What is a central idea of "Mending Wall"?

The speaker persuades his neighbor to accept his view that building a wall will improve their relationship.

Two neighbors have different ideas about the role that borders serve in maintaining relationships between people.

The speaker argues with his neighbor because he believes that walls are necessary, and his neighbor does not.

Two neighbors agree that they should work together to rebuild a wall each spring


Answer 1


A widely accepted theme of "Mending Wall" concerns the self-imposed barriers that prevent human interaction. In the poem, the speaker's neighbor keeps pointlessly rebuilding a wall. More than benefitting anyone, the fence is harmful to their land. But the neighbor is relentless in its maintenance.


Related Questions

1. __________ is the opposite of short.
a) long
b) dark
c) big
d) wavy

2. If you eat lots of junk food, you will get __________.
a) healthy
b) slim
c) overweight
d) tall

3. __________ people are below average height.
a) tall
b) beautiful
c) ginger hair
d) short

4. __________ is the opposite of old.
a) blond
b) straight
c) young
d) thin

5. You are __________ when you are 50 or 60 years old.
a) overweight
b) old
c) bald
d) short

6. ___________ is the opposite of overweight.
a) beautiful
b) handsome
c) fat
d) thin

7. A good-looking woman is__________.
a) handsome
b) beautiful
c) thin
d) blond

8. _________ is similar to thin.
a) beard
b) slim
c) moustache
d) overweight

9. You have ___________ if your hair is yellow colour.
a) moustache
b) ginger hair
c) blond hair
d) dark hair

10. A good-looking man is _________.
a) handsome
b) thin
c) medium height
d) tall

11. A person who is friendly and good to other people is _________.
a) clever
b) funny
c) kind
d) talkative

12. A person who talks a lot is _________.
a) quiet
b) talkative
d) friendly


1. Long is the opposite of short.

a) long

b) dark

c) big

d) wavy

2. If you eat lots of junk food, you will get overweight.

a) healthy

b) slim

c) overweight

d) tall

3. Short people are below average height.

a) tall

b) beautiful

c) ginger hair

d) short

4. Young is the opposite of old.

a) blond

b) straight

c) young

d) thin

5. You are old when you are 50 or 60 years old.

a) overweight

b) old

c) bald

d) short

6. Thin is the opposite of overweight.

a) beautiful

b) handsome

c) fat

d) thin

7. A good-looking woman is beautiful.

a) handsome

b) beautiful

c) thin

d) blond

8. Slim is similar to thin.

a) beard

b) slim

c) moustache

d) overweight

9. You have blond hair if your hair is yellow colour.

a) moustache

b) ginger hair

c) blond hair

d) dark hair

10. A good-looking man is handsome.

a) handsome

b) thin

c) medium height

d) tall

11. A person who is friendly and good to other people is kind.

a) clever

b) funny

c) kind

d) talkative

12. A person who talks a lot is talkative.

a) quiet

b) talkative


d) friendly

Can someone please help ?

How does the ability to change and adapt help animals to thrive ?


The idea of natural selection is that traits that can be passed down allow organisms to adapt to the environment better than other organisms of the same species. This enables better survival and reproduction compared with other members of the species, leading to evolution.

The context of a piece of writing is the

environment in which it was written.
denotative meaning of its language.
author’s ideas about a specific topic.
central idea and how it is developed.


environment in which it was written.


environment in which it was written



write a paragraph (120-150) words about your favorite activity with your family when you were a child. write three reasons and examples why this was your favorite activity



I enjoy typical everyday fun time activities like board games, watching television and gardening when done together as a family. Not only are they inexpensive, but are also home based. Flower gardening is fun because it exhibits joint efforts by each family member in beautifying a home. We even enjoy a fresh vegetable meal from the produce of a home vegetable garden. There is a marked increase in appetite when the food we serve has been picked by the family from the garden.  Board games present direct challenges between individuals taking turns, and they have a fun way of sharpening intellect. Time we spend together watching quality television, excluding explicit content, is educating and gives interesting topics to discuss later when it is not television time. Having dinner with the whole family at the table is enjoyable. Outside the home, picnic activities in the local parks and camping sites provide for great fun. They offer a different environment to appreciate family company. The younger children enjoy flying homemade kites on windy days. The kites are always made with their contribution in coloring and decorating. For teens and adults, there are other activities including volleyball, racquet games like badminton, and more muscular events like tug of war. The participation for the sake of fun and not who wins or loses makes it all the more enjoyable. There is nothing to compete for other than liking the fact that you are making a family member happy. An added advantage is the fact that children who spent time away from home participating in sporting activities with their parents have been known to have better academic performances as well. Preparing snacks and lunch on such picnics is also an enjoyable activity on its own. Everyone has their pre defined roles to play and, within a short while each person is serving out paper plates of whatever they prepared. Each member ends up having a bite from everyone else. The day at the park is always energy draining for a good cause and ends with snacks and juices accompanied by relaxing music played from the car stereo.

