased pre-war tensions in Europe?

-It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.
-It annexed Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Serbia and Herzegovina.
-It attacked Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Answer 1

The correct answer is A. it annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The Austro-Hungarian Empire was a created European State that existed from 1867 under the "Austro-Hungarian Compromise" until 1919 when it was dissolved, giving rise to the states of Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Fiume, Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia.

One of the worst crises that the Austro-Hungarian Empire experienced was the result of Franz Joseph I's decision to annex Bosnia-Herzegovina, on October 6, 1908, which caused the discontent of the Serbian community that instead of calming their separatist spirits, embodied a feeling of enmity against the Austro-Hungarian Empire, which would later be seen in the First World War. According to the above, the correct answer is A. It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Answer 2


A.) It annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Related Questions

Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a personal
A. With my daughter wanting to stay with me and my boss needing
me at work, I was caught in one of the uncomfortable points of
B. According to experts, the best way to grow the economy is
through tax cuts for the middle class.
C. A green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl
should be limited whenever possible.
D. All of the above are correct.


The answer choice that would be a good thesis statement for a personal essay is C. Green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl should be limited whenever possible.

What is a Personal Essay?

This refers to the type of essay that contains information or facts about the personal life of the writer or another person that shows important life lessons.

Hence, we can see that based on the given question, the best thesis statement should be stated about the personal essay, and with this, we can note that option C best does this, because it gives the central point of the writing.

Read more about thesis statements here:



Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said


-focus your attention! (eye contact) Make the speaker the center
of your attention. Be sure not to read or look around -tune in!
Listen so you clearly understand the speaker. DON'T INTERRUPT! -ask
when speaker is done, then ask questions or ask for more
information. RESTATE!


answer- A, Leaning towards the speaker

6.- Es toda regla de conducta impuesta por el Estado como obligatoria.
a) - Norma.
D) - Regla.
b).- Ley natural
c).- Norma Juridica​



eu acho que e a)

Explanation:porque as leis naturais nao tem nada haver com a conduta mas sim com teorias criadas por cientistas

President George Washington took the oath of office on April 30,1789.Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as president on March 4, 1861. These events are an example of



Republic in Politics


compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist apporach to deviance​



Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don't see these factors as positive functions of society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system.


Less than 3% of all the world is




it is unexpectation and some what inconceivable that then less than 3% of Earth water is fresh water Acording to the . U. S geological survey most of that 3% is inaccessible. over 68% of fresh water on the earth is found icecaps and glaciers, and just over 3% is found in groundwater.

      3% of the earth's water is fresh.

What was the outcome of most European revolts of the 1830s?


Answer: They resulted in little to no change.


The revolutions in 1830 shook many places in Europe. The places such as France, Germany, Belgium, etc were in great flux. The revolutions that broke in Europe in 1830 were Romanticism, the Belgian Revolution, and the July Revolution.

These revolutions were considered as the lengthy continent-wide crisis. The origin of these revolts lie in the governmental mistakes. But these revolutions were unable to bring a satisfactory outcomes as hoped for because of lack of preparations by the revolutionaries. And also, these revolutions did not get any international help. So, the European revolutions of 1830 resulted in only little or no changes.

Why were the Big six arrested
And why​



They were detained by the colonial authorities in 1948 following disturbances that led to the killing of three World War II veterans. They are pictured on the front of the Ghana cedi notes. An organized boycott of European imports took place in January 1948.


Which artist photographed the above images? What did he pioneer?
Name the series of photographs above, and its significance.



Hey! the artist is Eadweard Muybridge,

He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras


the guy above is incorrect


The artist Eadweard Muybridge produced the above images. He was revered for his work because he set up a system of trip-wires that would each activate a shutter on a set of cameras. So as a person or animal ran past, he could capture it in a variety of sequenced possess. Like with the image above, entitled Horse in Motion, he captured a horse as it galloped. Besides the process used, this image was important because it was the first time anyone had noticed that all four of the horses feet leave the ground at the same time, during one point of its gallop.

This is the real answer

1. To be a true democracy, what must a government
a. Grant free speech
b. Grant free elections
c. Rule by Law
d. All of these


I’m not that smart but from what I remember it’s either a or d

Members of Congress are sometimes criticized for the number of _____ that they receive.





what qualities did settlers need to survive on the great plains



some of the qualitys they would need would be

how to farm crops

how to hunt

how to fish and or trap animals

and how to shoot a gun

The quality that a settler needs to survive on the Great Plains are techniques to hunt, farming, fishing, to trap animals and to shoot with the help of bows, arrows or guns.

What is the meaning of settlers?

