What is happiness ???​


Answer 1


Opposite of sad. You smile.


You have a really good time with friends or family and you get

a happy feeling where you start smiling.

Related Questions





Through the Constitution the Indian state promises equality to all its citizens. The various

provisions of the Constitution elucidated in the chapters on Fundamental Rights

(justiciable) and on Directive Principles of State Policies (non-justiciable) delineate the

state’s obligation to provide equal opportunities to all its citizens in social, political and

economic spheres.1

Yet the ubiquitous presence of stark inequalities continues to do

offence to the idea of India visualised by the writers of the constitution. Furthermore,

persistent poverty and deprivation overlap with particular castes, communities and differ

between genders. Poverty and deprivations are also without shadow of doubt the result of

deep rooted class structure formed over centuries. While accepting this social fact, rather

than to look at class derived unequal outcomes our essay explores the reasons whereby

individuals with the same endowments (assets, entitlements, rights, skills, education,

experience) but differing in social group (caste, religion, gender, ethnicity etc.) command

different tangible returns (income, development benefits, realised entitlements) and less

tangible ones (such as dignity and respect). It is the experience of comparable endowments

and widely differing treatments and outcomes that we understand as social discrimination.

Social discrimination2

is necessarily an inter-group social phenomenon transcending class

differentiation – visible when one or few social group(s) commands and practises social

sanctions against other social group(s). For the purposes of this essay,, ‘social group’ is

defined as group of individuals having a shared socio-economic history and cultural

practices which not only provide them with a group identity but also distinguish them from

other social groups. In other words, social and cultural norms become the basis for defining

inter-group relationships which in turn govern status relationships.


der disparity still exists in India. Being born as women in the Indian society one has to face ..

Enlightenment thinking placed value on scientific knowledge and thought. Based on "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," which best describes the relationship between Enlightenment thinking and the thinking of Edwards's followers?
The beliefs of the two groups were fundamentally the same.
The beliefs of the two groups directly opposed each other.
The beliefs of Edwards's followers evolved directly from those emphasized in the Enlightenment.
The beliefs of the two groups were similar, with the Enlightenment placing more emphasis on science.



B)  The beliefs of the two groups directly opposed each other.



the answer is B


Why does Hazel tell George he should lighten the bag that is padlocked to his neck in, Harrison Bergeron?



Where is the passage?


answer this questions ​



I am having a headache, so I see the doctor this afternoon. Answer: d) am having / see

Good luck! :)

Which excerpt is the best example of an appeal to ethos?



The answer is D: Robert Zoellick, president of the world bank, warns that the rising prices are a threat to global growth and social stability

i literally answerd the question and i got it wrong and the right answer was D

"Robert Zoellick, President of the word bank, warns that the rising prices are 'A threat to global growth and social stability.'" is the best example of an appeal to ethos.

What is an appeal to ethos?

The purpose of ethos is to engender respect and reliability. The greatest method to have a legitimate source, which serves as an illustration of ethos, is to include a statement from someone in a trusting position in regard to this subject.

As he is the president of the World Bank he will need to be more adherent and has the power to make a take a decision. His warning regarding stability and growth will be taken into consideration at a higher level.

They often are a huge part and if he is giving a warning regarding something then it is a big matter and all the people would listen to it. This is where it is being taken care of.

Learn more about appeal to ethos, here:



Read this passage from Dragonwings by Laurence Yep.

During those trips alone among the demons, Father and I learned things about one another; and more, we learned about being a father and a son. Every trip was an adventure into a strange, fearful city; and yet I felt safe by my father's side. Anyone who could laugh and tell stories and jokes and sing while he was alone among the demons must know what he was doing. In my own mind, Father was the embodiment of Uncle's superior man.
Only once during all those trips did we have any trouble. Some demon boys were out in the street. They stooped as if to pick up things to throw, and Father whispered to me to sit up straight and not show I was afraid. The demon boys called out some things, but we ignored them until we had passed them by. A rock whizzed by my ear and hit Red Rabbit in the side. He snorted, but plodded on as steadily as before.

How does this passage show the types of problems Chinese immigrants faced in the early 1900s?

The boys are throwing rocks at the narrator and his father because they are Chinese.
The narrator calls the boys demons instead of calling them Americans.
The horse has a traditional Chinese name, Red Rabbit, instead of an American name.
The narrator and his father ignore the boys instead of confronting them for their actions.


Answer: The boys are throwing rocks at the narrator and his father because they are Chinese.


The demons in this excerpt are white Americans and they are most probably referred to as demons by the narrator because of discriminatory practices that they engage in towards Chinese people.

One such practice was shown by the little white boys throwing rocks at the narrator and his father for the mere fact that they were Chinese. Such things were common in the early 1900s when waves of Chinese immigrants tried to enter the U.S. for a better life.

the word" intensive " has opposite meaning to ?



