what is a claim/topic sentence for juvenile delinquency?


Answer 1


Juvenile deligquincy is caused by a young person disobeying the law , beyond parental control and subject to legal action.Reasons for the main causes of Juvenile delinquiency is poor parenting skills, family size, child maltreatment, and much more . The way the kid is raised can determine the type of person or thing this kid will get into later on in life.

Related Questions

which option is an example of expository writing



You haven't given any of the options. That's like me asking you how many shoes there are with your eyes closed, so Ill just give an example.


Expository writing is writing that seeks to explain, illuminate or "expose" (which is where the word "expository" comes from). This type of writing can include essays, newspaper and magazine articles, instruction manuals, textbooks, encyclopedia articles and other forms of writing, so long as they seek to explain.

Give options …. . . . .

How do faith traditions invite and challenge their believers to live?


This publication contains two documents,the bishops' statement Sharing Catholic Social Teaching: Challenges and Directions and the Summary Report of the Task Force on Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic Education. The bishops' statement was developed by the Committee on Education, the Committee on Domestic Policy, and the Committee on International Policy, and it was approved by the bishops on June 19, 1998. It is a response to the report of the Task Force on Catholic Social Teaching and Catholic Education, which was created in 1995 by these three committees. The task force's summary report is included as an appendix to this publication. The bishops' statement reflects the action of the bishops, and the summary report is the work of the task force. These two documents are approved for publication by the undersigned.

Our community of faith is blessed with many gifts. Two of the most vital are our remarkable commitment to Catholic education and catechesis in all its forms and our rich tradition of Catholic social teaching. As we look to a new millennium, there is an urgent need to bring these two gifts together in a strengthened commitment to sharing our social teaching at every level of Catholic education and faith formation.




I think that the answer is B


i need help with my homework



The answer is A


Old Ironsides answer key


What is it you need help with?

could someone help w an assignment asap, thanks in advance!

in 250 words (half a page, or 3-4 paragraphs), give your reader your argument for the greatest...There is nothing better than... (choose something you think is the greatest)

It could be anything. Food places, thoughts, music, sports, anything. Challenge yourself to think of something you don't think anyone could think of. Give at least 4 reasons why your choice is the greatest.​




The world would be a very quiet place. Music is in many ways the fabric of our lives and the definition of society. It is a reminder of how things once were, an indication of how things are, and a view of where society is headed. Music is a direct reflection of the picture of society. Music can be a way to deliver messages, a poetic medium, a fine art, or nothing more than a source of entertainment. No matter what it is used for, music is the perfect art and our lives would be that much less complete without it that life as we know it would not at all be the same without music. Music is the perfect art. It has movement, because it progresses over a set period of time.  However, music does not restrict the audience in the way that movies or graphic art does. The listener can create whatever image she or he wants to when listening to music. It is an art that appeals to the conscious mind, but the best music also appeals to the subconscious. No thought is required to enjoy good music, though it is often thought-inspiring. Instrumental music does not bind the listener into a fixed template in the way that literature and poetry do: the reaction to music is different from person to person Music with lyrics is often referred to as “words set to music.” This is not always the case.  However, they restrict the images of the musical work in the same way that prose and poetry limit their subject. Whether instrumental or lyrical, music comes from the people and can enlighten us all. It was during the 1960s that the social revolution and the struggles for civil rights inspired such musicians as Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin and Joan Baez to write songs of protest. In turn, the music of these artists, and many others, influenced the younger generations and spread the word of the revolution. Without music, many teenagers of the time would not have been given the influence of the time or its associated mentality. Music was, and continues to be, a kind of social education to the younger generation. Teenagers turn to popular music for their philosophies and get a sense of their place in the world. In fact, cliques of young people are often defined by the music they listen to: “punks” listen to punk rock and heavy metal; “nerds” are reputed to listen to classical music; the “in” crowd listens to the latest material alternative music has to offer; the “loners” listen to obscure pop artists or classic rock. Youth culture would be much less vivid than it is if the world had no music. Generations would not be sparked to action without music. The war drums of primitive peoples were a kind of music. It was they that stirred the Cavemen and the Vikings to participate in decade-long wars. Music's social influence is ever-present. Our society is shaped by it. Not only is music the chisel of society; it is a constant thread that runs through nature. Music is everywhere: the sound of falling water, the rustle of leaves underfoot, the call of wild birds even the sound of rush-hour traffic is a kind of music. The common definition of music is “a series of pitches and rhythms that have an overall coherence.” This definition is limited to man-made music. For humans to create music is inevitable. It is as natural as thought.  Therefore, the idea of a world without music is highly hypothetical. One would sooner consider a life without experiences or a year without days. A day in a world without music might proceed like this: One would awaken to the sound of a radio announcer speaking about politics. On the way to work, the radio show would consist of interviews with famous personalities. The work day would be terribly boring, since the office would not have any decorations (these would have been made by artists who had been influenced by music).  This “world without music” seems to have incoherence's and cracks in it. It does not make sense and does not quite explain itself. Music is essential for the world to even make sense. It is as fundamentally inherent as gravity is in the universe. Any attempt to restrict or control music, such as is made in communist politics, is both vain and unrealistic. One cannot challenge the broadloom of the universe when making political policies!  The history of human musicians is rich, and has many fine people lining its ranks. Music has changed the artistic and non-artistic world immeasurably, such that a world without music is nothing more than a terrifying fantasy.  A world without music would be a quiet place indeed.


