What does quantization refer to?


Answer 1


Quantization is the process of constraining an input from a continuous or otherwise large set of values (such as the real numbers) to a discrete set (such as the integers).


Answer 2

Quantization refers to the situation where an electromagnetic field consists of discrete energy parcels, photons.

What is Quantatization in Chemistry ?

In Chemistry , the concept that a system cannot have any possible energy value but instead is limited to certain specific energy values (states). This states depend on the specific system in question.

Under this system, Energy could be gained or lost only in integral multiples of some smallest unit of energy, a quantum (the smallest possible unit of energy).

Hence, Quantization refers to the situation where an electromagnetic field consists of discrete energy parcels, photons.

Learn more about Quantum here ;



Related Questions

Find the volume occupied by 128g of SO2.​


The volume occupied by the given amount of sulfur dioxide will be 84 L.

please show working my dear citizen

Congratulations! You are now the head biologist at the local "Cells and Bells" research lab! It has come to other cell biologists' attention recently that some cells are too small to contain all of the organelles inside of them. They decide that it's best to get rid of an organelle, but they're not sure which one. In the first process of this decision, they need to know "which organelle is the most important?"

Your job, as the head cell biologist, is to decide which organelle the cell cannot live without.

Write a research paper (intro, body, and conclusion) on which organelle is the most important and why.


The answer seems to be 27

Which of the following is an example of a scientific theory?
Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
Force equals mass times acceleration.
Matter behaves the way it does because it is made of atoms.
There is probably life on Mars.

C. Matter behaves the way it does because it is made of atoms.



Matter can neither be created nor destroyed


Mark me. as brainliest

In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a



please mark me brainliest


In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a weak electrolyte.

Answer: strong electrolyte.

Explanation: In water, a substance that ionizes completely in solution is called a. a. weak electrolyte.

The correct geometry around oxygen in CH3OCH3 is
(a). linear. (b). bent. C). tetrahedral/(a). trigonal planar​



the force of the lone pairs from the bottom would cancel out the force of the lone pairs from the top. Thus, the molecule will be linear.

A functional group introduces heteroatoms into a carbon chain to increase


chain length.

molecular mass.






here you go for the answer

which of the following measurements is equivalent to 5.461x10^-7m?



B. 0.0000005461m

I used the method of moving the decimal.

What functional group is found in an alcohol?
A. Ester
B. Amino
C. Carbonyl
D. Hydroxyl ​



an alcohol is a Hydroxyl group due to the OH~ that is associated with it's molecules

The functional group found in an alcohol is Hydroxyl . Therefore, the correct option is option D.

What is functional group?

A functional group in organic chemistry is a substituent and moiety inside a molecule that triggers the molecule's distinctive chemical processes. No matter how the rest of a molecule is made up, the very same functional group would experience the same or a similar set of chemical events.

This permits the design of synthetic chemistry as well as the methodical forecasting of chemical reactions as well as the behaviour of chemical molecules. Other functional groups close by can affect a functional group's reactivity. Retrosynthetic analysis can be used to design organic synthesis by using functional group interconversion. The functional group found in an alcohol is Hydroxyl .

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about functional group, here:



A sample of gas occupies 10.0 L at 240°C under a pressure of
80.0 kPa. At what temperature would the gas occupy 20.0 L if
we increased the pressure to 107 kPa?


Answer: 1090°C

Explanation: According to combined gas laws

(P1 × V1) ÷ T1 = (P2 × V2) ÷ T2

where P1 = initial pressure of gas = 80.0 kPa

V1 = initial volume of gas = 10.0 L

T1 = initial temperature of gas = 240 °C = (240 + 273) K = 513 K

P2 = final pressure of gas = 107 kPa

V2 = final volume of gas = 20.0 L

T2 = final temperature of gas

Substituting the values,

(80.0 kPa × 10.0 L) ÷ (513 K) = (107 kPa × 20.0 L) ÷ T2

T2 = 513 K × (107 kPa ÷80.0 kPa) × (20.0 L ÷ 10.0 L)

T2 = 513 K × (1.3375) × (2)

