what is meat by disease ? classify the communicable disease with example.


Answer 1


A disorder of structure or function in a human; animals; or plant; especially one that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury is called disease.

Communicable diseases are the diseases that can transfer from a diseased person to other healthy people. Example :malaria; typhoid ; dysentery ; etc.

Related Questions

Jenna's company allows occasional personal use of work computers or phones as long as it isn't "excessive" or "inappropriate." Which action is most likely to be permitted? a) Using a company computer to search for a new job b) Missing a customer email because you have too many personal emails c) Being a few minutes late for a meeting because you're placing an online shopping order d) Calling your doctor to say you'll be late for an appointment after work



D. call your doctor to you be late an appointment after I work


Firstly,to everyone you health should be your upmost paurity. Secondly, no matter how dedicated you are to your boss ,to him it is his duty for all his staff are well and ready for work or it might affect his reputation towards his work and business associate

show the difference between economic and biological aspect of population​



biological things available in various places are different according to the geographical situation. the economic aspect has direct relationship with the various aspects of health, population and environment. the political aspect of the country affect all aspect of the health, population and environment education.


See answer below!


Biological available in various places are different according to the geographical situation. economic has direct relationship with the various aspects of health, population and environment.

which behavior would best descibe someone who is productive at work
a Multitasks as much as possible
b takes frequent breaks to answer personal calls and emails
c sticks to routines and prioritizes work
d waits for directives from the boss before comleting simple tasks


C I believe maybe a but a could lead to getting off task

C. Sticks to routines and prioritizes work

Which behavior would best describe someone who has good communication skills with customers ? a) Following up with some customers b) Talking to customers more than listening to them c) Repeating back what the customer says d) Interrupting customers frequently



The corrects answer is B


The most reasonable answer is A. Answer B and D might be disrespectful to the customer while answer C won’t help the customer since you are repeating everything.

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of ) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance


Answer: discrimination

Explanation: they are saying "oh you're probably gonna go to a community college, since youre really poor?" maybe they just wanna stay local

Which of the following sub-domains does not belong in the Cognitive Development domain?

Communication, Language, and Literacy

Creative Development

Social Studies




I think science is correct ans

Can I drink Starbucks or anything else after taking Tylenol?


Vas happenin!
Wait 30 minutes (because that how much it should take to go ). to drink anything sugary. Drink water for now and then you can drink whatever yoU want hope this helps *smiles*!

The management team at Electronics Galaxy is evaluating whether to have sales staff wear uniforms on the showroom floor . What should they consider about wearing uniforms ? How staff are dressed doesn't usually have much of an impact on customers . b) Uniforms can help customers identify members of the sales staff. Oc ) Team morale usually suffers when uniforms are put in place . d) Uniforms can take away from each employee's individual personality.



Option B would be your answer.

You are the director of HIM in a small community hospital. One day, an en
the incomplete file area comes to you with a coat. One of the physicians left it in the
dictation room, but the employee does not know to whom it belongs. You decide to
look in the pockets of the coat to see whether any identification is present. You find
in one of the pockets a prescription bottle of Antabuse (disulfiram), a medication given
to alcoholics to help them stop drinking. The patient named on the bottle is a physician
at your facility. What should you do with this information? What are the confidentiality
issues? Should you have handled this situation differently?



show it to the hospital for confirmation

Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d Individuals can learn to manage the change
d or c ?
this is very hard!!



I think it's D


Insert alphabets to make sensible words.
R_P_ _D_C_
K_E N_ _A_L
D_M_ _T_C​


sharpner is the answer of first question

what name is this ekg




Kg= kilogram

I think maybe I don't understand the question




5.0 mmol/l you start to see dented t waves

Picture with the question is posted



it's either A or B. I'm positive it's a pivot. it's most likely a standing pivot but it still could be b not completely sure. Hope this helps.

