what is a business plan​


Answer 1


A business plan is a written document that describes in detail how a business usually a startup may defines its objectives and how it is to go about achieving its goals.

Answer 2


According to Wikipedia, A business plan is a formal written document containing the goals of a business, the methods for attaining those goals, and the time-frame for the achievement of the goals.

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Which of the following is a direct financial interest? An interest where the individual is not the record owner but has a right to some or all of the underlying benefits of ownership


Answer: One owned directly by the covered member (even if managed by others.


A direct financial interest refers to the financial interest which is owned directly by an individual, under the control of an individual or beneficially owned through the investment vehicle.

A direct financial interest is one that is owned directly by the covered member (even if managed by others). Direct financial interest simply implies the ownership or the part ownership of a business, and this includes stocks, bonds, lands etc.

The actions that top executives should take to lead the strategy execution process include Multiple select question. rewarding employees for performing their assigned duties. knowing what's going on at all levels of the organization. helping employees execute strategy successfully. making sure results are strategy-oriented.



helping employees execute strategy successfully.

knowing what's going on at all levels of the organization.

making sure results are strategy-oriented.


The actions where the top executives result in the strategy execution process  involves the employees for helping to execute the strategy in a successful manner. Also we are aware what things are going on at all levels i.e. top, middle and bottom. In addition to this, the results that comes should be strategy-orinted

Therefore the above 3 statements should be considered

On average, a person with a bachelor's degree earns
than a person
with an associate degree and
than a person with a master's



More than a person with an associate degree and less than a person with a masters degree.


Feel Good Inc. is a multinational sports goods manufacturer that uses a different strategy in each of its subsidiaries and operations. Moreover, all decision-making is decentralized, which leaves the company open to the threat of opportunistic behavior. Since the expatriate managers do not rely on headquarters expertise, there is also an asymmetry in the transfer of information and specialized knowledge. In the context of the four international strategies proposed by Bartlett and Ghoshal, Feel Good Inc. uses a(n) _____.



multidomestic strategy.


It is correct to state that in the context of the four international strategies proposed by Bartlett and Ghoshal, Feel Good Inc. uses a multi-domestic strategy, which occurs when a company uses several different marketing strategies according to the location where it operates.

Feel Good Inc uses a multi-domestic strategy because the statement tells us that the company uses a different strategy in each of its subsidiaries and operations, and that decision-making is decentralized.

This strategy can be advantageous for adapting the marketing campaign to the needs and desires of a specific target audience in a place. To be effective, market research, population study and market segmentation must be carried out.

Your friend Reggie needs to write a resume and asked for your help. In at least 150 words, create a guide for Reggie. What are the essential parts of the resume? What will he need to include? What will he need to avoid? Include information about how he should organize.





Contact Number


Work Experience

Extra Curricular Activities

School Graduated




Simple steps in making a Resume

A business decides to produce less of an item. Which of the following occurs?

The business is attempting to indirectly influence supply.

The business is directly influencing demand.

The business is attempting to indirectly influence demand.

The business is directly influencing supply.





Stabilisation is an important factor of



to prerequisite of economic growth...........

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

Etica, creatividad, compromiso, excelencia, integridad, credibilidad, pueden ser ejemplos de visiones.
Es VERDADERO O FALSO? . Si es Falso lo justificas.


Answer:si English?


22. Which of the following does not demonstrate evidence regarding the ability to consummate a refinancing of short-term debt? A) Management indicated that they are going to refinance the obligation. B) Actually refinance the obligation. C) Have capacity under existing financing agreements that can be used to refinance the obligation. D) Enter into a financing agreement that clearly permits the entity to refinance the obligation.



A) Management indicated that they are going to refinance the obligation.


The short-term financing is made immediately as it is required to cover the short-term obligations of the entity in a very short time.  

The Manage does not indicate the refinancing of the obligation from short-term debt because they have less time to fulfill the obligation. The indiction can be made in long-term debt financing.

All of the other options indicate that the refinancing can be made from the short-term debt.

Al hires Bob to move his furniture to his new house. On the day of the move, Bob does not feel like moving furniture, so he asks his friend Chuck to move the furniture. Chuck decides to leave before completing the move in order to watch a football game on TV. Al has to delay his move and hire another mover at a higher price. Al wants to sue Bob to recover for his damages. Given these facts, Al will most likely:


Answer: Win, because Bob is still liable to Al.


