What is the area of this figure?


Answer 1


answer of this qn is 15in^2

Related Questions

Now graph the points C(2, 8) and D(8, 7). (Try entering the coordinates through the input window.) Measure the lengths of and . Do the points C and D lie on the circle? How do you know? Take a screenshot showing the points and their distances from the center, and paste it below.



this was from plato

Step-by-step explanation:


Any point on the circle must be at a distance from the center equal to the length of the circle’s radius. In this example, the radius is 3.61 units, AC = 4.24, and AD = 3.61. Point D, which lies on the circle, has the same distance from the center as the length of the radius. Point C, which lies outside the circle, is at a different distance from the center than the length of the radius.

What is the product of the polynomials below?
(5x2 - x-3)(2x+6)


[tex]\bf \rightarrow \:(5 {x}^{2} - x - 3) \: \: (2x + 6) \\ \\ \bf \small \rightarrow \:10 {x}^{3} - 2 {x}^{2} - 6x + 30 {x}^{2} - 6x - 18 \\ \\ \bf \rightarrow \:10 {x}^{3} + 28 {x}^{2} - 12x - 18[/tex]

Option D is the correct answer

option D is the right ans. feel free to clarify

A pile of bricks has 93 bricks in the first row, 89 bricks in the second row, 85 bricks in the third row, and so on.
How many bricks are there in the 12th row?
OA) 49 bricks
OB) 69 bricks



49 bricks

Step-by-step explanation:

because it's getting smaller my 4

Answer: 49

Explanation: it’s getting smaller by 4, they already gave us the first three, so now we multiply 4 by 9 and get 36 ( I multiplied 4 by 9 since that’s how many numbers were left to get to 12 from 3) and subtracted 36 by 85 then got 49. Hope this helps ^_^

A circle has a radius of 3. An arc in this circle has a central angle of 20°. What is the length of the arc? Either enter an exact answer in terms of or use 3.14 for 1 and enter your answer as a decimal.​



[tex]\frac{\pi }{3}[/tex]

[tex]2 * \pi * 3 * \frac{20}{360}[/tex]

120[tex]\pi[/tex]/360 = [tex]\frac{\pi }{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Which expression is equivalent to ((2x²) (3x) (4x)??




Step-by-step explanation:

((2x²) (3x) (4x)

Add the exponents when multiplying

2*3*4 x^(2+1+1)


please answer all the questions above.



hope it was helpful!! You are welcome to ask any question


Step-by-step explanation:

1) 7 - ( 3+4) = 7 + [- (3+ 4)] =  7 + (-3) + (-4)    

(-) is distributed to 3 and 4


2) C

I (-3) -  4 I

3) 5 + 3 = 8 miles


Instructions: Find the missing side lengths. Leave your answers as radicals in simplest



x = 40

y= 20

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin 60 = 20 sqrt(3)/ x

x sin 60 = 20 sqrt(3)

x = 20 sqrt(3)/ sin 60

x = 20 sqrt(3)/ sqrt(3)/2

x = 20 *2

x = 40

tan theta = opp /adj

tan 60 = 20 sqrt(3)/y

y = 20 sqrt(3)/ tan 60

y = 20 sqrt(3) / sqrt(3)

y = 20

What is the area of polygon


Answer: 39 units squared
You can split it into two sections the rectangle and triangle.
The rectangle is 5 units by 6 units and since the area of a rectangle is b*h; it is 5*6=30 units squared

The triangle isn’t a right triangle but you can still find the base and height, the base is 6 units and the height is 3 units. The area of a triangle is b*h/2; so it is 6*3/2= 9 units squared

Add the two areas together: 9+30= 39 untis squared

For what value of k are the roots of the quadratic
equation kx²+ 4x+ 1=0 equals and reals."



k ≥ 4

Step-by-step explanation:

A Quadratic equation is given to us and we need to find out the value of k for which the equation has real roots. The given equation is ,

[tex]\rm\implies kx^2 +4x +1=0[/tex]

With respect to Standard form of Quadratic equation :-

[tex]\rm\implies ax^+bx+c=0[/tex]

For real roots ,

[tex]\rm\implies Discriminant = b^2-4ac\geq 0[/tex]

Substitute the respective values ,

[tex]\rm\implies b^2-4ac \geq 0\\[/tex]

[tex]\rm\implies 4^2 - 4(k)(1) \geq 0 \\[/tex]

Simplify the LHS ,

[tex]\rm\implies 16 - 4k \geq 0 \\[/tex]

Add 4k both sides ,

[tex]\rm\implies 4k\geq 16 [/tex]

Divide both sides by 4 ,

[tex]\rm\implies \boxed{\blue{\rm k \geq 4}}[/tex]

please explain this to me.



Equation of line:- y=2x-7


slope of parallel line (m)=2

∴ Equation of parallel line:- y=2x+b

it passes through the point (-3,6)

6=2(-3)+b   6+6=b


∴ y=2x+12


Find the height of a rectangular prism with a 3 in by 4 in base and a volume of 20 cubic inches



1 2/3 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume = area of the base * height so:

20 = 3*4 * h

h = 20/12

h = 1 2/3 inches.

Student Council members are designing a large poster that will tell people who each member is and what position each person holds. Each member gets a triangle piece of paper to decorate, then all the pieces will be fitted together to form the final display. The triangles are identical and fit together to form a regular polygon. It will look similar to the shape below:
A) If there are 8 council members, what type of polygon will be formed?
B) To achieve this shape, what type of triangles will the individual pieces be? What will be the measures of each of the three angles in each of the triangles?
C) What will be the sum of the measures of the internal angles of the final shape?
D) Redo parts (b) and (c) if the Council decides to include triangles for the two staff advisors, assuming the poster will still form a regular polygon, but now with 10 triangles.


