What happens to the molecules of water when it moves from a liquid to a gas?
A. Water molecules condense and move slower.
B. Water molecules spread out and move slower.
C. Water molecules spread out and move faster.
D. Water molecules condense and move faster.


Answer 1

its A or D but im not sure which one ik it moves fast

Answer 2
It’s D because the water molecules are turning into a gas wich makes them go faster

Related Questions

Which of the following is correct? *
1 cm = 100 m
1 mm = 100 cm
100 mm = 1 cm
1 m = 100 cm



The last one

1m = 100 cm


If you do not trust me look it up

An observer sitting on shore sees a canoe traveling 5.0 m/s east, and a sailboat traveling 15.0 m/s west. What is the velocity of the sailboat as observed on the canoe (relative to the canoe)?



Vs/c = 20 [m/s]


This is a problem of relative velocities, as velocity is a vector we can use addition or subtraction of vectors for the solution.

We are asked for the velocity of the sailboat with respect to an observer located in the canoe.


Why is the speed of the canoe negative?, it is negative because the canoe moves in the opposite direction to the sailboat.

When you look at yourself in a convex mirror, you appear to be ¼ your actual size. If you are standing 1.0 m in front of the mirror, what is the mirror’s focal length and radius of curvature. (Be sure to first sketch the situation).



The focal length is   [tex]f = -0.2 \ m[/tex]

The radius of curvature is [tex]R = -0.4 \ m[/tex]


From the question we are told that

       The magnification of the mirror is  [tex]m = \frac{1}{2}[/tex]

       The distance of the person from the mirror(the object distance ) is  [tex]u = - 1.0 \ m[/tex]

        The negative sign shows that it is been placed in front of the mirror


Generally the magnification of the mirror is mathematically represented as

       [tex]m = \frac{v}{u}[/tex]

=>   [tex]\frac{1}{4} = \frac{v}{-u}[/tex]

=>   [tex]v = \frac{- 1}{4}[/tex]

Generally from the lens equation we have that

        [tex]\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{u} + \frac{1}{v}[/tex]

=>     [tex]\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{-1 } + \frac{1}{-\frac{1}{4} }[/tex]

=>     [tex]f = -0.2 \ m[/tex]

Generally the radius of curvature is  mathematically represented as

         [tex]R = 2 * f[/tex]

=>      [tex]R = 2 * - 0.2[/tex]

=>      [tex]R = -0.4 \ m[/tex]

Drag each label to the correct location on the chart.
Sort the items based on whether they are simple machines or compound machines.



whatttttttttttttttttttttttttttt are the items we have to classify into simple machines and compound machine

A 96 kg man lying on a surface of negligible friction shoves a 75 g stone away from himself, giving it a speed of 7.2 m/s. What speed does the man acquire as a result?





Using the law of conservation of momentum expressed as;

m1u1 + m2u2 = (m1+m2)v

m1 and m2 are the mass of the man and the stone respectively

u1 and u2 are their respective initial velocities

v is their final common velocity


m1 = 96kg

m2 = 75g = 0.075kg

u1 = ?

u2 = 0m/s (initial speed of the stone)

v = 7.2m/s

Substitute into the firmula and get u1

96u1 + 0.075(0) = (96 + 0.075)(7.2)

96u1 = 96.075(7.2)

u1 = 691.74/96

u1 = 7.21m/s

Hence the man acquired a speed of 7.21m/s

A dog can provide sufficient power to pull a sled with a 60 N force at a steady 2.0 m/s. Suppose the dog is hitched to a different sled that requires 120 N to move at a constant speed. How fast can the dog pull this second sled?



v = 1.0 m/s


Applying the definition of power (rate of change of energy with respect to time), and the definition of average speed, we can say that the power is the product of the net force applied, times the speed achieved by the force on the mass of the object, as follows:P = F* vIn this case, this power can be written as follows:P = 60 N * 2.0 m/s = 120 J/s = 120 WIf the power remains constant, but now it is required a force of 120 N to move the sled at a constant speed, it is clear that the maximum speed possible will be 1.0 m/s, due to 120 N* 1.0 m/s = 120 W, which is the maximum power available.





