What is different about the two groups of
teens and how they work within their
Information From Article 1 to support the
Information from Article 2 to support the
I chose minutes that matter and defeating dragons


Answer 1


Article One: Minutes that Matter

Article One: Minutes that MatterArticle Two: Defeating the Dragons

Article One: Minutes that MatterArticle Two: Defeating the DragonsInformation from Article 1 to support the difference: Teens work with companies to raise funds for soldiers over seas.

Article One: Minutes that MatterArticle Two: Defeating the DragonsInformation from Article 1 to support the difference: Teens work with companies to raise funds for soldiers over seas.Information from Article 2 to support the difference:Teens work as EMTs , saving people directly.

Related Questions

The story’s first sentence, a description of the family car shows the reader that —

the characters are not good with money
the family in the story is very conscious of material status
Charles is ungrateful for the good things his parents have given him
Charles’s parents have neglected routine repairs and maintenance



b). the family in the story is very conscious of material status.


The very beginning sentence of the story providing an explanation of the family car reflects the family's love and sensitivity towards their material status. The description of the car clearly reveals the family's materialistic nature and gives the readers an idea that the characters are highly inclined towards maintaining their shallow consumerist nature. This gives an idea that they are least likely to provide any importance to the emotions of generosity. Hence, option b is the correct answer.

critical thinking on the libary card?


Are you trying to get a library card or what is the question?

pls help I need help ​




copy the whole paragraph and put it on grammerly

rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the first one beginning with the given words

1. The lasr time i went swimming was 2 months ago

=> I



2 months ago i went swimming was the last time

Match each definition of dog with the correct context.
a work animal
a junkyard
a person's best friend
a farm
a vicious guard animal
a family home


a junkyard = vicious guard animal
a family home = persons best friend
a farm = work animal

glad to help

In 35 words or fewer How might an author express a complaint about society or politics in an entertaining way



An author can use satire to express a complaint about society or politics in an entertaining way. This will help the author express his opinions and thoughts clearly while also providing entertainment to the readers.


Satire is using irony, exaggeration, and humor to the issue(s) that an author may want to talk about but in an entertaining way. Through this literary technique, an author can ridicule or make fun of any issues pertaining to social, political, or even personal things that he/she wants to emphasize upon.

Satire provides an open platform for a writer to talk openly about issues that need to be addressed, but also in a humorous way so as not to be too serious. The humorous manner provides a means of addressing the follies of a person or a society but still manages to bring to light serious issues.  

One example of the use of satire to express a complaint about society or politics is Jonathan Swift’s "Gulliver’s Travels".

Which prepositional phrase could be added to sentence 3 to best show where the events


the answer is at school

Question 4 of 10
If a reader wants to evaluate a text, which is the best question to ask while
reading it?
A. How long is this text, and how quickly does it get to the point?
B. Where else is there a text with similar goals that used different
C. What are the goals of the text, and what elements help achieve
those goals?
D. When did the author of this text decide on its goals, and when did
he write it?



C what are the goals of the text and what elements help achieve those goals?


This is because you are evaluating the text by finding the goals and how they achieve them

the reason why the others were wrong is because they are either referring to something not directly involved with the text or is simply suggesting you skip to the end

The answer is C because he is not rushing through the text and instead asking valuable questions

Describe the relationship between Gilgamesh and Enkidu as it is depicted at various points throughout the epic. Include at least three specific examples from the text in your explanation.



Following are the solution to the given question:


It's recognized and inspired by the relationship of Enkidu. Methods for his family ties with Enkidu transform Gilgamesh. He develops because Enkidu likes a man and a driven ruler. The life that Enkidu has led to the development of his Gilgamesh partnership.

