What did nikola tesla invent


Answer 1


Nikola Tesla invented a few different things, such as the remote control and the tesla coil

Related Questions

How does the excerpt contribute to the power of Banneker’s message to Jefferson?

Select the two correct answers.

Banneker quotes a biblical figure to establish his moral superiority over Jefferson and white Americans.

Banneker compliments Jefferson’s intelligence and awareness with the intention to engage him as an ally in the fight to abolish enslavement.

Banneker makes a religious reference to encourage Jefferson to empathize with enslaved persons.

Banneker suggests that by walking in the shoes of persons denied their basic rights, Jefferson and white Americans will feel compelled to end enslavement.



I just took the test hope this helps:)



Check out my pic attached. I hope this helps!


please help me right now
what is the summary for ending the slave trade in the slave trade


Answer:Two hundred years ago this month, the United States abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Eric Foner, a historian at Columbia University, takes listeners inside the historical moment tied to one of America's darkest eras.

The struggle to end the transatlantic slave trade and slavery was achieved by African resistance and economic factors as well as through humanitarian campaigns. The most prominent abolitionists in Britain, notably Thomas Clarkson and William Wilberforce, were great publicists.


if you could rule an independent state what rules would you make​


Answer: I would decide as time goes on!


"I have had men watching you for a long time, and am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go

on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I have determined to rout you out, and by the Eternal I will rout you out!"

President Andrew Jackson


According to the quote above, why was President Jackson determined to kill the Bank of the US?

Group of answer choices

he was angry that he could not control it

it benefited the South and not the North

it was too close to his political rivals

it wasn’



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such a cool car

the power of judicial review, established by the supreme court by 1820, was significant to the development of the young nation because it


Answer: determined that the judiciary was as powerful as congress or the president.

What was the outcome of the Spanish-American War?



U.S. victory in the war produced a peace treaty that compelled the Spanish to relinquish claims on Cuba, and to cede sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States. The United States also annexed the independent state of Hawaii during the conflict.


Because of the United States' success in the war, the Spanish were forced to surrender their claims to Cuba and to give sovereignty over Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States in a peace treaty that was signed in 1815. During the battle, the United States also annexed the autonomous state of Hawaii from the United Kingdom.


Hope it helps:)

which indian tribe taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land and were invited to the thanksgiving meal?


Answer: The Wampanoag

Write a three- to four-paragraph essay in which you evaluate the growth of executive power. Consider the following in your essay:

How do the purpose and structure of the executive and legislative branches of governments affect the power of the executive branch?
How has the power of the executive branch shifted over time?
Why do you think those shifts in power have occurred?
What impact do you think historical events have had on the power of the president?
What are some ways Congress has reacted to the expansion of presidential power?


The question above is meant to assess your writing ability and for that reason, it is not right for me to write an essay for you, but I will show you how to write one.

First, you should search for articles and other essays that talk about the growth of executive power. These texts will serve as the basis for your essay, as well as be able to help you find the answers to the questions shown in your question.

After doing this research, you can write your essay as follows:

Introduction: Quickly present the subject that your essay will present.

Body: Write at least two paragraphs. In these paragraphs you will show the relevant information about the growth of executive power, the factors that led to this growth, the relevance of this growth, as well as discuss some of the questions shown above. You can write more paragraphs and find it necessary and you will have to verify all the information with the texts for which you searched.

Conclusion: Show how this growth impacts the citizen's city and how important it is from a political point of view.

More information:


2.) Within this treaty, what location or
region was being disputed? How did
this impact the geographical size of the
United States?


Its is bigger than the other graphs 8091

what is the primary essence of the recorded war for fighting the freedom and peace of our nation against the terrorist and invaders during this present time?



The freedom and peace we are enjoying today are the fruits of the heroism of our soldiers in fighting the terrorist and invaders of our country.


The bravery of our soldiers in the struggle against terrorists and foreign invaders has resulted in the freedom and tranquility we enjoy today.

What do peace and freedom believe in?

It is a strong advocate of socialism, government-funded healthcare, women's access to abortion, open enrolment in public schools, accessible housing, and environmentalism. Additionally, it is in favor of gay rights, environmental protection, and Native American rights.

The Peace and Freedom Party is a working class group in a country run by and for the wealthy and their corporations.

The democratic peace theory holds that democracies are reluctant to initiate violent confrontations with other reputable democracies. According to the democratic peace theory, a variety of factors promote harmony between democratic governments.