T2 = 1372.275 K

T2 = (1372.275 - 273) °C

T2 = 1099 °C

1090 degree Celsius

hope it helps

balance equation of aluminium chloride+ hydrogen​


[tex]\boxed{\sf {AlCl_3\atop Aluminium\:Chloride}+{H_2\atop Hydrogen}\longrightarrow {Al\atop Aluminium}+{HCl\atop Hydrochloric\:acid}}[/tex]

Balanced Equation:-

[tex]\boxed{\sf {2AlCl_3\atop Aluminium\:Chloride}+{3H_2\atop Hydrogen}\longrightarrow {2Al\atop Aluminium}+{6HCl\atop Hydrochloric\:acid}}[/tex]

3. HNO3 + NaHCO3 → NaNO3 + H2O + CO2
4. AgNO3 +CaCl2 → AgCl + Ca(NO3)2
5. 3 H2(g) + N2(g) → 2 NH3(g)
6. 2 H202 → 2 H2O + O2
Write word equation and type of reaction



hydrogen nitrate + sodium hydrochlorate- sodium nitrate+ water + co2 (acid base reaction)

silver nitrate + calcium chloride - silver chloride+ calcium nitrate ( double displacement reaction)

hydrogen + nitrogen - ammonia gas ( simple contact reaction)

hydrogen peroxide - water + oxygen ( single displacement reaction)

Hope it helps :)

1. What is uncertainty in measurements?



In metrology, measurement uncertainty is the expression of the statistical dispersion of the values attributed to a measured quantity.By international agreement, this uncertainty has a probabilistic basis and reflects incomplete knowledge of the quantity value. It is a non-negative parameter.

Hope it helps you.

What is the Equation of Reduction in Mg+F2 gives MgF2, I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIST



Mg+F2= Mgf2


F 2 is an oxidizing agent, Mg is a reducing agent. ; Pale-yellow to greenish gas with a pungent, irritating odor.

The decomposition of ammonia is: 2 NH3(g) ⇌ N2(g) + 3 H2(g). If Kp is 1.5 × 103 at 400°C, what is the partial pressure of ammonia at equilibrium when N2 is 0.20 atm and H2 is 0.15 atm?



"[tex]6.7\times 10^{-4} \ atm[/tex]" is the right answer.



Partial pressure of [tex]N_2[/tex],

= 0.20 atm

Partial pressure of [tex]H_2[/tex],

= 0.15 atm

[tex]K_p = 1.5\times 10^3[/tex] at [tex]400^{\circ} C[/tex]

As we know,

⇒ [tex]K_p = \frac{pN_2\times pH_2^3}{pNH_3^2}[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

    [tex]1.5\times 10^3=\frac{0.20\times (0.15)^3}{pNH_3^2}[/tex]

        [tex]pNH_3^2 = \frac{0.000675}{1.5\times 10^3}[/tex]

                    [tex]=6.7\times 10^{-4} \ atm[/tex]


What volume of 1.50 mol/L stock solution is needed to make 125 mL of 0.60 mol/L solution?


Chemistry 11 Solutions

978Ͳ0Ͳ07Ͳ105107Ͳ1Chapter 8 Solutions and Their Properties • MHR | 85

Amount in moles, n, of the NaCl(s):


2.5 g




58.44 g


4.2778 10 m l





Molar concentration, c, of the NaCl(aq):

–2 4.2778 × 10 mol


0.42778 mol/L

0.43 mol






The molar concentration of the saline solution is 0.43 mol/L.

Check Your Solution

The units are correct and the answer correctly shows two significant digits. The

dilution of the original concentrated solution is correct and the change to mol/L

seems reasonable.

Section 8.4 Preparing Solutions in the Laboratory

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Edition page 386

51. Practice Problem (page 386)

Suppose that you are given a stock solution of 1.50 mol/L ammonium sulfate,


What volume of the stock solution do you need to use to prepare each of the

following solutions?

a. 50.0 mL of 1.00 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

b. 2 × 102 mL of 0.800 mol/L (NH4)2SO4(aq)

c. 250 mL of 0.300 mol/L NH4



What Is Required?

You need to calculate the initial volume, V1, of (NH4)2SO4(aq) stock solution

needed to prepare each given dilute solution.

The dilution gives the relationship between the molarity and the volume of the solution. The volume of stock solution with a molarity of 1.50 mol/L is 50 mL.

