What drives an increasing number of people to follow digital influencers?


Answer 1
Mainly the way they think what their point of view is and how they plan on addressing it and mainly their beliefs. Hope this help

Related Questions

How can the law, the citizens, and community protect and support victims of xenophobia?​



The Bill prohibits discrimination on the grounds of gender, pregnancy, colour, birth, culture, race, sex, marital status, family responsibility or status, HIV/AIDS status, ethnic or social origin, sexual orientation, conscience, religion, disability, age, language, and belief.


Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two statements best describe the legislative process?
Most bills never become laws.
Most bills die because the president has used the pocket veto.
Ideas for bills can come from anyone.
The Supreme Court has no role in the legislative process.



C and D.


Legislative Process is the process of governmet through which ideas are changed into bills and once bills get passed, it is enacted into law. Article 1, Section 1, of the United States Constitution states the process of making laws.

Making of a law goes through various steps, beginning with idea generation. The ideas for bills can come from anyone be it regular citizen or advocacy groups. But only Members of Congress can present bills in the Congress.

The other option correct for legislative process is that the Supreme Court of the United States do not have any role to play in this process.

Therefore, options C and D are correct.

Construct a concept map on the difference between meiosis and mitosis using the given descriptions below.



The main difference between mitosis and meiosis is thag mitosis prosuces two daughter cells that are genetically identical to parent cells while meisos produce daughter cells that contain half of the gentic material of the parent cell


During meisis is where the single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetics. The sex cells/ gametes produce during the cell divison.

The mitosis and meiosis is that mitosis involves the  2 daughters and meiosis produces daughter cells that contain half of the genetic material.

What is a concept map?

A concept map is a display diagram or a graphical tool and represents the relationships between the concepts and ideas. Most of them show the areas of boxes and form in a hierarchical fashion and have connected line arrows.

During the process of meiosis, the single cell divides twice and makes four cells that have half original genetic matter.

Find out more intimation about the concept map


Who is the first prime minister in America​



George Washington


John Hancock

Hope this helped!

Jack's parents caught him returning home late from a date and grounded him for a month. Robert was also caught arriving home late from a date, but his parents told him that as long as he gets home on time on subsequent dates, they will give him a higher allowance (though they will remove this increase if they catch him coming home late again). Neither set of parents catches every time their teenager gets home late. Why would we expect Robert to be home on time more often than Jack on future dates


We would expect Robert to be home on time more than Jack because Robert is being bribed or it’s more worth it to get a higher allowance than be grounded. It might be a psychological technique.

write three effects of human right abuse​



We know that states that violate human rights are less prosperous, less stable, less able to meet the demands of their people and more likely to pose a threat to international peace and security.

what are three different aspects of environment ? define them briefly



An environmental aspect is an element of an organisation's activities, products, and services that can interact with the environment. These can include discharges to water, emissions to air, waste and use of natural resources and materials.


Please Mark me brainlist and like

A number of households in Florida were selected to participate in a trash recycling program. Residents were encouraged to separate newspaper and aluminum products for collection. It was found that a brochure that informed residents about the nature of the program increased the number of people who participated in the program by separating their trash that could be recycled.

Determine if this is an example of positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, negative punishment, classical conditioning, or none of the above.

A. Negative reinforcement
B. Classical conditioning
C. Positive reinforcement
D. Negative punishment
E. Positive punishment
F. None of these



C. Positive reinforcement   because it makes the world a better place and it cleans up the earth. Everyone comes together


estion 2 OT 10
What could a human living now and a horse living thousands of years ago
have in common?
A. They have the exact same DNA.
B. They need the same amount of energy to survive.
C. They both get their energy directly from the sun.
D. They are made of some of the same matter.


Hi! I think it’s either C or D. I’m sorry I’m not more specific but I do believe it is C or D. I hope this helped someway Goodluck!