I say cursory have opposite meaning to intensive


I hope this help I'm sorry If it don't have great day

Both Ganga and Prabha worked over time. identify simple , compund or complex.






you been (1) Why did you come to Marion's party? ..? (invite) (2) The meeting was so chaotic. Had ......... by anyone? (It - plan) (3) How long ......... before the scientists found it? (The body - freeze) (4) ......... to the police when he turned up in the town? (The man - know) (5) How many times.......... before you succeeded? (Your application - reject) (6) Why did you take your raincoat? ..........? (Rainy weather - forecast) (7) ............. just ....... when I arrived? (The parcel - deliver) (8) How long ........ before it was allowed again? (It - forbid) (9) Why did the police arrive along with the firemen?........... on fire? (The house - set) (10) I didn't get the money on Friday..... a long time before that? (It - send)​


1) Why did you come to Marion's party? Had you been invited?

2) The meeting was so chaotic. Had it been planned by anyone?

3) How long had the body been frozen before the scientists found it?

4) Had the man been known to the police when he turned up in the town?

5) How many times had your application been rejected before you succeeded?

6) Why did you take your raincoat? Had rainy weather been forecast | forecasted?

7) Had the parcel just been delivered when I arrived?

8) How long had it been forbidden before it was allowed again?

9) Why did the police arrive along with the firemen? Had the house been set on fire?

10) I didn't get the money on Friday. Had it been sent a long time before that?

I hope I helped you ^_^

native language is better than the English language debate ​


Our native language let's us have a special bond with our culture and rootsWe will have a special language with our language Easier to learn than English because you can grow up learning it making it your first language and of your environment

From the web/research:

many researchers have proven that the linguistic ability of our native language has a close relation to the development of cognitive abilities and learning abilities........etc.

You can check out


(typed it all out)

Hope it helps, Good luck

Which best describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?"
o formal and detached
O formal and scholarly
informal and relatable
O informal and light-hearted



Ain't I a woman describes informal and relatable

Informal and relatable, best describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?". Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is the theme of "Ain't I a Woman"?

In English literature, "Ain't I a Woman" was well-known. Sojourner Truth wrote the song "Ain't I a Woman". On June 21st, 1851, it appeared in print. Women's suffrage and abolition are the focus of "Ain't I a Woman" (the musical). Speaking at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, was fighter for women's rights and former slave Sojourner Truth.

It is clear from "Ain't I a Woman?" that the author wishes to call into question the feminist movement's exclusion of black women. This is done in an approachable manner that makes it simpler for the public to relate to the information offered.

As a result, the significance of the describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?" are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on "Ain't I a Woman?", here:



Which two scenarios best exemplify situational irony? The Greek goddess of reason and intelligence, Athena, turns beautiful Arachne into a spider because she is a better weaver than Athena. A king and queen’s wish for a child is granted by a fairy. After the child is born, another fairy takes the child away. A boy sets up a trap for his older brother, but his brother’s friend Nathan falls into it instead. A man steps aside to avoid a puddle and falls into a swimming pool in the process. A girl saves her money carefully and finally buys a laptop. As the store’s 500th customer, she wins a prize, which turns out to be a laptop.


The two scenarios that best exemplify situational irony are: The Greek goddess of reason and intelligence, Athena, turns beautiful Arachne into a spider because she is a better weaver than Athena.

This is situational irony because Arachne's exceptional skills as a weaver, which should be rewarded, instead result in her punishment. A girl saves her money carefully and finally buys a laptop. As the store’s 500th customer, she wins a prize, which turns out to be a laptop. This is situational irony because the girl's hard work and effort to save money and buy a laptop are ultimately negated by winning the same thing as a prize.




Which field of study prefers the Harvard referencing style?


Harvard is a style of referencing, primarily used by university students, to cite information sources. Two types of citations are included: In-text citations are used when directly quoting or paraphrasing a source.

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Decide where a semicolon is needed in the following sentence.

Seven test pilots were chosen for the first Mercury program the group consisted of Air Force officers.

Type the word that goes before the semicolon, the semicolon, and the word that goes after the semicolon.


Answer: Program; the


What is likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR?

There is a slight interest decrease after the first year.
There is a significant interest increase after the first year.
The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the economy.
The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.



Once an introductory APR for purchases ends, the portion of your balance that comes from new purchases will be assigned a new APR and start to accrue interest at that rate. The specific rate you'll be charged will depend on your creditworthiness, and will be assigned when you're approved for your card.

The thing that will likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR is D. The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.

What is an interest?

An interest simply means the amount that's gained when money is kept in a bank for a period.

In this case, the thing that will likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR is that the interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.

Learn more about interest on:



When outlining a text, what is the correct sequence of labels for a standard outline?
O 1., I., A., a.
O I., a., i., 1.
O I., A., 1., a.
O 1., A., a., i.



C.  I., A., 1., a.


Outlining a text may be required in a writing process. And this tool helps to present a thought in a well organized manner. The labeling of an outline has a standard format that must be followed in order to avoid muddling up of ideas.

