What is social problem?


Answer 1


Any condition or behavior that has negative consequences.


Answer 2


the problems which are occurring in our society is known as social problem

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law of supply and demand

decrease in demand causes excess supply to develop at

the initial price

in an extreme example  

a luxury item has a very low demand but very high price

supply would increase because the company wants more profit

not just from the company's competitors entering the market

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Factitious disorder is different from somatic symptom disorder in that: Group of answer choices people with factitious disorder falsely report symptoms that they do not have in order to get attention from others. somatic symptom disorders are more dramatic than factitious disorders. people with factitious disorder report bodily preoccupation while those with somatic symptom disorder report symptom amplifications. people with somatic symptom disorder pretend to have symptoms and intentionally induce physical symptoms for any type of gain.



factitious disorder falsely report symptoms that they do not have in order to get attention from others


In somatic disorder there are several procedures and diagnosis as well as many surgeries and these procedures are carried out around finding out what is wrong.

in factitious disorder there is the unwillingness and also protest where is harmful or painful treatment. The factitious disorder is self-imposed. the person is motivated for a sick role.

how does the Gulf of Mexico important to the US development



The gulf of Mexico is a significant region in the production of oil and gas, ship building and shipping industry. In turn this has contributed towards the social, economic and ecological development of the United States.


The gulf of Mexico produces over 90% of the US oil and gas which injects several billions of dollars into the US economy. The region is also identified with the multibillions dollar ship building and shipping industries. Making it a home to the two largest ports in the world namely the new Orleans and Houston ports. The gulf therefore injects several trillions of dollars into the U.S economy and provides employment to millions on people. Major industries in the gulf of Mexico include: oil and gas production, marine industries, commercial fishing and shipping. Tourism and recreation industry have increasingly become important in the region.

Collection of data about you in digital form is known as ___________________​








The ________ is a widely used self-report test that identifies people with psychological difficulties and is employed to predict some everyday behaviors.



Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)


I think it's correct

In the feedback loop, the impact the message has on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communications process is referred to as





Communication can be defined as a process which typically involves the transfer of information from one person (sender) to another (recipient), through the use of semiotics, symbols and signs that are mutually understood by both parties.

The linear model of communication comprises of four (4) main components and these are;

1. Sender (S): this is typically the source of information (message) or the originator of a message that is being sent to a receiver. Thus, they are simply the producer of a message.

2. Channel (C): this is the medium used by the sender for the dissemination or transmission of the message to the recipient. For example, telephone, television, radio, newspapers, billboards etc.

3. Message (M): this is the information or data that is being sent to a recipient by a sender. It could be in the form of a video, audio, text message etc.

4. Receiver (R): this is typically the destination of information (message) or the recipient of a message that is being sent from a sender.

In the feedback loop, in which the recipient (receiver) sends a feedback (response) to the sender. Thus, the impact of the message on the receiver's knowledge, attitude, or behaviors during the communication process is referred to as a response.

Sociolization effort is a common



yes socializing effort is a commom

When tension rises between divorcing parents, a parenting coordinator is sometimes brought in by the court to help alleviate the tension. This person plays the role of





A mediator may be explained as an individual who comes in between two or more conflicting individuals with the aim of making amends between the parties. The mediator may be a family member, a well wisher or anyone whose sole purpose is to help find a lasting solution to the issues causing rancor between the parties. Based on the scenario above, the parenting coordinator which was brought in by the court to quell or alleviate the tension is the mediator.

Myra is presenting herself as polite and friendly. This is her impression strategy. public self. ingratiation strategy. superficial self.



Ingratiation strategy


Ingratiation strategy is the correct answer because this is a psychological technique in which a person influences the other person and he influences the other person by showing himself or herself the most likeable person. The same thing Myra is doing, she reflecting herself as polite and friendly which means she is influencing others by becoming a likeable person.

Elaboremos un texto para explicar por qué es importante la vigencia del derecho a la tierra y al territorio para los pueblos indígenas u originarios y para el país en general, y propongamos algunas acciones a fin de promover este derecho.



Indigenous peoples contribute to environmental protection, climate change mitigation, and catastrophe resilience, although their rights are not always respected. Despite owning, occupying, or using a quarter of the world largest surface area, Indigenous Peoples protect 80% of the world's surviving biodiversity.