What is dilution?

Dilution is said to be the addition of more volume to the concentrated solution to make it less in molar concentration. This tells about the inverse and indirect relationship between the volume and the molar concentration of the solution.


Initial volume = V₁

Initial molar concentration (M₁) = 1.50 mol/L

Final volume (V₂) = 125 mL = 0.125 L

Final molar concentration (M₂)= 0.60 mol/L

The dilution is calculated as:

M₁V₁ = M₂V₂

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

Substituting the values in the above formula as

V₁ = M₂V₂ ÷ M₁

V₁ = (0.60 mol/L × 0.125 L) ÷ 1.50 mol/ L

V₁ = 0.05 L

= 50 mL

Therefore, 50 mL of stock solution is needed to make a 0.60 mol/L solution.

Learn more about dilution, here:



An individual was injected with 80 mg of inulin and 960,000 counts per min (cpm) of tritium-labeled water (3H20) to determine the volume of various body fluid compartments. After equilibration a blood sample was obtained and the plasma inulin concentration was 0.5 mg% and the plasma activity (concentration) of tritium was 20 cpm/ml. The volumes of which body compartments can be determined?


The measurement of body fluid compartments can be achieved by the dilution of chemical compounds that only circulate and disperse in the region of selected areas in the body. The dilution process is dependent on how the concentration is defined.

Given that:

the concentration of plasma insulin after equilibrium = 0.5 mg %

Concentration C  = 0.5 mg/100

Concentration C = 0.005 mg/ml

The mass of insulin = 80 mg

Since the mass amount of the chemical compound(i.e. insulin) and the concentration is known.

The volume of the body fluid compartment can be calculated as:

[tex]\mathbf{volume = \dfrac{\text{mass of the marker }}{concentration }}[/tex]

[tex]Volume = \dfrac{80 \ mg}{0.005 \ mg/ml}[/tex]

Volume = 16000 ml

Thus, it is known that insulin is generally utilized for the measurement of the extracellular fluid volume and serves as a cell impermeant marker.

As a result;

The volume of the extracellular fluid compartment is 16000 ml.

However, the tritium-labeled water is a good marker for the entire body fluid compartment due to the fact that:

its diffusion occurs throughout the entire body,it is identical to water and;the equilibrium concentration is typically easy to measure due to the radioactive characteristics of tritium.

Given that:

plasma activity of tritium = 20 cpm/ml


In 1 ml of plasma, 20 cpm of tritium is present.

As such, in 960,000 counts per min (cpm) of tritium-labeled water, the volume of the whole body compartment is:

[tex]\mathbf{= \dfrac{960000}{20} ml \plasma}[/tex]

= 48000 ml of plasma

Therefore, we can conclude that the volumes of the body compartment that can be determined are:

The volume of the extracellular fluid compartment, which is 16000 ml.The volume of the whole body compartment, which is 48000 ml

Learn more about body fluid compartments here:


During electrophilic aromatic substitution, a resonance-stabilized cation intermediate is formed. Groups, already present on the benzene ring, that direct ortho/para further stabilize this intermediate by participating in the resonance delocalization of the positive charge. Assume that the following group is present on a benzene ring at position 1 and that you are brominating the ring at positon 4. Draw the structure of the resonance contributor that shows this group actively participating in the charge delocalization.




See explanation and image attached


Aromatic compounds undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions in which the aromatic ring is maintained.

Substituted benzenes may be more or less reactive towards electrophilic aromatic substitution than benzene depending on the nature of the substituent present in the ring.

Substituents that activate the ring towards electrophilic substitution such as -OCH3 are ortho-para directing.

The major products of the bromination of anisole are p-bromoanisole and o-bromoanisole. The resonance structures leading to these products are shown in the image attached.

Part A
3.75 mol of LiCl in 3.36 L of solution
Express the molarity in moles per liter to three significant figures



1.12 mol/L.


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mole of LiCl = 3.75 moles

Volume = 3.36 L

Molarity =?

Molarity is simply defined as the mole of solute per unit litre of the solution. Mathematically, it is expressed as:

Molarity = mole / Volume

With the above formula, we can obtain the molarity of the solution as follow:

Mole of LiCl = 3.75 moles

Volume = 3.36 L

Molarity =?

