what did Ganeshman Singh mean when he said history cannot be bent​


Answer 1


Ganesh mansingh was one of the main leader of Nepali Congress party. so when the said history cannot be bent he meant people were trying to suppress the truth and even if it is suppressed truth will be certainly revealed to go down to the history.


Hope it helps

Answer 2

Answer: I don't know who the guy is but the quote sounds like it means history cannot be bent to confrom to a certain group of people's interpretaion.

Explanation: Versions of history differ greatly depending on who you're asking since everyone "bends" it slightly adapt to their own needs or make themselves/their country look better. So by saying it cannot be bent, he is reminding us that history is history, only one thing happened, so don't trust everyone's stories that could be biased, or twisted in someway.

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like they can try to foregin country so that they can eaeb and pay it fastly

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Chất của sự vật là khách quan, vì đó là chất của sự vật, không do ai gán cho sự vật. Nó do thuộc tính của sự vật quy định. Lượng là phạm trù triết học chỉ tính quy định khách quan vốn có của sự vật, hiện tượng về mặt quy mô, trình độ phát triển, biểu thị con số các thuộc tính, các yếu tố cấu thành sự vật.


Measure to modernize agriculture in nepal ​



Provision of loan.

Use of agriculture tools and technology.

Training and focus on agriculture education.

Facility of irrigation.

Joint farming system.

Research and Innovation.

Commercialization of agriculture.

Crops diversification.


A test tube can be used to hold
more concentrated solutions than a beaker holds.
larger amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
smaller amounts of chemicals than a beaker holds.
less dangerous substances than a beaker holds.


c because they aren’t as large in volume
The answer is c because when you test and substance, you have to use a small amount.

Imagine the U.S. government and society in the year 2025. What structural and policy changes would you like to see? For example, would you expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court? Would you eliminate the filibuster, gerrymandering, or the Electoral College? Would you change the way campaigns are financed? What are the political obstacles to getting the changes you would like to see? What can we do, individually and collectively, to overcome these obstacles?


From now until 2025, the structure and policy of the United States government should remain largely the same. For instance, the number of justices on the Supreme Court should remain the same from now to 2025, as it has since 1869. Nine justices work because there are enough to keep each other in check but not too many that the justices are inefficient. (Or at least as inefficient as they would be if more were added.) Filibustering should continue to be allowed. While it is arguably a waste of time, filibustering helps the parties keep each other in check. Gerrymandering should be adjusted if not removed because it takes away the importance of voters in certain districts because they are either so much a majority that they will win either way or so much of a minority that they will lose either way. If gerrymandering was taken away, then the people would have a greater voice in who represents them. Campaign financing is tricky, but I think it may be best if the restrictions were loosened as to who can donate how much but if more transparency was required. There may be political opposition to removing gerrymandering because it allows many politicians to stay in power for a long time without many significant challengers. What we can do, as young citizens, is vote for people who believe in making these changes and petition/lobby for these changes to be made.

A command economy is best described as an economy that:
A. gives businesses complete freedom to produce and sell what they
B. gives the government complete control over production and
C. gives both businesses and the government a role in economic
D. gives people jobs based on their family history and role in the



B. gives the government complete control over production and



As I answered earlier, command economies are centralised and controlled under an authoritarian, often Socialist state. So the government has full control of the economy.

measures to control internal migration



Following are the measure to control internal migration:

Provide people with good opportunites.

Provide People With facilities

No problem area should be made

Make The area safer from disasters and all

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Manger should focus on policies, standards and give equal opportunity to all.


Cross-culture means cross-communication within cultures and diverse behaviors. As a manager when dealing with cross-culture issue by making same set of policies and rule for each individual and maintaining standards. The cultural interpretation as per Hofstede that are identity, power, gender, time, and uncertainty.  The cultural values represent extreme values and associated behaviors. Hofstede's framework is very useful as it provides important information regarding differences between the nations and how they manage such differences.

Analyses have shown that the vaccination rate in the U.S. is markedly lower in states that voted in last November’s election for then-President Donald Trump, who at times downplayed the severity of the pandemic, and now often the number of new cases is higher in the Trump states.

Biden set a goal several months ago of having at least 70% of adults in the U.S. getting at least one vaccine shot by the annual July 4th Independence Day holiday. The U.S., however, fell short of that objective and the number now stands at 68.1%, according to government statistics.