Indigenous peoples and persons are equal under the law to all other peoples and persons, and they have the right to freedom of prejudice in the exercise of their rights, especially racial discrimination on their indigenous background or identity. The means of self belongs to indigenous peoples.

In the context of Albert Bandura's social learning theory, Bandura asserts that learning: Group of answer choices increases task motivation while reducing role conflict and ambiguity. occurs when we observe other people and model their behavior. is central to the design and administration of organizational reward systems. is the process of modifying behavior by following specific behaviors with positive consequences.



In the context of Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory, he asserts that learning:

B. occurs when we observe other people and model their behavior.


Albert Bandura (born 1925) is a Canadian psychologist known for his Social Learning Theory. Bandura focuses on the importance of observation and modelling for learning. In other words, we learn by observing others and imitating their behaviors. Children, for example, have several models surrounding them - parents, teachers, brothers, friends. They observe how those models behave and may later imitate such behaviors.

Kenethia enjoys knitting. When she begins college, she has less time for knitting and finally stops altogether. After graduation, she wants to knit again, so she practices with her needles until she is good at it again. This is an example of ________, a means of retrieving information out of your long-term memory storage system. Group of answer choices relearning an engram recognition recall


Answer: Relearning


Sometimes we forget the skills that we used to know but they never really leave our long term memory storage. In order to reassess these skills, we can simply practice them and the skills will be retrieved and put back into our normal short term everyday memory. This process is called "relearning".

Kenethia is doing this when she practices with her needles until she gets good at knitting again. It is much easier to relearn something that to learn it from scratch.

difference between social and economic aspect of health population and environment ​



See Below


A economic effect is essential for a social effect, yet friendly effect is more than financial effect. Social effect is the amount of monetary, political and social effects. Along these lines the financial effect will influence the monetary government assistance estimated as in government assistance is (small prices).

To help determine how participants reacted to and interpreted an experiment, researchers can ask participants questions in a procedure known as the Group of answer choices





This is to know their take on particular issues while still having a say in it.

Reconcile these two topics: our discussion of autonomy and the duty to "speaking truth to power." Suppose you are already working for a company and your boss tells you that you should offer a bribe to a government agent to obtain permit to build and operate a factory in a province. What would you do? What are your alternatives if you believe that it is wrong to bribe government agencies?



youre mom

dont teach you


Maria had never really thought much about her Italian heritage until she became friends with Aylin, an American of Middle Eastern descent. Through interaction with Aylin's family, Maria gradually began to realize that many of her own behaviors were culturally determined. In this scenario, Maria's experience illustrates the _____ imperative for studying intercultural communication.



This question lacks options, options are:

A) self-awareness

B) peace

C) economic

D) technological.  

The correct answer is A.


The phenomenon of intercultural communication is the result of the contact of cultures (ethnic and national groups with their different languages). Self-awareness is the ability to recognize the own feelings, behaviors and characteristics. A person has greater cognitive intercultural competence when she/he has a high degree of self-awareness. Which implies knowledge, understanding and awareness of one's own cultural and communicative elements, and of other cultures, that promote effective communication. This effectiveness is based on the degree of understanding acceptable to the people in interaction.

(i) The first general elections were held in India in the year 1952 (ii) Pressure groups are essentially political in nature. (iii) India is a Democracy state. (iv) India has "One-Party" system. (v) Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905. 213​



i) The first general elections were held in India in the year 1952. True

(ii) Pressure groups are essentially political in nature. False

(iii) India is a Democracy state. True

(iv) India has "One-Party" system. False

(v) Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905. True ​


The first general elections were held in India in the year 1952. They were the first elections to the Lok Sabha after independence from British in August 1947. India is a Democracy state India in which the President of India is considered as the head of state and the Prime Minister is the head of government. India has "multiple-Party" system instead of one party system. Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905 in order to separate the large Muslim eastern areas from the largely Hindu western areas. ​

How were men and women culturally similar in the Chickasaw and Choctaw tribes



Both men and women participated in council meetings.




