What does ethically produced mean? Does this phrase apply to sweatshops


Answer 1

Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Ethically produced means that a product was produced or a service was completed in a moral way and without infringing on the rights of others.

This phrase does not apply to sweat shops. These were places with unsafe and poor working conditions where workers were worked to their max and received low wages. The leaders of these companies were so concerned about profits that they did not take into account the well being of their employees. This is definitely not ethical, so products produced in sweatshops were not ethically produced.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

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why is latitude measured in degrees?


Answer: It runs east-west all the way around Earth. Lines of latitude describe positions north and south of the Equator. Lines of latitude are measured in degrees (°). ... The North Pole is 90° north (N), and the South Pole is 90° south (S).

Because it measured from East to west degree

Which word best describes Montreal?

A. Multicultural
B. Rural
C. Homogenous
D. exclusive



A. Multicultural


Montreal is a melting pot of people from all sorts of cultures

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Cartography is a field of science because the process of geographically locating and drawing the accurate representation of land can vary among different groups of people or among political/sociocultural contexts.


Example: The official political map of India shows the region of Jammu and Kashmir as a part of India.

This was a widely disputed topic among the countries of India, China, and Pakistan. Since Kashmir is pre-dominantly Islamic, there has been some fighting over whether it should keep its sovereignty or dissolve with India, which is pre-dominantly Hindustan.


If any other answerers have a much better view of this topic, then please respond!

Which of the following statements is true of possibilism?

A. It does not apply to modern times.
B. It suggests that humans are not limited by their environment.
C. It suggests that the environment affects some human activities, but that people can adjust to the environment.
D. It states there is only one solution when humans adjust to the environment.
E. It has been proven wrong by modern geographers.



C. It suggests that the environment affects some human activities, but that people can adjust to the environment.


Possibilism - the environment only limits the number of choices a person has. At its heart, possibilism follows the notion that humans have the commanding power over their environment, albeit within certain limits.

3. Geography is sometimes called a social science because it studies people
and the relationships among them.


Is this true or false? If so true



Description of settlement​


an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict.
Hey there!


A settlement is a colony or any small community of people.One kind of settlement is a place where people live. This can be a community that's smaller than a town, like a village. Also, if one country establishes a colony somewhere else, that can be called a settlement.

Hope it help you

How did Ferdinand of the Aragon influence world trade?


Answer:Ferdinand was the son of King John II of Aragon (line of the Trastamara dynasty) and his second wife Joanna Ann requestes from Castile. Prince Ferdinand married his half-sister Princess Isabella. and heir to the throne of King Henry IV of Castilla. Wed on 19 October 2012 in Valladolid and became the consort of the Queen of Castilla. When Princess Isabella ascended the Castilla throne in 2017, Isabella joined the Trastamara royal family. The two kings have to wage a civil war with Princess Joan of Castilla. Daughter of Henry IV of Castile and quickly won Ferdinand became King of Aragon after his father in 1522. The crowns of Castile and Aragon were unified and formed an empire called Ace. Panna (Spain), which comes from the ancient name Hispania, but by the 18th century the kingdoms split apart.

During the first ten years, King Ferdinand, together with Queen Isabella, completed a reconquest of the Kingdom of Granada, the last Muslim stronghold in the Iberian Peninsula. in the year 2035 The same year the Ahambra Decree was born. on the expulsion of the Jews from both the Castile and Aragon kingdoms and Christopher Columbus went to explore the new world. By the Treaty of Tordesillas, an agreement was made on the transatlantic territories. Between Portugal and Castilla

Picture of the wedding between King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.

In his memoirs Ferdinand wrote of a dispute over the possession of Italy with the French king. This conflict led to the Italian War. In 1594 Charles VIII of France invaded Italy and expelled Alfonso II of Naples (relative of King Fir). Dinand) from the throne of Naples. King Ferdinand and Emperor Maximilian I of the Holy Roman Empire ousted France and appointed Alfonso's son. Ferdinand continued his reign. Upon the death of King Ferdinand II of Naples, the throne resided with the Patriarch. Frederic IV of Naples, King Ferdinand agreed to the succession of Charles VIII's heir, Louis XII of France, who held the Duchy of Milan Ferdinand's general, Gonzalo Fernandes de Cordoba, captured Naples from France in 1504 and became King of Naples.


Which Native American group is native to Canada and Alaska?





Inuit are the descendants of what anthropologists call the Thule people, who emerged from western Alaska around 1000 AD. They had split from the related Aleut group about 4000 years ago and from northeastern Siberian migrants. They spread eastwards across the Arctic.




