what is ethos logos and pathos???????


Answer 1


Ethos is about establishing your authority to speak on the subject, logos is your logical argument for your point and pathos is your attempt to sway an audience emotionally.


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What is the theme of the McWilliamses and the burglar alarm?



The theme of the story is that intelligence is more effective than money in protecting people.


"McWilliamses and the burglar alarm" is a short story written by Mark Twain. In this story we know the McWilliams family who spent lots of money buying burglar alarms for the house where they live, but thieves keep entering the house frequently, which shows that the alarms are completely ineffective. When the family complains to the company that makes the burglar alarms, the company says they need a better and more expensive alarm, which also doesn't stop thieves from breaking into the house.

Given this, Mark Twain shows that the McWilliams family could not see that they were being deceived by the producer of the burglar alarms. This lack of family intelligence prevented them from realizing this and for that reason, they believed that money was needed to protect them, when intelligence was even more essential in this case. Thus, we can conclude that the theme of this story is that intelligence is more important than money to protect a person and their family.

It is important to emphasize that the theme of a story refers to the message that the author wants to promote through the text.

which sentence uses the most appropriate tone for a formal speech​


Formal speech basically anything formal

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest



I think agnostic is correct answer


hope it's help you

I think its A
Hope its help for your questions

Would you mind if I _________ TV?

A. watch

B. watched

C. watching

D. watches



Its A) Watch



Every second counts Reread lines 1-9 . What is the central idea in these lines ? What details support this idea ?



Time is the best healer.


The central idea in these lines is that time is the best healer of the wounds. When we happy, time passes very fast but when we are in trouble or pain, the time passes very slowly. This stretching provide information that time is elastic in nature. In these lines, the author says that time is a word which is most used as a noun in the English language that have different meanings in different situations.

Please please help please now

coffee snacks worms story

1.near the end of the story, Bradford writes, “He pulled himself off the stool and headed for the
door, then stopped to stare back at her for a moment. There was a strange, unreadable look on his
face, but all he said was, “Thanks.’” Why would the boy have an unreadable expression at this
moment? What could he have been thinking?


Answer: BEcause something unusual had happened before this moment, you know the story well... just think...

Imagine you are going to conduct a research project based on this excerpt. Which research question is the most effective for this topic?

What grievances, complaints, and injustices did the women’s rights activists at the Seneca Falls Convention include in A Declaration of Sentiments when they wrote it in 1848?
How did suffragettes work to obtain the rights outlined in the Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments?
Did any other women’s rights conventions occur in 1848?
How has A Declaration of Sentiments affected America?



I think the answer might be B.



I hope this helps!!! :D :DDDDD

My neighbours.....loud music all night, so I......much sleep.
a. were playing / didn't get
b.played / weren't get
c.was playing / got
d.were played / get
e.were played / go​



its A


its litterly the only one that make sense

It's likely that you are aware of the distinction between the words were and was: were is the second-person singular past tense of to be, whereas was the first-person singular past tense of to be. Thus, option A is correct.

What is the use of were in the sentence?

Use were for all plural forms, including the second person past tense indicative. “You were standing the entire game,” and “They were in the stadium.”

The past tense of be1 is were, which is both the plural and second-person singular. In specific patterns, such as conditional clauses and sentences following the verb “want,” were is occasionally used in place of “was.”

Use the subjunctive mood in both one and plural forms for hypothetical or fantastical statements, such as “If they were to bring back popcorn, I would eat it.”

Therefore, My neighbours ( were playing ) loud music all night, so I (didn't get) much sleep.

Learn more about were here:



>-< I cant do ittt at alllllllllllllll





I might be wrong but Claim of Cause and effect is saying that if we eat to much we gain weight which doesnt seem right and c, claim of fact means something that can be backed up by actual proof or evidence, and d, claim of policy is a claim that goes off on laws or "policy" therefore a made the most sense

summary conclusion of the circus elephant.


Elephants have bolted from circuses, run amok through streets, crashed into buildings, attacked members of the public, and injured and killed handlers. The elephants have been injured, too, and some have been killed in a hail of bullets.

poe was orphaned by


Poe was orphaned by eop
John Allen i’m pretty sure

how do you describe your best friend in an English essay​


I would describe them as a loves le person who has been with me for a long time and maybe even explain some times where they helped me through something or just made me feel better.

can anyone pls give me a correct answer! i need help!


Second option I think that’s bout right

Can someone help me I have to explain these questions to my teacher :,(

1. Based on what you've learned in the lessons, how would you define syntax?

2. What 20th century poem did you most enjoy reading in this Module? Describe the author's syntax.



1. Syntax is the part of linguistics that studies the structure and formation of sentences. It explains how words and phrases are arranged to form correct sentences.


Your best friend has just been suspended from school for truancy.write a letter to her expressing your displeasure and advising her to turn a new leaf




Using the Boolean method, what would the student most likely tell the search engine to do when beginning the search?



Use AND between the search terms; cloud AND storage.

Explanation: Boolean search method involves the use of varied operators like AND, NOT, and OR to make combination of the keywords in a restricted manner to generate more effective results. It assists the user to produce more effective results efficiently

If you were going to make an argument that students should be given more options for electives in high school, which statement
would logically go first?

A)For example, David Walker has only been able to take one elective his
entire three year high school career: visual arts.

B)If schools offered more electives, it is very likely that students who not be
so resistant to attending school and investing in their education.

C)Even though our school catalog has over thirty elective course offerings
Listed, only ten of them ever actually make' or are officially put on the
school schedule.

