What is a tithe?

The King gave 1/10 of their earnings to the people

The people gave 1/10 of their earnings to the church

The church gave 1/10 of their earnings to the people

The church gave 1/10 of their earnings to the King

Giving brainlist if i get ir right


Answer 1
The people gave 1/10 of their earnings to the church

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Describe the difference between services in the New England churches and those with the circuit riders.



New England churches had no music and had very long sermons. Men and women were separated during the services. Services with circuit riders were held wherever they could be held: under trees, in barns, etc.


what does a sub saharan africa that rest on a high plateau mean?



For a continent as large as Africa,

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read it

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A) Without US support, the league of Nations weakened significantly

B) Without US help, Eupopean nations could not prevent use of military force

C) Without US help, secret military alliances no longer to place

D) Without US support, European countries did not ratify the treaty of Versailles





the answer is A because since Woodrow Wilson ratified the Treaty of Versailles by himself he lost the support of amy republicans back home in the Senate, and this caused the Treaty of Versaille to not be ratified in the United States. And because of that the League of NAtions lost out on a huge power house on the world stage, and because of this the U.S. had no say in European affairs and that left Europe to its own devices and that is what led to the start of WWII.

 please helppppppppppppppppp



uh i am not sure but just keep re reading the poem it will help


According to this passage, why is Russia having difficulty attracting foreign investors to its



I think its because of the war thats going on there?

Which Amendment has been violated?
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State if there is no amendment that has been violated

You are given 10 lashes for stealing candy from Citgo.


The 8th amendment, which protects against cruel and unusual punishment, has clearly been violated.

Imagine that you are a French person reading Abbé Sieyès' pamphlet in early 1789, just before the
meeting of the Estates-General. As a member of the nobility, how might you react? How might you
react as a member of the Third Estate? Explain your answer.



to buy a car for $36,000, Stacy uses her credit card which charges 20% interest and borrows

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According to Sieyès, the Third Estate's representation must be on par with or greater than that of the First and Second Estates taken together. He advocated for individual deputies to be counted during the Estates-General voting process rather than following an order (the Estates voting in blocs).

Who was Abbe Sieyes?

The more popular moniker for Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes, a famous Roman Catholic cleric and a leading advocate of the French Revolution, was Abbe Sieyes. One of the most important works of the American Revolution, his 1789 treatise What Is the Third Estate contributed to the transformation of the Estates-General into the National Assembly.

The two individuals who contributed the most to the constitution-writing process and to France's war for independence were Mirabeau and Abbe Sieyes. Although Mirabeau was born into an aristocratic family, he wished for all people to be treated equally, and Abbe Sieyes was a priest who shared this view. According to historians, one of the causes of the French Revolution was the discontentment of members of the Third Estate.

Learn more about the third estate, here:



What was NOT a use of the astrolabe?
determining the position of the sun
determining the strength of the wind
determining the latitude of the user's location
determining the time of day at the user's location



it's. dermatologist in the office it's is d

penge jowa 14 years old na girl​



babae ka Po ba o lalakesearch ka Po kung lalake ka jannine forteliakung babae ka nm wala


Mahalin mo siya hah


Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to discern information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects.



Why do you think harrriet tubman has the greatest impact on American history? Just need two sentences


Answer: Harriet Tubman is perhaps the most well-known of all the Underground Railroad's "conductors." During a ten-year span she made 19 trips into the South and escorted over 300 slaves to freedom. And, as she once proudly pointed out to Frederick Douglass, in all of her journeys she "never lost a single passenger."

Explanation: if need more i can add

What were the Crusades? Why do you think they were important to history?



