what do you do daily?Have you noted down details of your daily activities? what do you call it if you keep it as your personal document?​


Answer 1


Best Daily Routines for a Healthy Life

1. Start the Day With a Glass of Lemon Water. Simply add the juice of half a lemon to your glass and drink it to enjoy a refreshing start to the day. ...

2. Exercise in the Morning. ...

3. Eat a Good Breakfast. ...

4. Stay Hydrated. ...

5. Get a Healthy Lunch. ...

6. Do Some Mid-Afternoon Stretches. ...

7. Dinner. ...

8. Take Time to Relax.

Related Questions

What do you think a child most understand to study cultural diversity?


To respect and love others. It can affect social and emotional development.

According to the chart above, which roller coaster has the largest drop?
a. Top Thrill Dragster
C. Kingda ka
b. Titan
d. Steel Dragon 2000



The answer is C.Kinda ka

Select the correct superlative form of the adverb far in the sentence below. Of all the runners, Jan ran _______.
A. farthest
B. more farther
C. farther
D. more far


Answer: A. farthest


Jan ran farthest is correct.

Which things do you associate with ideas and concepts? Check all that apply.
O Gateway Arch
Liberty Bell
Smokey the Bear
Statue of Liberty
a bald eagle
O a diamond ring
O a snake



Liberty Bell


Im not sure if the answer is right

The things do associate with ideas and concepts is Liberty Bell.

What is context of the excerpt Liberty?

The United States of America has as significant pieces of its qualities opportunity and freedom.

There are sure images that address these qualities and they incorporate the American banner, the bald eagle, the freedom chime, the White House, the sculpture of freedom, among others.

An image, basically, is something that represents something different. The American Flag is an image since it isn't simply a piece of material with red strips and white stars, it addresses the association of 50 states under a conservative confederation.

Sociologists concentrate on images since they educate us concerning the most profound convictions of a specific culture or society.

While making an exploration about the flow populace of bald eagles in the United States, the best kind of text that Li Wei needs to peruse for his examination would be a book about bald eagle settling destinations in the United States since this text is most precise and state-of-the-art about settling locales.

A book about the settling destinations of bald eagles in the United States would be more precise than others in light of the fact that new hawks can be followed and recorded.

For more information about liberty, refer the following link:



self control in the hit of rage/extreme anger



When you start feeling angry, try deep breathing, positive self-talk, or stopping your angry thoughts. Breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Slowly repeat a calm word or phrase such as "relax" or "take it easy." Repeat it to yourself while breathing deeply until the anger subsides



If you start to get angry, stop and take deep breaths. Then count back from ten very slowly. Afterwards go to a solitude place to think about what your so angry about. Listen to relaxing music or do something calming to take your mind off that problem.When your calm enough talk about your problem to someone like a parent or friend.

Thinking Critically and Solving Problems
Which conclusion is supported by the graph?
Food Spending and Percent of Income
Spent on Food
Spending (eftaris)
Percent (right acis)
People in the highest quintile spend about
$4,000 on food or about 30% of their income.
People in the lowest quintile spend half as
much on food as people in the highest quintile.
As their incomes rise, people spend a greater
portion of their total income on food.
As their incomes rise, people spend more on
D) food, but it represents a smaller portion of
their income.
Average annual food spending


The correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

The graph shows the relationship between "food spending and percent of income spent on food". In the left part, it shows the values ​​of "Average annual food spending ($) that go from 0 to 16,000. In the right part, it shows the values ​​of Percent of income spent on food" that go from 0 to 35. In the part below, five "income quintiles" are shown.

The first (lowest) quintile spends about $ 4,000 per year on food, which is 35% of income.

The second quintile spends about $ 6,000 per year on food, which is about 18% of income.

The third quintile spends about $ 7,000 per year on food, which is about 12% of income.

The fourth quintile spends a little less than $ 10,000 per year on food, which is about 10% of income.

The fifth (highest) quintile spends a little less than $ 14,000 per year on food, which is about 7% of income.

