What is a40
of the arithmetic sequence for which a8=60
and a12=48


Answer 1

9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Using the expression for the general term, you can fill in the known values and solve for the parameters of the sequence.

  an = a1 +d(n -1)

  a8 = a1 + d(8 -1) = 60

  a12 = a1 + d(12 -1) = 48

The difference of these equations is ...

  (a1 +7d) -(a1 +11d) = (60) -(48)

  -4d = 12

  d = -3

Substituting into the first equation, we have ...

  a1 +7(-3) = 60

  a1 = 81 . . . . . . . . . add 21

Then the 40th term is ...

  a40 = 81 -3(40 -1) = 81 -117

  a40 = -36

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find lub and glb of the following set E={0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,.....}​


The lub is 0.23[tex]\mathbf{\overline{43}}[/tex], while the glb is 0.2

The given set is presented as follows;

E = {0.2, 0.23, 0.234, 0.2343, 0.23434, 0.234343,...}

The least upper bound, lub, of a set, E, is known as the supremum of the set which is the number B such that all x ∈ E are of the value x  ≤ B, while there all y ∈ E has a x ∈ E such that t < x


The supremum, lub of the given set is 0.23[tex]\overline{43}[/tex]

The greatest lower bound, glb, b, also known as the infimum, is defined as follows;

b is the greatest lower bound if for all xE then x ≥ b

Given that b < t, then where x ∈ E, there exist a x < t

The glb of the given set is 0.2

Learn more about lub, supremum, glb, infimum, here;


if a stone is dropped from a cliff that is 122.5m high then its height in meters after t seconds is h=122.5-4.9t^2. find its velocity after 2s



Step-by-step explanation:

Let t = 2

h = 122.5 - 4.9·2² = 122.5-19.6 = 102.9

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Lol yu lateee das "who i smoke by yung ace"

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9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The first two letters are swapped, and the last two letters are swapped.

  BOARD . . . becomes


What is the x-coordinate of the point of intersection for the two lines below?
-6 + 8y = -6
7x -10y = 9

Answer choices
1.) -6
2.) -3
3.) 3
4.) 7




Step-by-step explanation:

Five subtracted from seven times a number is 9. What is the number?

A) Translate the statement above into an equation that you can solve to answer this question. Do not solve it yet. Use
as your variable.

The equation is _____________

B) Solve your equation in part [A] for




Step-by-step explanation:







I could be wrong an misunderstood the entire thing, however I can reassure you 18 is not the answer as the question states “Five subtracted from seven times a number is 9”, therefore the final answer in part A) needs to equal 9.

A normal distribution has a mean of 20 and a standard deviation of 4. Determine the z-score for the data value of 42.



Z = (42-20)/4 = 5.5

Z = X-μ / σ

Step-by-step explanation:

The z-score for the data value of 42 is 5.5.

What is a z-score?

A z-score is defined as the fractional representation of data point to the mean using standard deviations.

Formula of z-score = (X - μ) / σ


μ = 20

σ = 4

X = 42

z-score = (X - μ) / σ

Substitute the values,

z-score =  (42-20)/4

z-score = 22/4

z-score =  5.5

Hence, the z-score for the data value of 42 is 5.5.

Learn more about z-score here:



The probability distribution of a random variable X is given. x 1 2 3 4 P(X = x) 0.4 0.1 0.3 0.2 Compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation of X. (Round your answers to two decimal places.) mean variance standard deviation



[tex]E(X) = \displaystyle \sum_{x\in\{1,2,3,4\}}x\,P(X=x) = 1\times0.4 + 2\times0.1 + 3\times0.3 + 4\times0.2 = \boxed{2.3}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle V(X) = E\left((X-E(X))^2\right) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2 \\\\ E(X^2) = \sum_{x\in\{1,2,3,4\}}x^2\,P(X=x) = 1^2\times0.4 + 2^2\times0.1 + 3^2\times0.3 + 4^2\times0.2 = 6.7 \\\\ \implies V(X) = 6.7 - 2.3^2 = \boxed{1.41}[/tex]

Standard deviation:

[tex]\sigma_X = \sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{1.41} \approx \boxed{1.19}[/tex]

–21:(–2 – 5) + ( –14) + 6.(8 – 4.3)​


Did you mean -21(-2-5)+(-14)+6(8-4.3) ?
If that, the answer is 155.2:)) im sorry if im wrong:((

1. Ewa has 20 balls of four colors: yellow, green, blue, and black. 17 of them are not green, 5 are black, and 12 are not yellow. How many blue balls does Ewa have? (Use Gaussian elimination method).



In a bag of balls, 1/4th are green, 1/8th are blue, 1/12th are yellow and the remaining 26 are white. How many balls are blue?

There are 4 colours of balls - green, blue, yellow and white.

Add (1/4)+(1/8)+(1/12) = (6/24)+(3/24)+(2/24) = 11/24 so the balance or (24–11)/24 = 13/24 = 26 white. Hence the total number of balls are 2*24 = 48.