Thx for points merry Christmas answer 2




true or false The most extreme tides occur during a new
moon and full moon.





calculate the net force

250N left force and right force is 150N​



100N on the left force


You have to subtract 250 - 100 and the reamaining would be 100 and that 100 would go to the left force since it was the higher number

Which of the following is the cause of an acceleration?



[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] The rate of change of velocity per unit time is called acceleration.

[tex]\longrightarrow[/tex] Its SI unit is m/s².

[tex]\huge\boxed{\fcolorbox{blue}{red}{Thank you}} [/tex]

we have that from the Question"Which of the following is the cause of an acceleration?" it can be said that  

Acceleration cause bodies to move at an increasing rate after which a velocity or speed is maintained Force is a main cause of Acceleration andacceleration is seen at a change in velocity

From the Question we are told

Which of the following is the cause of an acceleration?

Generally the equation for acceleration is mathematically given as



Acceleration cause bodies to move at an increasing rate after with a velocity or speed is maintained Force is a main cause of Acceleration andacceleration is seen at a change in velocity

So in the selection of the option consider these points of acceleration

Acceleration cause bodies to move at an increasing rate after which a velocity or speed is maintained Force is a main cause of Acceleration andacceleration is seen at a change in velocity

For more information on this visit


When an element ejects an alpha particle, the mass number of that element

A.reduce by 4.

B.remains unchanged.

C.increase by 1.

D. reduce by 1.



A.reduce by 4.


In Chemistry, an alpha particle which is typically a helium nucleus has an atomic mass (number of nucleons) of four (4). Therefore, the ejection of an alpha particle by any chemical element simply means that, the mass number of that particular chemical element would be reduced by four (4).

Basically, this process is referred to as an alpha decay and can be defined as a radioactive disintegration of a chemical element that causes it to emit an alpha particle and as a result reducing its mass number by four (4).

Hence, when an element ejects an alpha particle, the mass number of that element reduces by 4.

why is lighting visible before thunder is heard


Answer: Lightning is mostly light and electricity, this light that is hitting is going at a rate of 299,792.458 km per second (or 186,282 miles per second) this is so much compared to sound which only travels at about 761 mph (or approximately 332 meters per second). Fun fact: The lightening you are seeing is that coming back to the cloud because the process happens so fast.



Light is faster than sound.


32. Which type of electromagnetic wave is used for nuclear power and medical treatment?

A. UV wave

B.Radio wave

C.Visible light wave

D. Gamma ray

Which of the following is a way that microwaves and x-rays are similar?

A. They both have technological uses.

B. They are both high energy waves,

C. They are both safe to be exposed to at high doses

D. They are both used to transmit information.​



Answers at the bottom!!


For the first answer: Gamma ray

Gamma rays and x-rays consist of high-energy waves that can travel great distances at the speed of light and generally have a great ability to penetrate other materials. For that reason, gamma rays (such as from cobalt-60) are often used in medical applications to treat cancer and sterilize medical instruments.

For the second answer: They both have technological uses.

In my opinion I'm pretty sure it's A because we do use microwaves and x-rays as technological uses.

Hope this helps!!

Happy Holidays and Season Greeting!!

ii Feliz Navidad a todos !!

Gamma rays and x-rays consist of high-energy waves that can travel great distances at the speed of light and generally have a great ability to penetrate other materials. For that reason, gamma rays (such as from cobalt-60) are often used in medical applications to treat cancer and sterilize medical instruments.

What are gamma rays ?

"A gamma ray (g) is a packet of electromagnetic energy (photon) emitted by the nucleus of some radionuclides following radioactive decay." Gamma photons are the most energetic photons in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What are x-rays ?

"An X-ray, or, much less commonly, X-radiation, is a penetrating form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation." Most X-rays have a wavelength ranging from 10 picometers to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz and energies in the range 145 eV to 124 keV.

Know more about gamma rays here


# SPJ2

They both have technological uses.

Microwaves and x-rays have in common is all electromagnetic waves, electric and magnetic fields that oscillate together, perpendicular to each other.