Molarity = mole /Volume

Molarity = 3.75 / 3.36

Molarity = 1.12 mol/L

Thus, the molarity of the solution is 1.12 mol/L

Which of the following will affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
solution temperature
solution color
solute mass
solution volume



Solution temperature.


Hello there!

In this case, considering this question about chemical kinetics, it will be possible for us to analyze two perspectives:

1. Molecular: here, we infer that the solution temperature will provide more energy to the molecules in order to undergo more effective crashes which will make more products and therefore, increase the rate constant.

2. Mathematical: by means of the Arrhenius equation, it will be possible to tell that the increase in the temperature of the system, the negative of the exponent present in such equation will increase and therefore turn the rate constant bigger.

In such way, we infer the answer is solution temperature.


Given the following balanced reaction: 2Na(s) + F2(g) --> 2NaF(s)
a) How many moles of NaF will be made from 2.6 moles of F2?

b) How many moles of NaF will be made from 4.8 moles of Na?



yes it is corrwect iyt is absolitle correct


Part A
When the following liquids are poured into the same container, they separate as shown in the image. Based on the data
in the table below, what caused the order of the layers?
rubbing alcohol
vegetable oil
corn syrup
corn syrup
Volume Used
95 cm
90 cm
85 cm
105 cm?
90.00 8
1.37 g/cm
1 g/cm
0.91 g/cm
0.78 g/cm
vegetable oil
rubbing alcohol
Font Sizes
A- A -
E 3


Answer: The layers are ordered by density, with the least dense layer on top, and the densest layer on the bottom.



The density of toluene (C7H8) is 0.867 and that of thiophene (C4H4S) is 1.065 g/ml. A solution is made by dissolving 10.00g thiophene in 250.00ml of toluene. a)Calculate the molarity of the solution
b)Assuming the volume are addictive ,calculate the molarity of the solution



Calcular la molaridad de una solución que se preparó disolviendo 14 g de KOH en suficiente  

agua para obtener 250 mL de solución. (masa molar del KOH = 56 g/mol).

Resolución: de acuerdo a la definición de “molaridad” debemos calcular primero, el número de mol de soluto (KOH) que  

se han disuelto en el volumen dado, es decir, “se transforma g de soluto a mol de soluto” por medio de la masa molar,  


56 g de KOH 14 g de KOH

----------------- = ------------------- X = 0,25 mol de KOH

1 mol X

Ahora, de acuerdo con la definición de molaridad, el número de mol debe estar contenido en 1000 mL (o 1 L) de  

solución, que es el volumen estándar para esta unidad de concentración, lo que se determina con el siguiente planteamiento:

0,25 mol X

----------------------- = ------------------------- X = 1 mol de KOH

250 mL de solución 1000 mL de solución


Four atoms and/or ions are sketched below in accordance with their relative atomic and/or ionic radii. Which of the following sets of species are compatible with the sketch?
Explain. (a) C,Ca2+,Cl−,Br−;
(b) Sr4, Cl,Br−,Na+

(d) Al,Ra2+,Zr2+

(c) Y,K,Ca,Na+, Mg2+;

e) Fe,Rb,Co,Cs



Hence the correct option is an option (b) Sr4, Cl,Br−,Na+.


Bromine and chlorine belong to an equivalent group. As we go down the group the dimensions increases which too there's a charge on the bromine atom. therefore the size of the Br- is going to be larger in comparison to the chlorine atom.

Sr atom is within the second group, and also it's below the above-mentioned atoms.so Sr is going to be the larger one among all the atoms.

Sodium and chlorine belong to an equivalent period .size decrease from left to right. but due to the charge on sodium its size decreases and there's an opportunity that Na+ size could be adequate for Cl.      

Here we finally assume that two atoms are of an equivalent size (Na+ and Cl) which are less in size compared to the opposite two(Sr and Br-) during which one is greater (Sr)and the opposite is smaller(Br-).

What is the basic unit of chemistry?
O A. The bond
O B. The atom
O C. The sun
O D. The cell



B. The atom


Cells are the most basic unit of structure and the smallest unit of matter is the atom.