Settlers refers to the people who came from the different regions and had settled down in the new region in order to earn livelihood or carrying down the trading activities. Some of the settlers came with the motive to dominate the other regions.

In order to survive in the new regions, settlers must have some basic qualities such as growing the crops and domestication of the animals. They should know hunting as well in order to save themselves from the creatures.

Therefore, it can be concluded that fishing, trapping animals, and shooting with bows, arrows, or weapons were the qualities possessed by the settlers.

Learn more about settlers here:



How have nations responded to global environmental challenges?





they have fully responded nowhere

Which of the following was a result of the low wages paid by factories in the
late 1800s?
A. An increase in child labor
B. An increase in the price of goods
C. A decrease in labor unions
D. A decrease in working hours


Child labor increased as a result of the low salaries that businesses offered in the late 1800s.

Which of the following consequences resulted from factories' poor pay as in late 1800s?

Many workers in the late 1800s had quite low standards of living because of their meager pay. As immigrants and people from rural areas moved to cities to participate in the industries, there occurred a housing crisis.

What contributed to the poor working conditions for factory workers in the late 1800s?

Industrialization led to more jobs, but it also resulted in less acceptable treatment of workers for the expanding industrial labor force. The crew had to operate in dangerous conditions with heavy equipment. Unskilled workers performed routine tasks and required little training.

To know more about late 1800s Visit:



What were the two reasons President Eisenhower thought the bombs were unnecessary? How did its use
affect him?



Truman stated that his decision to drop the bomb was purely military. A Normandy-type amphibious landing would have cost an estimated million casualties. Truman believed that the bombs saved Japanese lives as well. Prolonging the war was not an option for the President.


plz follow

24 is high and low is 15

Which event is an example of citizens making a successful effort to change
public policy?
A. The Twenty-Fourth Amendment protected African Americans'
voting rights in response to a public campaign.
B. Scientific discoveries during the 1960s led the government to ban
certain pesticides.
C. The oil crisis of the 1970s led government agencies to ration
D. The Civil War determined that the United States would remain one



B. Scientific discoveries during the 1960s led the government to ban

Explain the extent to which the Columbian Exchange had beneficial effects on both the
Native Americans and Europeans.


Answer:A positive effect of the Columbian exchange was the introduction of New World crops, such as potatoes and corn, to the Old World. A significant negative effect was the enslavement of African populations and the exchange of diseases between the Old and New Worlds.


The native cuisine was preferred by the Native Americans. However, the Native Americans readily borrowed animals from the Eurasian stables. Horses, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and a variety of other beneficial species were introduced to the Americas through the Columbian Exchange.

What are the pros and cons of the Columbian Exchange?

The Columbian Exchange solely had beneficial effects on Europeans' life in terms of benefits. They acquired a variety of goods, including slaves from Africa, land in the Americas, and crops like maize and potatoes. The spread of disease, mortality, and slavery, on the other hand, are some of the negative effects of the Columbian Exchange.

By bringing new crops from the Americas, the Columbian Exchange increased Europe's population and sparked the continent's economic transition to capitalism. Ecosystems were upset by colonization, which introduced new species like pigs while entirely eradicating others like beavers.

Learn more about The Columbian Exchange here:



One of the principles stated in the Declaration of Independence is that government should
O have unlimited power to rule the people
be based upon the consent of the governed
O guarantee economic equality among citizens
be led by educated citizens


I’d think be based upon the consent of the governed

8. The following excerpt is from President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

When, on March 11, 1941, the Lend-Lease Act first became law, Britain stood virtually alone
before the tide of Axis aggression, which had swept across Western Europe. Everywhere the
peace-loving peoples of the world were facing disaster. But the passage of the Lend-Lease Act
gave firm assurance to those resisting the aggressors that the overpowering material resources of
the United States were on their side.

Which factor contributed to the extension of the act discussed in this excerpt?

A. Allied nations needed supplies to continue the war effort against Nazi Germany.

B. Neutrality prevented Americans from boarding ships belonging to nations at war.

C. Reparation payments from former Allied nations were suspended by executive order.

D. The Kellogg-Briand Pact called for participants to refrain from warfare to resolve conflicts.



The Answer is A


This is because the UK was all alone fighting against Nazi Germany ever since the fall and surrender of France so Churchill asked FDR to join the war while FDR wanted to stay neutral but at the same time help their Allies and also citizens in America were against joining in. Not only that, the Lend Lease Act also reached to the Soviet Union and China.

why do you think early American read so much work produced in England?