Due to lack of cooperation.


The goal can't be achieved due to non-serious behaviour of the people who are the followers of ex-President Donald Trump. If those people can cooperate and get vaccinated so the percentage will be higher than 70 or even 80. Due to lack of cooperation of people is the main reason for the decrease in the percentage of vaccinated people and fail to achieve the goal of 70 % vaccination of adult population.

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under the Constitution of India under article 23 (1) the immoral traffic (prevention ) act, 1955 (ITPA) is the Premier legislation for prevention for prevention of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation

7 rules that you follow in your society​



we just follow th 10 commandments


Speak right: Gossip is the verbal atomic bomb of relationships. It destroys marriages, businesses, friendships.Just because it's true doesn't mean that you have to -- or should -- say it. High-level people speak about ideas, average people speak about things, inferior people speak about people. A kind word at the right time can change a life, inspire, encourage greatness.Act with honesty and integrity: Your word is your bond. You may gain in the short term in money or success through dishonesty, but it will cost you a loss of respect, trust, love and close relationships.If you always answer truthfully, you will avoid doing things that you would be embarrassed to explain.Respect others: Rabbi Akiva said it best, "Don't do unto others as you would not want done to you."Be kind to others: Go out of your way each day to help others. Hold a door for someone, help carry the groceries into the house, listen when you would rather run away, smile at others and find something nice to say.

hope it helps you please make me brainlist

What group of people are generally considered to have first implemented the caste system in South Asia?
A. Aryans
B. Tibetan
C. Portuguese
D. Harappan



A. Aryans........



Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.



stereotype ab and d do not fit

Water awareness campaign ??



Public water conservation campaigns


Public water conservation campaigns raise awareness in all levels of society about the importance of saving water to cope with its scarcity and ensure sustainability. The aim is to change citizen attitudes and behaviour to improve water use efficiency i think these are the answer

When was the first time rain fell on earth?



About 232 million years ago.


About 232 million years ago, during a span known as the Carnian age, it rained almost everywhere. After millions of years of dry climates, Earth entered a wet period lasting one million to two million years. Nearly any place where geologists find rocks of that age, there are signs of wet weather.

How did George Washington's political beliefs affect his term as president?
His reliance on the military made military service essential.
His belief in legislative power limited presidential power.
His beliefs on limited individual power inspired term limits.
His passion for states' rights resulted in constrained presidential power.



The correct answer is D.

His passion for states' rights resulted in constrained presidential power.


It is on record that George Washington disliked partisanship and political parties.

It is also on record that he was one of those presidents who never saw the presidency as an opportunity to enrich himself, and when issues relating to corruption arose, he was impartial even when his friends were involved.  

Regardless of his failings in the area of slavery, this disposition created for him, a brand as one of the US presidents in history to show the most restraint, judiciousness, and nonpartisan position.

He is to date seen as a great president who could have taken advantage of his position to become even more powerful but put all of that aside for the common good.


What is a district ?​



An area of a country or city, especially one characterized by a particular feature or activity is called a district .

what are the challenge of federalism in nepal . write in points​



the challenges of federalism in nepal are as follows ÷

poverty unemployment decrease in public participation uncontrolled migration and population


hope it helps and please mark me as a brainlist

c Picture study:
1. The picture shows a social evil.
What is the evil being shown? 2. Which principle of the Preamble is being violated Here​


Comment with the picture and we’ll be able to answer

discuss how sports and cultural clubs can have positive influence on discipline in schools (25 marks)​



every sport contain their own rules and regulations. when playing those games, players must be respect to those rules and regulations. therefore sports can give participants self discipline and understanding.  moreover in both sports and cultural clubs  good qualities such as like cooperation , collective participation are improving. in both sports and culture clubs teach them good qualities like obey the rules, respect others, respect others ideas. these qualities are helpful to build self discipline

Which of the following statements is generally true regarding change in the workplace? Q A) Most people accept change easily. SB) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace occurs somewhat infrequently. Q d) Individuals can learn how to manage change in their lives.


Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.m


According to Durkheim,————
was a key feature of preindustrial societies while————-
was a key feature of industrial societies.



