What does it mean to view something from a frame reference


Answer 1


In physics, a frame of reference, or reference frame, is a perspective that one uses to determine if an object is moving.

For example, when you see a ball roll down a street, you can tell the ball is moving because the frame of reference is the streets, whatever may be on the side of the roads, or the Earth

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A report on the various water conservation methods used by any one
states of India



Kuls are diversion channels that carry water from a glacier to village. Often spanning long distances, with some over 10 km long, kuls have been around for centuries. They are the lifeline of people of Spiti valley of Himachal Pradesh and in Jammu too.

Kul starts at the glacier, which is to be tapped. Keeping the head clear of debris is achieved by lining the sides of Kul with stones which ensure that there is no seepage or clogging. The Kul leads to the village where the water is stored in a circular water tank. The water is drawn from here are per the need of the village.


Here is a list of some of the traditional water conservation methods that are still in use:

What is the electron configuration for fluorine?



1s2 2s2 2p5                

step by step:


Electron configuration using subshell;

1s² 2s² 2p⁵

using main shell ie;


While driving her car on a hot sunny day, a woman was struck in the back of the neck by the dough from an exploding can of Pillsbury biscuits. From the sound it made and the feeling of warm sticky dough on her neck, she thought she had been hit by a bullet! Describe the likely conditions that caused this to happen. Be sure to explain AT THE MICRO scale how the particles were affected.



The dough is made from flour sugar, baking soda, sometimes yeast. The sugar is converted into gaseous products including carbon dioxide, CO₂ and alcohols. As more gases are produced, the pressure increases, and according to Charles's law, as the temperature on a sunny day is higher than on a cool day, the pressure of the gases increases further, to the point that the can containing the biscuits can not hold the pressure, leading to an explosion


which of the following has more atoms 3.14 g Cu or 1.10 g of H? Explain


63.5 gm cu contain 6.02*10^23 molec
1 gm cu contain 6.02*10^23/63.5
3.14 gm contain 6.02*10^23*3.14/63.5

similary in case of H2

then you can compare the result

calculate the mass of magnesium needed to make 25g of magnesium oxide​



here's the answer to your question about

aluminum hydroxide molecular weight step by ste​


Hydroxide step by ste

why scientist use the international system of units



 it allows scientists from disparate regions to use a single standard in communicating scientific data without vocabulary confusion.

Which reaction occurs at the cathode in an electrochemical cell?
A. Cu(s) → Cu2+(aq) + 2e
B. Cu2+(aq) + H2(g) → Cu(s) + 2H+(aq)
C. Cu(s) + 2H+(aq) → Cu2+(aq) + H2(g)
D. Cu2+(aq) + 2e → Cu(s)



I could be wrong but I say it's letter b


I hope you have an great night

c. What is Cytoplasm? What does it contain?​



Cytoplasm is the space between cell membrane and nuclear membrane filled with a translucent liquid . It contains carbohydrates , proteins , lipids , nucleic acids , sodium and pottassium salts , water and enzymes .

What is the freezing point in °C) of a 0.743 m
aqueous solution of KCI?
Enter your rounded answer with
3 decimal places.
K; for water = 1.86 °C/m



2.764 °C


ΔT = 2 x 1.86 C/m x 0.743m = 2.764C That means the freezing point of the solution is 2.764C less than the pure solvent (water)

what is the most appropriate unit to measure the following; the length of a football field. b) the diameter of a tennis ball​



a) m (metre)

b) mm (millimeter)

Propane can be cracked to produce propane and hydrogen. Complete the symbol equation for the reaction.




C3H8= C3H6 +H2

A sample of oxygen gas has a volume of 453.7 mL when its pressure is 0.435 atm. What will the volume of the gas
at a pressure of 0.88 atmospheres, if the temperature remains constant?



is you'r question correctly?

or not

Which statement describes the VSEPR theory?
Electron pairs in the valence shell of an atom have a tendency to attract other nearby electron pairs.

Electrons in the valence shell of an atom exert a repulsive force on other atoms while forming a chemical bond.

Electron pairs in the valence shell of an atom exert a repulsive force on all other electron pairs in the valence shell of the atom.

Electrons in the valence shell exert a repulsive force while completing their octet during the formation of chemical bond.




Electron pairs in the valence shell of an atom have a tendency to attract other nearby electron pairs.

Hope it helps you.

Oxit bazơ có những tính chất hóa học nào?



tác dụng với acid,


why atoms of magnet differ from normal atoms?



ones in magnets r close together while others can be spread apart

Which of the following materials contains a base?

a. Stomach digestive juices
b. Orange juice
c. Ammonia window cleaner
d. Vinegar



c. ammonia window cleaner


Window cleaners contain ammonia (a base) for the purpose of removing the dust and grease on the windows.

digestive juices, orange(a citrus) juice, and vinegar are all highly acidic.

... give me brainliest please :)) ...

Formation of HCl from H₂and Cl₂ is example of






Combination reaction.


The reaction depicted in the question is;

H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) ⟶ 2HCl (l)

Now, this reaction shows that two reactants namely hydrogen and chlorine react to form a single product named Hydrogen chloride. This process is called combination reaction.

1.One gram-atom of Nitrogen is heavier than one gram-atom of Oxygen.

True or false

2.Measurements of a physical quantity. can be very precise but not accurate

True or False



1 . statement is false

2. statement is true

Which level of organization is formed when a group of organs work together to perform complex functions?


I think that could be “system of organs”


an organ system is formed when a group of organs works together to perform complex functions. it is composed of two or more tissue types and performs a specific set of tasks for the body

What mass of helium gas (in g) occupies 15.3 L at STP?



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 2.73 \ g \ He}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the mass of helium gas given a volume.