Enkidu turned to alter Gilgamesh, and he fulfills that goal. The three people are connected and have a great love for each other. The Guides of the Partnership will be both Gilgamesh & Enkidu. Regardless matter if there is the language throughout the text which respects a relationship between the two throughout the past, there is also no rapid evidence that Gilgamesh and Enkidu have a physical partnership. Nebuchadnezzar considers Enkidu more noteworthy than any female to worship at the same time. However, for young females, the sexual desire of Gilgamesh is established inside the substance, which has become miles, sooner than its mates, with now women married. He is becoming married.

Given that Enkidu was created to be a stabilizer to Gilgamesh by both the wonderful monsters, the characters may uncover knowledge no one can give to each other. I only could recognize what the other one looked like. Everybody received an elevation and varied gifts from their new friendship, whether or not it became Gilgamesh or Enkidu. Each of them seems to have a friend, and everyone knows.

someone help me pls asap, will mark brainliest
1. Define income in your own words. (3-4 sentences)
2.explain how "Income" will improve wellbeing
3. explain how income will impair/reduce wellbeing ( Come up with one or two ways income will improve or reduce wellbeing with an example to explain )



income is process of gather money as it has its resources

#what is the word class of loaded in the sentence? "the heavy loaded truck somersalted"​



No results found for what is the word class of loaded in the sentence? "the heavy loaded truck somersaulted".




adding more meaning to the somersaulted truck

The most objectionable passage in the novel were_ at the irristence of the censors


Your question is lacking the necessary answer options, so I will be adding them here:

A. deleted

B. returned

C. advertised

D. restored

E. celebrated

F. obliterated

So, given your question, "The most objectionable passage in the novel were _ at the insistence of the censors" the best options to answer it would be: A. deleted and F. obliterated.

The most objectionable passage in the novel were deleted and obliterated at the insistence of the censors.

In English language, a sentence refer to a group of words that is made up of both a subject and a predicate which conveys a logical information and express a complete thought.

In this scenario, a novel contained a passage that was objected to the most by the censor board and as a result of their (censors') insistence an action must be performed by the author or writer of the novel. Thus, this action would involve removing or getting rid of the particular passage that was objected to the most by the censors.

On a related note, the English words (verbs) which can be used to describe this action of removing the most objectionable passage in the novel are delete and obliterate.


Delete simply means to remove, erase or get rid of something such as a written information (texts).  Obliterate means to completely (utterly) wipe out, destroy or remove something while leaving no trace or any remnant.

In conclusion, the most objectionable passage in the novel were deleted and obliterated at the insistence of the censors.

Find more information on verbs here: brainly.com/question/14574299

Which piece of dialogue from The Chaste Adventures of Joseph: A Comedy most reveals Madam Potiphar’s motives for wanting her husband to replace his secretary, Joseph?
MADAM POTIPHAR. (coming in) Oh, this is nothing—merely the room of one of the slaves.
MADAM POTIPHAR. (ironically) Send for Joseph? It would be useless. Joseph has affairs of his own on hand, always.
MADAM POTIPHAR. Yes—"Joseph." An ugly, foreign-sounding name, don't you think?
MADAM POTIPHAR. (looking amusedly after her) Silly little thing! (She stands there thinking.)There's no doubt of it! Joseph did come from Heliopolis last year.



MADAM POTIPHAR. (ironically) Send for Joseph? It would be useless. Joseph has affairs of his own on hand, always.


The chaste adventures of Joseph is a comedy written by Floyd Dell. Madam POTIPHAR's motive of wanting her husband to replace Joseph is best captured during the dialogue between a lady, madam POTIPHAR and Asenath. As the lady looks to a quiet room and asks madam POTIPHAR if it was her husband's study only to be told that it was the room of a slave. Asenath was surprised and she uttered that he must be educated. During their walk, madam POTIPHAR lamented Joseph is never on hand when needed when Asenath told madam POTIPHAR to send for him so he could show them through the vineyard. Telling her that it would be useless as he always has affairs of his own on hand.


B: MADAM POTIPHAR. (ironically) Send for Joseph? It would be useless. Joseph has affairs of his own on hand, always.