Of the 48 balls, green are (1/4)*48 = 12, blue are (1/8)*48 = 6, yellow are (1/12)*48 = 4 and the rest, white are 26.

Check: Total number of balls = 12+6+4+26 = 48

Answer: 6 balls are blue....

please help! thanks!
find y.



y = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the lengths of the sides of a 30-60-90 triangle is

1 : √3 : 2

The sides in this triangle are in the order:

y : 4√3 : x

y/1 = 4√3/√3

y = 4

Find the length of FT


Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

From the given figure;

Angle FVT = 43°

VT = 53

Taking Angle FVT as reference angle we get;

Perpendicular (p) = FT = ?

Base (b) = VT = 53

Taking the of tan;

[tex] \tan( \alpha ) = \frac{p}{b} [/tex]

Keep all values and simplify it;

[tex] \tan(43) = \frac{ft}{53} [/tex]

0.932515*53 = FT

Therefore, FT= 49.423.

Hope it helps!


A. 49.42

Step-by-step explanation:

tan 43 = FT ÷ VT

0.932515086 = FT ÷ 53

49.42 = FT

3. Solve the system of equations using the elimination method.
5x + 2y = 9
-5x + 4y = 3

please give detailed steps!!



x = 1

y = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

5x + 2y = 9

-5x + 4y = 3

==> 6y = 12 ==> y = 12/6 ==> y = 2.

we replace y by its value in the first or the second equation, so will have:

5x + 2×2 = 9

5x + 4 = 9

5x = 5

x = 1

In a high school graduating class of 300, 200 students are going to college, 40 are planning to work full-time, and 80 are taking a gap year.

a. These are mutually exclusive events.
b. These are not mutually exclusive events.
c. You should add their individual probabilities.
d. None of the above are true.


These are mutually exclusive events. So it is b

A right triangle has sides 20 and 48. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse


Answer: Let the length of the hypotenuse be x

Applying the Pythagorean theorem we have :



⇒x=52( ∀ x >= 0 )

Step-by-step explanation:

Let assume the hypotenuse(longest side of right triangle) be x

By Pythagoras theorem

[tex] \bf \large \longrightarrow \: {c}^{2} \: = \: {a}^{2} \: + \: {b}^{2} [/tex]

c = xa = 20b = 48

Applying Pythagoras theorem

[tex] \bf \large \implies \: {x}^{2} \: = \: {20}^{2} \: + \: {48}^{2} [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \implies \: {x}^{2} \: = \:400 \: + \: 2304[/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \implies \: {x}^{2} \: = \:2704[/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \implies \: \sqrt{x} \: = \: \sqrt{2704} [/tex]

[tex]\bf \large \implies \: \: x \: = \: 52[/tex]

Hence , the length of hypotenuse is 52.

Find the quotient of 90 over -10



= 9/-1

= -9

So, -9 is the quotient.

Hi! The answer is -9 because 90/-10 = -9
I hope this helps you, Goodluck! :)

If the white rod is 1/3, what color is the whole??




Step-by-step explanation:

it might be brown because it compelled

If x = 1, y = 7, and z = 15, determine a number that when added to x, y, and z yields
consecutive terms of a geometric sequence. What are the first three terms in the
geometric sequence?


You're looking for a number w such that the numbers

{1 + w, 7 + w, 15 + w}

form a geometric sequence, which in turn means there is a constant r for which

7 + w = r (1 + w)

15 + w = r (7 + w)

Solving for r, we get

r = (7 + w) / (1 + w) = (15 + w) / (7 + w)

Solve this for w :

(7 + w)² = (15 + w) (1 + w)

49 + 14w + w ² = 15 + 16w + w ²

2w = 34

w = 17

Then the three terms in the sequence are

{18, 24, 32}

and indeed we have 24/18 = 4/3 and 32/24 = 4/3.

Set up and evaluate the integral that gives the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by y=x^8 and y = 256 in the first quadrant about the y-axis.


Using the shell method, the volume integral would be

[tex]\displaystyle 2\pi \int_0^2 x(256-x^8)\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

That is, each shell has a radius of x (the distance from a given x in the interval [0, 2] to the axis of revolution, x = 0) and a height equal to the difference between the boundary curves y = x ⁸ and y = 256. Each shell contributes an infinitesimal volume of 2π (radius) (height) (thickness), so the total volume of the overall solid would be obtained by integrating over [0, 2].

The volume itself would be

[tex]\displaystyle 2\pi \int_0^2 x(256-x^8)\,\mathrm dx = 2\pi \left(128x^2-\frac1{10}x^{10}\right)\bigg|_{x=0}^{x=2} = \boxed{\frac{4096\pi}5}[/tex]

Using the disk method, the integral for volume would be

[tex]\displaystyle \pi \int_0^{256} \left(\sqrt[8]{y}\right)^2\,\mathrm dy = \pi \int_0^{256} \sqrt[4]{y}\,\mathrm dy[/tex]

where each disk would have a radius of x = ⁸√y (which comes from solving y = x ⁸ for x) and an infinitesimal height, such that each disk contributes an infinitesimal volume of π (radius)² (height). You would end up with the same volume, 4096π/5.

The volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by y=x^8 and y = 256 in the first quadrant about the y-axis is 4096π/5 cubic units.

What is integration?

It is defined as the mathematical calculation by which we can sum up all the smaller parts into a unit.

We have a function:

[tex]\rm y = x^8[/tex]   or

[tex]x = \sqrt[8]{y}[/tex]

And  y = 256

By using the vertical axis of rotation method to evaluate the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by the curves.

[tex]\rm V = \pi \int\limits^a_b {x^2} \, dy[/tex]

Here a = 256, b = 0, and [tex]x = \sqrt[8]{y}[/tex]

[tex]\rm V = \pi \int\limits^{256}_0 {(\sqrt[8]{y}^2) } \, dy[/tex]

After solving definite integration, we will get:

[tex]\rm V = \pi(\frac{4096}{5} )[/tex]  or

[tex]\rm V =\frac{4096}{5}\pi[/tex] cubic unit

Thus, the volume of the solid formed by revolving the region bounded by y=x^8 and y = 256 in the first quadrant about the y-axis is 4096π/5 cubic units.

Learn more about integration here:


Please helps fill in the charts
A and b
With order of pairs




Step-by-step explanation:

seeee the above picture

work out missing angle following polygons​



x = 150°

Step-by-step explanation:

Interior angle of a hexagon = 120° and interior angle of a square = 90°

so remaining angle, 360-120-90 = 150°

A bicycle with 24-inch diameter wheels is traveling at 12 mi/h.

What is the exact angular speed of the wheels in rad/min?
Number rad/min:

How many revolutions per minute do the wheels make?
The answer must be rounded to three decimal places by the way.


9514 1404 393


1056.000 radians per minute168.068 revolutions per minute

Step-by-step explanation:

The linear speed 12 mi/h translates to inches per minute as follows:

  (12 mi/h) × (5820 ft/mi) × (12 in/ft) ÷ (60 min/h) = 12,672 in/min

The relationship between arc length and angle is ...

  s = rθ

For a constant radius, the relationship between linear speed and angular speed is ...

  s' = rθ'

  θ' = s'/r = (12,672 in/min)/(12 in) = 1056 rad/min

There are 2π radians in one revolution, so this is ...

  (1056 rad/min) ÷ (2π rad/rev) = 168.068 rev/min

A whitetail deer can sprint at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. American bison can run at speeds up to 3,520 feet per minute. Which animal is faster and by how many miles per hour? There are 5,280 feet in one mile.



The Bison is faster by 10 miles per hour.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Bison runs at 3520 ft / min

= 3520/ 5280 miles / minute

= (3520/ 5280) * 60 miles per hour

= 40 miles per hour

please help me with this



d = 2

f = 4

To find:

Value of  [tex]\frac{14(7)-d}{2f}[/tex]


we need to substitute and then find the value,

[tex]= \frac{14(7)-2}{2(4)}\\ \\=\frac{98-2}{8} \\\\=\frac{96}{8}\\\\=12[/tex]

Therefore, the answer is option C) 12

Happy to help :)

If you need help, feel free to ask

Find the output, hhh, when the input, ttt, is 353535.
h = 50 - \dfrac{t}{5}h=50−

h, equals, 50, minus, start fraction, t, divided by, 5, end fraction


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Put the value where t is and do the arithmetic.

  h = 50 -t/5

  h = 50 -35/5 = 50 -7 = 43

The output, h, is 43 when the input is 35.



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is 43 on Khan :)

Which equation shows a slope of 3 and a y-intercept of (0,7)?
y = 7x + 3
y = −7x + 3
y = 3x
y = 3x + 7



[tex]{ \tt{y = 3x + 7}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

General equation of a line:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{y = mx + c}}}[/tex]

m is the slope, and c is the y-intercept:

m = 3, and c = 7

I need help completing this problem ASAP



D. [tex]3x\sqrt{2x}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The problem gives on the following equation:


Alongside the information that ([tex]x\geq0[/tex]).

One must bear in mind that the operation ([tex]\sqrt[/tex]) indicates that one has to find the number that when multiplied by itself will yield the number underneath the radical. The easiest way to find such a number is to factor the term underneath the radical. Rewrite the terms under the radical as the product of prime numbers,


Now remove the duplicate factors from underneath the radical,





Hello Pls help and thanks



c.) in the correct answer

factorise m^2 - 12 m + 24




Step-by-step explanation:

m^2 - 12m +36 -12

= (m-6)^2 - 12

= (m-6+2root3)(m-6-2root3)[root 12 = 2root3]

Angelica’s bouquet of a dozen roses contains 5 white roses. The rest of the roses are pink what fraction of the bouquet is pink? There are 12 roses in a dozen.

A. 5/12
B. 7/12
C. 5/7
D. 7/5




Step-by-step explanation:

There are 12 roses - 5 white = 7 pink

7 pink / 12 total

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