Irinia's dog loves to go for walks, and she always puts a leash on him when they go out. The dog used to wag his tail as soon as they got outside, but now he wags his tail when Irinia picks up the leash. One day, Irinia is cleaning out her garage and pulls some old bungee cords out of a box. Her dog begins to jump around and wag his tail the same way he does when he thinks they are going for a walk. The dog has ___________________ the stimulus of the leash to the bungee cords.





The conditioned stimulus can be defined as a substitute stimulus that produces the same response in living beings. Conditioned Stimulus is a part of Classical Conditioning, in which classical response is attained when conditioned stimulus combines with an unconditioned stimulus.

In the given case, Irinia's picking up the leash has become a conditioned stimulus for her dog; indicating to go for a walk. So, when Irinia picked up a bungee cord, her dog responded because he is conditioned to respond to Irinia's picking up the cord.

Therefore, a conditioned stimulus is the correct answer.

what was George Washington trying to say about the american government in this proclamation



The United States should with sincerity and good faith adopt and pursue a conduct friendly and impartial toward the belligerent Powers.”


I looked it up.

can state laws override federal laws


no they cant federal law has the most power

c. The inner most part of the earth is called,​



It's the core


Youre welcome

Eighty-one-year-old Carmelita told her daughter that she believes that she will have to move out of her house because someone purchased it. What she forgets is that her neighbor expressed an interest in purchasing her house if Carmelita decides to move. Carmelita's confusion was brought on by: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. ecological validity. priming. source amnesia. terminal decline.



Source amnesia.


Source amnesia is when a person cannot recall or remember how, when, or where he had known about a certain event. In other words, a source amnesia is an event when a person is unable to recall how a certain memory was known.

In the given scenario, Carmelita's confusion in the issue of her house is a case of source amnesia. Her belief that her house has been bought by someone and that she needs to move out is brought by her inability to recall where she had previously known or remembered her neighbor's intention of purchasing it if she decides to move.

Thus, the correct answer is the third option.

Stella removes her shoes before entering her house. This is an example of


stella ,good behavior
If Stella removes her shoes before entering her house, it could be an example of multiple things. Some cultures appreciate shoes being removed before entering a home, while other people do so in order to keep their house as clean as possible.

Carlos seems intent on testing his parents' limit to the breaking point in his last year of high school. First he cracked up the car on a late-night joy ride to the beach, then he broke his wrist jumping off the roof, and then he got arrested for being rowdy at a political demonstration. What is likely creating such stormy behavior in Carlos's life?





According to the information in the question, what is causing such stormy behavior in Carlos' life is the sensation-seeking, which corresponds to a personality trait of an individual who is eager to live intense and challenging experiences, disregarding the inherent risks to such experiences and even considering it a motivating factor and encouraging an emotional and sensory experience for these individuals.

People with this type of personality trait are looking for excitement and challenging situations, such as activities that involve adventure, such as extreme sports and that involve high speed, but they can also trigger negative experiences, such as drug and alcohol use.

It is necessary to identify this personality trait and try to balance the sensation-seeking through sports and healthy experiences for your safety and that of other people.

1. Five year-old Jessie went to a fire station with her kindergarten class. When she got home, Jessie, who is in the preoperational stage of cognitive development, eagerly told the story of her adventure to her older brother.

A. Describe how each of the following influenced the story she told. Be sure to define and provide an appropriate example of EACH factor.

Observational Learning
Reconstructive memory
B. Her older brother, who is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development, was studying for an AP exam while his sister told the story. Describe how each of the following will influence how he later tells the story to his parents. Be sure to define and provide an appropriate example of EACH factor.

Proactive interference
Serial position effect



See the explanation below.


A. Describe how each of the following influenced the story she told. Be sure to define and provide an appropriate example of EACH factor.

Egocentrism: This can be described as the difficulty of perceiving things from someone else's perspective. Jessie would be able to narrate her experience exclusively from her own perspective and with her own opinions. For example, Jesse may have misjudged the size of the fire station due to her little stature.

Observational Learning: This occurs when you learn by looking at or observing a visual stimulus. Jessie based her account on what she saw or observed at the fire station. Therefore, she is expressing what she had seen, such as the fact that fire fighters wear protective gear.

