What is popular sovereignty?

A. when all adults, including African Americans and Native Americans, are allowed to vote

B. when people are elected based on their popularity rather than on the issues

C. people voting directly for their elected officials, who would then decide on the issues

D. people voting directly on issues, rather than having the elected officials decide


Answer 1
The answer you are looking for is C

Related Questions

acciones de actores fundamentales que participaron en la independencia centroamericana​ (ayuda porfa )


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para contestar, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Las acciones de actores fundamentales que participaron en la independencia Centroamericana, fueron las siguientes.

Hombres valientes como Domingo Antonio de Lara, Manuel José Arce, José Cecilio del Valle, y Matías Delgado, fueron protagonistas de diversos momento en el proceso de independencia de la corona española que controlaba toda la región.

Recordemos que una de las primeras rebeliones en Centroamérica comenzó en noviembre de 1811, ya como parte del movimiento de independencia. En esas fechas, hombres pertenecientes al clero como Nicolás Aguilar y Matías Delgado conspiraban contra la monarquía española para obtener armamento resguardado en San Salvador; específicamente, en la llamada casamata.

La gente se uniría a esas primeras acciones revolucionarias durante 1814 y hasta 1821, hasta que por fin, el 15 de septiembre de 1821, se culmina el movimiento con la independencia de Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras.



La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Estos serían los tres objetivos de la investigación de campo para una empresa comercializadora de ropa indígena.

1.- Conocer la cantidad de consumidores que conocen las características de las telas e hilos con los que se elabora la ropa indígena.

2.- Conocer el número de consumidores que están enterados en la ropa elaborada por indígenas.

3.- Saber el rango de precios que estarían dispuestos a pagar los consumidores por este tipo de prendas de vestir, una vez que conozcan la calidad de los materiales y el trabajo artesanal para fabricarlos.

Estos serían los objetivos centrales de la investigación de campo. Obteniendo las respuestas de estos planteamientos, la empresa tendrá la información importante para poder tomar la mejor decisión para promocionar y comercializar sus productos en diferentes segmentos.

Give a brief description or write at least two sentences of any two famous people and why they are of importance.​



Two Famous People: Martin Luther King Jr. and George Washington


Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous important people in American History. He had held multiple marches and protests to go towards the American civil rights movement. He also brought publicity to major civil rights activities, emphasizing the importance of nonviolent protest.

George Washington is a very famous key figure in American History. George Washington was commander in chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. He was also the first President of the United States and was the first president to serve two terms as the President.

Be-32 When onboard and facing the front of a boat, where is the stern?



At the back of the boat


The stern of a boat is the rear of the boat while the bow is the front of the boat, so if you were facing front in a boat then the stern is at your back(if you're not already at the stern in the boat). Usually, the stern is where the engine of a motor boat is located while some boats may have their engine located at the bow(the front) of the boat and have the stern be used for seating or storage.

27. Which came first, the federal constitution or state constitutions?


Answer: The state constitution came first.


Before the construction and implementation of federal constitution in United States many states have created their own constitution after their independence that was declared in 1776. The assembly of 1787 of Philadelphia was a proof of the the creation of various laws at the individual state level. The federal constitution was adopted in September 1787, in the convention help in Philadelphia and later on separate representatives of each state were declared.

Mention the role of society in one character building ​



A society runs educational institutions for its own development.

It allots specific functions of individual development, socialization and preparing need based human resources.

What is capital of Nepal?​


Kathmandu is known as the capital city of Nepal

wrire 5 importance of universal brotherhood. ​


The Universal Brotherhood is a cultural, non governmental, non religious, non profit, non sectarian organization. ... The Universal Brotherhood's goal is to unite people who wish to work towards the transcendence of the spirit, regardless of belief, nationality, gender and economic status.

hope it helps you

Mr. Quigley, who is a lobbyist for the oil industry, says that the government should subsidize oil exploration. In view of Mr. Quigley's credentials, it follows that the government should certainly do this. a. Appeal to unqualified authority. b. Argument against the person, circumstantial. c. Begging the question. d. False cause. e. No fallacy.



Option A: Appeal to unqualified authority


Fallacies of Weak Induction

This is said to take place only occurs the premises used as provided to support for a conclusion, but it is not enough to believe the conclusion.

Types of Fallacies of Weak Induction

1. Appeal to Unqualified Authority, 2. Appeal to Ignorance

3. Hasty Generalization

4. False Cause

5. Slippery Slope

6. Weak Analogy

Appeal to Unqualified Authority

In this type of appeal, an arguer used a statement made by another person as a form of evidence for a conclusion, and usually, that person is not qualified to to make such a statement. It is also defined as when the arguer appeals to an inappropriate or unqualified authority or expert as the basis for accepting a conclusion, therefore the viewpoint of such an individual that is raised is said to be logically irrelevant. It is only when an appeal to a legitimate expert such as eye-witness in court case etc. then it is a type of inductive argument.