According to the above information, the reader can establish that people who have more income spend more on food. However, this represents a lower percentage of their total income. For example, people who spend just under $ 14,000 on food are spending about 7% of their income, while people who spend about $ 4,000 per year on food are spending 35% of their income. According to the above, the correct answer is D. As their incomes rise, people spend more on food, but it represents a smaller portion of their income.

How to write a story with the ending of "That is why I would never go there again



That is the exact facial expression I had when I was a child. I know how it feels. That sadness, sorrow, misery and pain. As the child walked towards the garbage bin, I quietly followed his steps. The smell was unbearably foul. What is he possibly doing? Scavenging for metal tins? Or maybe plastic bottles? The next thing happened was an 'I can't believe my eyes'. That boy with patched clothes was eating the food waste right from the garbage.

I once had a tough life. Lucky for me, I was adopted by a rich family. This boy faced much more trouble than I did. I went after the child after seeing him searching from bins to bins. 'Care for some buns?,' I asked. WOAH! He turned in shock, not expecting strangers. At first the boy was confused and refused to accept my kindness, but eventually after persuading him for a few times, he took it and walked away.

Feeling unsatisfied and curious, I pursue on tracking his path. With confusion, I wonder what was he still doing by the bins. After a few questions and answers, I found out that he was an orphan and his mom is disabled.They live in a small wooden house that was waiting for it's time to collapse. He was the only hope to support his siblings of 5. His story was heartbreaking that I tears slowly rolled down my cheeks. The only thing on my mind was this kid needs help!

Luckily I have a friend who work at the public welfare center. The boy's family was supported by the government and was moved to a new house at a rural area. They begin a fresh new life there. He and his siblings was given an education. The boy did a part-time work in order to support the family finances. I could see his face becoming radiant day by day.

I would visit them twice a month to check if they are comfortable with the new life. Turns up there is nothing to be worried about as result was positive. His family was starting to adapt to the new surrounding. His determination and 'never giving up' actions had helped his family survived. Before I left after my last visit, he thanked me. I could barely heard him saying 'Well, with everything that happened, I hope that I will never face sadness again'.

In your words provide a brief definition for "target language"?



the language into which a text, document, or speech is translated

Which option is the best example of internal rhyme?
A. Becca discovered a moth/ and scared it away with a cloth.
B. Cassandra lives / to care for doves / and gaze at leaves.
C. I am told / that Tia found / a bar of gold / in Puget Sound.
D. He's a wiz in the biz of selling / oil and soil to companies.


Answer: A is the best example of an internal rhyme.

Explanation: The reason being, is that the end of verse one, the word moth, rhymes with the last verse of line two, cloth. Basically moth and cloth rhyme, making it an internal rhyme.

The Licensee Buy-out Addendum to the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate:






The Licensee Buy-Out Addendum to Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate is intended to prevent improprieties and conflicts of interest in licensee/client transactions, as well as to make sellers contractually aware of the potential differences in selling to a licensed real estate professional as opposed to conventional

_______writing uses word pictures and description






The answer is description but in ur case, I think it is the plot.

A plot writing uses word pictures and description

What is the famous temple of Nepal.
1.Pshupatinath Teple



The Pashupatinath Temple



The Pashupatinath Temple


Please, help me.


Someone can teach me English, because I'm from Brazil and if you know how to speak Spanish, it's better for me.


Answer: I could get in but I don’t know Spanish properly is that ok??


Write on ONE of the following topics.

1. A letter to a hotel manager complaining about their bad services.



Dear Manager,

This Letter is Due To The Hotels Service

The Hotel seemed good But the service was too slow and The Food was 2 days old I gave it 3 Stars Please update the service in this hotel Because it doesn't seems well in service

Your Obediently


What is the irony in the following quote?

MACBETH: “I drink to the general joy o' the whole table,
And to our dear friend Banquo, whom we miss;
Would he were here!