3. What specific outcomes did Kobe aim to get out of physical therapy sessions?



hope it helps

plss mark me as a brainliest thanks

The specific outcome Kobe aimed to get out of physical therapy sessions is:

Control SwellingProtect Elasticity of the AchillesTime for the bootNormal movementLearning to play basketball again

Why are the above outcomes specifically important?

As a NBA player it is important that he recovers in such a way that he can protect himself from further damageAlso basketball is a game that can be rough and tough hence it is vital that he heals faster with a proper defense ready at bay incase the same injury occurs again.

For further information on Physical therapy:



Read this passage:
Would ruffle up your spirits and put a tongue
In every wound of Caesar that should move
The stones of Rome to rise and mutiny.
- William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
In this passage from Julius Caesar, why does Mark Antony say this to the



he is saying that if he had done as Brutus and his co-conspirators did he would make the people to become rebellious.


How do the choices we make affect our survival? Explain give me a paragraph


Everyday we make choices, and these choices affect our survival. Here is an example, you are taking a walk and you have to cross the street. You can either chose to wait for the red light, or you can walk across when you think no cars are nearby. If you walk across the street when there is a red light, chances are you will be safe, but if you don't wait and decide to jaywalk, you have a big chance of getting hit. Little things like this can greatly affect our survival

Hope this helps!

In the poem Caged Bird, What is most likely purpose for the poems use of symbolism?



What is the most likely purpose for the poet's use of symbolism? to compare two kinds of birds. to refer to complex life experiences. to use nature to describe human behavior. to show how the sounds of birds are like the human voice.


Question 5 of 10
Which of the following are considered part of mise-en-scène?
A. Editing
B. Sound
C. Cinematography
D. Costumes


The answer should be B
The answer should be B

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The Death of Ivan Ilyich, Chapters 1-4: Mastery Test
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Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence in this excerpt from Leo Tolstoy's The Death of Ivan Ilyich suggests that Ivan Ilyich aspired to be part of the elite in society from a
young age?
Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was
a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,
but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class. Ivan Ilyich finished the course well. Even when
he was at the School of Law he was just what he remained for the rest of his life: a capable, cheerful, good-natured, and sociable man, though
strict in the fulfillment of what he considered to be his duty, and he considered his duty to be what was so considered by those in authority.
Neither as a boy nor as a man was he a toady, but from early youth was by nature attracted to people of high station as a fly is drawn to the
light, assimilating their ways and views of life and establishing friendly relations with them. All the enthusiasms of childhood and youth passed
without leaving much trace on him; he succumbed to sensuality, to vanity, and latterly among the highest classes to liberalism, but always within
limits which his Instinct unfallingly indicated to him as correct.
At school he had done things which had formerly seemed to him very horrid and made him feel disgusted with himself when he did them; but
when later on he saw that such actions were done by people of good position and that they did not regard them as wrong, he was able not
exactly to regard them as right, but to forget about them entirely or not be at all troubled at remembering them.