Since in the text above Madam Potiphar is referring that Joseph is useless and has affairs of his own on hand then we can conclude that she is advocating for a replacement due to the derogatory tone. Please comment below if you have any questions. E2021.

what is the literacy style of J.K Rowling



mostly compound complex, declarative ample past, and active voice.


the transformation sentences were mostly compound about one or more kernel sentences which had been strung effectively together through the use of connective.

compound complex, declarative, simple past, and active voice.

what’s The definition of hypocrite



Explanation: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings.


A person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion

He Had His Dream
by Paul Dunbar

He had his dream, and all through life,

Worked up to it through toil and strife.

Afloat fore’er before his eyes,

It colored for him all his skies:

The storm–cloud dark

Above his bark,

The calm and listless vault of blue

Took on its hopeful hue,

It tinctured every passing beam—

He had his dream.

He labored hard and failed at last,

His sails too weak to bear the blast,

The raging tempests tore away

And sent his beating bark astray.

But what cared he

For wind or sea!

He said, “The tempest will be short,

My bark will come to port.”

He saw through every cloud a gleam—

He had his dream.

Select the correct answer.
How does the syntax contribute to the voice?

The straightforward syntax creates an earnest voice.
The simple syntax adds to a tormented voice.
The unusual syntax reveals an eccentric voice.
The repetitive syntax creates a bored voice.


A because syntax adds a tormented voice


it is b

Explanation:hope this helps :)

The good boy behaved well.which one is adverb?





An adverb changes the meaning of a sentence

e.g. this sentence wouldn't be the same if it said 'The good boy behaved bad'

Note: adverbs usually end in -ly but not always

Note 2: Adverbs usually come before or after a verb

A value is important to a society because it is (Odysseus)





A value is important to a society because it is the measure used to determine how good a person is.

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a good day :)

ASAP I’m so confused

What’s the difference between tires and wheel in a car?



TIRES – WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD A tire is the rubber part of a wheel that grips the road. ... WHEELS – MORE THAN JUST GOOD LOOKS a wheel is a round object with a hub and an axle. Another common term for the wheel is rim


plz mark me Brianless

Generally speaking, a wheel is a round object with a hub and an axle. A tire is the rubber part of a wheel that grips the road. Not all wheels have tires. ... In an automobile, the wheels on a car consist of the rims and the tires.

Complete the story with the correct present progressive or simple present tense of the verb in parentheses.

This is Yeshi. He _____ (be) from Tibet. Right now, he __________ (sit) in the river and ______ (pour) the water onto the bowl to clean it. the water _____ (splash) off the bowl into the air. Washing the dishes _____ (be) Yeshi’s daily chore. Everyday after lunch, he ______ (go) to the river, and ______ (wash) the dishes. He _____ (like) doing this chore because water ______ (be) cool and relaxing. Today, he ______ (wear) an orange robe. He _______ (wear negative) a hat because he _____ (like negative) them. Yeshi ______ (live) near the river with his family.


[tex] \large{\underline{\underline{\pink{\textsf{\textbf{Required AnsweRs:}}}}}}[/tex]

This is Yeshi. He is from Tibet. Right now, he is sitting in the river and pouring the water onto the bowl to clean it. The water splashes off the bowl into the air. Washing the dishes is Yeshi’s daily chore. Everyday after lunch, he goes to the river, and washes the dishes. He likes doing this chore because water is cool and relaxing. Today, he is wearing an orange robe. He isn't wearing a hat because he doesn't like them. Yeshi lives near the river with his family.

what is main reason fir students fight for free education?​



Guaranteed education: Free education is important because it guarantees every student in a country some level of education. This means that each student has an equal opportunity to access this level of education on the same scale. 2.


He … football every weekend​



He plays football every weekend

Feel free to mark this as brainliest :D

What would be this sentences most likely function in an expository essay


The correct answer is C. Thesis statement.