1. Macbeth misses Banquo.
2. Macbeth wishes Banquo was there because he is seeing his bloody ghost.
3. Macbeth is scared about what the future brings for himself and his country.
4. Macbeth is sad because he knows what he has done.


the irony is : Macbeth misses Banquo

Read this excerpt from "The Girl Who Silenced the World for Five Minutes.”

I'm only a child, yet I know if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers, what a wonderful place this earth would be!

Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that


Answer: Based on this excerpt, Suzuki most likely believes that the money spent on the war would be better utilized if it were used to help end poverty or find answers or solutions to environmental issues.

Identify the symbolism in the poem. For instance, what do the birds, the singing, and the sky represent? What is the central meaning of the poem?



Caged bird, open sky, free birds


The caged bird depicts the African American who has been bound by society, and the cage symbolizes society. The laterally sky, which is far away from the imprisoned bird, represents freedom, since the free bird “identifies the sky his own.” White Americans might be represented by the free bird. 


In the poem, Maya Angelou compares a caged bird to a free bird. The caged bird represents the African American who is restricted by society, and society is represented by the cage. The sky, which is wide-open, yet distant to the caged bird, symbolizes freedom, as the free bird “names the sky his own.” The free bird could represent white Americans. The free bird’s life is carefree and unfettered, and its voice is beautiful and free. The caged bird, on the other hand, is trapped in a cage and “stands on the grave of dreams.” Its voice is fearful and unnatural. The singing of both birds represents self-expression and how discrimination and inequality can hinder and distort the views, ambitions, and expression of those who are persecuted.


Sample answer from Edmentum :)

A 6 paragraph essay on anything you can do I can do better



Anything you can do, I can do better.

Let’s face it, trying to please everyone is absolutely impossible and a sure way to set yourself up for unhappiness. In the poem “The Road Not Taken” By Robert Frost he is trying to explain that to his audience about his experience with that decision. From the beginning, Frost explains that people have their own paths to take. He goes on to explain that as much as he wishes he could take the same path as another, so that they wouldn’t part, that is just something that he would not be able to do. Many times in life you meet others and even become the best of friends, or maybe its family members you were once very close with, and then suddenly you grow apart, or have a falling out, but even before that happens your paths are never quite the same. Individuality is huge, it’s an important factor in how we all decide to live our lives. Even if we were raised by the same parents in the same household with the same rules, we all end up in different places whether it be physically, mentally, spiritually; which is what Frost is trying to point out in his poem.

Throughout life we all are faced with making tough decisions. One being whether or not to keep certain people in our lives, even if at one point they were the most important person in our lives. We sometimes have relationships where things just aren’t working out or you hit a bump in the road and the option of taking another path: one that seems brighter and more hopeful, comes into play. “Then took the other, as just as fair / and having perhaps the better claim/ Because it was grassy and wanted wear.” Frost here is saying, I saw an opportunity it looked better and even though the end result might just be the same ole thing I’m used to, I’m taking that route anyways because it seems like the better decision for myself. Some people aren’t comfortable with making such decisions, some would much rather follow the trend, or stick to their culture. They don’t want to find out if the grass is greener on the other side, they’re complacent with what they have because they were raised to think that way. They were programmed to not think for themselves.


kumuha lang Po kayo ng 3 to 10

America has a deeply confused image of itself that is in perpetual tension. We are a nation that takes pride in our ethnic diversity, recognizing its importance in shaping our society and in adding richness to its existence. Yet, we simultaneously insist that we can and must function and live in a race- and color-blind way that ignores these very differences that in other contexts we laud.

–“A Latina Judge’s Voice,”

Sonia Sotomayor

How do the underlined phrases affect the meaning and tone of this passage?

They show diversity.
They demand change.
They celebrate diversity.
They express a moral dilemma.



They express a moral dilemma.


According to the excerpt from "A Latina Judge’s Voice" by Sonia Sotomayor, the author talks about how divers America is culturally and how despite its diversity there is rarely any tolerance for each other.

Therefore, the underlined phrases affects the meaning and tone of this passage because they express a moral dilemma.

