what is stimulated by the placing of the dialysis tubing in rice


Answer 1

Dialysis tubing simulated a cell membrane that leads to entering of micromolecules.

Dialysis tubing simulated a cell membrane which is permeable to small molecules means allows to enter small molecules such as oxygen, glucose and water molecules etc but not to larger molecules to enter the cell due to its large size and the holes in the cell membrane are smaller. Due to small size of materials or molecules, they can easily enter inside and comes outside  because the size of the hole is bigger than their size so that's why it is concluded that micromolecules are stimulated by the placing of the dialysis tubing in rice.


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In a perfect world, a "safe" lift would be 51 pounds i think, not sure tho sorry

A scientist is studying some developing eggs from an ocean sample. The early embryos have divided only a few times, and all cells look identical. When the scientist carefully removes half the cells from an embryo, both clumps of cells are able to complete development, forming twins. The eggs can be identified as cnidarians. crustaceans. protostomes. deuterostomes. echinoderms.



The correct answer is - deuterostomes.


Duetorstomes eggs ,During embryonic development the zygote undergoes cleavage. Cleavage results is slitting into multiple cells where ease cell has the ability to develop into a complete embryo when isolated.

Out of 800 progeny of a three-point testcross (testcross for a heterozygote for all three loci) there were 16 double crossovers, whereas 80 had been expected on the basis of no interference (Hint: each double CO produces two double recombinants). The interference is:_________
a. 0.690
b. 0.310
c. 0.655
d. 0.090
e. 0.045



a. 0.690


Since there are 16 double crossovers and 80 are expected to be basis of no interference. The total interference will be 0.80 based on the 800 progeny.

why is it important to record all data and procedures in an experiment?



Answer:important to record all data and procedures because if we list that data then we can see that which we record

hope this will help you


Good record keeping can help user to track errors or refine an experiment.

Records can be used to audit or to check data integrity

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May i know the complete sentence?

Chromosomal sex, also known as genetic sex, is determined genetically through the chromosome combination XX or XY.

Question 12 options:



it's true

I hope it's helps you

Yes, it's true. Chromosal sex is currently determined through the chromosal combination.

12. What would be the other strand of DNA?





The complementary base of Adenine is Thymine in a DNA strand but it is Uracil if it's a Mrna strand

then the complementary base of cytosine is therefore guanine

How the aging is related with the methylation? The methylation increase or decreased ?


Aging is strongly correlated with changes in DNA methylation. DNA methylation and epigenetic alterations have been directly linked to longevity in a wide array of organisms, ranging in complexity from yeast to humans.

Which statement best describes the difference between photosynthesis and
cellular respiration?
A. Both processes have the same function in the carbon cycle.
B. Cellular respiration supplies energy to cells, but photosynthesis
does not.
C. The materials needed for one process are produced by the other
D. Photosynthesis occurs in plant cells, but cellular
respiration does
Pls help me



it was


The correct answer is B. Cellular respiration supplies energy to cells, but photosynthesis does not.

Which statement is correct?

Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are two distinct processes that occur in living organisms, particularly plants. Here's a brief explanation of each process:

Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants, algae, and some bacteria convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy in the form of glucose. It occurs in the chloroplasts of plant cells. The process involves the absorption of carbon dioxide (CO2) and the release of oxygen (O2) as a byproduct. Photosynthesis is responsible for converting solar energy into stored chemical energy.

Cellular respiration: Cellular respiration is the process by which cells break down glucose and other organic molecules to release energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). It occurs in the mitochondria of cells, including plant cells. During cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen are consumed, and carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products. This process provides energy for various cellular activities.

Given the descriptions above, option B is the correct statement. Cellular respiration supplies energy to cells through the breakdown of glucose, while photosynthesis is the process that converts light energy into chemical energy and produces glucose.

Learn more about photosynthesis at:



What are some of the potential consequences of eating large fish like halibut more than a few times per month?



They break down to form uric acid ,which can contribute to gout and the development of kidney stones for some people.

Which is a component of the biosphere?





In working with Drosphilia it is common to use a balancer stock to maintain mutations of interest. The balancer chromosomes are generally carrying multiple inversions on them. What effect would the inversions have on meiosis



Fusion or pairing does not occur.