B. The atom


yeee it was right

11. An isotope Q has 18 neutrons a mass number of 34. (a) (i) What is an isotope? An isotope is one of two or C (b) Write its electron arrangement. Mass number=34 Number of neutrons=18 Number of Protons = 34-15-16 (c) To which period and group does Q belong? Protors - Electons - Atomic number Period - Group (d) How does Q form its ion?


An isotope is an element with the same atomic number but different mass number due to differences in number of neutrons.

electron configuration is 2,8,6.

Belongs to group 6 and period group 3.

It forms an ion by accepting 2 electrons

You have been contracted to determine how different salts affect the pH of water. Which of the solids in the following set should you test to investigate for the effects of cations on pH?

a. AlBr3
b. Rb2SO3
c. MgCl2
d. RbBrO
e. CH3NH3Br



Hence the solids that should test to investigate the effects of cations on pH is

[tex]AlBr_{3}[/tex] (Cation is Al 3+)  

[tex]MgCl_{2}[/tex]  ( Cation is Mg 2+)  

[tex]CH_{3} NH_{3} Br[/tex] ( Cation is NH2+).


The solids in the following should you test to investigate the effects of cations on pH.  

[tex]AlBr_{3}[/tex] contains (Cation is Al 3+)  

[tex]MgCl_{2}[/tex] contains ( Cation is Mg 2+)  

[tex]CH_{3} NH_{3} Br[/tex] contains( Cation is NH2+ )

The atoms or the molecules containing the positive charge that gets attracted to the cathode are called cations. The compounds a. [tex]\rm AlBr_{3}[/tex], c. [tex]\rm MgCl_{2}[/tex] and e. [tex]\rm CH_{3}NH_{3}Br[/tex] should be investigated.

What are cations and pH?

Cations are the positive charge containing molecules and atoms that have more protons in their nucleus than the number of electrons in their shells. They are formed when they lose one or more electrons to another atom.

The addition or release of the electrons of the cations and anions affects the pH system as absorption of the cation decreases the pH and absorption of the anions increases the pH.

Hence, [tex]\rm Al^{3+}[/tex], [tex]\rm Mg^{2+}[/tex] and [tex]\rm NH^{2+}[/tex] are the cation that should be investigated. The addition of the cations will reduce the pH of the reaction.

Therefore, absorption of the cation reduces the pH.

Learn more about cations and pH here:


A substance is tested and has a pH of 7.0. How would you classify it?


You can classify it as neutral.

What volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl? Express your answer using two significant figures.
1.8 M KCl



Solution given:

1 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4l

1 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]74.55g

we have

0.14 mole of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]74.55*0.14=10.347g

74.55g of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4l

10.347 g of KCl[tex]\rightarrow [/tex]22.4/74.55*10.347=3.11litre

volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl contain 3.11litre.


1 mole of KCl → 22.4l

1 mole of KCl → 74.55g

we have

0.14 mole of KCl → 74.55*0.14=10.347g

74.55g of KCl  → 22.4l

10.347 g of KCl → 22.4/74.55*10.347=3.11litre

volume of each solution contains 0.14 mol of KCl contain 3.11litre.

HBr can be added to an alkene in the presence of peroxides (ROOR). What function does the peroxide serve in this reaction



Radical chain initiator


The peroxide here serves as a radical chain initiator. In the field of chemistry the radical initiatives are those substances that are used in industrial processes like polymer synthesis. These initiatives have weak bonds generally and they're mostly used to create free radicals. These radicals are atoms that have odd numbers of electrons. Peroxide is an example of such.

Conversion Problem (show all work):
1. A patient required 3.0 pints of blood during surgery. How many liters does this correspond
to? Show all work. Use conversion factors available in the text or the exam packet. (4)


1.42liters, which is equivalent to 3pints, of blood is required for the surgery

Pints is a unit of measurement for volume in the United States. However, it can be converted to litres using the following equation:

1 US pint = 0.473 liters

Hence, according to this question which states that a patient required 3.0 pints of blood during surgery. This means that the patient required:

3 × 0.473

= 1.419 liters of blood for the surgery

1.42liters, which is equivalent to 3pints, of blood is required for the surgery

Learn more at: https://brainly.com/question/24168664

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