Schema: This refers to a mental construct that helps you organize and analyze data. During her visit, Jessie devised a firefighter or fire station schema. She may believe that all firefighters must work in fire stations and wear the same uniform. This could be a part of her story.

Reconstructive memory: This can be described as a process of gathering information based on stored knowledge when there is no precise memory representation. If Jessie can't recall a specific portion of what happened during her field trip, she may piece together different aspects and reconstruct, or rebuild, her memory to add or remove details that weren't previously present.

Framing: This refers to the manner in which information is presented, which might influence decision-making. Firefighting is often portrayed as a heroic and dignified profession, prompting Jessie to declare that she, too, wants to be a firefighter when she grows up. If she received a positive presentation, she will acquire a positive attitude toward firemen.

B. Her older brother, who is in the formal operational stage of cognitive development, was studying for an AP exam while his sister told the story. Describe how each of the following will influence how he later tells the story to his parents. Be sure to define and provide an appropriate example of EACH factor.

Proactive interference: This is when you learn a list of facts and an earlier memorized section of the list gets in the way of remembering a later part of the list. Jesse’s older brother would try to explain the last part of his sister's narrative, but he keeps remembering the beginning, obstructing his ability to recall the ending.

The serial position effect: This can be described as the ability to recall the most easily the last and first items in a list. As he is preoccupied with his studies, Jesse’s older brother will most likely just recall the first and last details that his sister shared with him, and will accurately relate that piece with his parents.

While reading a scientific article, a class of fifth-grade students completed a series of Frayer models on unfamiliar vocabulary words they encountered. To complete a Frayer model, students write the vocabulary word in the center, and then fill the surrounding rectangles with the definition, pictures of examples and non-examples, and a sentence using the word. Each student completed a different number of Frayer models depending on how many new vocabulary words they learned from the article. This activity will improve students' vocabulary knowledge by:



Providing a series of mnemonic devices to increase student retention of new words.


The students are trying to learn new vocabulary but they are unable to retain the new words. The students are learning new words by writing its definition and examples. This will create a visual impact for every word and retention would be easy. The student vocabulary knowledge can be improved by providing mnemonic devices.

What lesson should we learn from our brave ancestors?Why are these lessons important for us?Expalin.​



we learn to be strong,to develop the mutual understandable behavior, always care for other


this lesson is important bcoz they help us to be strong,to develop understanding behavior etc

The forests of the terai regions are declining day by day.How should we control it?​



Deforestation and poisonous chemicals are two of Terai's most pressing environmental issues. In Chitwan, the vast majority of beekeeping in the highlands and more than half of those in the Terai encountered colony absconding problems.

Terai's woods have been removed. The land is cleared of trees and other associated vegetation in order to make it suitable for agriculture and farming.

what are the dangers of social insecurity​


Someone can steal your identity
If someone Gets a hold of it they can take over your whole life

What role does the Federal Reserve play? Check all that apply.

Regulate the banking industry
Loan money to banks
Give individual loans
Give corporate loans
Transfers any profits to the Treas



The correct answer is - Regulate the banking industry

Loan money to banks

Transfers any profits to the Treasury


The central banking system of the United States is known as the federal reserve established in 1913 by the federal reserve act. It has many roles as it was established after the financial crisis and panic.

The federal reserve regulates all the banking systems of the United States and controls various banks, work in the countary. It provides loans to such banks on interest and their requirement and transfers the profit to the treasury.

2. what
is the importance of energy ?
make a list​


1. energy helps us improve the quality of our life.

2. it supports economic competitiveness.

3. development of energy generates employment.


The importance of energy are as follows ÷

It helps to improve our life.it is essential in domestic use,official use, industrial operation etcit i sused in lighting a bulb or lamp.operate different gadgets and machine.