1. Convert Liters to Moles

1 mole of any gas occupies a volume of 22.4 liters. So, 1 mole of helium gas contains 22.4 liters of helium. Create a ratio using this information.

[tex]\frac {1 \ mol \ He }{ 22.4 \ L \ He}[/tex]

We are converting 15.3 liters of gas to moles, so we multiply by that value.

[tex]15.3 \ L \ He *\frac {1 \ mol \ He }{ 22.4 \ L \ He}[/tex]

The units of liters of helium (L He) cancel.

[tex]15.3 *\frac {1 \ mol \ He }{ 22.4}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {15.3}{22.4} \ mol \ He[/tex]

[tex]0.6830357143 \ mol \ He[/tex]

2. Convert Moles to Grams

The molar mass is the mass of 1 mole of a substance. These values are found on the Periodic Table as atomic masses, but the units are grams per moles. Look up the molar mass of helium.

He: 4.0026 g/mol

Create another ratio using the molar mass.

[tex]\frac {4.0026 \ g \ He}{1 \ mol \ He}[/tex]

Multiply by the number of moles we calculated.

[tex]0.6830357143 \ mol \ He *\frac {4.0026 \ g \ He}{1 \ mol \ He}[/tex]

The units of moles of helium (mol He) cancel.

[tex]0.6830357143*\frac {4.0026 \ g \ He}{1 }[/tex]

[tex]2.73391875 \ g \ He[/tex]

3. Round

The original measurement of volume has 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same.

For the number we calculated, that is the hundredths place.

The 3 in the thousandths place to the right (2.73391875) tells us to leave the 3 in the hundredths place (2.73391875).

[tex]2.73 \ g \ He[/tex]

15.3 liters of helium gas is approximately 2.73 grams of helium.

calculate the maximum mass of ethanol that could be obtained from 30.0g of glucose​





C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

1 mol C6H12O6 = 180g

1 mol CH3-CH2-OH = 46g

From 180g glucose ethanol can get = 92g

30g glucose ethanol gives us = (92*30)/180 = 15.33g

6. 240J of electric energy flows into a certain light bulb every second, and some energy is transformed into
light energy while some 'waste' thermal energy is also generated. If 200J of thermal energy is generated each
second, what is the efficiency of this bulb? (Hint: Pay good attention to what energy values you've been
given, before you start plugging them into the efficiency formula.)
Looking for
Relationship Formula



don't know


try it your self

try it your self

try it your self

try it your self

try it your self

try it your self

calcium hydrogen sulphite cress cross



Ca Hso4 ×


Because i did whT you said

For his science fair project, Martin studied the growth of trumpet vines. He grew 20 trumpet vines. All of the conditions were the same, except that he grew 10 in a flower bed without support and 10 in a flower bed near a trellis. The stems of the vines near the trellis twisted around the trellis, and these Yines grew tall and seemed much healthier than the vines grown without a trellis. In fact, four of the vines grown without a trellis died. Which characteristic of living things were the trumpet vines displaying as the stems twisted around the trellis?
A. Movement
B. Response to a stimulus
C. Use of energy
D. Reproduction​



it's B


Climbing plants require an external support to grow vertically and enhance light acquisition. Vines that find a suitable support have greater performance and fitness than those that remain prostrate. Therefore, the location of a suitable support is a key process in the life history of climbing plants

The chemical elements display periodicity when they're arranged according to
A: Atomic Weight
B: Atomic Mass
C: Atomic Volume
D: Atomic Number





I could be wrong but I think it’s Atomic Number

Explain how the existence of ions relates to the number of electrons present in atoms of an element? (A.P.E.X)



if you have options please include them, but I'll give you an idea.


The existence of ions happens when atoms lose or gain electrons.

if an atom gains an electron it will become a negative ion (because electrons are negative, and you gained more negativity.)

if an atom loses an electron it will become a positive ion (because it has lost negativity, which is the electron that we've lost).

I hope it helps, if it does please mark me brainliest!

Which element will form In ion whose lonic radius is larger than its atomic radius?
(1) K
(2) F
(3) LI
(4) Mg



Letter b so F


I hope this help


All five ions have an equal number of electrons and therefore share the same electron configuration. For example, a neutral calcium atom (Z=20) has 20 electrons; it loses two of them to form a Ca2+ cation, which would thus contain 20−2=18 electrons. Similarly, a phosphorus atom (Z=15) gains three electrons to form a P3− anion that contains 15+3=18 electrons.

Positively-charged protons in the nuclei attract the negatively-charged electron cloud. Each proton carries a +1 charge; the more protons an atom or ion contains the stronger the attraction it poses on its electron cloud. A nucleus of strong positive charge pulls its electron cloud towards itself tightly such that the latter would have a small radius.

The periodic table is arranged in the order of increasing proton number. Phosphorus comes the first among the five species and contains the least number of protons. Its ion would be the largest among the five. Calcium comes the last and forms the smallest ion.

Number of protons per nucleus P<S<Cl<K<CaStrength of Electrostatic attraction on the electron cloud P<S<Cl<K<CaIonic radius P3−>S2−>Cl−>K+>Ca2+

The elements in groups 1A, 6A, and 7A are called, __________, respectively. Group of answer choices alkaline earth metals, halogens, and chalcogens alkali metals, chalcogens, and halogens alkali metals, halogens, and noble gases alkaline earth metals, transition metals, and halogens halogens, transition metals, and alkali metals



1A Alkali Metals

6A Chalcogens

7A Halogens


alkali metals, chalcogens, halogens


Group 1A is alkali metals

Group 6A is chalcogens

Group 7A is halogens

what are some examples of mutation​


a dog with a fifth leg or someone with and extra finger
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