The underlined phrases talk about people insisting that they can function in a race and color blind manner which ignores the differences in the races.

anybody free plz. tell. me​



yes I'm free what you are going to tell

water can reference electricity?........​



Yes I think so.


Electricity flows through water because it contains ions of dissolved salts and metals. Distilled water, which does not contain impurities, does not conduct electricity.

Water does not have the ability to conduct or reference electricity

What are two ways you can
help make a difficult poem easier to understand?



You can understand a poem by:

Considering the subject and the form of the poem.By considering the style and the context.


You have to understand the topic well before you can be able to tackle it.

1 by taking notes on the essay
2 thinking of more better ways to make them longer and better grammar

Which sentence uses the proper MLA style for an in-text citation with an attributive phrase?
A) The author went on to state, “these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (Green,
2004, p. 47).”
B) The author (Green) went on to state, “these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California (47).”
C) The author went on to state, “these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California” (Green 47).
D) The author went on to state, “these early results should not be seen as proof that the happiest cows come from California” (47).


The correct answer to your question is option D, as it represents a rule determined by the MLA.

This is because, according to the MLA style, when the author of the article is mentioned in the sentence, the text citation must be referenced only with the number of the page where the article can be found.

In the case of option D, we can see that the author is being cited and at the end of the sentence, the number of the page where the article is hosted is presented in parentheses, as the MLA determines it should be done.

It is important to emphasize that MLA represents the Modern Language Association of America, which is an institution responsible for standardizing the publication of academic texts within the USA.

You can find more information about MLA at the link below:


Why did the author write this passage


Provide the passage for an answer!

she likes people waving at her.(into passive voice)​


its simple brb passive voice means changing into he said or she said .

I like people waving at me

Think of an argument you've been in where you wanted someone to agree with you, or to change their opinion on something. How did you try and convince them? Did you see things from their perspective? Did you give reasoning for your viewpoint? What was the outcome?



i seen things from their perspective and gave my reasoning for why i think what i think and we came to a agreement

why adapting to change is an important aspect of life?.



Adapting to change is an important aspect in life is important because you need to expericne new things even if you don't like change.


4. What is the complete simple subject of this sentence? "Her short, curly hair reflected the sun like a bright penny." hair reflected reflected the sun her short, curly hair like a bright penny.​



I think it would be reflected by the sun or her short curly hair

I hope this helps you

worksheet 64
Edited (Errors)
incorrect correct
5. Most of the people which appear(a) ........ , ....... most often into history books (b) ........... , ......... are greatly conquerors and generals. (c) ......... , .........
The people which really helped(d) ......... , ......... civilisadoestion forward are never (e)........ , ....... mentioning at all. We (f) ......... , ........
does not know who made (g) .......... , ..........
the first-boat or calculating (h) ........... , ..........
the length of the year. (i) ........... , ...........

please answer me please I need this ​


(a) which - who

(b) often - oftenly

(c) greatly - great

(d) which - who

(e) are - were

(f) mentioning - mentioned

(g) does not - do not

(h) calculating - calculated

(I) the - a

Our story begins with Greg who was torn. He knew that if he did this, his company would end up producing a lot of pollution. The lake they would end up dumping their waste into would be poisoned. Nothing would ever live there again. However, if he chose the cleaner option, it would be more expensive. He would have to lay off hundreds to afford the cleaner option. People like Ben Carlson, who was home with his three daughters, oblivious that his job was currently on the line. Greg knew that either option had its faults, but Greg valued his workers more than the environment. He signed the order and condemned the lake, but saved his workers. Based on this writing, which of the following statements would the narrator probably agree with? A. While pollution is a problem, sometimes it is unavoidable. B. Pollution is not a problem that people need to worry about. C. Pollution is the greatest issue facing the world. D. People who value human life over the well-being of the planet are making a huge mistake.