In which of the following regions of the country have all states enacted "right to work" laws that ban unions from requiring all workers to pay union dues?
1. the West Coast
2. the Northeast
3. the Midwest
4. the South



4. the South


There states with "right to work" laws in all regions of the country, except for the Northeast, but only in the South are all states so called "right to work states", meaning that all of the Southern states have enacted these types of laws.

According to the right to work laws, workers should not be obliged to pay union fees or to belong to an union. Advocates of these laws defend them on the basis of personal freedom, while opponents argue that these laws weaken unionization, and that promote the use of many union services by workers who do not pay fees (a phenomenon known as freeriding) since the government demand laws to represent all workers, regardless of whether they have paid a fee or not.

Que opinion te merece que los adolescentes son considerados como la parte de generacion bicentenaria


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

¿Qué opinión te merece que los adolescentes son considerados como la parte de generación bicentenaria?

La opinión que me merece esta idea es que los jóvenes tendrían que concientizarse de que ellos son los hombres y mujeres del mañana que serán responsables de dirigir el país.

La gran diferencia y lo que tendría que ser su gran aportación, es que los jóvenes deben estar conscientes de que ellos son la siguiente generación responsable de mejorar la situación en la que viven. Esto quiere decir, ellos serán los responsables de cambiar la mente retrógrada de los adultos, modificar los sistemas económicos para disminuir considerablemente la pobreza, los que deben modificar el sistema político para que en verdad los políticos se comprometan a trabajar y a no ser corruptos.

Y para que lo puedan lograr, los jóvenes deben prepararse como nunca antes lo habían hecho. Deben estar estudiando, preparándose y trabajando como nunca antes para poder llegar a dirigir al país como nadie lo ha hecho.

Sedimentary rocks are formed when ______________ sediments is deposited in environments like rivers and streams.



Fluvial environment


The complete sentence is - "Sedimentary rocks are formed when Clastic sediments are deposited in environments like rivers and streams."

What is Sedimentary Rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are the kind of the rock that is formed from pre-existing rocks or pieces of once-living organisms. They are caused by deposits collecting on the Earth's surface. Layering or bedding is widespread in sedimentary rocks.

Weathering loosens rock fragments, which are subsequently moved to a depression or valley where sand is deposited. When sediment is thoroughly buried, it becomes compressed and consolidated, resulting in rock layers.

Therefore, it can be concluded that Clastic sedimentary rocks can contain particles ranging from small clay to massive stones.

Learn more about sedimentary rocks here:



“ Stop and Frisk “ Common lit what is the answer ?


Stop and frisk is randomly stopping people in public that may or may not look suspicious and quickly patting them down incase of the possibility that they do have something illegal on their persons.

what the person above or under me said

explain why refraction occurs at the boundary between two media.
A microscope is focused on a mark on a table. When the mark is covered by a plate of glass
3.00 cm thick, the microscope has to be raised 1.1 cm for the mark to be once more in focus
Calculate the refractive index of the glass block.​


Answer:Why does refraction occur at the boundary between two media? Refraction occurs at the boundary of two media when light travels from one medium into the other and its speed changes but its frequency remains the same. This is because the light rays leaving the straw change direction when they hit the surface between the liquid and the air.


what are the characteristics of mixed economy system ​



A mixed economy has three of the following characteristics of a market economy. First, it protects private property. Second, it allows the free market and the laws of supply and demand to determine prices. Third, it is driven by the motivation of the self-interest of individuals.

The location NASA in the city of Houston has impacted the state by

A- Threatening the state's economy and providing a large number of jobs.

B- Providing a large number of jobs, but threatening the environment.

C- Adding to the state's economy and providing a large number of jobs.

D- Providing some new jobs, but little to the economy of the state. pls help ​


Answer: C- Adding to the state's economy and providing a large number of jobs.


The location of the National Space Agency(NASA) in Houston has been immensely beneficial to both the city and the state. It provided a lot of jobs working in NASA facilities and contracting with NASA on non-space related jobs as well.

With so many new jobs and so much investment into the state, people were pay more taxes to the state government and consume more. This has led to a growth in the state's economy as these are the factors that instigate growth.

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