I hope this helps.  (352 words and 2102 characters)

can you help me do a sentence with”to reinforce” and another with “to collapse” and pleaseee


Answer: "To reinforce the saftey of the bridge, the constroction crew added supprt strings"

Explanation: "If the earthquackes continue, the buildings are sure to collapes"

I used an extra layer of glue to reinforce the weak areas of my science project.

The unexpected rainstorm caused the collapse of the roof.

Hope this helps

60pts - I need one antonym, synonym, and a small simple sentence example of each of the following;

To cooperate, work together

sympathy, helpfulness or mercy

to settle a dispute by terms agreeable to both sides

possessing an attitude of superiority, patronizing

depending on a condition, e.g., in a contract

person who complies with accepted rules and customs

the state of separate elements joining or coming together

the act of turning aside, straying from the main point, esp. in a speech or argument

To accept, agree, or give consent by keeping silent or by not making objections

Understand or perceive;
To arrest


1. synonym - cooperate
antonym- separation
“Instead of working alone, Jim and Tim collaborated on their project.”

2. s - care
a - cruelty
“The man showed compassion by comforting his crying friend.”

3. s - agreement
a - disagreement
“Both sides met in the middle to compromise and resolve the problem.”

4. s - scornful
a - respectful
“He spoke to her with a rude and condescending tone.”

5. s - contingent
a - unconditional
“The agreement was conditional, so he had to agree to pay his fair share first.”

6. s - traditionalist
a - rebel
“He was a conformist and always played by the rules.”

7. s - conjunction
a - divergence
“The convergence of the two roads was marked with a road sign.”

8. s - deviation
a - consistency
“His digression from his main point made his story hard to follow.”

9. s - permit
a - forbid
“His failure to object was taken as acquiescence.”

10. s - detain
a - emancipate
“The suspect was apprehended by the police.”


1. synonym - cooperate

antonym- separation

“Instead of working alone, Jim and Tim collaborated on their project.”

2. s - care

a - cruelty

“The man showed compassion by comforting his crying friend.”

3. s - agreement

a - disagreement

“Both sides met in the middle to compromise and resolve the problem.”

4. s - scornful

a - respectful

“He spoke to her with a rude and condescending tone.”

5. s - contingent

a - unconditional

“The agreement was conditional, so he had to agree to pay his fair share first.”

6. s - traditionalist

a - rebel

“He was a conformist and always played by the rules.”

7. s - conjunction

a - divergence

“The convergence of the two roads was marked with a road sign.”

8. s - deviation

a - consistency

“His digression from his main point made his story hard to follow.”

9. s - permit

a - forbid

“His failure to object was taken as acquiescence.”

10. s - detain

a - emancipate

“The suspect was apprehended by the police.”


Why did Margrot's family consider going back to Earth?





The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including zero) depending on your answer
Read the following sentences, which need revising, editing, and proofreading:
Cocconut oil. Trendy. But healthy? Americans (72%) think so. Experts say not so fast: lots of fat, lots of calories, not
enough proof of benefits.
Which revision below is most effective?
O Most Americans think coconut oil is healthy, but experts say it is bad for you because its high in fat and calories.
O 72% of Americans think coconut oil is healthy. Experts aren't in that group, saying the trendy oil has fat and calories.
Coconut oil is trendy, but is it healthy? While 72% of Americans think it's better for you than other oils, nutritionists
O disagree. They say more research is needed to determine if the oil provides enough benefits to balance out its high fat and
calorie content.
has lots
Coconut oil is trendy right now, but maybe it isn't as healthy as 72% of Americans think. Experts think coconut
of fat and lots of calories, and there isn't proof of benefits.