Alice is walking home from school when she notices a change in the weather. She hears thunder in the distance, sees lightning and dark clouds approaching, feels the wet breeze of an approaching storm, and even smells the difference in the wind from the storm. Alice is able to organize all of these sensory cues into a meaningful idea due to her powers of ________.



Alice is able to organize all of these sensory cues into a meaningful idea due to her powers of perception.


Through the perceptual process, we obtain knowledge or details about the properties and elements of the environment that are critical to our survival.

A high school held a graduation ceremony. Attendance at the ceremony is voluntary. The principal of the school is a good friend and follower of a local minister and he convinced the minister to attend the ceremony, say an opening prayer, and congratulate the students for their achievement. The principal instructed the minister to make sure that her opening prayer is nonsectarian, just a general invocation of blessings. The principal even provided the minister with a sample prayer that he believed would pass First Amendment scrutiny. A student who was raised in an atheist home saw the schedule and filed an action to enjoin the school from including the prayer. Should the court grant the injunction



Yes, because the prayer violates the Establishment Clause.


This is because the Establishment Clause forbids government action regarding the establishment of any religion.

In this case, any form of prayer, whether sectarian or non-sectarian are considered to be invalid as establishments of religion. This is also applicable to public school officials from having chaplains or ministers deliver invocation and benediction prayers at graduation ceremonies.

what might be the socio economic benefits of puspalal mid hill highway?​


[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \huge{\colorbox{pink}{αɳรωҽɾ}}[/tex]

Pushpalal (Mid-Hill) Highway (H18) (Nepali: पुष्पलाल (मध्य-पहाडी) लोकमार्ग (रा.१८)) is an ongoing road project in Nepal, which is thought to be 1,776 kilometres (1,104 mi) long. After completion, it will be the longest national highway of Nepal. Nepal has three geographical regions from east to west, plain land or Terai in south, higher mountains or Himalayas in north and hills in middle region. The highway runs through the mid-hills region only. It starts from easternmost hill at Chiyabhanjyang of Panchthar District (Province No. 1) and ends at westernmost hill at Jhulaghat of Baitadi District in far west (Sudurpashchim Pradesh)




Compromise solved the issue of representing enslaved people in Congress.





The Three-fifths Compromise was a compromise reached among delegates who came from the southern and northern states during the United States Constitutional Convention, which took place from the 25th of May to the 17th of September, 1787 in the old Pennsylvania State House, Philadelphia, United States of America.

These delegates had disputes on how slaves are to be counted during census to determine the total population of each state which, consequently, would determine the amount of taxes to be paid, as well as the number of house of representative seats. They reached a compromise by agreeing that three-fifths (three out of five) of the slave population are going to be counted to determine direct taxation and representation in the house of representatives.

Hence, the Three-Fifths (⅗) Compromise solved the issue of representing enslaved people in Congress.

In conclusion, it was a compromise made in order to make the Constitution of the United States of America appeal to the southern state.


three fifths, second one is commerce and slave trade, last is great


correct on edge.

Why are the wages for farm labourers in palampur less than minimum wages​



The minimum wages for a farm labourer set by the government Are ` 60 per day, but wages of farm labourers in Palampur are less than minimum wages because there is heavy competition for work among the term labourers in Palampur, so people agree to work for lower wages.

briefly describe territory and government​



A territory is an administrative division, usually an area that is under the jurisdiction of a sovereign state. In most countries, a territory is an organized division of an area that is controlled by a country but is not formally developed into,or incorporated into, a political unit of the country that is of equal status to other political units that may often be referred to by words such as "provinces" or "regions" or "states". In international politics, a territory is usually either the total area from which a state may extract power resources or any non-sovereign geographic area which has come under the authority of another government; which has not been granted the powers of self-government normally devolved to secondary territorial divisions; or both.



a geographical area belonging to or under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. a political subdivision of a country. a part of the U.S. (as Guam or the U.S. Virgin Islands) not included within any state but organized with a separate legislature — compare trust territory.


Dr. Colp is a clinical psychologist working in a private practice. He takes a cognitive-behavioral approach in his work with clients. That approach influences how he conceptualizes his clients' presenting problems, and it also influences how he works with his clients. Models like cognitive-behavioral theory, that guide how a psychologist thinks about human behaviors, how those behaviors develop, and how those behaviors can be changed, are best known as:



Models like cognitive-behavioral theory, that guide how a psychologist thinks about human behaviors, how those behaviors develop, an dhow those behaviors can be changed, are best known as theoretical orientations.