What is technological usage?

"The application of practical sciences to industry or commerce." The methods, theory, and practices governing such application. a highly developed technology.  The total knowledge and skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc.

What are technological uses of microwave and x-ray ?

Microwaves are used in spacecraft communication, and much of the world's data, TV, and telephone communications are transmitted long distances by microwaves between ground stations and communications satellites. Microwaves are also employed in microwave ovens and in radar technology.

They are used on such products as aircraft and rocket parts and structures, canned and packaged foods, electronics, semiconductors and microchips, thermal insulations, and automobile tires. Material processing technologies use X-ray systems to automatically control the density or thickness of layers of substances.

Know more about microwaves and x-rays here https://brainly.com/question/15708046


A 5.0-g object carries a net charge of 3.8 micro-Coulomb. It acquires a speed v when accelerated from rest through a potential difference V. A 2.0-g object acquires twice the speed under the same circumstances. What is its charge?



The value is  [tex]q_2 = 6.1 *10^{-6} \ C[/tex]


From the question we are told that

     The mass of the object is  [tex]m_1 = 5.0 \ g = 0.005 \ kg[/tex]

     The net charge is  [tex]q = 3.8 \mu C= 3.8 *10^{-6} \ C[/tex]

     The mass of the second object is   [tex]m_1 = 2.0 \ g = 0.002 \ kg[/tex]

Generally for the first object the potential energy gained at the end of its acceleration is equal to its  kinetic energy


            [tex]\frac{ 1}{ 2} * m_1 * v^2_1 = q_1 * \Delta V \ \ --- (1)[/tex]

Here [tex]v_1[/tex] is the velocity of the first object

        [tex]\Delta V[/tex] is the potential difference through which it is accelerated  

Generally for the second object the potential energy gained at the end of its acceleration is equal to its  kinetic energy


            [tex]\frac{ 1}{ 2} * m_2 * v^2_2 = q_2 * \Delta V[/tex]

Here [tex]v_2[/tex] is the velocity of the second object and from the question it is

        [tex]v_2 = 2 v_1[/tex]

        [tex]\Delta V[/tex] is the potential difference through which it is accelerated        


          [tex]\frac{ 1}{ 2} * m_2 * (2v)^2_1 = q_2 * \Delta V[/tex]

=>        [tex]m_2 * 2v^2_1 = q_2 * \Delta V \ \ ---(2)[/tex]

Generally dividing equation 2 by equation 1

            [tex]\frac{2m_2 v^2_1 }{ \frac{1}{2} * m_1 * v_1^2} = \frac{q_2 \Delta V }{ q_1 * \Delta V}[/tex]

=>         [tex]q_2 = \frac{4m_2 * q_1 }{m_1}[/tex]

=>         [tex]q_2 = \frac{4* 0.002 * 3.8 *10^{-6} }{0.005}[/tex]

=>         [tex]q_2 = 6.1 *10^{-6} \ C[/tex]

=>         [tex]q_2 = 6.1 *10^{-6} \ C[/tex]


If you take a trip from Earth (g = -9.8 m/s2) to Pluto (g = -0.6 m/s2) what would happen to your mass and weight?
A. your mass would stay the same and your weight would stay the same
B. your mass would decrease and your weight would decrease
C. your mass would decrease and your weight would stay the same
D. your mass would stay the same and your weight would decrease


The D is the correct answer your mass does not change your weight decrease s

What is the relationship between kinetic and potential energy of a falling object



See the explanation below.


According to the law of energy conservation. This can be transformed from potential energy to kinetic or vice versa.

For example, when you have a body at rest at a height with respect to the ground level, this body possesses potential energy with respect to the ground, but the moment that the body falls the potential energy decreases as it loses height with respect to the ground, but as the potential energy decreases, the kinetic energy increases, that is to say, the potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the body is falling.

As the energy relationship is maintained we can say that the potential and kinetic energies are equal.

[tex]E_{pot}=m*g*h\\E_{kin}=\frac{1}{2} *m*v^{2} \\E_{pot}=E_{kin}[/tex]

Match the scienntist with their accomplishment / discoveries



newton - motion, gravity

kepler - orbital paths

brahe - the sun goes around the earth


im not sure about brahe but its the only one that makes sense

Help me please..