According to Durkheim, mechanical solidarity was a key feature of preindustrial societies while organic solidarity was a key feature of industrial societies

The speculative demand for holding money is when people hold money:
Group of answer choices

a: to take advantage of changes in interest rates.

b: as insurance against unexpected needs.

c: to transact purchases they expect to make.

d: to speculate in the stock market.

e: instead of near money.



a: to take advantage of changes in interest rates.


In economics or financial accounting, money can be defined as any asset used by an individual or business entity to make purchases of goods and services at a specific period of time.

Simply stated, money refers to any asset which can be used to purchase goods and services by customers.

This ultimately implies that, money is any recognized economic unit that is generally accepted as a medium of exchange for goods and services, as well as repayment of debts such as loans, taxes across the world.

John Maynard Keynes was a British economist born on the 5th of June, 1883 in Cambridge, England. He was famous for his brilliant ideas on government economic policy and macroeconomics which is known as the Keynesian theory. He later died on the 23rd of April, 1946 in Sussex, England.

According to John Maynard Keynes, the three (3) desires governing the need for money are;

I. Transactions demand.

II. Precautionary demand.

III. Speculative demand.

In Keynesian economics, speculative demand for money can be defined as a desire or need to hold money for the sole purpose of investing it in assets other than those necessary for living.

This ultimately implies that, the speculative demand for holding money is when people hold money to take advantage of changes in interest rates while waiting for better market conditions.

How do you behave with the people of other traditions than that of yours?



understand and respect to them


when we associate people from different traditions, we can see clear difference.  first of all we should understand respect to their tradition. better relationship can be build by better understanding and respect toward them. we need to understand that they have some different ideas than we do. therefore actions should be taken to minimize conflicts of opinions

what do u mean my religious rituals?​


I think this help you A religious ritual is any repetitive and patterned behavior that is prescribed by or tied to a religious institution, belief, or custom, often with the intention of communicating with a deity or supernatural power.

she is Absolutely right

What are the function of molars and premolars teeth (And give me a correct answer)


Unlike your incisors and canines, premolars have a flat biting surface. You have eight premolars in total. Molars - Your molars are your largest teeth. Their function is similar to that of the premolars, to grind, tear, and crush food.

Need help with this question




a. condenses and evaporates

b. vapour

c. water

A: Evaporates, Vapour
B: Condenses
C: Water

roles of foreign employment in nepal.explain




The importance of foreign employment in Nepal can be stated as below: It has reduced the problems of unemployment. It has earned remittance. It has increased the national income and thus investment.

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The internal validity threat that is most likely occurring in this scenario is:

Selection threat.


Selection threat or bias results from how groups were selected for the test, especially when the different groups were not comparable before the study.  For example, some of the students were frustrated by the frequent questions from their teacher.  They wanted quick progress, and as a result, started acting out.  Grouping these students together as a control group creates a threat called a selection bias or selection threat.  It shows that any other factor (reading on their own and no participation in the math-based reading program) than the reading program leads to the post-test differences between the groups.

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I NEED HELP PLS SHARE YO SMARTNESS!!!!! WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST AND RATE AND VOTE!!! EASY IM JUST NOT SMART PLEASE GIVE EXPLANATION Packagingthe material we use to put products inis everywhere, especially at grocery anddrug stores. Yogurt comes in plastic cups with aluminum tops covered by plastic lids. Razors arein plastic cases wrapped in cardboard. Packaging is importantit keeps food fresh and safe toeat. It protects products from damage. But its the greatest source of waste in many countriesaround the world.Packaging also hurts the environment. Packaging is made from many different materials.Some of these materials, such as plastic, contain chemicals that pollute water and soil (dirt) andare harmful to people and animals. In addition, to make packaging from paper, cardboard, andwood, people must cut down trees. Fewer trees can lead to climate change and other seriousenvironmental problems. So what can we do to reduce all this packaging?Everyone is concerned about packaging, including the people who use it the most,manufacturers, people that create and package products. In the past, they overused packaging.According to one government agency, manufacturers are beginning to reduce the amount ofpackaging that they use. CDs are an example. In the past, they came in large cardboardcontainers that were twice as big as the CDs inside them. Now, they come in small plastic boxes.Soft drink manufacturers are putting drinks into thinner bottles and cans that use less material.However, even though there is less waste from packaging, its still waste. We still have to dosomething with it. Heres what the average person can do: We can reduce the amount ofpackaging that we buy, and when we do buy it, we can reuse it. 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