Thus, The bravery of our soldiers in the struggle against terrorists and foreign invaders.

For more details about peace and freedom believe in, click here:




1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government?
2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important?
3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here)
4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know?
Part III:: Each question is worth 10 points and is a full paragraph that uses FADE.
Consider where democracy is going right now and when there have been problems in the past with democracies.


Answer:1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government? The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C. when the Romans expelled the Etruscan kings and set up their own government. Having witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and aristocracy and democracy among the Greeks, they opted for a mixed form of government, with three branches.

2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important? Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor all led to its eventual fall in 27 BCE. Rome's continued expansion resulted in money and revenue for the Republic.

3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here). The United States and Nigeria are examples of presidential democracies. The executive branch includes the president and his cabinet. Along with the judicial and legislative branch, the three branches of government work to keep checks and balances, but the president has final say.

4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know? The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!


sorry if this dont help

Which event in the late 1680s helped further define the doctrine of classical republicanism?





Answer: An early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good" and the welfare of an entire society.

Explanation: please add more detail to this question like add the answers that can chosen :)

hiw did young Americans react to the war, and how did their reaction shape cultural developments​


The attitude of young people to war has changed markedly during the 20th century. In the early 20th century, many young men were eager to join armies in wartime, as it promised high pay and the opportunity to travel. As the century progressed, the availability of travel and increased living standards neutralized these advantages, and improved media coverage made the horrors of war known. This translated into a dislike and hostility toward service in the armed forces.

the New Testament includes

a. four accounts of Jesus' life
b. only the writings of Paul
c. a dozen Gospels
d. wise proverbs ​



a. Four accounts of Jesus's life.


The four accounts are the 4 books, which include:

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of John


how the brochures helped to attract more tourists? I need 3-5 sentence



The popularity of tourism increases with references to the emergence of different ways to spend holidays effectively. The opportunities of tourism become more available for the public because of the increased competition within the industry. Today, a customer has an opportunity to choose the ways to spend holidays according to their interests and possibilities, and the main task of a tourism operator is to attract more customers.


My explanation.

brochures can contain a lot of information and are interesting to look at. it grabs attention of the reader and inspires them to take action. it spread positive words about your company and brand. it also costs less compared to online ads.

In which country does the pizzica dance originate?





In 2-3 paragraphs, explain the historical significance of the Brown v. Board of Education case in the larger context of minority rights. Consider the following in your response:

What is the significance of the “equal protection” clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Why did both Plessy and Brown use that clause in their suits?
What impact did Plessy v. Ferguson have on minority rights? What was the significance of “separate but equal”?
What impact did Brown v. Board of Education have on minority rights?
How does the ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education case connect to the idea of the balance between majority and minority described in Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address?
What checks and balances protect the rights of the minority?


The historical significance of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case repudiated the legal huddle posed by the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that legalized the "separate but equal" doctrine.

The case took to the cleaners the impossibility of offering "equal protection" according to the Fourteenth Amendment while maintaining "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites.

The Plessy v. Ferguson decision used the "equal protection" clause to entrench the Jim Crow laws.  On the other hand, the Brown v. Board of Education case used the "equal protection" clause to upturn the Jim Crow laws.  Thus, different interpretations of the same clause can birth different approaches to human relationships.

The Plessy v. Ferguson case killed all the efforts of racial harmony promoted by Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. It showed the evil extent humans undertake to defend their whims and caprices. The Plessy decision killed minority rights by creating a misplaced "separate but equal" camouflage on human rights.

On the other hand, Brown v. Board of Education became the catalyst for minority rights movements, galvanizing people of color to redress centuries of racial discrimination.

The ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education case supports Thomas Jefferson's idea that while the majority should reasonably have their way, minorities must not lose their human rights on the altars of the majority. According to Thomas Jefferson, if the rights of minorities are denied or not protected, it becomes naked oppression.

The "checks and balances" that protect the rights of the minority are in the US Constitution, especially in the Amendments. Specifically, the Constitution underscored that all races are equal and possess inalienable rights.

Thus, to allow racial segregation through the creation of "separate but equal" facilities is injustice and a denial of liberty.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/19475596 and https://brainly.com/question/15806678

Which term best describes the Progressive Era?
Socialist party
political party
grass-roots movement



B. political party


Helped develop the political parties into their modern interpretation.