Suppose a car is moving in a straight line and steadily increases its
speed. It goes from 0 miles/hour to 15 miles/hour the first second and 15
miles/hour to 30 miles/hour the next second. What is the acceleration?

A)10 miles/hour/second

B) 15 miles/hour/second

C) 20 miles/hour/second

D)30 miles/hour/second


it’s B, 15 miles per hour

what would the net force be on the box in the problems shown below.( both force and direction).​





The net force on the box a will be 20 N to the left and that on box b is 6 N downwards. The net force on box  c is 90 N to the left and that on box d is zero.

What is net force?

Force is an external agent acting on a body to change its motion or to deform it. The net force acting on a body depends on all the the forces with their magnitudes and directions.

If two same or different forces acts from the same direction they will add up and net force will be their sum. If they acts from the different directions, they will cancel each other in magnitudes.

In box a, the equal forces of 20 N opposes from each direction cancel and the net force will be 20 N to the left. I box b the 15 N cancel each other. Where the 4N and 2 N add up to have net force of 6 N downwards.

In box c, 10 N from opposite direction cancels and the 60 N and 30 N to the left add ups to have the net force of 90 N to the left. On box d, 5 N from opposite directions cancels as 12 N. Hence, net force is zero.

Find more on net force:



The speed of revolution of particle going around a circlr is doubled and its angular speed is havled. What happen to the centripetal acceleration?
a) unchanged
b) doubles
c) halves
d) becomes four times​


Answer: The correct answer is C


What is the flash of light commonly associated with thunderstorms called?
a. Downdrafts
b. Updrafts
c. Return stroke
d. Thunder
e. Step-leader





Return stroke

A return stroke is termed to be the most visible part of a lightning, which in itself is accompanied by a thunderstorm. Lightning causes thunder, which like I said, is a sound from the shock wave that develops like gases in the areas of the discharge. While experiencing a sudden increase in its pressure. Lightning occurs naturally and is electrically charged.

what two charactoristic are needed to describe a force



An applied force, A resistive force


An applied force is an interaction of one object on another that causes the second object to change its velocity.

A resistive force passively resists motion and works in a direction opposite to that motion.

which property of an object is not changed by a force​


Cannot changed by force hope this help

A car starts from point A, goes 100 km to point B, immediately turns around, and returns to point A. The round trip takes 4 hours.
What is the average speed of the car?



50 km/h


200 km = 4 hours



Putting the selected answers in parenthesis

A cation has a (Negative, Positive, Neutral) charge, because they have (Lost, Maintained, Gained) electrons. An anion has a (Negative, Positive, Neutral) charge, because they have (Lost, Maintained, Gained) electrons. An atom with the same number and protons and neutrons have a (Negative, Positive, Neutral) charge.





A 10.0kg object is moving at 1 m/s when a force is applied in the direction of the objects motion, causing it to speed up to 4 m/s. If the force was applied for 5s what is the magnitude of the force



F = 6[N].


To solve this problem we must use the principle of conservation of linear momentum, which tells us that momentum is conserved before and after applying a force to a body. We must remember that the impulse can be calculated by means of the following equation.



P = impulse or lineal momentum [kg*m/s]

m = mass = 10 [kg]

v = velocity [m/s]

F = force [N]

t = time = 5 [s]

Now we must be clear that the final linear momentum must be equal to the original linear momentum plus the applied momentum. In this way we can deduce the following equation.



m₁ = mass of the object = 10 [kg]

v₁ = velocity of the object before the impulse = 1 [m/s]

v₂ = velocity of the object after the impulse = 4 [m/s]


it is easier to climb up a slanted slope than a vertical slope



Yes, it is easier to climb a slanted slope than a vertical or more steep slope.


