What is one advantage and disadvantage of designing a support security that might be based on a centralized model, where all sensitive information is stored in one secure place, or a distributed model, where information is spread around in many different places?


Answer 1

Co-Ordination Difficulty: ...
Waste of Resources: ...
Larger Interests of the Enterprise Neglected: ...
Emergency Decision not Possible: ...
Lack of Qualified Managers: ...
Certain Activities Decentralization not Possible:

Related Questions

If we were ever to use this pizza ordering program again, we would want to use mainline logic to control its execution. The way it is written, it will automatically execute as soon as it is imported.
Re-write this program, enclosing the top level code into the main function. Then execute the main function. Enter appropriate input so the output matches that under Desired Output.
# Define Function
def pizza(meat="cheese", veggies="onions"):
print("You would like a", meat, "pizza with", veggies)
# Get the User Input
my_meat = input("What meat would you like? ")
my_veggies = input("What veggie would you like? ")
# Call the Function
pizza(meat=my_meat, veggies=my_veggies)
desired output:
What meat would you like? cheese
What veggie would you like? onions
You would like a cheese pizza with onions
2) We want to generate 5 random numbers, but we need the random module to do so. Import the random module, so the code executes.
# Define main function
def main():
print("Your random numbers are:")
for i in range(5):
print(random.randint(1, 10))
# Call main function
desired output:
Your random numbers are:




The Python program has been adjusted. Now the pizza ordering function is called from the main() method and not as soon as the file is imported. Also, the random package has been imported so that the random.randint(1,10) can correctly create the 5 random numbers needed. The code has been tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below, correctly matching the desired output.

import random

def pizza(meat="cheese", veggies="onions"):

   print("You would like a", meat, "pizza with", veggies)

def main():

   # Get the User Input

   my_meat = input("What meat would you like? ")

   my_veggies = input("What veggie would you like? ")

   # Call the Function

   pizza(meat=my_meat, veggies=my_veggies)

   print("Your random numbers are:")

   for i in range(5):

       print(random.randint(1, 10))

# Call main function


3 features of digital computer​



A typical digital computer system has four basic functional elements: (1) input-output equipment, (2) main memory, (3) control unit, and (4) arithmetic-logic unit. Any of a number of devices is used to enter data and program instructions into a computer and to gain access to the results of the processing operation.


When describing a software lincense, what does the phrase "open source" mean?



The phrase "Open Source" means that a program's source code is freely available and may be modified and redistributed.


Hope this helped :)

In tabular form differentiate the first four generations of computers.


Learn about each of the 5 generations of computers and major technology developments that have led to the computing devices that we use today.

5 Generations of Computer - Logo for the Webopedia Study Guide.The history of computer development is a computer science topic that is often used to reference the different generations of computing devices. Each one of the five generations of computers is characterized by a major technological development that fundamentally changed the way computers

Write a function gcdRecur(a, b) that implements this idea recursively. This function takes in two positive integers and returns one integer.
''def gcdRecur(a, b):
a, b: positive integers
returns: a positive integer, the greatest common divisor of a & b.
# Your code here
if b == 0:
return a
return gcdRecur(b, a%b)
#Test Code
gcdRecur(88, 96)
gcdRecur(143, 78)
© 2021 GitHub, Inc.


Answer & Explanation:

The program you added to the question is correct, and it works fine; It only needs to be properly formatted.

So, the only thing I did to this solution is to re-write the program in your question properly.

def gcdRecur(a, b):

   if b == 0:

       return a


       return gcdRecur(b, a%b)

gcdRecur(88, 96)

gcdRecur(143, 78)

A major public university graduates approximately 10,000 students per year, and its development office has decided to build a Web-based system that solicits and tracks donations from the university's large alumni body. Ultimately, the development officers hope to use the information in the system to better understand the alumni giving patterns so that they can improve giving rates.

a. What kind of system is this?
b. What different kinds of data will this system use?
c. On the basis of your answers, what kind of data storage format(s) do you recommend for this system?



a) database system

b) Transaction and Alumni data

c) Database format ( table )


a) The kind of system that is described in this question is a database system because a web based system that is enabled for tracking should have saved the details of the members included in the system hence it has to be databased system

b) The different kinds of data that the system will use includes: Transaction data and Alumni data.

c) The kind of data format that would be recommended for this system is

The Database format, because of certain optimizations already inbuilt in a database system such as tables

How has Linux affected the market for proprietary software?​



Linux is an operating system made up of free software, which can be installed and run on a wide variety of computer systems, from small devices such as mobile phones to large computer systems and supercomputers.