In the given question, the appropriate option showing the correct sequence of labels for a standard outline is C. I., A., 1., a.

Use the table below to organize your analysis of how diction and syntax can impact mood, tone, and voice. Answer each guiding question. the poem The Dreams of the Dreamer by Georgia Douglas Johnson


Answer and Explanation:

The answers below have been numbered according to the order in which the table information appears:

1. Through the words used by the poet, we can make connections with people's current lives, where the dreams they most wanted are left behind, because of the responsibilities they have, or because of the lack of resources. In this case, the individuals, as well as the speaker of the poem, feel saddened and can only reflect how dreams were left in the past without being developed and without showing any results.

2. My prediction of title was not correct, as when reading the title of the poem, I thought the poem would talk about dreams in their literal sense and not dreams related to wishes and desires.

3. Some phrases that stood out to me were: "Are life-drops that pass" and "The songs of the singer." Because they are phrases that represent dreams in an unpredictable, yet profound and poetical way.

4. These sentences evoke a feeling of sadness and melancholy when read in conjunction with the other sentences in the poem.

5. The structure used by the poetess presents interrupted sentences, which start in a line of the poem, but only finish in the next line. This reinforces the feeling of something interrupted and unfinished, like dreams that didn't come true.

6. Rhythm and pace are created through the rhyming system. The rhyming system presented in the poem is ABCB ADCD. As we can see, each stanza has a scheme of alternating rhymes, that is, the second line of the poem rhymes with the fourth line. However, we can see the first and third verses of the first stanza rhyme with the first and third verses of the second stanza and this also creates rhythm and pace in the poem.

7. The choice of words and syntax used by the poetess promotes a melancholy and sad tone in the poem. This allows the reader to realize that the poem refers to a lament, something that does not promote happiness for the poet.

8. The choice of words and syntax shows that the poet is complaining about the abandonment of unfulfilled dreams. This can be seen in the use of words that express sadness and nostalgia.



Edmentum sample answer so dont copy word for word (:

Is the following quotation set up properly? Why or why not?

In The Odyssey, Homer frequently reflects on the "rosy fingers of dawn" to create a visual image of the day cycle


depends on ur level of school, as a freshman itd be wrong bc they might need the page or paragraph

importance of drinking water in human life? ​



importance of drinking water in life are:

1.It helps to maintain the body balance of body fluids

2.it helps in maintenance of body temperature

3.It hels in transportation of nutrients



Answer:to cause harm and destruction to others


What is a “blind” as it is used in paragraph 18? What does this paragraph suggest aboutthe way the narrator is feeling?


Answer: the answer is D

Explanation: i took the quiz

I (meet) __________ Mary last night. She (become) __________ a very big girl.


i dont get it


mabye a little more info

speech on life in the city is more dangerous than that of the village.speech for the motion.





life in the city is more dangerous because we living with more people,when doneone have virus is spread very easy because people living in the city.village life is not dangerous because there are fresh are because neighbours are far with others

Which kind of detail belongs in the middle of a story?

describing the main character
introducing the setting
resolving the conflict
building the conflict



the truly answer most be building the conflict



how might the american experience depicted in this poem differ from immigrants, or of african-americans





Which word BEST completes the sentence below? The little pup ----------------------- a. Sat on my lap b. Sat over my lap c. Sat my lap d. Sat behind my lap



A. Sat on my lap



The answer would be A, "sat on my lap".


Select the correct text in the passage.
Which part of the sentence needs to be revised to eliminate wordiness and redundancy?
First and foremost, take time to plan your essay to create a stress-free environment when it's time to create your draft.


take time to plan my essay to create a stress free environment


first and foremost



Help me please guyyyyy​


1. Was showed
2. Was held
3. Are getting prepared/ were preparing
4. Are typed/ were getting typed
5. is printing
6. Were put

1. Anuj said, “I will leave for Delhi tomorrow.”
2. My uncle said to me, “I am tired now.”
3. I said, “I am waiting for my sister to arrive.”
4. The teacher said to us, “you are very naughty.”
5. Veena said to her mother, “I have finished my homework.”
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor, “My house is being built.”
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor, “My baby was crying all night.”
8. Chitra said, “I will go to the shop today.”
9. The old man said to me, “I have been trying to cross the road, but have not been
able to do so.”
10. Poonam said, “I do not know how to make tea.”


1. Anuj said he would leave for Delhi the next day.
2. My uncle said to me he was tired then.
3. I said I was waiting for my sister to arrive.
4. The teacher said to us we were very naughty.
5. Veena said to her mother she had finished her homework.
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor his house was being built.
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor her baby had been crying all night.
8. Chitra said she would go to the shop that day.
9. The old man said to me he had been trying to cross the road, but had not been
able to do so.
10. Poonam said he did not know how to make tea.

she read the class a story .... a clever Mouse deer​


Possible answers:
- About
- Involving
- That had
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