"what do you see when you enter the room?" Daisy said to me


Answer 1


the first thing u see when u enter a room ( in my opinion) is ur bed , phone , or incomplete tasks on ur table..lol

it's just my opinion though

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The Federal Reserve Bank is a “for-profit” bank. In 150 words or more, explain how the Federal Reserve Bank and commercial banks make money.


Answer: The Federal Reserve System in the U.S. conducts the nation's monetary policy and regulates its banking institutions, The system is comprised of a minimum of 8, and a maximum of 12, regional reserve member banks, each of which focuses on its particular geographical zone, in coordination with the New York Fed. These are currently based in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Richmond, Atlanta, Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Dallas, and San Francisco.


What Poland has achieved self-government and can enjoy its _____ since the collapse of the Soviet Union



what Poland has achieved self-government and can enjoy its government since the collapse of the SOVIET UNION

What kind of a man was Gurudev?​





2.Fill in the blanks with appropriate pronoun
(1) (Me/l) want a large helping of icecream
(II). (Ours/ Mine ) is the largest railway in the world,
3.Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the given adjective.
(1).The fabric is (soft) to the touch.
(II).Varun is the
(fast) of all the athletes.
A.fastest B.fastC.faster,
4. The old lady has (little/ some) money left with her.
5.How time do we have to complete the test paper?(Much/ many)
6.Complete the sentences using the correct synonyms.
A. He felt famished because he had missed his breakfast.(Hungry/ starving)
B.She is rather reservedbefore strangers .(shy/ nervous)​



1 I

2 Mine

1 softer

2 fastest

4 a little

5 much


A hungry

B nervous

2. I
3. Soft, Fastest
4. Some
5. Much
6. Hungry
7. Shy

essay on utility of money in ur life in ling​



Money is the most important source to live a healthy and prosperous life however cannot be compared by the importance of love and care. Both have their own importance and benefits. We have provided some simply written essay on money to help your kids to do better in their essay writing competition. This Money Essay are written in simple English so that any class of student can easily understand it. Money is the most basic requirement of the life without which one cannot fulfil his basic needs and requirements of the daily routine. We can never compare the importance of the money with the importance of love or care. When one need money, love cannot fulfil this requirement and if one need love, money cannot fulfil this requirement. Both are highly

No other metal is so useful as iron(change into superlative)​



Iron is more useful than any other metal

Match each term to its definition.




Voice: Voice refers to the rhetorical mixture of vocabulary, tone, point of view, and syntax that makes phrases, sentences, and paragraphs flow in a particular manner.

Tone: Tone refers to an author's use of words and writing style to convey his or her attitude towards a topic. What the author feels about the subject is often defined as the tone. What the reader feels is known as the mood.

Mood: In literature, mood is the atmosphere of the narrative. Mood is created by means of setting, attitude, and descriptions. Though atmosphere and setting are connected, they may be considered separately to a degree.

Hope this helps!

how can you say that Jimmy and the man were good friend?​plz


Answer: The man and Jimmy were (very) good friends.

the “very” doesn’t have to be included, but you could put that into your sentence if you wanted to.

Exercise 2: Replace the infinitives in brackets by the required tense 1. “Hark! How the wind _______________!” (to howl) 2. Diana ________________ her music in the drawing room; Mary ________________ . It was a very fine May day, clear, sunny, and breezy.(to practice, to garden). 3. He ________________ not long at table when his land lady brought up a letter that ____________ just ______________ for him. (to sit, to arrive) 4. “O yes, I ______________ back in an hour.” (to be) 5. “I ______________ here for nearly seven years,”he said. (to be). 6. He was not so much suprised to see me as I _____________. (to expect) 7. An old orchard of apple trees just breaking into flower _______________________ down to a stream and along wild meadow. (to stretch) 8. The quests ___________ before the rain began to fall, and they _____ all now assembled in the chief or living room of the dwelling. (to arrive, to be) 9. “And he _______________ my friend ever since,” said Caroline. (to be) 10. “__________ you ever ___________ that way in your walk?” (pass) 11. “Come down to the terrace while I _____________ my breakfast.” (to eat) 12. The ship _______________ against the warf now. (to draw) 13. “It is the first time you ______ away from home? “(to be) 14. “My father and mother _______________ during the war and I ___________ at my Aunt Emily's.” (to be killed, to live) 15. I ________ to Warley on a wet September morning. (come) 16. the big apple tree, lowest in the orchard, ___________ so close that its boughs almost _______________ the water. (to grow, to overhang) 17. Macomber ________________ the opposite bank when he ________ Wilson take hold of his arm. (to watch, to feel) 18. “The water _____________ at last,”he said. (to boil) 19. The sun ___________, and he ____________ homeward. (to set, to turn) 20. The hands on her watch ________ her that five minutes, ten minutes, a quarter of an hour _______________. (to tell, to pass). 21. Perhaps Doreen _______ right all the time and she _______ wrong