I believe the answer is b

list out the part of respiratory system​










Hope it helps u plz follow me for more good answer♥️♥️

Anyone know the answer?



i thank its d


Which of the following statements if made by a patient with otitis media External does not indicate the need for further education?
A. I will clean my ear with cotton tip applicator or a
B. I will take my antibiotics whenever I feel like
C. I will avoid potential irritants such as hair care p I will continue to swim Treatment of Chronic Otitis media includes all point
D. I will continue to swim​



C. I will avoid potential irritants such as hair care p I will continue to swim Treatment of Chronic Otitis media includes all point

He has been working hard ________English *

a. on
b. in
c. at
d. for



Option b.on is the correct answer.

he has been working hard in English. option b

dical coding specialist
23. This is a time of tremendous growth both in clinical knowledge base as well as professional
a. Residency
b. EMT training
c. Medical school
d. Nursing school


The answer is A - Residency.


Choosing a residency is a big decision, and one that creates stress and anxiety for many medical school graduates. Your residency is important because it’s a time of tremendous growth both in your clinical knowledge base as well as your professional development. Much of what you learn will come from patients.

Discuss 2 uses of electrical accessories​



A switch is used to make a circuit ON and OFF.

A holder is used with a lamp


How you deal with life's stresses and challenges do not all affect your health,





It does. Stress makes your hair fall out


stress can cause many things like sleepless nights and your hair falling out

A person who lives with constant pessimism is experiencing what kind of stressor






The person who is living with pessimism is most likely experiencing depression. If you don't know what's pessimism, it means to not be optimistic about the future, lack of hope and happiness, which can cause suicidal thoughts. They cause self-negavity and self-harm. If anyone is going through this, please tell a love one or 800-273-8255. It also causes by bully, the internet, false rumors, heart broken, etc.

I hope I've helped! Have a beautiful day!

demonstrated the knowledge of control ventilation


Control ventilation is a mode of ventilation in which the respirator delivers the preset volume or pressure regardless of the patient's own inspiratory efforts. It is indicated in patients with severe neurological alterations, deep sedation, shock or severe respiratory failure.

The pressure, volume, and flow to time waveforms for controlled ventilation.

Ways of ensuring cross infections in the nursery


Regular monitoring of endotracheal cultures is useful, particularly when bacteria that are resistant to multiple antibiotics

Is older adults past future present future or future


The term older adults is one that is seen as present future.

What is older adults

older adults  could be a term utilized to depict people who have come to a certain arrange in their lives, regularly past center age. It alludes to individuals who are within the afterward a long time of their adulthood and may be drawing closer or have already come to retirement age.

The term "older adults" isn't associated with a particular tense or time allotment within the linguistic sense. It could be a wide and comprehensive term that envelops a extend of ages and encounters. It is utilized to portray people who are in a specific organize of life characterized by variables such as maturing, potential wellbeing concerns, retirement, and life moves.

Read more about future present here:



1) What does the semicircular canal do ??

Please give short and simple answer



think of a canal


Think of "Semi" and "Circular"

Now combine.

What to include in prenatal care


A balanced diet, vitamins, a bit of walking or exercise each day, and plenty of water.

approaches to cancer palliative care



Palliative care is an approach to care that addresses the person as a whole, not just their disease. The goal is to prevent or treat, as early as possible, the symptoms and side effects of the disease and its treatment, in addition to any related psychological, social, and spiritual problems. Palliative care uses a team approach to support patients and their caregivers.


This is the answer. I hope this helps. Enjoy your day!

Medicare Course Home
ion 10
et answered
Mrs. Quinn has just turned 65, is in excellent health and has a relatively high income.
She uses no medications and sees no reason to spend money on a Medicare
prescription drug plan if she does not need the coverage. She currently does not have
creditable coverage. What could you tell her about the implications of such a decision?




Well if she has a good income, that's fine. But 65 is the very beginning of when things can go wrong and generally speaking they do.

Insurance is never for the present. It is always for the future. She's really close to the go wrong stage. A single hospital stay might be enough to wipe her out. If she can withstand that, then perhaps she really does not need the coverage, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Which of the following statements is generally true about people who are "flexible" ? a ) They're easily overwhelmed . b ) They're open to trying new things . Oc ) They prefer working with people who are similar to themselves . d ) They prefer focusing on many tasks at a time .



b) They're open to trying new things.

Enlist any five objectives of population education.​



a) Population dynamics and patterns of population growth. b) Developing the basic understanding of the process of human reproduction. c) Understanding of health problems associated with child bearing. d) Appreciation of relationship between family size and quality of life


Hope it helps

Mark me as Brainliest plz!!


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