The third answer option is the one that presents efficient proofreading for the presented text.

This option is:

"Coconut oil is trendy, but is it healthy? While 72% of Americans think it's better for you than other oils, nutritionists disagree. They say more research is needed to determine if the oil provides enough benefits to balance out its high fat and calorie content."

We can arrive at this answer because:

Reviewing a text means making it more coherent and fluid with all the necessary information that was presented later.In this case, the text shown in the question needs to be revised to become more coherent and allow for a fluid and well-established reading.However, all information in this text must be presented in the revised text.

The only answeroption that can meet all of these requirements is the third answer option.

More information:


Someone plz help me :(


B. it is weak because it shifts form one focus to another

Is "I had drunk juice yesterday" correct or "I had drank juice yesterday" ?


I had drank juice yesterday

please help!!!

i need nouns, simile, metaphors, onomatopoeia, and hyperbole



Nouns: you, I

Hyperbole: Throw my hand on a blade

Metaphor: I'd catch a grenade for you

Onomatopoeia: ( I suggest if you can, choose another song, onomatopoeia is normally characterized by sounds of things for example if he said Grenades go BOOM that would be onomatopoeia)

Similie: same thing, look for song that use comparative language such as like or as in their metaphors because that's what really makes a simile

discuss the way in which the soldier has been presented in "Futility" by Wilfren Owen


Futility" is a poem by Wilfred Owen, a British soldier during World War I. Written in 1918, the poem elegizes an unnamed soldier lying dead in the snow in France. This image resonates with the poem's speaker, causing him or her to reassess life's value, given death's inevitability.

- BRAINLIEST answerer

Change into passive.
1. I read a book .
2. they sell buffaloes in the market.
3. Neshnal and Bijan make noise.
4. they disturb me all the time.
5. She cooked delicious food.
6. they made a wrong decision
7. you will regret your mistake in future.
8. no one does homework regularly in class 8.
9. only some students cover their books and copies.
10. you will forget me.
11. Hari faced huge loss in business.
12. it takes me 2 hours to reach there.
13. we eat apples.
14. krish stares at her.
15. our English teacher punished us frequently.
16. we forget to do homework in most of the time.
17. Boys sing songs in the program.
18. I shall leave them.
19. students Polish their shoes.
20. I never like them.
21. he will teaches us in grade nine.



A book was read by me.

Buffaloes are sold in the market by them.

Noise is made by Neshral and Bijan.

I'm all the time disturbed by them.

Delicious food was cooked by her.

A wrong decision was made by them.

Your mistake will be regretted in the future by yourself.

Homework is not done regularly by anyone in class 8.

Books and copies are covered only by some students.

I'll be forgotten by you.

Huge loss in business was faced by Hari.

2 hours are taken by me to get there.

Apples are eaten by us.

She is being stared at by Krish.

We were punished frequently by our teacher.

Homework is most of the time forgotten to be done by us.

Song are sung in the program by boys.

They shall be leaved by me.

Their shoes are polished by them.

They are never liked by me.

We will be taught by him in grade nine.

solve pls brainliest

just put yes or no



Should be



the answer will be yes Because verb is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of the predicate of a sentence, such as hear, become, happen.

We shouldn't overload people......... information or else they'll just switch off


Answer: I agree but if they cant handle it then they shouldnt allow themselves to keep taking it in.


Which sentence is written correctly?*
1Before I play video games I always, finish my Lexia
2Before, I play video games, finish my Lexia.
3 Before I play video games, I always finish my Lexia.



3 - "Before I play video games, I always finish my Lexia."


3 Before I play video games, I always finish my Lexia.


Ginny the Dog: A Hero Among Heroes

Heroes come in many shapes and forms, but they all do uncommon things in unusual situations. They stand out. We've all heard stories of hero dogs that save their owners. One dog saved his owner by fighting off an alligator. Another woke his sleeping family when a fire broke out in its home. Still others rescue injured or needy people in dangerous situations. One dog even managed to call 911 when his owner suffered a seizure. But one dog, named Ginny, performed heroic acts on a regular basis, not just once or twice in unusual situations. Because of her kindness, many lives were saved.

