What else should I add that is right ??)


Answer 1


it is right


they did only think that people and government should have a contract

Answer 2
Yup thats right i think good luck

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berikan cadangan anda untuk mengatasi masalah bumi kita yang semakin panas​



Pemanasan global atau pemanasan sejagat ialah peningkatan suhu atmosfera bumi secara berterusan akibat daripada kesan rumah hijau yang melibatkan pertambahan gas kaebon dioksida , klorofluorokarbon dan bahan pencemar yang lain, yang menyebabkan peningkatan suhu dunia. Suhu bumi telah meningkat dua darjah dan kadarnya berbeza mengikut benua dan kawasan tertentu. Kajian mendapati kawasan Artik lebih pantas menjadi panas berbanding kawasan lain. Perubahan iklim biasanya berlaku dalam tempoh 10,000 tahun tetapi kini perubahan iklim berubah dalam tempoh 100 tahun sahaja, jarak hanya 2 generasi sahaja.

Suhu bumi meningkat sejak tahun-tahun 90an. Kajian mendapati iklim panas melampau di Perancis, iklim lebih panas di rantau Siberia dan pencairan "permafrost" (lapisan tanah yang kekal beku di rantau paling sejuk) terutamanya di rantau Artik. Ahli sains meramalkan keseluruhan ais laut di Artik akan cair pada musim panas 2099. Litupan ais Greenland dan Antartika Barat akan mencair . Paras laut akan meningkat kira-kira 7 meter secara mendadak.

in english

Global warming or global warming is the continuous increase in the temperature of the earth's atmosphere as a result of the greenhouse effect which involves the increase of carbon dioxide gas, chlorofluorocarbons and other pollutants, which causes an increase in global temperature. The temperature of the earth has risen two degrees and the rate varies according to the particular continent and region. Studies have found that the Arctic region warms faster than other regions. Climate change usually happens within 10,000 years but now climate change changes within 100 years only, the distance is only 2 generations. The earth's temperature has been rising since the 90s. The study found extreme hot climates in France, warmer climates in the Siberian region and the thawing of “permafrost” (the layer of soil that remains frozen in the coldest region) especially in the Arctic region. Scientists predict the entire sea ice in the Arctic will melt in the summer of 2099. The ice cover of Greenland and West Antarctica will melt. Sea level will rise about 7 meters sharply.

Which one is right ??



The answer is Locke


Hope this helped

The answer is Locke I guess

In regards to the Hutu-Tutsi conflict in Rwanda, how are today's relations between the two ethnic groups?​




I can't even point these names out in a map smh

In v. State of Connecticut, the Supreme Court ruled that married couples do have the right to use birth control. This is an example of how the Amendment, introduced by James , clarifies that the federal government does not have power.



In 1965, the Supreme Court decided on a case involving a Connecticut statute that made using birth control illegal.


Birth control has also made it easier for people to enjoy healthier lives in general. The pill is used for a number of purposes. In reality, 58 percent of all women who take the pill do so for reasons other than preventing pregnancy, namely endometriosis, cramps, and even acne.


Attached In screenshot Put 9th amendment Instead of 10th


All of the following statements about dual federalism are TRUE except:
The US government practiced dual federalism from 1789 – 1860.
The 13th Amendment to the Constitution established dual federalism.
Under dual federalism, state governments dealt with issues directly affecting people.
Under dual federalism, the federal government was concerned mostly with foreign relations.



D. Under dual federalism, the federal government was concerned mostly with foreign relations.

Answer: The correct choice would be B.


Answered correct on quiz.

The United States formally entered World War II following the japnese attack on?



The answer is Pearl Harbor.


What should the Christian's stand be concerning military involvement? Is there ever a justification for war? Can a war ever be "just"? Write your answer in a paragraph of 125 words.


Answer: (I’m just giving my view as a Christian, I can’t write your paragraph because I don’t know your beliefs.) As a Christian, I believe war can 100% be justified. Take America’s involvement in WWII for example: we were trying to not be involved directly, but just sending support and aid in the form of munitions and supplies. We really only got involved because a German ship fired on an American ship full of civilians and aid supplies. We joined because we were attacked and innocent lives were lost. On the topic of WWII, I should probably cover the usage of atomic weapons on the Japanese. I am a firm believer of “the ends justify the means.” I also believe the ends (ending the war) justified the means (destroying 2 cities and killing countless civilians). If we hadn’t, the body count would have been even higher than the count of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

As a Christian, war and military involvement can fully be justified. For example, the US were reluctant in involving in the World War II and only sent support and aid in the form of munitions and supplies. But, later on they got involved because a German ship fired on an American ship full of civilians and aid supplies.

What is a War?

War is defined as a violent armed confrontation between states, governments, society, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is characterized by severe violence, damage, and mortality, and it employs either conventional or irregular military troops.