Linux is often offered to the user in various Linux distributions. A characteristic of the distributions is the great possibility of customization and selection that they offer since each one is aimed at a different type of user. Depending on the philosophy, each distribution can provide a greater foundation for ease of use, multimedia applications, ease of configuration, system simplicity, only free software, low resource requirements, and more.

Because of its low cost, high configurability and availability on various platforms, Linux is becoming increasingly popular not only among specialized users, but also among domestic users.

public static double secret(int first, double second)
double temp;
if (second > first)
temp = first * second;
temp = first - second;
return temp;

Which of the following is NOT part of the heading of the method in the accompanying figure?
a. public
b. static
c. secret(int first, double second)
d. double temp;



d. double temp;



The above code segment


Which is not part of the method definition

The method in the above program is:

public static double secret(int first, double second)

Looking through the options, we can conclude that:

d. double temp;

..... is not a part of the method

Which of the following is the BEST solution to allow access to private resources from the internet?

a. VPN
b. Subnet
c. Packet filters
d. FTP


FTP stands for file transfer protocol. FTP is used to transfer files between computers over the Internet. FTP servers can be setup to allow users to access the information anonymously or require registration for access.

Identify some advantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Describe some disadvantages of using Excel over lists, paper files, or simple word documents? Summarize one thing in you home life that could be improved or more easily managed using Excel?​



Excel is a software program that contains spreadsheet. Spreadsheet is an electric document that works numbers and display results in graphs. There are vertical columns and horizontal rows.

they are several advantages of excel which is;

Excel is very efficient to use, especially when you have to calculate your data, it's not hard to calculate the computer itself calculates it for you.

they are also disadvantages of excel which is;

some users might get a little bit problem when you send Microsoft Excel, here is one sometimes the spreadsheet are difficult to share internally.

Modify the solution to PP 11.1 such that it catches and handles the exception if it is thrown. Handle the exception by printing an appropriate message, and then continue processing more strings.




The following code is written in Java. After finding the PP 11.1 file online I added the try/catch to the code as requested by the question. The program takes the input from the user, checks it's length, and if it contains more than 20 characters it throws the exception. This exception states that "the string has more than 20 characters" and then continues processing more strings until the user enters "DONE". The program has been tested and the output can be seen in the attached image below. Due to technical difficulties I have added the code as a txt file below.

The advantages of cloud computing are demonstrated in the fact that software and hardware upgrades are minimized. Another advantage important to IT professionals and just about anyone that accesses data on computers is Multiple Choice the automatic backup of data. the need for fewer tech employees. better group decision making. less of a need to share data among many sources.


Answer: the automatic backup of data


Cloud computing simply refers to the delivery of computing services such as databases, servers, networking, storage, etc over the Internet that is, the cloud.

Advantages of closing d computing include faster innovation, minimal software and hardware upgrades, economies of scale, backup of data, better security, and the greater ability for data to be shared with others in the organization.

Your new trainee is interested in ACLs (access control lists). He asks you want they can be used for. What should you tell him? A. Protect hosts from viruses.B. Classify network traffic.C. Provide high network availability.D. IP route filtering.



B. Classify network traffic.

D. IP route filtering.


An access control can be defined as a security technique use for determining whether an individual has the minimum requirements or credentials to access or view resources on a computer by ensuring that they are who they claim to be.

Simply stated, access control is the process of verifying the identity of an individual or electronic device. Authentication work based on the principle (framework) of matching an incoming request from a user or electronic device to a set of uniquely defined credentials.

Basically, authentication and authorization is used in access control, to ensure a user is truly who he or she claims to be, as well as confirm that an electronic device is valid through the process of verification

Hence, an access control list primarily is composed of a set of permissions and operations associated with a network or file.

In Computer networking, access control lists (ACLs) can be used to perform the following tasks;

I. Classify network traffic: it can be used to classify the different networks on a router and define whether packets are rejected or accepted.

II. Internet protocol (IP) route filtering: any internet protocol (IP) address that's is not on the accept list would be refused permission into accessing a network. Thus, ACLs can either deny or accept IP addresses depending on the routing table configured on the router.

What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of connection-oriented WAN/Man as opposed to connection-less?


Answer and Explanation:

Connection oriented WAN/MAN as opposed to connection less network is a type of wide area network that requires communicating entities in the network to establish a dedicated connection for their communication before they start communicating. This type of network will use these established network layers only till they release it, typical of telephone networks.

Advantages include:

Connection is reliable and long.