The basic assumption for "Early Americans" or at least "Early United Statians", is that, quite frankly, their ancestors came from Great Britain, whether they were fleeing religious persecution, or that they were inmates that were sent west to help relieve overflowing prison system, or even prospectors and adventure seekers. They would establish settlements such as Roanoke and Jamestowns, and with new incomers as well as a growing population, would slowly expand. Remember, these settlers were primarily from England, meaning that English would be their primary language. As such, any works they would read would be in English, and that left mainly works produced in America by British colonists, or else it would simply come from England. Unless they understood a different language, those would be the two places of origin for the information and reading materials that they would acquire.

Why were some achievements of progressive reformers short-lived?

Most people did not support the new laws.

The Supreme Court struck down many new laws.

State and federal legislatures would only pass new laws.




The Supreme Court struck down many new laws.


(B) the supreme court struck down on many new laws

Explanation: Edg 2021

which statement BEST completes the diagram:
colonists bring diseases like smallpox in North America, Colonists believe land can be owned by individual people, American Indian peoples suffer greatly.
A- colonists refuse to teach American Indians how to farm
B-colonists become the leaders of american indian religious groups
C- colonists introduce steel weapons and guns to american indians
D- colonists force american indians into slavery on plantations



C- colonists introduce steel weapons and guns to american indians


I agree

2. What was the purpose of the Irish Republican Army (IRA)?
A. To oppose British control of Northern Ireland
OB. To fight Soviet infiltration of the Irish Republic
O C. To serve as American allies in NATO
O D. To cause insurrection and advance communism


I believe the answer is A

Throughout the 20th and 21st centuries, many paramilitary groups in Ireland went under the name of Irish Republican Army (IRA). Hence option A is correct.

What is Irish Republican Army (IRA) ?

This name refers to organizations that support Irish republicanism, the idea that all of Ireland ought to be an independent republic free from British domination.

The original Irish Republican Army (1919–1922), also known as the "old IRA," was founded in 1917 from the Irish Volunteers and Irish Citizen Army.

It was later strengthened by Irishmen who had served in the British Army during World War I and had returned to Ireland to fight for Ireland's independence from Britain. The Irish parliament, Dáil Éireann, designated this IRA to be the army of the revolutionary Irish Republic in Irish law.1919.

The original Irish Republican Army underwent numerous organizational changes, changes, and splits in the century that followed. As a result, many paramilitary groups have gone on to use the name Provisional Irish Republican Army, which played a significant role in the Troubles in Northern Ireland from 1969 to 1998.

Learn more about Irish Republican Army (IRA) here



Which of the following is not a characteristic of a strong thesis for a personal
A. Presents one point
B. Comes from your own experiences and thoughts
C. Is of interest only to you
D. Is of interest to you and your reader





You want to interest your reader as well, always! :) Unless you are journaling, in which case, go you and your mental health!

The characteristic of a strong thesis for a personal essay excludes interest only to you. Thus the correct answer is C.

What is a Thesis?

The phrase that outlines a writing assignment's core concept serves as the synopsis and supports structuring the ideas that will be presented in the research paper. It is more than just an issue. It analysis shows the writer's evaluation of a literary work or a personal interaction.

A strong thesis statement includes one point that highlights the key issue for which the research has taken place. The solution for the key issue will be provided.

These come from the experiences and thoughts of the researchers through the evaluation which helps in developing interest to him as well as the reader.

The statement interest only to the writer is not a characteristic of the strong thesis as it is used by group of people so it should be fundamental in nature.

Therefore, option C  Is of interest only to you is appropriate.

Learn more about the thesis, here:



Why did ancient humans fight wars against each other


For resources, land, etc. things necessary not only to survive but thrive

The dehumanizing aspects of the slave system were seen in which of the following? Select all correct responses.

The threat and anticipation of punishment





acting sick

Explanation:mark brainlest plz ;)

20 points pls help

what is the importance of a family tradition

Explain what this tradition consists of and why you think it has happened in your family from generation to generation


Family Traditions allow us to honor past families, and show us the value of family. To my family tradition is so that we never forget where we came from and how far we’ve come

Why don't Americans get much information on the news about what is happening in other countries, unless it's a tragedy; yet everyone else in the world gets news updates about America constantly ?




Interesting question. You mean like Fox News?

I saw an ad the other day from a young lady living in Turkey. It was a plea really. She was asking that the powers that be would send planes to her homeland that we all live on this planet.

As far as I know, no one replied and Fox didn't care it.

In which African region is settled agriculture difficult?
A. Equatorial
B. Savannah
C. Mediterranean
D. Southern Africa


The answer is Equatorial

Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu.
The earliest successful attempts to explore outer space involved
moon missions
space stations





PLATO i just got it right





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