Which line from the decree on the Rosetta Stone in The Role of the Rosetta Stane best supports the idea that
Prolemy was a defender of his country?


Answer: He provided that cavalry and infantry forces and ships should be sent out against those who invaded Egypt by sea and by land


Identify the speaker and context/meaning of the following quote:
" I liked old Morrow's mother".

Plss no links and this is from Catcher in the Rye chapter 8






“Thank you all for joining us today. Today we honor the life of Sargent Barry Peppers. A man who was not just a father, a son, and a soldier, but a hero. When he was ambushed in Iraq, he remained strong. When he was injured by the shrapnel of an explosion, he remained strong. When the rest of the members of his platoon were sick with food poisoning he remained strong and was able to get every member to safety. He was a military man of might and mind. He found a way, while injured, to carry every member of his sick platoon to safety. Sargent Barry Peppers was a shooting star, amazing to see, but gone too soon. Raise your glasses. To Sargent Peppers!”

What is an example of an imperative statement?
A. Today we honor the life of Sargent Barry Peppers.
B. Sargent Barry Peppers was a shooting star, amazing to see, but gone too soon.
C. A man that who was not just a father, a son and a soldier, but a hero.
D. Raise your glasses


“Raise your glasses” is the imperative statement here because it is instructing the audience to do something, raising their glasses.

“An imperative sentence is a type of sentence that gives instructions or advice, and expresses a command, an order, a direction, or a request.”

An imperative sentence is a sentence that expresses a direct command, request, invitations, warning, or instruction. Imperative sentences do not have a subject; instead, a directive is given to an implied second person

D. Raise your glasses

What is an imperative word?

adjective. absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable: It is imperative that we leave. of the nature of or expressing a command; commanding. Grammar. noting or pertaining to the mood of the verb used in commands, requests, etc., as in Listen!

What is the function of an imperative sentence?

The usual function (job) of an imperative sentence is to give a command or instruction. It tells us to do something.

To learn more about imperative sentence, refer



How does exaggeration create meaning in this cartoon?​



The enormous footprint shows the extensive damage of the oil spill to the environment.


What is Machiavelli’s purpose in writing this passage ?



The answer is:

to inform readers about the differences between principalities and republics

to entertain readers with exciting stories of historical wars, conquests, and rebellions

to convince readers that, to hold a conquered republic, a prince must ruin it or live there

to persuade readers that a prince must eradicate the royal family of a conquered principality

to convince readers that, to hold a conquered republic, a prince must ruin it or live there

Hope this answer helps you ^^

Please Mark as Brainliest.

Who can tell me a story about this ? (Where the smart ones at thinking at ?)



In a small little town, a girl suddenly started to fly, this alerted newspeople and ambulances started coming in case anyone was hurt, as they thought the little girl meant danger. People tried to get on their roof to catch a sight of this spectacle. Due to police orders, firemen had to tell the people to get of their roofs and help them.


we don't need to worry- is it a simple sentece?



We don't need to worry- is it a simple sentence?*******


When it is seventy-five below zero, a man must not fail in his first attempt to build a fire—that is, if his feet are wet. If his feet are dry, and he fails, he can run along the trail for half a mile and restore his circulation. But the circulation of wet and freezing feet cannot be restored by running when it is seventy-five below. No matter how fast he runs, the wet feet will freeze the harder. All this the man knew. The old-timer on Sulphur Creek had told him about it the previous fall, and now he was appreciating the advice. Foreshadowing Figurative language Verbal irony Symbolism



The figurative language used in the excerpt is:



This excerpt was taken from the short story "To Build a Fire" by American novelist Jack London (1876-1926). London is famous for writing stories in which the conflict man vs. nature is developed. He used his own experience as an adventurer as inspiration for his plots.