The United States entered the war after being assaulted and innocent people were killed. On the subject of WWII, I should probably discuss the use of atomic weapons against the Japanese. I am a great believer in the adage that "the ends justify the means." In addition, I believe that the purpose (ending the conflict) justified the means (destroying 2 cities and killing countless civilians). If we hadn't, the death toll would have been even higher than in Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

Therefore, there can always be a justification of war.

To learn more on war, click here:



Cómo esos derechos vulnerados que has identificado son ejercidos por las poblaciones originarias de los pueblos indígenas en el Perú?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, no nos especificas cuáles son los derechos vulnerados que has visto en clase. Sólo tú lo sabes, nosotros no.

Sin embargo, con la intención de ayudarte, podemos comentarte lo siguiente en base a nuestro propio conocimiento del tema.

Hoy en día, esos derechos que han sido vulnerados de diferente manera a lo largo del tiempo en el Perú, son ejercidos por las poblaciones originarias de los pueblos indígenas de la siguiente manera.

Estas poblaciones indígenas han ido exigiendo su derecho a participar políticamente en aquellos asuntos que les confiere, porque saben que es su derecho y obligación. Ya no permanecen tan ajenos como sucedía antes.

Saben que si su participación es activa, las poblaciones indígenas irán ganando mayores espacios políticos en el Perú, así como pueden ejercer presión para que se legisle en materia de derechos y oportunidades para ellos, con objeto de que no se vean tan desplazados de la sociedad.

Su participación política le abre un campo de oportunidades para que se incluyan sus necesidades en los planes de desarrollo anuales para resolver conflictos que asechan a sus comunidades.

Ya existen avances notorios como el hecho de no permitir la esclavitud de los indígenas o el sometimiento a trabajos forzados o excesivos. También ya se ha respaldado la producción de artículos elaborados por los indígenas y se ha respetado la conservación de sus áreas naturales como parte de la protección al medio ambiente.

Regarding the penitentiary established in 1816 at Auburn, New York, all the following statements are true EXCEPT: Group of answer choices it was an institution that primarily emphasized punishment its system and methods were widely copied across the nation prisoners performed labor and produced goods that could be sold for a profit prisoners were not allowed to talk to one another discipline was severe



A). it was an institution that primarily emphasized punishment.


As per the question, all the given statements assert true claims regarding 1816 established penitentiary in New York's Auburn except that 'it was an establishment that laid emphasis on punishment.' This prison served to be an example of a disciplined and excellently administered prison that its methods, as well as, techniques of silence and objective punishments(through alienating them), were followed by the other prisons located across the United States. The convicts were isolated and used productively for producing goods that they could sell for profits. Thus, option A is the correct answer.

in geographical terms what do you call plants and animals



Flora and Fauna, respectively


Flora is the collection of all plants that are located in a specific geographic area, while Fauna is the same but with animals.

Flora and Fauna together are the bedrock of geographical ecosystems, and are also very important for human geography because humans use a number of plants and animals for several purposes, which implies that the flora and fauna of a place determine to a large extent the economy and culture of a human population that lives in a specific geographical area.

How did technological advances on that time make sailors more capable to explore distant lands?



to explore distant lands 24223929


Project help! BRAINLY!

how were African Americans lives in the 19th century compared to now ? what changed and what remained the same



Whit people still had power


Which factor helped lead to the urbanization in the United States that began
in the early 1900s?
A. The avoidance of wars
B. The search for freedom
C. The spread of education
D. The growth of industries


Answer: D hopefully this helps :D

What was the Protestant Reformation ?



The Protestant Reformation, a religious movement that began in the sixteenth century, brought an end to the ecclesiastical unity of medieval Christianity in western Europe and profoundly reshaped the course of modern history. Sometimes called the Protestant revolution, the Reformation appealed to the founders of the United States, and some of its concepts of individualism and free expression of religion are incorporated into the First Amendment.


im pretty sure this is the correct answer

which group settled mostly on crete?



I believe



Which of the following is accurate about the Arms Race A. The Soviets spent about 50% of the gross national product on it's military near the end of the Cold War B. The United States developed the first nuclear weapons through the Manhattan Project during World War 2 C. The Soviet Union successfully tested their own atomic bomb when they dropped it on Hiroshima , Japan D. Only the Soviet Union successfully created a hydrogen bomb that was more powerful than the atomic bomb​



An arms race occurs when two or more countries increase the size and quality of military resources to gain military and political superiority over one another. The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union is perhaps the largest and most expensive arms race in history; however, others have occurred, often with dire consequences. Whether an arms race increases or decreases the risk of war remains debatable: some analysts agree with Sir Edward Grey, Britain's foreign secretary at the start of World War I, who stated "The moral is obvious; it is that great armaments lead inevitably to war."


With the Industrial Revolution came new weaponry, including vastly improved warships. In the late nineteenth century, France and Russia built powerful armies and challenged the spread of British colonialism. In response, Britain shored up its Royal Navy to control the seas.

Britain managed to work out its arms race with France and Russia with two separate treaties. But Germany had also drastically increased its military budget and might and built a large navy to contest Britain’s naval dominance in hopes of becoming a world power.