D) Because students have so many academic class requirements, many
students are not able to take electives in fields they are passionate about
or what to pursue as a career.





the answer states the importance of the electives. this would make kids WANT to go to school, which is something im sure everyone wants.

B, it is making the school think about a more engaged mount of students

When Bethany saw Timmy before her surgery, what did she say over and over?



GET ME WATER get me water


“When Bethany finally saw Timmy before my surgery, she started saying over and over again, “Get me water, get me water.”

Which details in a story are most related to setting?
Select three options.



olocation will be the answer

The details in a story that are most related to setting are time, location and atmosphere. The correct options are b, d and f.

What is a story?

A story is any account of a series of related events or experiences, whether nonfictional or fictional. Narratives can be presented through a sequence of written or spoken words, through still or moving images, or through any combination of these.

The word derives from the Latin verb narrare which is derived from the adjective gnarus. Narration i.e., the process of presenting a narrative is a rhetorical mode of discourse, broadly defined and paralleling argumentation, description, and exposition, is one of four rhetorical modes of discourse. More narrowly defined, it is the fiction-writing mode in which a narrator communicates directly to an audience.

The school of literary criticism known as Russian formalism has applied methods that are more often used to analyse narrative fiction, to non-fictional texts such as political speeches.

Learn more about story, here:



how do give people brainlist...​


i dk search it up it must be in the bottom


im pretty sure you click on their name and i shows up somewhere


1. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined. Read the words aloud 1. A. Volunteer B. Committee C. Guarantee D. Degree 2. A. Chemistry B. Chemical C. Charity D. Mechanic 3. A. Architect B. Church C. Childhood D. Change 4. A. Collage B. Cave C. Cycle D. Cancel 5. A. Child B. Provide C. Mind D. Think



There's no underlined part.


change to passive
The viewers said that the acting of Tom Cruise was the biggest disappointment.


The viewer told that the acting of Tom Cruise was the biggest disappointment


Thank you

Test Your Knowledge
Check correct or incorrect for each statement below.
1. When the oil pressure warning light goes on with the engine
running, it indicates that the oil needs changing.
2. The last thing you should do before moving a vehicle away from
the curb is release the parking brake.
3. The ABS alert light indicates a problem with the antilock braking
system if it comes on while you are driving.
4. If the brake warning light comes on as you apply the foot-brake
pedal, it indicates that the brake pads are worn out.
5. In an automatic transmission vehicle, always come to a stop before
changing from DRIVE TO REVERSE or OVERDRIVE TO PARK gears.
6. In a stickshift vehicle, always come to a stop before changing
from a forward (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to REVERSE gear or OVERDRIVE (5) to
parking (1 or R) gears.
7. Riding the clutch pedal keeps the clutch in the best working
position and condition.



1. When the oil pressure warning light goes on with the engine

running, it indicates that the oil needs changing.

False, this means your oil is low and needs to be check.

2. The last thing you should do before moving a vehicle away from

the curb is releasing the parking brake.

True, wouldn't want the vehicle to start rolling away or accidentally putting on the gas before you are ready to proceed.

3. The ABS alert light indicates a problem with the antilock braking

the system if it comes on while you are driving.

True, should have your brakes checked.

4. If the brake warning light comes on as you apply the foot-brake

pedal, it indicates that the brake pads are worn out.

False, this could be caused by brake issue cylinder leak? master cylinder or leaks in the brake system, other than pads

5. In an automatic transmission vehicle, always come to a stop before

changing from DRIVE TO REVERSE or OVERDRIVE TO PARK gears.

True, you can damage your transmission if you throw it in reverse while driving in the drive.

6. In a stickshift vehicle, always come to a stop before changing

from a forward (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) to REVERSE gear or OVERDRIVE (5) to

parking (1 or R) gears.

True, this again can cause damage to the transmission.

7. Riding the clutch pedal keeps the clutch in the best working

position and condition.

False, this wears out the clutch and causes damage to throw out bearing, and can break the clutch cable.

what is called, for example when a fire truck is on fire?

I forgot what the word is for this and can't find it on the internet



can you explain again ok


who has commonlit??? because i need help with one


I can help you … what’s the reading passage?

What is the type of conjunction in the sentence, "while in the snow and ice, the goat is able to move up and down with ease"


Coordinating conjunction


What do my friends think
about reading? Do they
like to read? Why do you
they think they like to read
or do not like to read?



Some of my friends like to read, other's have been corrupted by the mindset that reading is horrible and boring because they were forced to do it as a kid and have not tried it since. Plus, popular reads like Twilight and The Vampire Diaries have taken over the young adult library and are notoriously unappealing, but the good books with smaller audiences don't get enough publicity.

They don't have the motivation to read, and if my friends do, many don't know where or how to look to find a good book.

Read the following poems then fill in the compare/contrast chart.
“Fall, leaves, fall”
Number of Stanzas
Rhyme Scheme


The rhyme seen stains those number of stencils fall leaves for fall November August September November December matches torch bottle Gatorade bottle of the computer iPad iPod touch iPod touch volleyball and football basketball basketball soccer speaker JBL boom box matches poop the answer is 24

Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest ....... In the United States. ( export)


The correct answer is exporter. I hope this helps; if you find this answer helpful, please mark Brainliest. Have a wonderful day!

Based on the information given, the correct form of the verb will be exporter.

An export simply means the good or services that are produced in a country and then sent to another country.

From the sentence given, the correct sentence will be Boeing sells a third of its aircraft overseas, making it the biggest exporter in the United States.

Learn more about exports on:


I. Choose the word that has underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. a.letter b. twelve c. person d. sentence
2. a. enough b. young c. country d. mountain



1. person

2. mountain

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