Accepting to do a job must come with commitment on the side of the servicer. It is unjust to accept a job without making much effort or input to see it carried out. Some businesses do this especially when a bigger offer comes their way and these puts a bad name to their organization as the failed client will have no good thing to say about them, when the cases goes like this, the client who was failed raises the issue to court and would win since he has already engaged the services, this is the tail between Bob and Al.

A lease provides that a retail tenant pays $900 minimum rent per month plus 3% of the gross sales in excess of $200,000 per year. If the tenant paid a total rent of $20,520 last year, what was the gross sales volume





The gross sales volume was $45,650.

What was the gross sales volume?

The entire quantity of incoming income throughout a specific time frame.

Gross sales are discussed with the grand overall of all income transactions over a given time period. this doesn't encompass the cost of income or deductions

sales volume refers to the number of units your corporation sells at some point of a selected reporting duration. this era may be a month, a quarter, or a year relying on what degree of sales extent you are in search of to research. buyers often study sales volume to assess the fitness of a developing or contracting business enterprise.

To calculate gross sales, upload the total income revenue for a specified time period—monthly, quarterly, or annually.

The minimum rent per month is $900.

gross sale percentage =  3%

The tenant paid a total rent of $20,520 last year.

The gross sales volume = $45,650.

Learn more about the gross sale here:-https://brainly.com/question/4177260


Which of these can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage?
Down payment
Property taxes



I think that the answer is collateral

Collateral is the item that can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage.

What is collateral?

Collateral refers to item owned by a borrower, which is used as a guarantee that loan taken will be repaid.  It is an asset that a borrower offers to a lender as a promise that the payment of the loan will be repaid as agreed.

It is important to note that collateral is used to secure loan incase a borrow does not pay back the loan taken.

Hence, collateral is the one that can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage.

Learn more about collateral here : https://brainly.com/question/7671058

Mark Green is considering buying a new Honda Accord. The purchase price of the car is $21,000 but Mark has a trade-in worth $4500. Mark needs a loan to buy the car and knows that his local bank requires him to put down 10% of the purchase price after the value of the trade-in is considered. Mark also knows that bank will charge 8% for the loan and require monthly payments over the next 4 years. What is the minimum down payment that Mark can make



the minimum down payment that Mark can make is $1,650


The computation of the  minimum down payment that Mark can make is given below:

Purchase price $21,000  

Less: Trade In -$4,500

Net price $16,500

So, the down payment needed should be

= 10% of $16,500

= $1,650

Hence, the minimum down payment that Mark can make is $1,650

ASAP PLEASEEE!!! If the price level were to rise from 160 to 200, in what direction and by how much would the value of a dollar change?



- Downward direction

- The change in dollar value is 0.00125



[tex]P_1 = 160[/tex]

[tex]P_2 = 200[/tex]


Direction and value of dollar change

Value is calculated using

[tex]V = \frac{1}{P}[/tex]

When [tex]P_1 = 160[/tex], the value is:

[tex]V_1 = \frac{1}{160}[/tex]

[tex]V_1 = 0.00625[/tex]

When [tex]P_2 = 200[/tex], the value is:

[tex]V_2 = \frac{1}{200}[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = 0.005[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]V_1 = 0.00625[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = 0.005[/tex]

Notice that [tex]V_1 > V_2[/tex]

i.e. the initial value is greater than the new value

Hence, the value of dollar moves down

The change in value is:

[tex]\triangle V = |V_2 - V_1|[/tex]

[tex]\triangle V = |0.005 - 0.00625|[/tex]

[tex]\triangle V = |- 0.00125|[/tex]

Remove absolute sign

[tex]\triangle V = 0.00125[/tex]

The change in dollar value is 0.00125

Machvile Corporation, a robotics company, decides to acquire Chancera Inc., a start-up company that operates within the same industry. To better assess its decision, the management of Machvile Corporation needs to find out the value of Chancera Inc.'s total assets. The management has information regarding Chancera Inc.'s liabilities and stockholders' equity. In this scenario, the management should most likely use the _____ to get the required information.


Answer: Accounting equation


The accounting equation is a proposition or formula that accesses a company's assets by summing up it's equity and liabilities. It means that the equity of a company would equal it's assets minus liabilities.