Inversions mutation leads to lowered fertility due to production of unbalanced gametes in the meiosis cell division. Chromosome inversions have no effect on mitosis, but they has affect meiosis because inversions changes the gametes which is only present in meiosis. If an inversion present is in the heterozygous condition, pairing of chromosomes cannot occur in a simple linear fashion due to change of sizes. But if the inverted chromosome segment has the proper size so it can paired with each other.

Why are all viruses obligate parasites?



All viruses are obligate parasites; that is, they lack metabolic machinery of their own to generate energy or to synthesize proteins, so they depend on host cells to carry out these vital functions.

What is the difference between cellular respiration and gaseous exchange​



Gas exchange is the intake of oxygen and the excretion of carbon dioxide at the lung surface. Oxygen moves into the blood and carbon dioxide moves out of the blood. Cell respiration is the process that releases energy from the food

Which of the following is a community?
A. All of the nonliving things that make the lake inhabitable
O B. All of the living things that interact within a lake
C. All of the trout that live in a lake
O D. All of the living and nonliving things that interact in and around a



B. All of the living things that interact within a lake


B. all of the living things that interact within a lake

A body of fresh water is shown below.

Which point in this body of water is most likely to have no plants growing?
A. Point C
B. Point D
C. Point A
D. Point B



B. Point D


I just took the quiz

In the given image, on point D, it is not possible to have any plant. The correct option is B.

What are the requirements of plants to grow?

To grow plants require enough sunlight, carbon dioxide and water. By using all these, plant perform photosynthesis by which it can survive.

As point D in the given image has no light sources, as sunlight cannot penetrate deep into the water, it is impossible to have growing plants here.

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding plants, visit:



Through which process does water flow over land into lakes, rivers, and
A. Percolation
O B. Runoff
C. Filtration
D. Evaporation



i'm going to guess that its runoff


none of the rest make since

1. What are the three "common characteristics” of model organisms?



they need food for survival

The video compares the key similarities and differences between mitosis and meiosis. Determine which events occur in mitosis, meiosis, or in both mitosis and meiosis. Write each event to the appropriate category. a. Chromosomes duplicate during interphase b. The first division separates homologous pairs; the second division separates sister chromatids c. A single division occurs, separating sister chromatids Homologous chromosomes pair up and form chiasmata d. Daughter cells contain recombinant chromosomes e. Process starts with a diploid cell Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate f. End result is four haploid cells that are genetically different from each other and the parent cell g. Duplicated chromosomes line up Individually on the metaphase plate in a diploid cel h. End result is two diploid cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell Mitosis Melosis Both mitosis and meiosis




A single division occurs, separating sister chromatids

End result is two diploid cells that are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell


The first division separates homologous pairs; the second division separates sister chromatids

Homologous chromosomes pair up and form chiasmata

Homologous pairs of chromosomes line up on the metaphase plate

Daughter cells contain recombinant chromosomes

End result is four haploid cells that are genetically different from each other and the parent cell  

Mitosis and Meiosis:

Chromosomes duplicate during interphase

Process starts with a diploid cell

Duplicated chromosomes line up Individually on the metaphase plate in a diploid cell


Mitosis is the division of vegetative cells while meiosis involves the division of sex cells. Both divisions start with diploid parental cells but while the daughter cells in mitosis are also diploid, those of meiosis are haploid. This is why mitosis is referred to as equational division while meiosis is known as reductional division.

A cell that will undergo mitosis or meiosis would first have its genetic materials duplicated during interphase in addition to the synthesis of other important biochemicals such as proteins. Mitosis involves just a single division of the sister chromatids with two genetically identical daughter cells who are also clones of the parent cells resulting.  

Meiosis, on the other hand, involves two divisions - the first one happens to separate homologous chromosome pairs while the second division separates sister chromatids just like in mitosis.  During the early stage of meiosis, homologous chromosomes synapsed through the formation of a synaptonemal complex to form tetrads. Thereafter, synapsed chromosomes exchange chromosomal segments at a point known as chiasmata. All these happen at the prophase stage of meiosis I. The paired homologous chromosomes are then lined up at metaphase where they are engaged by the spindle fibers.

Meiosis II and mitosis are more or less the same with the chromosomes condensing at the prophase and the formation of metaphase plates at the metaphase. Sister chromatids are pulled apart and they migrate to the opposite poles at the anaphase and telophase.

what similes best describes how your mind learns and remember



The mind is like a: filing cabinet.