Ginny the dog was adopted by her owner from an animal shelter in 1990. Within days of bringing her home, her owner discovered that Ginny seemed to be able to find cats in distress. On her daily walks, Ginny would often find abandoned, trapped, or endangered kittens or cats that needed rescuing. In one such episode, Ginny found a group of kittens trapped in a pipe. She managed to let her owner know, by scratching and barking at the pipe, that something needed her help. Because of Ginny, all the kittens were saved.

Almost daily, Ginny would find cats that needed rescuing or, in some cases, a little love. Ginny's owner reported that when Ginny saw a cat on their walks, she would pull away from her leash and run after the cat. Instead of chasing cats like most dogs, Ginny would nuzzle and lick them, giving them comfort. Because of Ginny, her owner soon found he was caring for hundreds of wild neighborhood cats. In addition, Ginny pushed her owner to adopt more than 20 cats, most of whom had permanent injuries or special needs.

"When we would go to the pound to drop off donations," her owner said, "Ginny always found the cat that was blind or deaf or hurt in some way. She would sit down in front of the cat's crate and not move until we brought it home."

What makes a dog behave in such a kind way? Some believe Ginny had a very strong mothering instinct. But how could she tell when a cat was deaf? How did she know which cats needed love and attention? Regardless of how she did it, Ginny rescued hundreds of cats in her life and set an example we all can follow.

What is the main purpose of including the story of Ginny wanting to care for blind or deaf cats?

To create awareness of the need to give to animal shelters
To explain the owner's role in training Ginny
To show that Ginny was aware of cats with special needs.
To suggest more attention be given to special-needs pets



To suggest more attention be given to special-needs pets


Her emotions were a storm cloud about ready to erupt. What type of figurative language is this?



this is a metaphor


Answer: sounds like a simile-

What does it mean when hamlet says he has my dying breath.



"The rest is silence"

he knew that de/ath was approaching him very quickly, so he knows that he should accept it. that's most likely why he's relieved. he doesnt think he should talk any longer, so he can approach death in a more conspicuous way.

Consulusion fill in the blanks to complete the satement



Conclusion, fill in the blanks to complete the statement.

Explanation: Proper grammar.

Help please due today !!!! 20 points!!



I say frightened


Plz brainlist if i am right

An introductory word or phrase should be followed by:
1. a comma
2. a colon
3. a semi-colon
4. a period


Answer: 1. a comma

Explanation: the comma shows that the introductory word or phrase is connected to the following sentenc.

In the selection from Candide, how does Candide cause his own bad luck in his dealing with the Dutch skipper?

Group of answer choices

He tells about his adventures in El Dorado and how he got the sheep.

He makes too much noise and argues too long and with too much anger.

He offers to pay someone to accompany him on the voyage to Bordeaux.

He agrees too quickly to the extravagant amount the skipper charges to take him to Venice.


Mynheer Vandedendur had approached Candide introducing himself as the master of a large sea vessel.

In an ongoing negotiation to help transport Candide to Venice in Italy, Candide hastily agrees (without bargaining to the sum of 10,000 piasters.

This action was Candides' mistake for no sooner had he agreed to that amount did the disguised Dutch Skipper up the fees to 30,000 piasters for the Dutch skipper estimated that Candide's sheep carried much treasure.

In another serious fail, Candide pays the fare, all of it in advance, while two of his sheep were loaded aboard. And somehow, the Dutch Skipper manages to sail away without Candide.

The correction option from the group of answer choices, therefore, is option D.

Learn more about the Candide by Voltaire - 1759 in the link below:


My dream is to be a musician essay 150 words​


Ohhh thats great keep it up bud dont lose ur dream bud

And ty for the points to and u can brainless me bud and goodluck

1. Who is the narrator of "The Utterly Perfect Murder"? *


Ray Bradbury way the first person narrator

Laney walks 2 1/3 miles to school from her house and rides the bus home. If she walked five days last week, how many total miles did Laneg walk?


She walked a total of 11 and 2/3 miles

3. Beauty calls and gives
no warning



I agree


What is the Question?

I agree with the quote Blue tickles and gives

Just ninetey sense for a bag





Which word below is a compound word? 1 punto running rainfall kitten yesterday.





Rain + Fall = Rainfall

Preparing to Read an Informational TextPre-Reading ActiveHighlighterCyanMagentaGreeenClear HighlightsHeadphones



I will like to read it but not this time cause I have a lot to read for now


I will like to read it but not this time cause I have a lot to read for now


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