Ivan Ilyich was le phenix de la famille as people sald. He was neither as cold and formal as his elder brother nor as wild as the younger, but was

a happy mean between them-an intelligent polished, lively and agreeable man. He had studied with his younger brother at the School of Law,

but the latter had failed to complete the course and was expelled when he was in the fifth class.


Read the lines from "A Psalm of Life."

Lives of great men all remind us
We can make our lives sublime,
And, departing, leave behind us
Footprints on the sands of time.

The imagery in the lines suggests that
time moves slowly and surely.
great deeds are remembered in history.
time is like an unending, perpetual desert.
each day is equivalent to a grain of sand.



The imagery in the lines suggests that  great deeds are remembered in history.


Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem "A Psalm of Life" talks of life in general and how it is like a battlefield. The poet talks of the purpose of life and how one can live a life that is filled with sorrow and suffering along the way. Nevertheless, the poet also reveals an optimistic side of living and that one can leave a "footprint" by doing good deeds.

In the given lines from the poem, the speaker mentions how "lives of great men all remind us we can make our lives sublime". He then uses imagery to reveal the "footprints on the sands of time". This imagery suggests that history will always remember the great deeds of people, no matter how many years passed.

Thus, the correct answer is the second option.



Explanation: edge 2021 !!

Whatcha method development was used in this paragraph?
A.cause and effect
C.comparison and contrast
D.sequence of events



An cause and effect method

answer is a. cause and effect

Which point of view does an autobiographer generally use



first parson. helpful answer

Modal verbs to express certainty and

1,Deborah is looking a bit tired. Perhaps she’s working
too hard.

2.He never goes on holiday. I don’t suppose he earns


I looked this question up and, in one of the sites where I found it, each number had two answer choices. Just in case, I will use them here.


A. She may / might / could be working too hard.

B. She must be working too hard.


A. He must not earn very much.

B. He may not / might not earn very much.


The answers are:

1. A. She may / might / could be working too hard.

2. B. He may not / might not earn very much.


The modal verbs "may", "might" and "could" are used to express possibility. Therefore, they do not convey much certainty, that is, the speaker is not 100% sure of what he / she is saying, but he / she knows there is a possibility of being right.

That is why those verbs are the best ones to complete the sentences above. In both cases, the speaker is supposing, assuming something. In the first sentence, the speaker believes it is possible that Deborah is tired because she is working too hard. In the second one, the speaker assumes "he" is likely to not earn much because he never goes on holiday.

Note: "Could" is also used to express ability in some cases.

Their feelings and opinions are expressed through it into passive voice



Through it,their feelings and opinions are expressed.


u robot really know but I believe this to be right :(

Names for persons, places, things, qualities, feelings, concepts, activities,
and measures are​





nouns are wtv person, place, thing, animal, and idea

hope this helps

Write one of the poems given to Blanche by her husband, Allan. Poem must be original and at least 14 lines long.
A Streetcar Named Desire


5 points? Really :> oof

If a friend asked you to put off starting college at a good university to
help him launch a new Internet business, would you do it? What would
you do if there were a stranger loudly singing "Happy Birthday"
outside your window late at night? Write a paragraph-length response
to each of these story prompts.



First Prompt: That would be a potentially risky desicion that could possibly affect my future in college. Some people in the world would die to go to college, so it would also be incredibly selfish to waste it away when I have that privledge and so many people do not. I wouldn't risk my opportunity to go to college just so I can be my friend's obsequious little helper in a buisness that most likely won't take off. And, depending on how successful it becomes, it might not make as much money as becoming a doctor, for example. I would decline my friend's offer in a heartbeat if it would interfere with my future.