A. While pollution is a problem, sometimes it is unavoidable.


The narrator of the excerpt shown in the above paragraph does not disapprove of Greg's attitude in polluting the lake near his company, if it is necessary to keep his employees, who need the job to maintain the well-being of their families. Although the narrator claims that the lake's pollution will have dire consequences, he is in favor of Greg's decision to place employees above nature's well-being. In this case, we can see that the narrator sees the lake's pollution as something inevitable, that it is a problem, but that it needs to happen in certain situations.

Other Questions
what attribute of skeptic would contribute to a good scientific mind Express the following composite numbers as products of prime factors 64 What is the value of the following function when x = 0? = -5y = -2y = -1y = 0 Hardy Company manufactures a single product by a continuous process involving two production departments. The records indicate that $140,000 of direct materials were issued to and $200,000 of direct labor was incurred by Department 1 in the manufacture of the product. The factory overhead rate is $25 per machine hour; machine hours were 5,000 in Department 1. Work in process inventory in the department at the beginning of the period totaled $35,000; and work in process inventory at the end of the period was $25,000. The transfer of production costs to Department 2.Instructions: Prepare entries to record (a) The flow of costs into Department 1 for (1) direct materials (2) direct labor (3) overhead (b) The transfer of production costs to Department 2. Reconoce el sujeto y su nucleo en las siguientes oraciones se reunieron los ingenieros y el jefe de la empresa What is the rocket name which first landed on moon?1.Una 12.Nasa3.Luna4.Luna 2 Which of the following statements is true?A. An HIV-positive person can stay healthy as long as they start HIV medication and continue taking the medicine as prescribed. B. At the moment, there are no medications that control HIV so that someone who is HIV-positive can manage the virus and live longer. C. HIV is the illness that follows once AIDS has weakened the person's immune system so that it cannot fight off infection. D. The human body can rid itself of HIV completely, just like it can with a number of other contagious viruses. Martinez Company's ending inventory includes the following items. Product Units Cost per Unit Market per Unit Helmets 30 $ 58 $ 62 Bats 23 112 80 Shoes 44 103 99 Uniforms 48 44 44 Compute the lower of cost or market for ending inventory applied separately to each product. For a project in his Geometry class, Mamadou uses a mirror on the ground to measure the height of his school's football goalpost. He walks a distance of 13.75 meters from his school, then places a mirror on flat on the ground, marked with an X at the center. He then steps 2.6 meters to the other side of the mirror, until he can see the top of the goalpost clearly marked in the X. His partner measures the distance from his eyes to the ground to be 1.75 meters . How tall is the goalpost? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of a meter . Innate talents or gifts enhanced through study and practice are:A-drawbacks.B-Holland's occupational types.C-priorities.D-abilities. sbar T.N. delivered a healthy male infant 2 hours ago. She had a midline episiotomy. This is her sixth pregnancy. Before this delivery, she was para 4014. She had an epidural block for her labor and delivery. She is now admitted to the postpartum unit. 1. What is important to note in the initial assessment If workers and firms have rational expectations, they understand that ________ monetary policy will raise the inflation rate, so actual inflation ________ expected inflation. contractionary; will be equal to expansionary; will be less than expansionary; will be equal to contractionary; will be less than expansionary; will be greater than The skin is protected by the action of cells that arise from bone marrow and migrate to the epidermis. Which cells serve this function? In your words provide a brief definition for "target language"?Helpppp explain how native advertisements might represent a conflict of interest in some cases PLEASE HELP!!! Find the equation of the line passing through the point that (4,-1)that is parallel to the line 2x-3y=9 what is the graph of this function? How do I do this problem? HelpFind the volume of this cone.Use 3 for TT. Jared is training to run his first marathon (26.2 miles). He usually consumes around 2,000 calories per day to meet his nutritional needs but should make some adjustments due to his training. Which of the following changes should Jared make? A. Attempt a crash diet to get his body in better shape for the marathon B. Consume more sugar during training to give him bursts of energy while running C. Decrease his calorie intake to build more lean muscle to help him run the marathon D. Increase his calorie intake to adjust for the additional energy he needs for training