A thesis statement is the main idea/sentence of an argumentative text. This sentence establishes the position that the author exposes in his text, additionally, this idea must be reinforced using reliable, truthful, and verifiable arguments so that the readers have credibility on the exposed idea. According to the above, the sentence presented is a thesis statement because it establishes the author's position. After all, he states that the "music shell at Webster Square is an important part of Covington's identity"  and he provides three reasons. According to the above, the correct answer is C.

Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition
Although some people enjoy reading narrative texts such as novels or poems, other people enjoy expository texts
such as newspaper and magazine articles or how-to manuals.



Compare/ Contrast


  It compares two types of people

Which part what is the key to description to hold readers interest



To know more about what they are reading and about how did that person be before he/she become a singer










I hope this will help you

Identify the question that is being answered by the adverb modifier in the sentence below:
Janice walked softly through the living room so she wouldn't wake her father.


The correct answer is: In what way she walked?


An adverb is a word that modifies a verb, adjective, adverbs, or sentence. Adverbs are words that express circumstances such as place, time, quantity, among others. Adverbs are used in a sentence when you want to describe a situation, place, or another as a response. In the phrase above, the adverb is "softly" because this word is modifying the verb "walked". This means the adverb modifier describes the way, Janice walked, and therefore, the adverb answers to the question "In what way she walked?"

Thousands of years ago life was hard as people had to do all the work by themselves. A large number of people would travel from one place to another in search of food and shelter. While travelling one day, a man arrived at the edge of a desert. He was walking in the sands, when he came across a strange creature – it had extremely long, thin legs, a giant hump and a long neck. The following day, he met the creature again. The creature was putting its long neck into the lake and drinking water continuously. 2. In the following weeks, the man saw more such creatures, again and again. It seemed they were all over the desert, aimlessly walking about for miles. The man began to observe the creatures very closely. He saw that they were remarkably meek and gentle. They could walk around the desert without being exhausted. The man thought he would tame the creature and make it ferry all his stuff. 3. So one day, while one of the creatures was dozing, the man went up to it and put a bridle in its mouth. Then he rode around on it after placing an enormous amount of load on its back. With this the taming of the animal was complete, and ever since then, the camel lived up to its title “Ship of the Desert”.

Two qualities of the camel that led to the taming of the camel are: *​





Nr. 2 and 4 are the right answers.

More explanation needed?

Choose the most appropriate phrase/word for the blank space in the following sentence. Choose as many answers as are correct.

The figure is twice as _______ as Germany’s annual budget.



The figure is twice as large as Germany's annual budget.

The figure is twice is much as Germany's annual budget.

large is the first sentence and much is for the second

how does irrigation generate employment in the society and boost the national economy of a country ​



Kindly check explanation


Irrigation refers to an artificial means of getting land and crops watered by leveraging water supply from rivers, and dams through distribution channels. Irrigation thus ensures that crops and land gets constant supply of water to aid growth even when natural sources of supply (Rainfall) cease or becomes insufficient. With enhanced irrigation scheme, the agricultural sector will be able to challenge and tackle posed by erratic and uneven rainfall distribution which mostly hampers the efficient crop growth and the appealing nature of the agricultural sector.

With reliable irrigation scheme in place , the fear of being struck by huge loss resulting from unavoidable and low Rainfall supply is eliminated as farmers, horticulturist can result to the use of of these artifical watering systems. This will appeal to investors who may decide to invest in the sector which has been on the decline in most countries thereby providing jobs and employment opportunities.

With a good and potent irrigation system, there will be a boost in the agricultural sector, this means a probable rise in food and cash crop production meaning the nation would have successfully developed another major of the economy capable of providing good return internally and even greater return on export basis.


Irrigation change barren land into cultivable lands.


Irrigation makes a barren land into a fertile land on which crops can be cultivated. Farming of crops needs water which is provided by irrigation. Due to irrigation, more farming can be done on barren lands that needs more labour to work in the field so due to this irrigation employment is available for the people. More farming on lands produce huge quantity of raw materials which can be used in making more products or directly sold to other countries that increases economy of the country.

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