↦ 手套箱是 一 种密封容器,其壁上装有手套,因此可以在与外部环境完全隔离的同时处理样品。 当需要保护样品免受污染时(如某些药物制剂需要)以及需要保护处理样品的人员免受样品本身的影响(例如样品具有放射性)时,会使用手套箱。 手套箱可以提供不同类型的样品处理环境,例如真空或单一气体(如氮 气)环境。

↦ 不同类型的手套箱允许 它们用于各种应用,包括

制药 取证 制造业 环境科学 医学 实验室

꧁❣ ʀᴀɪɴʙᴏᴡˢᵃˡᵗ2²2² ࿐

Explain the difference in the following two limits: Be nice to everyone and Keep your hands to yourself during circle time.


Answer: Be nice to everyone as a limit would mean have a good relationship with everyone or be in talking terms or relate better with everyone even if you don't and won't have a clinging friendship with them.


Be nice to everyone as a limit would mean have a good relationship with everyone or be in talking terms or relate better with everyone even if you don't and won't have a clinging friendship with them.

Keep your hands to yourself during circle time would mean stay to yourself, avoid much socializing, more like be introverted in relations.

what should be done to preserve Such rituals of the community​


we have to educate our society

The works of Joseph Campbell and Otto Rank show that they believed the hero myth is actually written about the struggles of __________


The works of Joseph Campbell and Otto Rank show that they believed the hero myth is actually written about the struggles of every human being.

[tex]\large\mathfrak{{\pmb{\underline{\orange{Happy\:learning }}{\orange{!}}}}}[/tex]

"advancement in communication system has made the world a global village" . justify this statement



The definition of a global village is the idea that people are connected by easy travel, mass media and electronic communications, and have become a single community.

The internet has changed the world. It has greatly impacted communication virtually reducing the world to a global village by enabling individuals to communicate easily and quickly.The ability for (relatively) anyone to travel anywhere in the world, the ability to communicate with nearly anyone (especially via social media), and greater access to the Internet and technology in general all contribute to the global village.

hope it helps..stay safe healthy and happy.

All rocks follow the same pathway through the rock cycle is a false statement.Why?



Some rocks skip a cycle because different rocks are made different ways.

Help me please ! Many people seem to be addicted to Starbucks. List three things that could happen that would reduce the demand for the coffeehouse giant.



plese try not to take coffe

1) Prices.
2) Loss of relevance
3) Scandals

What was the political condition of the Nepal valley during during the rule of Malles kings?​



I reposted it because it was deleted sorry.


The political condition of the Nepal during the rule of mallas kings was full of mistrust, conspiracies, jealousy snd power struggle between and among the states .

plz mark me as a brainliest

Dissociative identity disorder appears to be culture-bound with the occurrences located primarily in __________.



The answer is North America


I hope this answer helps you out.

plz help me I will mark the brainleist :)



An economic system where the factors of production are privately owned ⇒ Capitalism.  

Economic system characterized by a central authority which makes major economic decisions ⇒ Command economy.  

This is an economic system proposed by Karl Marx in which all means of production are owned by the proletariat, but are controlled by the government when practiced by countries such as the Soviet Union and China. ⇒ Communism.  

French term which means "allow to do", the philosophy that government should stay out of the market ⇒ Laissez-faire.

This is an economic system where the government controls the major means of production but property and other businesses may be privately owned. ⇒ Socialism.

This is a free enterprise system with some government involvement. ⇒ Mixed economy.  

This is a market where a few large suppliers control the supply of a product. ⇒ Oligopoly.  

The conversion of state owned property to private ownership ⇒ Privatization.

.¿Cuál es la importancia del crédito para la inversión?


Answer: El crédito para la inversión es fundamental porque permite la obtención de capital, con esto es posible invertir.


3. Congress is ______. a. more likely to engage in vigorous oversight when the presidency and Congress are controlled by the same party b. more likely to engage in oversight when the public is not interested in the work of an agency c. less likely to engage in oversight when the presidency and Congress are controlled by the same party d. less likely to engage in oversight in an election year



c. less likely to engage in oversight when the presidency and Congress are controlled by the same party.


Political party members are usually strongly bonded or divided based on party affiliation. With membwrssame party enjoying a better relationship than other opposition party members which are also due to prejudice caused or laid on party based politics. Oversight which involves review and and follow up procedures taken in other to ensure that plans, procedures, projects are being duly executed in the agreed manner and also ensures that expected result are being obtained from government issued projects. Congress are expected to monitor and provide oversight functions, however, party politics, often influence the function of congress its relationship with the executive. With congress failing to engage in oversight functions once the presidency band congress are aligned on party grounds.

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