Second Prompt: Well, I'd be utterly confused at first, but, if the person seemed benevolent, I'd most likely join in. After the song was over, I might yell down to them and reccomend another song that we could sing. Possibly a rendition of "Stand by Me", or "Bohemian Rhapsody". I assure you, it would be a thrilling experience, especially late at night. I might meet with the stranger in the morning if they were still located at the same spot, and we'd perambulate around the city and discuss our favorite songs. Now, approaching this from a logical perspective, they could have mental issues and you might want to have your best interest in mind before randomly announcing your presance to a stranger by singing "Happy Birthday".


My brother was ________ by the life - guard when he fell into the swimming pool.​


My brother was [tex]\sf\purple{rescued }[/tex] or [tex]\sf\pink{saved}[/tex] by the life - guard when he fell into the swimming pool.

[tex]\bold{ \green{ \star{ \orange{Mystique35}}}}⋆[/tex]

my brother was ‘resuscitated’ ‘rescued’ ‘saved’ by the lifeguard

In a group discussion, a participant says, “I hate walking. Why walk when you can just get a ride?” Write three to four sentences in which you share your own viewpoint. Be sure to provide evidence and refer to the passage you just read.


I believe that if the distance isn’t too long, you should go ahead and walk instead of getting a ride. This is better for the environment because cars release harmful gases such as carbon monoxide into the environment. It’s also better for our health because we’re getting daily exercise done by doing this. (You should include evidence from the text that the prompt is referring to.


I like walking and you should to because its nice to observe the nature and so on. Walking is healthy and is easy. Walking has a lot of art to it.


it was right

What are the four questions that are answered by an adjective?


Answer: 1. What size is it? 2. What color is it? 3. Is it old or new? 4. How tall is it?

Explanation: 1. Could say big, small, large, tiny, etc. 2. Say any color 3. Can say old/new. 4. Say it is tall, high, short, etc.

where active passive change ​


Need more of a description to answer better.

use this space to complete any of the written assignments above or write any thoughts or ideas that have come to mind on values, qualities and skills



respect is the key and obey God you will pass english

What is the true meaning of “i want it that way” by the backstreet boys?
Write a paragraph response on this topic.



The song makes no sense

what type of Figurative Language is you are a pain in the neck.


Mostly away to telling someone is annoying or something like that!


Its an idiom


idioms are figurative language that uses bywords that are unrelated to what they actually mean. For example the frase "you are a pain in the neck" isnt literally talking about their neck hurting but rather saying that the person is annoying.

Which was the first computer commissioned by the Army Ordnance Corps?



Electronic numerical integrator and computer (ENIAC).

Many things must be done before a shuttle can launch. The shuttle has many parts. They are made in different places in the United States. The finished parts are sent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The pieces of the shuttle go to the Vehicle Assembly Building. NASA workers connect all the parts. NASA calls it "stacking."
After all of the parts are put together, the whole vehicle is called the Space Transportation System. Now, it's time to move to the launch pad.
The Space Transportation System rides on a crawler. The top of the crawler is as big as a baseball diamond. The crawler has tracks of wheels like a tank. It is very, very slow. It moves about one mile per hour on a road called the crawlerway.
When the shuttle gets to the launch pad, NASA has more work to do before countdown. The shuttle may sit on the launch pad for weeks. This is the countdown clock. It tracks the amount of time until launch.
The astronauts get into the orbiter about 3 hours before launch. Finally, everyone waits for the words, "3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Liftoff!"

What is this passage's organizational structure?
problem and solution
chronological order
compare and contrast
cause and effect


c. chronological order

 what are some good and bad experiences you have had with English classes?



I've had some teachers that encourage creativity and make the learning experience more fun, usually because of useful essay commentary or fun quips while teaching. keeps the class interesting



some teachers may not be qualified so they tend to make a lot of mistake,but English class has always been fun

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