In turn, Britain further expanded the Royal Navy and built more advanced and powerful battlecruisers, including the 1906 HMS Dreadnought, a technically advanced type of warship that set the standard for naval architecture.

Not to be outdone, Germany produced its own fleet of dreadnought class warships, and the standoff continued with both sides fearing a naval attack from the other and building bigger and better ships.

Germany couldn’t keep up, however, and Britain won the so-called Anglo-German Arms Race. The conflict didn’t cause World War I, but it did help to increase distrust and tensions between Germany, Britain and other European powers.

When tension or disputes were at a high, which famous American politician and inventor was known to crack jokes or negotiate compromise



Benjamin Franklin


Benjamin Franklin was an American scientist, author, diplomat, writer, statesman, political philosopher, printer and publisher. He was born on the 17th of January, 1706 in Milk Street, Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America and died on the 17th of April, 1790 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America.

In the United States of America, when tension or disputes were at a high, Benjamin Franklin was the famous American politician and inventor who was known to crack jokes or negotiate compromise.

Additionally, Benjamin Franklin in 1775 founded and opened the first ever post office in the United States of America, it was known as United States Postal Service. Also, Benjamin founded the Library Company of Philadelphia by conceiving the great idea of a subscription-based library in America.

Psychoanalysis was a method of treating patients with mental illnesses, created by _____. He believed that human behavior was _____ and that _____ help us to understand our unconscious thoughts.


sigmund freud, irrational and dreams

Can you help me ring the right answer please please send the answer


Emotionally Impactful

In the excerpt we can use the context surrounding it to find that it is emotional. We can see because of the words surrounding it, the word ‘grave’ meaning serious and solemn, and also beautiful things. We can then assume that moving is referring to something emotional as both of the context word are about emotional things.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
Emotionally impactful

Have a awsome day

Which best describes how Erasmus sought to reform the Catholic Church?

He wanted to form a new branch of Christianity.
He hoped the Church would reform from within.
He wanted the Church to suppress Luther’s ideas.
He wanted Catholics to join Luther’s new faith.


The answer for this would be b

Thomas Jefferson borrowed from the Social Contract, written by Jean-Jacques
Rousseau, a treatise proposing that ___ are part of the responsibilities of all
human beings.

a.) enduring
b.) civil duty
c.) cede
d.) revenue


Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb bbbbbbbbbbbb

Describe What You See in the Placard



Although the picture isnt all that clear and your question is in the category of history, I am going to say i see war.


Which action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened?



The use of old technologies and avoid improvement in the technology.


The use of old technologies and avoid improvement in the technology are the action contributed to the Southern belief that their economy was threatened. The smaller industrial base, fewer rail lines, and an agricultural economy based upon slave labor are the factors that is responsible for the weak economic condition of the Southern states as compared to north which had big industries and advance machinery for agriculture that make their economy strong.

The event that contributed to developing the Southern belief that their economy was in a danger would be:

D). The approval of protective tariffs on manufactured goods.

The acceptance of precautionary and preventive tariffs on the produced goods was the event that gave a hint to develop the belief among the Southerners regarding the danger their economy was facing. The tariffs imposed on these goods led to a significant hike in the prices of the goods and now they were compelled to pay extra for any kind of imports especially the ones from Europe. This was not only unjust and inessential. Thus, the Southerners came to know about the potential threat to their economy and they started to oppose it.

Hence, option D is the correct answer.

Learn more: Southern Belief


Bacon’s Rebellion began when Nathaniel Bacon led a militia against

wealthy plantation owners.

American Indian groups along the frontier.

landless, former indentured servants.






American Indian groups along the frontier

the second option


the question below it is

indentured servants

What did the Supreme Court rule in maryland



I think the answer is D


In McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had implied powers under the Necessary and Proper Clause of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to create the Second Bank of the United States and that the state of Maryland lacked the power to tax the Bank

How did the European Union respond to the 2009 economic crisis?

refused to admit new members to the union

mandated that member nations adopt the euro as their currency

re-imposed trade restriction on the hardest hit nations

provided loans to countries that could not pay their debts


1. They helped by providing loans to countries who needed it.

Determine whether the following conditions existed in pre-revolutionary or post-revolutionary France.
the government was a
constitutional monarchy
the clergy and
nobles enjoyed
special privileges
a system of absolute
monarchy existe



I'm pretty sure this is pre-revolutionary France


What did Sugon's empire have in common with other Mesopotamian cyste?
It extended over a greater territory than anyone had ever congwered before
b. It fought with surrounding city-states
It covered an area from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf
d. It has a professional army
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


B i just did that and i got it wright

Why did Andrew Johnson refuse to grant additional rights to African Americans?
A. He once owned part of a large slave trading company.
B. He believed in more gradual reform for black political rights.
C. He believed Reconstruction measures were not constitutional.
D. He wanted to sustain the tax revenue generated by large plantations.




where did many people who immigrated to the United States during the Gilded Age moved to


Explanation: ..............................................

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