What is the significance of the naval race between Germany and Great Britain​


The naval race between Germany and Great Britain between 1906 and 1914 created huge friction between both nations and it is seen as one of the causes of World War One. In 1906, Britain launched the first dreadnought – a ship that meant all others were redundant before its awesome fire power.

Sara lived in Germany in 1938. In order to visit her grandmother in Poland, Sara had to get a passport. She went to the office of the Ministry of the Interior to apply. While filling out
the application, one question asked if Sara was Jewish. Since she answered, 'yes' what would Sara expect to see on her German passport?
a red letter")"
a purple triangle
a red cross
a yellow letter"


Answer: a red letter

Explanation: The red letter J was put on the passports to show that they had marked them down for potential holocaust victims. It made it much more easier to identify them. Though Hitler intended to send them to Madagascar showing their passports so they could leave. Madagascar didn't want them so he chose to start the Holocaust.

explain how slavery was used so often in the production of sugarcane and tobacco. what was causing these items to be in such high demand?



The conditions required for cultivating different cash crops largely shaped regional labor experiences and population demographics for enslaved Africans in the New World. European settlers experimented with a range of crops and export goods, often with significant influences from American Indians and Africans, but eventually market competition and environmental constraints determined which major cash crop different plantation regions primarily exported. The most lucrative cash crops to emerge from the Americas in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were sugar, tobacco, and rice. Cotton agriculture did not become a major feature of the U.S. southern economy until the early nineteenth century.


The major cause for the decline in the worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is:



Shrinking industrial landings

Which sentence from Barrio Boy gives the word mother a negative connotationWhich sentence uses the denotation of the word heart?


Answer:Well I need a picture of the answer it could be to help you, please.


Write a paragaph in which you consider whether or not John Brown was "crazy. " Your paragraph should be 5-7 sentences.



Paragraph in explanation


Yes, John Brown was "crazy". For one, he thought he could take down slavery by himself and a army he would slowly grow. He would start a "invasion" of the south and free slaves and use those slaves for his army. He also thought violence was the key to ending slavery. He would stop at nothing to end slavery including breaking the law and arguably committed treason.

Which statement best describes the impact of the election of 1912?

A. Woodrow Wilson lost the election to William Howard Taft

B. The Democrats won the presidency due to the split in the Republican Party

C. William Howard Taft lost the republican nomination to Theodore Roosevelt.

D. The Republicans lost the office after Theodore Roosevelt won as the progressive candidate.


Answer:B is correct becuase many republicans split and made the progressive party in 1912.


1. Why did social inequality intensify in Europe during the Industrial Revolution? What effects did this
change have?



Social inequality intensified coz of emergence of new classes in the society that was formaly at one level of co-existence.


It led to immigrations.

Lose of properties by immigrants .

Increase economic base for the society.

Increased and improoved healthcare.

< Exit
Lesson 4 e Text: The Move Toward Independence
The battles of the American Revolution took place in every region of the
13 colonies.
1. Region During the early years of the war, in what region did the
fighting mostly take place?


I'm pretty sure it's Concord, Massachusetts

Why were the Scots-Irish likely to be especially fervent patriots in the American Revolution? What issues might separate them from other American revolutionists, like the New Englanders or Virginia planter


According to historical perspective, the Scots-Irish are likely to be especially sincere patriots in the American Revolution because of "the enmity between the people of Ireland and England."

This is because, towards the American war of Independence, the Irish people were also forming uprisings against English rule, clamoring for independence.

Thus, during the American Revolution, the Scots-Irish from Ireland or descendants of Ireland saw it as an opportunity to fight their oppressor back home and gain freedom.

Also, the issue that might separate Scots -Irish from other American revolutionists, like the New Englanders or Virginia planter, is that many people believed that the white settlers in New England or Virginia were predominantly from England or direct descendants of English people. Thus, the Scots-Irish saw them as their enemy as well.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is the presence of hostility between the people of Ireland and England at the time.

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/14361450

What landforms bordered Egypt on the east and west,and how did these contribute to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization



With its natural borders - the Sahara Desert to the west, the mountainous Eastern Desert and the Red Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea edging the marshy Delta to the north and the Cataracts to the south, ancient Egyptians were reasonably free from invaders.


Explain the assembly line process and mass Production. What effect does this have on the prices?



Mass production also results in lower costs

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