What is one characteristics of plant oil?


Answer 1
Plant oil is usually from the seeds of a plant.

Related Questions

4. Many commercial grow lights deliver light mostly in the yellow/red part of the spectrum, along with smaller portions of all other visible light. Why would a grow light such as this promote plant growth and reproduction (flowering and fruiting) or is this a con job?


Answer and Explanation:

These lights can, in fact, promote the growth and reproduction of plants.

This is because growth, chlorophyll production, flowering and fruiting only occur if the plant is exposed to a band of light with 640-720 nm. Plants receive this band of light naturally through the sun, but when solar energy is not available it is possible to use cultivation lamps that emit this type of light band, which corresponds to the yellow/red spectra.

What kind of fossil is a wooly mammoth found frozen in arctic ice?
a.Cast fossil b.Mold fossil c.Preserved fossil d.Trace fossil



cast fossil


The diagram represents a process used to modify bacterial cells.

Bacterial DNA х Y o Foreign DNA In the diagram, arrows labeled X and Y represent the use of

(1) clones (2) receptors (4) enzymes (3) genes​



send a pic of the diagram

What two genes a person actually has in their DNA; i.e. DD, Dd, or dd


A: genotype

Hope this helps:)

Where is primary succession most likely to occur?
A. In the path of a hurricane
B. Where a forest has burned
O c. In the path of a flood
O D. Where lava has cooled



"D" because primary succession occurs after glacial retreat or a volcanic eruptions. These events can create or uncover rocks which are pioneer species.

The answer would be D

list some things you can do to eliminate deforestation (cutting down forests)​



1.Plant a tree.

2.Use less paper.

3.Recycle paper and cardboard.

4.Use recycled products.

5.Buy only sustainable wood products.

6.Don't buy products containing palm oil.

7.Reduce meat consumption.

8.Do not burn firewood excessively.


Hope this helps :)

difference between trychocysts and nematocysts​



trichocyst is a threadlike organ in certain protozoans that can be discharged suddenly in order to grasp or sting while nematocyst is (biology) a capsule, in certain cnidarians, containing a barbed, threadlike tube that delivers a paralyzing sting.


Eubacteria and archaebacteria differ in the process of protein synthesis. What is the difference?

A.) phenylalanine is added as the first amino acid during protein synthesis

B.) Methionine is added as the first amino acid during protein synthesis

C.) Formyl-methionine is added as the first amino acid during protein synthesis

D.) Glutamic acid is added as the first amino acid during protein synthesis





The main difference between Archaebacteria and Eubacteria is? Hint: Archaebacteria are called ancient bacteria whereas eubacteria are called true bacteria. Unlike eubacteria, archaebacteria can survive in extreme conditions

n apneustic breathing, which is practiced by most marine mammals: A. A small amount of air is kept in the lungs before diving B. A large amount of air is kept in the mouth before diving C. Normal breathing is maintained before diving D. Several deep breaths are taken before exhaling and diving E. No actual breathing takes place before diving


Complete Question: In apneustic breathing, which is practiced by most marine mammals:

A. A small amount of air is kept in the lungs before diving

B. A large amount of air is kept in the mouth before diving

C. Normal breathing is maintained before diving

D. Several deep breaths are taken before exhaling and diving

E. No actual breathing takes place before diving

Answer: D. Several deep breaths are taken before exhaling and diving.


Common dolphins, whales and other marine mammals are known to undergo apneustic breathing. This breathing process is characterized by periodic or several breathe inhalation, followed by holding their breath and then exhaling them.

Marine mammals can afterwards, went on to dive. This process prevent high water loss out. Thus, they make fewer respirations while maximizing the amount of oxygen produced for optimal consumption.

What happens in crossing over?
A. Chromosomes condense
B. Homologous chromosomes swap DNA
C.Homologous chromosomes separate
D.Cells divide into 2 new cells.





Crossing over is a process that happens between homologous chromosomes in order to increase genetic diversity. During crossing over, part of one chromosome is exchanged with another. Gametes gain the ability to be genetically different from their neighboring gametes after crossing over occurs.


Crossing over is a process that happens between homologous chromosomes in order to increase genetic diversity.


During crossing over, part of one chromosome is exchanged with another. Gametes gain the ability to be genetically different from their neighboring gametes after crossing over occurs.

A new variety of rose is produced when a gardener crosses two different kinds of roses. The new rose has some traits of each of the other two kinds.This is an example of:


Answer: selective breeding


Explain how an HAB outbreak can have a devastating economic


Hab or Hiv outbreak cuz lowkey i think both would be bad

which occurs during transition ?


There is no pic added in the question. I could have helped you.

. In a replicating DNA molecule, the region in which parental strands are separating and new strands are being synthesized is called a(n)



replication fork


The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a double-stranded helix composed of two long chains of nucleotides. The replication fork is a Y-shaped structure by which both DNA strands are separated in order to be replicated during cell division. In a cell, DNA replication starts at specific sites in the genome referred to as 'origins of replication'. A replication fork is generated by helicase enzymes that unwind and separate the DNA double helix strands by interrupting hydrogen bonds that hold the two DNA strands together. These DNA strands act as templates for the leading and lagging DNA strands. During DNA replication, the leading strand is synthesized continuously in the same direction as the replication fork, while the lagging DNA strand is synthesized in a direction away from the replication fork, in small pieces of DNA called Okazaki fragments.