Eliminates duplicate data issues.

Disadvantages include:

Resource allocation while establishing dedicated connection slows down speed and may not fully utilize network resources.

There are no plan B's for network congestion issues, albeit occurring rarely with this type of network.

If the following Java statements are executed, what will be displayed?
System.out.println("The top three winners are\n");
System.out.print("Jody, the Giant\n");
System.out.print("Buffy, the Barbarian");
System.out.println("Adelle, the Alligator")



The top three winners are

Jody, the Giant

Buffy, the BarbarianAdelle, the Alligator

The answer is top three champions are Jody, the GiantBuffy, the BarbarianAdelle, the Alligator.

What is winners?A winner's perspective is one of optimism and enthusiasm. The multiple successful individuals I know all have a wonderful outlook. They know that every shadow has a silver lining, and when property happens, they recuperate quickly. They look for ways to control stuff from occurring because they learn from every position (see above point).Success is a comparative term. If you achieve what you desire to and are happy, then I believe that is a success. It could be applied to life in available or to particular tasks in life. ( college student with a mobility impairment) My description of success is achieving individual goals, whatever they may be.a small, usually circular area or section at a racetrack where distinctions are bestowed on defeating mounts and their jockeys. any special group of winners, achievers, or those that have been accepted as excellent: the winner's circle of acceptable wines.

To learn more about winners, refer to:



Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. Which of the following is a step that the cloud administrator needs to perform as part of the move?
a. Migrate to an external DNS solution
b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs
c. Discontinue using DNS
d. Remove the DNS entries within the VPC that are no longer relevant



Here the correct option is option b Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs.


Fictional Corp has a DNS server running within its VPC. It has decided to move one of the application servers to a different VPC. It's not possible to maneuver an existing instance to a different subnet or VPC. Instead, you'll manually migrate the instance by creating a new VPC Image from the source instance.  

b. Create a new VPC that will serve DNS needs for multiple other VPCs

It is necessary to press the Enter key from the keyboard when this message appears "Enter the new date" with Date command in DOS operating system



The Date should be entered in this format: mm-dd-yy


Write a for loop to populate array userGuesses with NUM GUESSES integers. Read integers using Scanner. Ex If NUM GUESSES is 3 and user enters 9 5 2, then userGuesses is 19, 5, 2) 1 import java til. Sca nner 3 public class Store Guesses 4 public static void main (string args) Scanner SCnr new Scanner (System in final int NUM GUESSES int[] user Guesses new int[NUM. GUESSES] int 0; Your solution goes here 10 for (i 03 i NUM GUESSES ++i){ 11 user Guesses [i] scnr.nextInt 12 13 14 15 for (i 0; i NUM GUESSES ++i) 16 System.out print (u 17 18 19 for (i 0; i NUM GUESSES ++i)t 20 System Ou print (userGuesses[i] 21 Run X Testing for 12, 4, 6) 2 4 6 Expected output Your output 2 4 6 2 4 6 Tests aborted



import java.util.Scanner;  

public class StoreGuesses {  

  public static void main (String [] args) {  

      Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);  

      final int NUM_GUESSES = 3;  

      int[] userGuesses = new int[NUM_GUESSES];  

      int i = 0;  


      for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; ++i){  

          userGuesses[i] = scnr.nextInt();  


      for (i = 0; i < NUM_GUESSES; ++i){  

          System.out.print(userGuesses[i] + " ");  






2 4 6  

2 4 6  


Assume that the following class is defined. Fill in the missing statements in the most direct possible way to complete the described method. class LooseChange: def __init__(self, value): self.value



Already filled


The code above is the syntax for class definition in Python programming language. def __init__(self, value): self.value is definition of the constructor for the class LooseChange. The constructor function in a class is used to instantiate new objects or instances of the class. For example, if we wanted to define a new object of the class LooseChange, we would use the constructor defined in our class LooseChange.

convert 198 / 61 to ratio​


I think the answer is


I'm not sure

Kareem is working on a project for his manager. He has a few questions for a co-worker who he knows is knowledgeable on the subject. As they're discussing some of the topics, he gives the co-worker permissions to the resources so they can look at the information on their own. Which of the following access control methods does Kareem's company use?

a. DAC
c. MAC


Answer: RBAC


The access control methods that Kareem's company uses us the role based access control.

The Role-based access control (RBAC) simply means assigning permissions to users based on the role that such individual plays within an organization.

RBAC is a simple approach to access management and is typically less prone to error than in a scenario whereby permissions are assigned to users individually. Access rights are given to the workers based on what their job entails and what is needed and other information which isn't needed won't be accessible to them.