There are 3 major Indian tribes in Alaska, the largest tribe with some 12,000 members in the Athabascan. They live in Interior Alaska and canada, in arguably the harshest environment in the state. In the South central coast near Juneau and off shore islands live the Tlingit tribe with some 10,000 members. Also the Canadian constitution recognizes 3 groups of Aboriginial peoples: Indians (more commonly referred to as First Natives), Inuit and Metis.

Write a short note on the petroleum and natural gas resources of India.



The oil and gas industry in India dates back to 1889 when the first oil deposits in the country were discovered near the town of Digboi in the state of Assam. The natural gas industry in India began in the 1960s with the discovery of gas fields in Assam and Maharashtra (Bombay high). As of 31 March 2018, India had estimated crude oil reserves of 594.49 million tonnes (MT) and natural gas reserves of 1339.57 billion cubic meters (BCM).

Help plz anyone due today at 8am



1) Antarctica, Greenland and most of the continents are all distorted as per their small size.

2) the longitude lines are curved

4 North America is much larger on the globe than on the map

name two obtuse vertical singles



so a obtuse angle is a triangle or what ever figure made out of rays and line segments and etc. and its is a 180 degree figure so if your talking about a A,B,C,D,E,F figure then the two obtuse angles will be


In Indonesia, there are five islands that have komodo dragons living on them. Nowhere else in the world has komodo dragons. They make the five islands unique and give them a distinct personality. This is an example of which theme of geography?


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

This is an example of place. This theme of geography has to do with the unique features, qualities, and cultural landscape of a location. The unique presence of the Komodo Dragon on these Indonesian islands give them a unique sense of place because being around the Komodo Dragons would help you to know which place you were in.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

The theme mentioned above is the example of geography is place.

What is geography?

Geography refers to the physical features and characteristics of the earth. It is the broad field of study which tells about the relationship of the humans and the earth physical features. It tells about the environment, species, organisms living in the particular area.

The period who studies about the geography is called as geographer. He explores physical as well as the societal properties which spread across the earth.

This is an instance of place. This geography theme is concerned with a location's distinguishing characteristics, qualities, and sociocultural context.

The existence of the Komodo Dragon on such Indonesian islands gives them a distinct sense of place, as being near the Komodo Dragons would aid in determining where they were.

Therefore, it can be concluded that it is the theme of place.

Learn more about Geography here:



How do some Indonesians clear land to plant palm trees instead?



They slash and burn parts of the forest. Often illegally


The ashes left over from the burning are sometimes used as fertilizer for the palm seed.

explain the importance of seas and oceans to people living on island and costal areas​



They cover about 70.9 per cent of the earth's surface and represent the greater natural reserves among ecosystems. The importance of oceans and seas is related to fisheries and shipping routes, but also to the creation of oxygen and several chemical equilibrium conditions.

How are edge cities formed and how are they beneficial/detrimental?​


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Edge cities are usually formed because land in the suburbs or on the outskirts of the city is cheaper (bid-rent curve), so they can make more a profit.

These businesses are normally connected the the CBD (central business district) so transportation to and from that area is still possible.

People that live in the suburbs or are visiting the main city have easy access to the edge city as you might not have to travel as far to these cities as the CBD (distance decay).

Edge cities can be a good thing because they allow for new businesses to thrive and they can increase economic activity and competition due to new construction, cheaper prices, new companies moving in, etc.

However, they can also be a detriment to the CBD because they might allow companies to relocate due to the cheaper land prices, they might take in the typical customers of the CBD companies, ultimately leading to the vacancy of the CBDs, which could be dangerous and create high-crime, unsanitary, or contaminated areas. It can also take attention away from significant or historical monuments and locations in the CBD.

Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D


Idc and Id.k


What are the challenges the economy face from skilled migrants?


The wide economic impacts of high skilled migrants

Find the absolute value.
|6+2| =



{8 and - 8}

Hope the helps!

Answer: 8

You just have to add the values and then apply the abolute value which makes it so the answer has to be positive!

7. Give reason. a. Insectivorous plants rely on insects for nutritional needs. b. The inner side of the jar shaped leaf of the pitcher plant has stiff hair like structures. 8. Answer the following ques​


Q.7) (a) Insectivorous plants generally grow in soils deficient in minerals especially, nitrogen.

(b) Pitcher plants have leaves shaped like a pitcher or jar.

1. If we use soil as a natural resource, what do you think we are doing to hurt it or

use it up to where it is unusable, damaged, or gone? In other words what would

make soil unusable? *



Soils degrade through waterlogging and loss of nutrients

Soil can also become degraded through loss of nutrients - chiefly nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium - if these are not replenished to maintain soil fertility.

4. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words. a) Define chronicle. b) What type of practices had worsened the life of women in the medieval period? c) Why are more literary sources available for the study of the medieval period? d) Name any two new elements introduced in the field of technology during the medieval period​


Answer:a) a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.b) Women did not have access to equal rights in medieval times like they do now. Child marriage, widow burning, the purdah and polygamy further worsened the women's position.c) As compared with Ancient India, a large number of literary sources are available for the medieval period. They provide more reliable information and insight into the life of the people of the period.d) The period saw major technological advances, including the adoption of gunpowder, the invention of vertical windmills, spectacles, mechanical clocks, and greatly improved water mills, building techniques (Gothic architecture, medieval castles), and agriculture in general (three-field crop rotation).


hope it helps you

Why does most of the Canadian population live close to the border
between the United States and Canada? Each response must be one
paragraph of 5-10 complete sentences. :( and Why is the United States Canada’s #1 trading partner?



A narrow area of land in Canada is inhabitable because just because it is just so cold. The land is also much more fertile, so people settle there for farming. Canada also consumes the majority of the North Pole, so it's basically another reason why it's so cold. It is the also our largest foreign supplier of crude oil. Canada's proven reserves of crude oil totals 167.7 billion barrels.


How are the five themes of geography and the six essential elements similar? How are they different?


Answer: The two systems are very similar because the six essential elements build on the five themes. For example, the element Places and Regions combines two of the five themes of geography—Place and Regions. ... For example, the last element, The Uses of Geography, deals with issues not covered in the five themes.

Explanation: hope this helps

The agricultural region in North American that has a long and rainy growing season is



three moths


Although the scientific method is used by most of the sciences, it can also be applied to everyday situations. Think about a problem that you may have at home, at school, or with your car, and apply the scientific method to solve it. 2



1. Why does my car not start?

2. If I put gas in my car, will it start

3. First I will call my friend and ask for a ride to the gas station to get gas. I will take five gallon  gas can and fill it with 5 gallons of gas. I will get a ride back to my car and fill it with the 5 gallons of gas.  Then I will try to start my car.

4. The car started of the first try

5. The car was out of gas.


The car won't start because of low fuel. Prediction: When the car won't start, it will eventually run out of gas.

Modern civilization has been established thanks to science and technology. Almost every area of our everyday lives has benefited immensely from this growth. People then have the opportunity to take pleasure in these outcomes, which make our life more calming and enjoyable.

What is the importance of science in our daily life essay?

Our daily lives are significantly influenced by science. It has improved the comfort and ease of our lives. Science is nothing more than a methodical approach to learning and life. Science and scientific study were created as a result of man's innate curiosity, alertness, and close observation of changes in the natural world.

A conclusion is a claim supported by data from experiments and observations. It includes a summary of the findings, a determination of whether the hypothesis was supported, the importance of the study, and suggestions for further investigation.

Learn more about Scientific methods here:



Name the factors influencing agriculture?



They are

1 topography

2 climate

3 soil

4 market

5 transportation facilities

Hope this helps

if you could live abroad or some place else, where would it be and why?



This ain't exactly one of those normal questions,... but you know,... I like it


You said abroad so I would live on a ship and sail the world as a passenger/merchant ship ,... not one of those huge cruisers but on one like the ones in "Shipwrecked" or "Swiss Family Robinson",... the answer as to why,... I think it would be incredible sailing and handling such a big vessel,... but also one that is small enough that you are still in touch with every wave that passes beneath you,... Happy Sailing,... Chow,...!

Does anyone know 2,3, and 4? I need help



For the questions above there answers are listed below

2. D

3. B

4. C

A topographical map is different than a physical map in that

A. a topographical map shows the difference between elevations in an area, and a physical map shows the natural features of the Earth.

B. a topographical map shows human-created features such as boundaries, and physical maps show the natural features of the Earth.

C. a topographical maps shows human-created features such as boundaries, and a physical map shows the natural features of the Earth.

D. a topographical map shows the natural features of the Earth, and a physical map shows human-created features such as boundaries.



a topographical map shows the difference between elevations in an area, and a physical map shows the natural features of the Earth.


The correct option is A. A topographical map shows the difference between elevations in an area, and a physical map shows the natural features of the Earth that a difference between topographical map and physical map.

What do you mean by topographical map?

Topographic maps are precise, in-depth visual depictions of terrain feature found on the surface of the Earth. These features include: cultural: roads, structures, urban development, trains, airports, place names, geographical features, administrative boundaries, state, and international borders, and reserves.

Physical maps show the terrain's natural characteristics, such as lakes, rivers, and mountains. Contour lines are included on topographic maps to display an area's form and height.

A topographic map displays various physical landscape aspects, much like a physical map does. Contrary to physical maps, however, this kind of map shows changes in the landscape using contour lines rather than colors.

Learn more about Topographical Map here:



Need this answered now please all parts of number 3



for c it is 36000

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