Crusades, military expeditions, beginning in the late 11th century, that were organized by western European Christians in response to centuries of Muslim wars of expansion. Their objectives were to check the spread of Islam, to retake control of the Holy Land in the eastern Mediterranean, to conquer pagan areas, and to recapture formerly Christian territories; they were seen by many of their participants as a means of redemption and expiation for sins. Between 1095, when the First Crusade was launched, and 1291, when the Latin Christians were finally expelled from their kingdom in Syria, there were numerous expeditions to the Holy Land, to Spain, and even to the Baltic; the Crusades continued for several centuries after 1291. Crusading declined rapidly during the 16th century with the advent of the Protestant Reformation and the decline of papal authority.

Approximately two-thirds of the ancient Christian world had been conquered by Muslims by the end of the 11th century, including the important regions of Palestine, Syria, Egypt, and Anatolia. The Crusades, attempting to check this advance, initially enjoyed success, founding a Christian state in Palestine and Syria, but the continued growth of Islamic states ultimately reversed those gains. By the 14th century the Ottoman Turks had established themselves in the Balkans and would penetrate deeper into Europe despite repeated efforts to repulse them.

The Crusades constitute a controversial chapter in the history of Christianity, and their excesses have been the subject of centuries of historiography. The Crusades also played an integral role in the expansion of medieval Europe.



Article I, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states that _____ cannot be taxed.


will give brainliest and 35 points to right awnser


Exports is the answer

No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another.


1. A sign of a physiological dependency would be:
A. getting headaches when going without a certain substance.
B. needing a substance to socialize.
C. having to use a substance before going to work.
D. All of the choices are correct.

2. Which of the following statements about tobacco use is not true?
A. Nicotine narrows blood vessels and puts added strain on the heart.
B. Smoking improves athletic performance.
C. Smoking can wreck lungs.
D. Nicotine in smokeless tobacco is addictive.

3. The leading cause of death among smokers is:
A. cancer.
B. lung disease.
C. suffocation.
D. heart attack.

4. Which of the following statements about sidestream smoke is not true?
A. It is the smoke that a smoker inhales from a cigarette.
B. It is dirtier and has a different chemical makeup than mainstream smoke.
C. It is the smoke that people around the smoker inhale.
D. It is the smoke that results from the burning end of a cigarette.

5. Which of the following choices is a benefit of using medication to help someone quit smoking?
A. It helps lessen the urge to smoke.
B. It can double the chance of quitting.
C. It can help someone quit for good.
D. All of these choices are correct.

6. The number one drug of choice for young people is:
A. alcohol.
B. cocaine.
C. heroin.
D. tobacco.

7. According to the text, a standard drink is one:
A. 12-ounce bottle of beer.
B. 5-ounce glass of wine.
C. 1.5 ounce shot of 80-proof distilled spirits.
D. All of these choices are correct.

8. Alcoholic hepatitis is:
A. scarring of the liver.
B. a sexually transmitted disease.
C. inflammation of the liver.
D. None of these choices are correct.



1) D 2)B 3)D 4)D 5)D 6)A 7)D 8)C


Explanation is too long but if you want a more in-depth answer I could elaborate in the comment section

When revising the voice in an argumentative essay a writer should make sure.



a writer should make sure it is informational

What was the Treaty of Wangxia?

A.) A treaty that the United States signed with China
B.) A treaty that the United States signed with Japan
C.) A treaty that the United States signed with Cuba
D.) A treaty that the United States signed with the Philippines​






The treaty that the United States signed with China


Why is having a large army that guards an empires territory important





You need a large army because otherwise you will lose control of your empire. This can happen by countries fighting back and claiming independence or from other countries invading

nguyên nhân gây ra cuộc khủng hoảng kinh tế (1922-1933) là gì?


Cuộc Đại suy thoái là một yếu tố góp phần vào điều kiện kinh tế tồi tệ ở Weimar Đức, một phần dẫn đến sự trỗi dậy của Adolf Hitler và Đảng Quốc xã.

english: The Great Depression was a contributing factor to poor economic conditions in Weimar Germany, which in part led to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Why is Whittaker Chambers significant to US History?