A theoretical orientation is a concept that guides clinicians or counselors, helping them by providing a set of premises or paths to understanding the needs of their patients. There are several theoretical orientations when it comes psychology, such as gestalt therapy, Adlerian psychotherapy, and Jungian psychotherapy.

what is the impact of risky teenage behaviour on the spiritual well-being



Most of these adolescents reported some connection with religious and spiritual concepts, and those with higher levels of spiritual well-being, in particular, existential well-being, had fewer depressive symptoms and fewer risk-taking behaviors. This supports the inclusion of these concepts in our efforts to help promote resilience and healthy adolescent development.


The greatest weakness in the fight against eradicating corruption is: Group of answer choices There is too much corruption to ever win. Every country must institutionalize and enforce anti-corruption laws. The fact that the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act is no longer being followed. Overseas bribes are often tax deductible.



The answer is "The second choice".


Government bargaining is indeed a sort of group action to combat corruption and the hazards of bribery in government service. Its joint activity against corruption brings together and the leaders of the private, government, and civil society sectors, that's why every country should institutionalize and enforce anti-corruption laws as its greatest weakness inside the fight against the eradication of bribery.

Why were political parties formed during colonial days and who formed the first political party and name the political party the above person formed


The first party was a democratic republican formed by George Washington Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson and John Adams.

what did you learn from the life of dev shumsher​



he is very genuine man..

Humans judge the speed of an object moving toward them as faster than the same object moving away from them. The explanation is that the misperception helped early humans avoid fast moving objects and predators (by making them think the approaching objects and animals would reach them sooner). This explanation sounds most consistent with which concept



"Evolution by natural selection" would be the correct concept.


The adaptation of natural resources seems to be the basic underpinning among all evolutionary processes and would be the mechanism whereby the gradual, as well as cumulative accumulating of genetic alterations, has been replaced by more well-adapted species.Evolution through natural selection happens whenever these genotypes generate numerous descendants throughout terms of the environment than other genomes.

Thus, the above is the right explanation.

Which inscription describes the functions of local self-government during the Chola period?



An inscription of the eighth century CE at Uttaramerur temple describes the constitution of the local council, eligibility and disqualifications for the candidates, the method selection, their duties and delimits their power.

what do you think the need and importance of a constitution?​



Separates the powers of government into three branches: the legislative branch, which makes the laws; the executive branch, which executes the laws; and the judicial branch, which interprets the laws


what advantage can the mid Hills pushpalal Highway provides​


The mid hill play an important role for the communication between the plains and the extreme hilly areas.


[tex] \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \: \bf \pink{Explanation:}[/tex]

In addition to this there is wide amount of fertile region in the mid hilly area and as a result of this wide variety of rocks are found there. Also there is also plenty of rainfall and white growth of trees are found which prevent soil erosion. It helps in the transportation of goods and essential services to the people who are living in the hilly region and mountains also they are important for the purpose of  development of all sectors of land



¿Qué hacían los barbaros cuando ocupaban un territorio?



A diferencia de los romanos y los griegos, que tenían una concepción del territorio como factor de demostración de poder, los bárbaros no consideraban la expansión territorial como un objetivo a través del cual ganar supremacía. Por ende, los bárbaros, al ocupar territorios enemigos, no los conservaban dentro de sus dominios, limitándose exclusivamente al saqueo de los mismos, tras lo cual los territorios eran abandonados.

Viewed as a transactional process, public speaking __________. Group of answer choices depends on the active participation of the audience is something a speaker does to an audience ensures, ultimately, that groupthink can occur removes the need for further deliberation or exchange



depends on the active participation of the audience


When a process is viewed or regarded as transactional, then there is more than one party involved, as it entails that a party responds to the actions and deeds of the other. Without this process of exchange, then no transactional process has taken place. When public speaking is deemed as transactional, then there is should be an active participation which should involve reaction from the audience as the speaker passes on his/her message. These reactions or actions would be the response which the speaker gets as a result of his utterances.

what is the headquarters of international courts of justice ?​



The Hague


The International Court of Justice is the judicial organ of the United Nations. It was established in June 1945 by the Charter of the United Nations and began work in April 1946. The seat of the Court is at the Peace Palace in The Hague (Netherlands).

list out any three roles of school in solving social problem please solve this one ​



fight in between To students

Part C
What did Apple and other publishers seek to do?



They sought to eliminate price competition on the sale of e-books.



Apple and the publisher agreed to work together to eliminate the retail price competition in the e-book market and raise the price of e-books above $9.99,"

What did Apple and other publishers agreed upon?

According to the court, Apple and the publishers held meeting in mid-December 2009 to discussed about "their abhorrence of Amazon's pricing", where Apple suggested raising prices to $12.99 and $14.99.

The publishers also agreed with Apple to pay Apple 30 percent of commission for each e-book that will be purchased through Apple's iBookstore.

Both the publishers and Apple sought to raise e-book prices above the $9.99 price tag as favored by Amazon.

Learn more about the Apple and other publishers here:-



Alguien me ayuda ocupo una cosa negativa de los derechos de tercera generación


Los de la tercera generacion no estan conectados con sus raices como los de la primera generacion
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