Snake venom contains a mixture of enzymes, which include phospholipase that break down cell membranes, proteinases that destroy proteins, as well as amino acid oxidases and nucleotidases that break down the monomers for protein and DNA synthesis, which is why they can be so deadly. If you were bitten by a venomous snake you may be treated with an antivenom. In addition to antibodies that help your immune system recognize and fight the foreign molecules, what else does the antivenom most likely contain



The correct answer is - Venom enzyme inhibitors.


The snake venoms are the complex mixtures of phospholipase A2s, disintegrins, serine proteases, C-lectins, and metalloproteases, and others. The snake venom phospholipase A2s (svPLA2s) enzymes found in most of the families of venomous snakes that cause anticoagulant effects, cardiotoxicity, neurotoxicity, and cytotoxicity, and other effects.

In antivenom, there are Venom enzyme inhibitors other than antibodies that help in neutralizing these enzymes by weakening or inhibiting these toxic actions.

Which major environmental factors can affect health?
genetics and obesity
poor water quality and obesity
poor air and water quality
genetics and poor air quality



Poor air and water quality.


Genetics are not environmental factors, and neither is obesity. However, poor air and water quality can lead directly to severe health impact.

poor air and water quality!! i’m late :/

The RNA product of the genetic code above has the sequence ____________ . It binds to the small subunit of the ____________ . It is joined by the large subunit, completing the initiation stage of the process of ____________ .


The Genetic code was not given, however, The genetic code associated with this question is as follows:



The correct answer is - UGGCGAACGGCGUUA, ribosome,  translation.


The translation is the second process of protein synthesis followed by transcription. Transcription produces mRNA sequence from DNA gene sequence and bring it to the cytoplasm for translation to take place.

The gene segment ACCGCTTGCCGCAAT is encoded to mRNA sequence by converting bases to their complementary bases A to U and C to G and G to C and T to A so the new code will be - UGGACGAACGGUGUUA.

This mRNA binds with a small subunit of ribosomes and then a large subunit of ribosome joined and completes the first stage initiation of the translation.

What are these chromosomes consideredas?


Genes are segments of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) that contain the code for a specific protein that functions in one or more types of cells in the body.

Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes.

Genes are contained in chromosomes, which are in the cell nucleus.

How do genes determine the traits of an organism?



the Gene's make up every distinct feature about a creature like its hair color its ear size its tail size its teeth and especially its gender

Traits are determined by genes, and also they are determined by the interaction with the environment with genes. And remember that genes are the messages in our DNA that define individual characteristics. So the trait is the manifestation of the product of a gene that is coded for by the DNA

Result of mechanical weathering or chemical weathering



yea the above one is correct

Changes in the genetic code of a human can be transmitted to offsprings if they occur in what?


If a mutation occurs in a germ-line cell or in simple words that one thing that will give rise to gametes, like egg or sperm cells, then this mutation can be passed to an organism's offspring.

Can someone make me report for bees and flowers I know what to do but don't know how to make it into 300 words
Choose a symbiotic relationship from the list below. research the relationship and write a 300 word report that includes the benefits of the relationship for either member, the harm done by the relationship and how this relationship has evolved. if the relationship was suddenly to stop what would happen to each member of the relationship? 1)bees and flowers
2)coral and algae (dinoflagellates)
3)remoras and sharks
4)microorganisms and human
5)intestines ticks and deer



Bees and flowering plants have a mutualistic relationship where both species benefit.


Bees play a keystone role in the agricultural production and the beauty of our world through the pollination of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and flowers. The disruption of natural habitats leading to lack of "bee flowers,"

Once they reach adulthood, most living things take care of themselves and sometimes their offspring. However, certain plants and animals have developed helpful relationships with living things outside their own species. Scientists call such relationships "mutualistic relationships" because both organisms benefit from the arrangement. One of the most famous mutualistic relationships in nature is the relationship between bees and flowering plants. This relationship allows bees to feed their colonies and plants to reproduce

Bees and flowering plants have a mutualistic relationship where both species benefit. Flowers provide bees with nectar and pollen, which worker bees collect to feed their entire colonies. Bees provide flowers with the means to reproduce, by spreading pollen from flower to flower in a process called pollination. Without pollination, plants cannot create seeds.

How Bees Benefit From Flowers

Flowers benefit bees by providing them with all the food their colonies need, to survive. With the exception of a few species, bees are social insects that live in colonies of between 10,000 and 60,000 individuals. How many bees live in a single colony depends on factors such as the bees' species, the weather in their environment and how much food is available.

Bees feed on the nectar and pollen of flowers. Nectar is a sweet liquid substance that flowers produce specifically to attract bees, birds and other animals. Pollen is a powder that contains the male genetic material of flowering plants. Worker bees (bees whose job is to collect food for the colony) land on flowers and drink their nectar. This nectar is stored in a pouch-like internal structure called the crop. In the process of doing this, bees become covered in pollen. The pollen sticks to the bee's hairy legs and body. Some bee species even have sack-like structures on their legs for collecting pollen, called pollen baskets.