This particular passage of "To Build a Fire" uses a figurative language known as foreshadowing, in which the author reveals details that will later unfold into something important in the story. Here, the main character has been warned by an old man about the dangers of extreme cold weather. The old man is most likely much wiser than the young main character. However, he does not listen to him and go out into the forest on his own. This will later unfold into the young man's death. The old man's warning served as foreshadowing for that happening.

1. she/I/to/ will/say/anything/listen/not/.
2. will/more /?/ sandwich / they / want/.
3. will / happy / her / she / results /be / exam / with /
4. next week/ the / will / not / car / clean / he /?/.
5. play / will / he / tomorrow /tennis /.​



2. Will they want more sandwich?

3. She will be happy with her exam results


I'm sorry that's all I can do

complete the following sentences choosing one of the preposition from the box: (on, at ,in ,off ,through, between into, under, round ,across, towards, over) 3. The prisoners escaped----------the narrow opening ----- the boundary wall


The prisoners escaped through the narrow opening under the boundary wall.

Things to do to develop your town​



pure water supply

good tranpotation

communication facility

development of hospitals

Halo Kakak Ini Bahasa Inggris Tolong Di Kerjakan Ya Kak



(2) 'm

(3) 'm

(4) is

(5) isn't

(6) is

(7) are

(8) aren't

(9) are

How is the fourth wave of the feminist movement different from the previous waves


Answer:Fourth-wave feminism is a feminist movement that began around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on the empowerment of women, the use of internet tools, and intersectionality


Many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as  body shaming, and sexual harassment.

What is feminist movement?

Feminist movement is defined as a number of political and social groups advocating radical and liberal reforms on women's issues that were sparked by the gender pay gap. The feminist movement's main objectives include giving women additional freedoms and equitable opportunities.

The movement has entered the digital era thanks to social media activism. It expands on the third wave's focus on inclusivity and raises difficult issues of what exactly empowerment, equality, and freedom imply. Intersectionality remains a concern for fourth-wave feminism. Voting rights were a major focus of the first wave of feminism, reproductive rights were a focus of the second, and female heteronormality was a focus of the third.

Thus, many assert that a fourth wave of feminism began around 2012, however this is controversial for some. This wave focused on themes such as body shaming, and sexual harassment.

To learn more about feminist movement, refer to the link below:



SI units are used for scientific works.Why?​



The SI system of metric units is very practical because the meter, kilogram, second and ampere used in theoretical computations in electrical and mechanical engineering correspond to actual everyday units used to rate household appliance electricity consumption and for customary weights and measures.


Because it is used to measure physical quantity

What is included in the body of a news article?

the writer's opinion about the topic of the article

a short summary of the information in the lead

details about the information in the lead

information about the author of the article


a short summary of the information in the lead

Sagar hates people keeping him waiting .(passive voice )​



Sagar hates to be kept waiting.

how does a hero usually transform into someone stronger????
Plz help!!


In most stories, the hero is the most common person you can imagine, but then some mentor tells him or her that he or she is special. Or in some other cases, an accident, incident or experiment changes them into a stronger being.

Indicate the meaningful sentence from the cues given: / / / / / . *

He spent 2 hours repair the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours to repairing the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours to repair the bike yesterday.
He spent 2 hours repairing the bike yesterday.



He spent 2 hours repairing the bike yesterday.

I want someone post this letter immediately change to passive voice


I want this letter to be posted by someone immediately


I want this letter posted by someone immediately

a friend you write to is called​



pen pal. nounfriend made through letterwriting. correspondent. epistoler. letter writer.


Which short story uses the flashback as its main structure?
“The House on Mango Street”
“An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”
All of the above



"Girl" is a monologue which is like a character speaking to oneself uninterrupted. "An Occurrence at Owl Bridge" is a typical short story and uses a flashback structure.

Answer: C
Explanation: “An occurrence at owl creek bridge” that reflects back on the occurrence at owl creek bridge, which is considered a flashback.
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