On a vertical slope, you are climbing higher instead of farther so on each step gravity weighs you down much more than on a gentle slope

Yes it is easier to clime a gentle slope than a vertical or more steep slope. This is because gravity is always pulling objects down so when you climb upward gravity weighs you down, you have to use effort to move yourself in the opposite direction that gravity is pulling you that is why it is harder to climb up a slope. When you climb a gentle slope you still are using energy but it takes longer to reach the same height on a gentle slope versus a vertical slope. On a vertical slope you are climbing higher instead of farther so on each step gravity weighs you down much more than on a gentle slope. When climbing a gentle slope you don't rise as rapidly so gravity doesn't take as much of a toll on you and you have a chance to recover.

a hiker walks westward 2 meters and then eastward 7 meters. for this motion the distance moved is?​



d = 9 [m]


This is a problem where we must be clear about the concept of distance, which tells us that it is a measure of the space traveled on a trajectory.


d = 2 + 7

d = 9 [m]

The directions are not taken into account, as it is the sum of the displacements traveled, regardless of their directions.


1. When is the kinetic energy of an electron transformed into potential energy?

when it interacts with other electrons, decreasing its speed

when it interacts with neutrons without changing its speed

when it interacts with neutrons , increasing its speed

when it interacts with other electrons without changing its speed

2. Atoms bond to form molecules. Which structures or regions of the atoms interact in bonds ?

electric fields of particles with positive charge

electric fields of particles with no charge

electric fields of particles with negative charge

electric fields of particles with opposite charges

3. If two electrons that are apart get pushed toward each other, how does the repulsion between them change?

Initial repulsion is low and decreases as they approach .

Initial repulsion is high and decreases as they approach .

Initial repulsion is high and increases as they approach .

Initial repulsion is low and increases as they approach .

4. A positive charge of 5.0x10 ^ -5 C °is 0.040 m from a second positive charge of 2.0x10 ^ -6 C Calculate the force between the charges.

5.6x10^2 N

5.6x10^2 N

1.4X10^-2 N

2.3X10^1 N


(a) When the kinetic energy of an electron is transformed into potential energy is when it interacts with other electrons, decreasing its speed.

(b)  The region of atoms that interact in bonds is electric fields of particles with negative charge.

(c) Initial repulsion is low and increases as they approach.

(d) The force between the charges is 562.5 N.

Kinetic theory of matter

This theory states that, the collision of particles (electrons) of matter is perfectly elastic. This implies that as the particles (electrons) collides with one another, kinetic energy is transferred from one electron to another.


Change in kinetic energy is equal to change in potential energy of the electrons.

Thus, when the kinetic energy of an electron is transformed into potential energy is when it interacts with other electrons, decreasing its speed. Decrease in speed implies decrease in kinetic energy and increase in potential energy.

Chemical bonds of molecules

Chemical bond is formed from the transfer or sharing of electrons between atoms. (electrons between atoms implies negative charge to negative charge)

Thus, the region of atoms that interact in bonds is electric fields of particles with negative charge.

Coulomb's law

This law states that the force of attraction or repulsion between two charges is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the distance between the charges.

[tex]F = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2}[/tex]

When the distance between the electrons are large, the repulsive force is low and the distance is small, the repulsive force is high.

Force between the charges

The force between the charges is determined by applying Coulomb's law,

[tex]F = \frac{kq_1q_2}{r^2} \\\\F = \frac{9\times 10^9\times (5 \times 10^{-5}) \times (2\times 10^{-6})}{0.04^2} \\\\F = 562.5 \ N[/tex]

Learn more about Coulomb's law here: https://brainly.com/question/24743340

I need help ASAP!

1. Two wave pulses move towards each other as shown below. The pulses have the same width and amplitudes.

What is the resulting wave pattern when the centers of the two pulses meet?





The resulting wave pattern when the centers of the two pulses meet is undergo constructive interference.

When two waves meet?

Waves are pulses of energy that propagate through space periodically. When two waves overlap in the same region of space, interference occurs, which results in another wave with different intensity. These variations in the intensity of the resulting wave are called interference fringes.

The two pulses propagate with the same phase and in opposite directions, when they meet, they suffer constructive interference, which will cause the sum of the amplitudes. After interference, each wave goes its way as if nothing happened.

See more about waves at brainly.com/question/3639648

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