After collecting nectar and pollen from many different flowers, bees fly back to their colonies. They regurgitate nectar, mixed with enzymes, and expose the mixture to the air for several days, creating honey. This honey is used to feed the colony. Pollen is mixed with nectar to form a protein-rich substance called beebread. Beebread is primarily used to feed young developing bees, called larvae.

How Flowers Benefit From Bees

Bees benefit flowering plants by helping the plants reproduce, via pollination. Because plants cannot seek out mates the way animals do, they must rely on outside agents, called vectors, to move their genetic material from one plant to another. Such vectors include bees, certain birds and wind.

Flowering plants carry the male portion of their genetic material in their pollen. When bees fly from one flower to another, pollen is spread from plant to plant. If pollen from one flower is able to reach another flower of the same species, then that plant will be able to form seeds and reproduce.

Without bees, pollination and reproduction would be practically impossible for some plant species. This makes bees a vital part of every ecosystem they inhabit. Humans also greatly benefit from the pollination bees provide. Bees' work allows humans to enjoy fruits, vegetables and other plant products that would not be available otherwise.

Helping Bees

Bee flowers

You can help bees in four ways: plant bee flowers everywhere, provide nesting habitat, keep bee-flowers clean, and support our effrects to keeping

Cierta especie de plantas varía en la forma de los bordes de sus hojas. Algunas de las plantas tienen hojas con bordes ondulados y algunas plantas tienen hojas con bordes rectos. En esta especie de plantas, un gen controla el rasgo de la forma del borde de la hoja. L representa el alelo dominante y I representa el alelo recesivo. Dos plantas con hojas de bordes ondulados se cruzan una con otra, produciendo 421 plantas. De las cuales, 298 plantas tienen hojas con bordes ondulados y 123 tienen hojas con bordes rectos. 3 ¿Cuáles son los fenotipos de las plantas madre en este cruce? А Lly II B Lly Ll C LL y ll DL y Ll​



A. Lly


Creo que esto es correcto, pero No sé si esto es correcto

The right answer is A

What happens to a population when immigration increases?
A. The population size usually increases.
B. The emigration rate usually increases.
O C. The emigration rate usually decreases.
O D. The population size usually decreases.




When immigration increases, the population size usually increases, as shown in Option A, as immigration is the movement of individuals into a population from another population.

What is immigration?

Immigration is the movement of individuals from one population to another. It involves the addition of new individuals to the population, which can increase its size. When more individuals enter a population, they bring with them new genes and genetic diversity, which can enhance the adaptive potential of the population. This can help the population better withstand environmental challenges and increase their chances of survival, but increased immigration can also have negative consequences. For example, it can lead to competition for resources among individuals, which can lead to a decrease in the quality and availability of resources for the population as a whole.

Hence, when immigration increases, the population size usually increases, as shown in Option A.

Learn more about immigration here.



¿Que científico investigó sobre la conductividad de las disoluciones acuosas de diferentes
sustancias ?



Stephen Gray nacido en diciembre de 1666, Canterbury 7 de febrero de 1736, Londres fue un físico y científico natural inglés, conocido principalmente por sus aportaciones en el campo de la conductividad eléctrica.

Which statement best describes how molecules interact with systems in the
human body
A. Carbon atoms combine with water to form the glucose molecules
that cells use to get the energy they need.
B. Oxygen molecules in the blood enter the cells of all body systems,
and the cells use them to get energy
C. Carbon dioxide molecules leave the body in exhaled air, and
oxygen molecules enter the body in inhaled air.
D. Oxygen molecules help carry other molecules in the blood as it
flows through the body.





the chromosomal hereditary material is packaged in this organelle in eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryoitc cells. This organelle is called





The correct answer would be the nucleus.

The nucleus is a double membrane organelle that is found in all eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells. It contains the chromosomal hereditary material of eukaryotic cells and serves as the control center of the cell where other cellular activities are dictated.

The chromosomal hereditary materials of prokaryotic cells lie freely within the cytoplasm unlike what is obtainable in eukaryotic cells. The materials are package in a condensed fashion within the eukaryotic nucleus to form a structure known as chromatin. During cell division, the chromatin decondenses and become visible under the microscope as chromosomes.

Por que el ciclo de la materia es diferente al flujo de la energía?



El flujo de la energía es unidireccional.

A diferencia de la materia, la energía no puede ser reciclada en un ciclo en los ecosistemas. En cambio, su flujo a través de ellos es una vía de un solo sentido, generalmente, de luz a calor.

What is scientific consensus



Scientific consensus is the collective judgment, position, and opinion of the community of scientists in a particular field of study. Consensus generally implies agreement of the supermajority, though not necessarily unanimity.


Please Mark me brainliest

Collective Judgment position

What types of materials could be broken dowr in a compost pile? A all recyclable materials B biodegradable materials C all materials that can be incinerated D glass, metal, and other raw materials



All biodegradeable materials.

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