Was an American writer-editor


Whittaker Chambers (born Jay Vivian Chambers; April 1, 1901 – July 9, 1961) was an American writer-editor, who, after early years as a Communist Party member (1925) and Soviet spy (1932–1938).

I hope this helps and have a great day!

What caused the stalemate in Virginia?



Assuming this is the stalemate in Virginia in the the summer of 1864, it was caused by General McClellan not wanting to fight to Confederacy that was under the instruction of General Lee


Has medicine been improved from ww2? If so how and why?and how has it benefited us today (future perspective)
Please answer as best as you can



yes. pls give brainliest


it has been improved because science has improved

Diseases were combatted more
effectively, with DDT sprayed over large areas to lessen incidences of malaria and typhus amongst troops and civilians. Specialist treatment on the home fronts also improved,with more advances in plastic surgery and the treatment of burns.Also there are vaccines and has improved the life expectancy.there is a lot more research through biology

How old does a member of the
House of Representatives
have to be?



A person must have been a citizen of the US for 7 years or more and must be 25 or older.


The constitution requires that a member of the House be at least 25 years old, have been a U.S. citizen for at least seven years, and lives in the state they represent.


Hope this helped, thanks.

Found poem on universal declaration of human rights


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an international document adopted by the United Nations General Assembly that enshrines the rights and freedoms of all human beings

which electronics giant was founded in albuquerque in 1975?


The electronics giant that was founded in Albuquerque in 1975 is the popular multinational computer technology corporation known as Microsoft.

Microsoft is a multinational computer technology corporation that was founded on April 4, 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

It should be noted that some of the best-selling products of the corporation include Microsoft Office, Microsoft Windows Operating System, etc.

In conclusion, the correct option is Microsoft.

Read related link on:


Define secede
A. to agree to return any runaway slaves
B.not allowing slaves to live in the same community
C.. to separate or leave formally from a group or unity





I know cause general knowledge

Most information that people receive comes from _____.



mass media and letters.



Word of mouth or social media


make brainliest plz

Explain how POTUS can use government-granted powers to legalize marijuana on the federal level, then discuss the pros and cons of that action.


Well I don’t know the first part of the question but I can do the pros and cons
Pros: marijuana is used for self medicating and can help calm down anxiety
Marijuana is Also used for when someone has cancer it helps drastically with cancer

Cons: people can Mis use it

What was the purpose of Stephen F Austin justice


Austin's Colony was the first and largest Anglo-American settlement in Mexican Texas and was established by Stephen F. Austin in 1821. It was authorized by the Mexican government and allowed for the introduction of 300 families into Texas.

in one or two paragrahs explain the difference between the split that caused Judaism and Christianity to become separate religions and the split that caused Protestantism and Catholicism to become separate denominations. Support your answer with examples. Read the assignment carefully and make sure you answer each part of the question or questions. After you've written your response, go back and read it again to make sure your thoughts are clear.


the reason judaism and christianity split is because in judaism they did not belive jesus was their Messiah and their messiah is yet to come. In christianity they accept jesus as the messiah due to the fact they are followers of christ. protestantism is a branched off of catholicism because of many reasons is because in their eyes the church had become bad and stopped conveying the true message of god and martin luther's 96-or 98 reasons why the church was bad

Were Han and Qin Dynasties more similar or more different?



The Qin and Han Dynasties were similar in that they both believed in a strong centralized government


Answer: more similar

Explanation: Qin and Han dynasties are two consecutive dynasties that date back to 3 century BC.

Han adopted most of Qin's system and convention until later years of ruling.So the similarities may only make sense when comparing Qin and early Han.

Major similarities between them:

1. Similar legal system

2. Same hierarchical and bureaucratic systems.

3. Same clothing traditions.

4. Similar attitudes to businessmen.

5. Similar military organizations and officer systems.

where was the first battle of the civil war fought?



Manassas, Virginia USA


The first battle of the American Civil War is known as The Battle Of Bull Run which took place in Manassas, Virginia on July 21, 1861.

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