The difference between a pH of 5 and a pH of 8 is
Group of answer choices

A) 3x

B) 30x

C) 100x

D) 1,000x



The correct answer is - D) 1000x.


pH is a logarithmic scale, 1 reading change leads to the results in ten-fold in the   H+ concentration in acidity/basicity. The more  H +  ions found in solution, the more acidic the substance is as acids donate  H +  ions.  

You can calculate the concentration of  H +  from the pH and the equation  

p H  = − log [ H + ]

arrange again

[ H + ]  =  10 − p H

So for a pH of 8, we get  [ H + ]  = 10 ^− 8

For a pH of 5, we get  [ H + ] = 10^ − 5

 10 ^−5  /10 ^− 8= 10 ^3

=  1000

identifying earths four spheres
match each of earths spheres



cryosphere → glaciers, ice caps, ice bergs

atmosphere → air surrounding earth

biosphere → all of Earth's living things

geosphere → Earth's interior, rocks, minerals, and landforms

hydrosphere → oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater


The above are properly matched.

Cryosphere is known as part of the earth were water is in solid form. This has to do with glaciers, ice, ice bergs, etc.

Atmosphere has to do with the part of the earth that is gaseous. This has to do with the air found on earth.

Biosphere is the living part of the earth. All things are found in the biosphere.

Geosphere is known to be earth itself which is made up of the landforms, rocks, minerals, earth's interior, etc.

Hydrosphere has to do with the liquid part of the earth. It has to do with the water bodies.

Which of the following regarding blood vessels is not true?

Group of answer choices

arteries have valves to jprevent backflow

Arteries have thick, elastic walls to accommodate the high pressure of blood pumped from the heart

In the thinner-walled veins, blood flows back to the heart mainly as a result of muscle action

Arteries and veins have an endothelium, smooth muscle, and connective tissue





aritieries have thick,elastic walls to accommodate the high pressure of blood pumped from the heart

The movement of DNA or RNA in gel electrophoresis is often a matter of molecular weight alone. Which of the following molecular parameters usually influence the movement of protein?

a. weight, charge, or shape
b. only charge
c. only shape
d. only weight and shape
d. only weight



a. weight, charge, or shape


Gel electrophoresis is a molecular technique used to separate samples of DNA, RNA and proteins on the basis of charge, mass or size. The molecules migrate through a gel matrix supplied with electric current on the basis of size or charge. For example, +ve charge molecules move towards the -ve end of the matrix or smaller molecules move faster.

According to this question, the movement of DNA or RNA in gel electrophoresis is often a matter of molecular weight (size) alone. However, that of protein involves a combination of weight, charge, or shape.

__describes non-seasonal changed in the structure or composition of an ecological community over time

Ecological succession
Community ecology
Ecosystem dynamics



Ecological succession


In ecology, ecological succession is described as a series of change in the structure or composition of an ecological community over a period of time. There are two types of ecological succession namely: primary succession and secondary succession.

Primary succession occurs on a barren land with no prior growth while secondary succession occurs in an area that has been colonized before but disturbed by an environmental hazard.

What is not necessary for diffusion?
A. water
B. molecules
C. energy


Simple diffusion does not require energy: facilitated diffusion requires a source of ATP. Simple diffusion can only move material in the direction of a concentration gradient; facilitated diffusion moves materials with and against a concentration gradient…..C energy

State the overall chemical reaction for respiration (a simple form of it, not all the steps.)



Cellular respiration is the chemical reaction in which glucose and oxygen are turned into water, carbon dioxide, and energy (ATP).


Hope it works...

how is penicillin used



Con la mano,


Sos pelotudo o que?


Penicillin stops bacteria from multiplying.

Which technique could be used to evaluate the primary amino acid sequence of a protein?



Hundreds of proteins have been sequenced by Edman degradation of peptides derived from specific cleavages. Protein Mass Spectrometry is an analytical technique that measures the mass-to-charge ratio of charged particles for determining masses of particles and the elemental composition of a sample of molecules as well as for elucidating the chemical structure of molecules such as peptides. Protein mass spectrometry is an important method for the accurate mass determination and characterization of proteins, and a variety of methods and instrumentations have been developed for its many uses.

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