Machvile Corporation can access properly the worth of Chancera Inc.'s by using the Accounting equation, weighing their assets and leaving out their liabilities.

Wolfe Company purchased a truck for $62,000, with an estimated useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $10,000. The company uses the double-declining-balance method of depreciation; however, after year 3 they switch to the straight-line method. There is no change to the estimated useful life or salvage value. What is the accumulated depreciation balance at the end of year 5 (round to the nearest dollar)





Depreciation expense using the double declining method = Depreciation factor x cost of the asset

Depreciation factor = 2 x (1/useful life) = 2/8

Depreciation expense in year 1 = 2/8 x 62,000 = 15500

Book value at the beginning of year 2 = 62,000 - 15500 = 46500

Depreciation expense in year 3 = 2/8 x 46500 = 11625

Book value at the beginning of year 3 =46500 - 11625 = 34,875

Depreciation expense in year 3 =34,875 x 2/8 = 8718.75

Book value at the beginning of year 4 = 34,875 - 8718.75 = 26156.25

Straight line depreciation expense = (book value of asset - Salvage value) / useful life

26156.25 - 10,000 / 5 = 16156.25 / 5 = 3231.25

Depreciation expense for the remaining 2 years =  3231.25 x 2 = 6462,50

total depreciation = sum of year 1 to 5 depreciation = 6462,50 + 15500 + 11625 + 8718.75 = $42306

When money is used in a trade instead of the direct exchange of goods, it acts as a __________.



bartar system


Barter is a system of exchange where goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is distinguishable from gift economies in many ways; one of them is that the reciprocal exchange is immediate and not delayed in time.

When money is used in a trade instead of the direct exchange of goods, it acts as a Barter system.

What is Barter System?

The Barter System is the name given to a transaction in which two or more parties exchange equal-value products and services without the use of money.

Even though it is one of the oldest forms of commerce, people and businesses still use it to order products and services when they do not have enough cash or money to make purchases. A form of exchange called barter allows for the direct exchange of one commodity or service for another without the need of a medium of exchange like money. It differs from gift economies in a number of ways, one of which is that the reciprocal transaction takes place right away rather than later.

Learn more about Barter system here:



Historically, investments in the ________ have experienced the greatest returns.

Bond market
Real estate market
Stock market
Money market



C. Stock market.


Stock market have experienced the greatest returns, even tho they are long term. ♥

Which of the following is the best example of the use of automation?: (A) A garment sewn by an operator at a sewing machine. (B) A letter written by a secretary using a computer. (C) An automobile painted by a computer-directed robot on an assembly line. (D) A medical assistant drawing blood from a patient's arm.





no humans

16. The ape ……………………. from branch to branch in search of food.
1) lopes 2) swings 3) swoops 4) leaps


Answer: swings





pls help
Your lifestyle desires should be a big part of choosing your career.

Is this statement true or false?







You should incorporate your life desires into choosing a career choice because if you are not happy with your job or you don't feel fulfilled with what you are doing then you are only harming yourself mentally and sometimes physically by continuing to do something that doesn't fit with your desires.

Capital budgeting decisions ______. Multiple select question. involve an immediate cash outlay in order to obtain a future return are day-to-day decisions made by managers require little or no thought before being made require a great deal of analysis prior to acceptance



involve an immediate cash outlay in order to obtain a future return

require a great deal of analysis prior to acceptance


A capital budgeting decision refers to an investment and the financial commitement. If we considered a project so here the business is making the financial commitment and at the same time it invest in the longer period that have an influence on the future projects

So it is an instant cash outflow for gaining a future return and also have a great deal before accepting it

Eloise, a medical equipment sales rep, purchases a quick snack to eat on the way to work. She buys lunch while on the road visiting customers, and grabs bread and milk on the way home when she stops to buy gas. Eloise probably does the majority of this shopping at a



convenience store


A convenience store is a retail store that usually sells a large range of everyday items to customers.

The amounts of these products are usually in small amounts (not wholesale).

Items sold could include drinks, coffee, snacks, over the counter drugs, milk, bread, and so on.

In the given scenario Eloise purchases a quick snack, lunch, bread,, milk, and gas during the day.