Scenario You are a network engineer and it is your first day working with ASU and you have been given the job of creating a network for the IT program. You are given the following three tasks to complete. 1. Configure IP addressing settings on network devices. 2. Perform basic device configuration tasks on a router. 3. Verify Layer 3 connectivity via a routing protocol. 4. Setup some access control lists.


B because one cause…………………

g Palindrome counting. Write a Python program stored in a file q3.py to calculate the number of occurrences of palindrome words and palindrome numbers in a sentence. Your program is case-insensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase of the same word should be considered the same. The program should print the palindromes sorted alphanumerically with their number of occurrences. Numbers must be printed first, and words must be printed nex



The program is as follows:

sentence = input("Sentence: ")

numbers = []; words = []

for word in sentence.split():

   if word.lower() == word[::-1].lower():

       if word.isdigit() == False:




words.sort(); numbers.sort()

print(numbers); print(words)


This gets input for sentence

sentence = input("Sentence: ")

This initializes two lists; one for numbers, the other for word palindromes

numbers = []; words = []

This iterates through each word of the sentence

for word in sentence.split():

This checks for palindromes

   if word.lower() == word[::-1].lower():

If the current element is palindrome;

All word palindromes are added to word palindrome lists

       if word.isdigit() == False:


All number palindromes are added to number palindrome lists



This sorts both lists

words.sort(); numbers.sort()

This prints the sorted lists

print(numbers); print(words)

Select the correct answer.
What testing approach does a development team use when testing the developed code rather than just the functionality of the code?
white box testing
black box testing
acceptance testing
usability testing



D. usability testing


A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

A software development life cycle (SDLC) can be defined as a strategic process or methodology that defines the key steps or stages for creating and implementing high quality software applications. There are seven (7) main stages in the creation of a software and these are;

1. Planning.

2. Analysis and requirements.

3. Software design and prototyping.

4. Development (coding).

5. Integration and testing

6. Deployment.

7. Operations and maintenance.

Usability testing is a testing technique used by a software development team to test a developed code rather than just the functionality of the code.

The main purpose of usability (user experience) testing is to determine how easy, user-friendly or difficult it is for end users (real people) to use a software application or program.

User-Defined Functions: Miles to track lapsOne lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Define a function named MilesToLaps that takes a float as a parameter, representing the number of miles, and returns a float that represents the number of laps.Then, write a main program that takes a number of miles as an input, calls function MilesToLaps() to calculate the number of laps, and outputs the number of laps. Ex: If the inout is 1.5the output is 6.0 Ex: If the input is 2.2the output is 8.8 Your program should define and call a function Function Miles ToLaps(float userMiles) returns float userLaps 12 // Deine Milestola hert. 34 // Deine Minhert. Your code ust call llestola 5




The following is written in Java. The MilesToLaps method creates a variable called laps and gives it the value of the input parameter miles divided by 0.25. Then it returns the variable laps to the user. In the main method a Scanner object was created and asks the user for the number of miles which are passed to the MilesToLaps method which returns the number of laps. This can be seen in the attached image below.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);

       System.out.println("How many miles?");

       float miles = in.nextFloat();

      System.out.println("This is " + MilesToLaps(miles) + " laps");


   public static float MilesToLaps(float miles) {

       float laps = (float) (miles / 0.25);

       return laps;



Write a recursive function num_eights that takes a positive integer pos and returns the number of times the digit 8 appears in pos




The following is written in Java. It creates the function num_eights and uses recursion to check how many times the digit 8 appears in the number passed as an argument. A test case has been created in the main method and the output can be seen in the image below highlighted in red.

  public static int num_eights(int pos){

       if (pos == 0)

           return 0;

       if (pos % 10 == 8)

           return 1 + num_eights(pos / 10);


           return num_eights(pos / 10);


Which of these is unused normal, unvisited link ?? 1. a: link 2 a: visited 3 a: hover





I hope my answer is write

Write and test a program that computes the area of a circle. This program should request a number representing a radius as input from the user. It should use the formula 3.14 * radius ** 2 to compute the area and then output this result suitably labeled.



mark me brainlist


what is the memory of the five generations of computers?​


Answer: Magnetic drum

Explanation: First generation computers used magnetic drum for memory


What is the memory of the five generations of computers?​

The answer is Magnetic drum because First generation computers used magnetic drum for memory.

Hope this helps you :)

Why is graphics important in multimedia application


Graphics are important in multimedia application this is because humans are visually oriented etc.
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