She is most likely making purchases from a convenience store

Aesha works for a moderately priced running shoe manufacturer and while their products are lower in cost, there is a high degree of consumer pressure to create the best quality running shoes possible and to constantly innovate with new designs. Which aspect of Porter’s Diamond does this demonstrate



Demand conditions


Demand conditions means the size and the nature of the customer base for the products that could result in innovation and the improvement related to the product.

Since in the given situation it is mentioned that their products contains less cost but they develop the best quality shoes also they innovate the products from time to time so this represent the demand conditions

Manufacturing cycle time is best defined as the: length of the work shift, expressed in minutes per day. time it takes a unit to move from one workstation to the next. time between the start of one unit and the start of the next unit. sum of all the task times to make one unit of a product. time from raw materials receipt to finished product exit.



time from raw materials receipt to finished product exit.


Manufacturing cycle time is best defined as the "time from raw materials receipt to finished product exit."

To explain better, manufacturing cycle time is the overall time of process that covers the total duration it takes the final production of commodities to be made. That is beginning from the inception stage which is usually raw materials through its conversion stage and eventually into finished goods.

Bryan works as a salesman for Jumbo Corp. Last year his sales target was $3 million. This year in an aggressive bid for growth, the company increased the sales quota for all its sales people to $5 million, although the market for Jumbo Corps products had slowed. In order to meet his target, Bryan bribed an official of a potential customer. The roots of his unethical behavior can be traced to ___ cultural differences in countries. varying ethical standards in different nations. unrealistic performance goals. strong personal ethics among employees.



unrealistic performance goals.


Unethical action is defined as one that is carried out by an individual that is seen as wrong or outside of expected behaviour in a particular environment.

In the given scenario Bryan bribed an official of a potential customer.

However his action is as a result of the company increasing the sales quota from $3 million for all its sales people to $5 million.

This is despite the market for Jumbo Corps products having slowed.

The target was unrealistic driving Bryan to take the action he did

Labor and management at Leo Trucking cannot seem to agree upon a contract for the truck drivers. As each side contends that they are bargaining fairly, no agreement seems to be possible. The drivers are threatening to go on strike, and management knows that such a strike would prove to be costly. None of the parties involved in the dispute wants to reach a win-win agreement. They are each highly focused on their demands, which they would like to achieve, otherwise known as their ________ points. target tolerance focal distribution resistance



resistance points


In simple words, The resistance level can be understood as the lowest point where a mediated settlement will be accepted. For a vendor, this implies the smallest number (minimum) or end result they are willing to take, whereas for a purchaser, it implies the highest number (upper limit) or bottom boundary they are willing to spend.

Thus, from the above we can conclude that the correct answer is resistance point.

IS 100 POINTS will mark brainliest
Keep track of your income and expenses for one month. List all your assets and liabilities (debts owed) in a spreadsheet. Based on these documents, develop a monthly budget and a net worth statement.


Answer: Asset could be what you need for your business such as Land, equipment, ect... A liability is something that a person or company owes, such as money. Sometimes that money can be exchanged for good and/or property. I am doing this same assignment and you don't have a business so this is all imaginary


10. Publishing representatives who call on college professors to inform them of their company's new publications have a great deal of freedom in their jobs. They have only a general sales pitch, which they tailor as needed. Based on this information, we can say that the job of these publishing representatives ________.



Scores low on degree of formalization


Degree of formalization of a process is the level to which the process is free of the personal input of the individual executing the process.

It implies that in high degree of formalization process execution is set and the same steps are followed by all participants.

In the given instance Publishing representatives have a great deal of freedom in their jobs.

They tailor their sales pitch as they see fit.

This shows a low degree of formalization in the sales process

A warranty in which the seller warrants that he or she has valid title to the goods he or she is selling and that the transfer of title is rightful is known as a warranty ________. of good title of no interference of no security interests against infringements



of good title.


A good can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a good are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, etc.

A warranty can be defined as a written promise or guarantee made by a manufacturer, lessor or seller about the identity or quality of goods and services or a property to a purchaser, promising him or her to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified time frame.

Hence, a warranty in which the seller of a good or service warrants that he or she has valid title to the goods he or she is selling and that the transfer of title is rightful is known as a warranty of good title.

A legal title can be defined as the actual (absolute) ownership of a property that is recognized and enforceable in a court of competent jurisdiction.

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