A) With 8 council members, the polygon formed with the triangles will be an octagon.

A polygon formed with a set of isosceles triangles will have as many sides as triangles you are using. An octagon is a geometric figure that has 8 equal sides to it.

The final shape should look just like the one you posted with your question.

B) The individual pieces should be isosceles triangles. The three angles of each triangle should measure 45°, 67.5° and 67.5°.

An isosceles triangle is the one that has two sides of the same length and one side with a different length.

We need two sides of the triangles to be the same. The base of the triangle's length will depend on the number of triangles we are using to form the final polygon.

The number of triangles will define the angle between the two sides of equal length. You can find this by dividing 360° into the number of triangles:


The other two angles should measure the same, so we can find them by subtracting the 45° from 180° (which is what we get when adding the three angles of any triangle) and then dividing the answer into 2.



C) The sum of the measures of the internal angles of the final shape should add up to 360°, that way we can guarantee that the figure is closed:



D.B) The individual pieces should be isosceles triangles. The three angles of each triangle should measure 36°, 72° and 72°.

The number of triangles will define the angle between the two sides of equal length. You can find this by dividing 360° into the number of triangles:


The other two angles should measure the same, so we can find them by subtracting the 36° from 180° (which is what we get when adding the three angles of any triangle) and then dividing the answer into 2.



C) The sum of the measures of the internal angles of the final shape should add up to 360°, that way we can guarantee that the figure is closed:


You can find further information on the following links:


The median house price in Waterloo Region increased by 3.6% from Jan 1, 2018 to Jan 1, 2019. A home
was purchased in Waterloo Region on April 1, 2019 for $600,000.

(a) Assume this trend continues, write an exponential equation that models the Resale Value of this
home over time.

(b) At this rate, determine the date of the resale price of the home would reach $1 million (Show your
work to accurate to the nearest month)

(c) Use your exponential equation to determine the expected resale value of the home on April 1, 2020.



The right answer is:

(a) [tex]P(t) = P_o \ e^{0.03536t}[/tex]

(b) [tex]t = 14 \ years \ 6 \ months[/tex]

(c) [tex]P(t) = =621,595.6[/tex] ($)

Step-by-step explanation:


House price increment rate,

= 3.6% annually


Let the exponential equation will be:

⇒ [tex]P(t) = P_o e^{Kt}[/tex]


t = 0

P = P₀

t = 1 yr


[tex]P(1) = P_o +3.6 \ persent \ P_o[/tex]

        [tex]=1.036 \ P_o[/tex]


⇒ [tex]1.036 P_o = P_o \ e^{K.1}[/tex]

 [tex]ln(1.036) = K[/tex]

            [tex]K = 0.03536[/tex]

Thus, the exponential equation will be "[tex]P(t) = P_o \ e^{0.03536t}[/tex]".


We know,

[tex]P_o = 600,000[/tex] ($)

[tex]P(t) = 10,00,000[/tex] ($)

∵ [tex]P(t) = P_o \ e^{0.03536t}[/tex]

   [tex]1000000=600000 \ e^{0.03536 t}[/tex]

              [tex]\frac{5}{3}= e^{0.03536 t}[/tex]

        [tex]ln(\frac{5}{3} )=0.03536 t[/tex]

       [tex]\frac{\frac{0.5}{0825} }{0.03536} =t[/tex]

                [tex]t = 14.45 \ years[/tex]


                [tex]t = 14 \ years \ 6 \ months[/tex]


[tex]P_o=600,000[/tex] ($)

[tex]t = 1 year[/tex]


⇒ [tex]P(t) = P_o \ e^{0.03536 t}[/tex]

           [tex]=600000 \ e^{ 0.03536\times 1}[/tex]

           [tex]=621,595.6[/tex] ($)

You are riding your bike. At 8:00am you have ridden your bike 23 miles. By 9:00pm you have ridden 179 miles. Find the rate of change in miles per hour. If needed, round your answer to the nearest whole number.



12 miles/hour

Step-by-step explanation:

8am to 9pm = 13 hours

in that time we were driving 179-23 = 156 miles.

so, our speed was 156 miles / 13 hours.

now simplify it to our standard miles/hour format :

156/13 = 12

therefore, or standardized speed was

12 miles/hour

need help with this!!



{ 1,3,4,6,7}

Step-by-step explanation:

Do B∩C first

This is B intersect C which  means what they have in common

B∩C = {3,6,7}

Then A∪(B∩C)

A union   {3,6,7} which means join together ( combine with no duplicates) the two sets

{ 1,3,4,6,7}

Which expressions are equivalent to the given expression?



The answers are option B and E.

The answer is B and E

Can someone please help?

Will mark brainliest!



108 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

an arithmetic progression means that there is a constant inbetween all of the angles. Since the smallest angle is 12 degrees, ( i just guessed and checked) and came up with the angles :

12, 60, 108

these have a constant of 48



Step-by-step explanation:

Since the angles are in arithmetic progression , then the angles are

a + a + d + a + 2d

a is the first term and d the common difference

Sum the angles and equate to 180 with a = 12

a + a + d + a + 2d = 180

12 + 12 + d + 12 + 2d = 180 , that is

36 + 3d = 180 ( subtract 36 from both sides )

3d = 144 ( divide both sides by 3 )

d = 48

Then the largest angle is

a + 2d = 12 + 2(48) = 12 + 96 = 108°

“The length of a rectangle is two feet greater than twice its width. If the perimeter is 25 feet, find the width.” Which of the following translations is correct?



b is the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

This table shows the relationship of the total number of pieces of fruit to the number of bananas.
Why is StartFraction 6 Over 5 EndFraction not equivalent to Three-halves?



The table that shows the relationship of the total number of pieces of fruit to the number of bananas.

To find:

Why is [tex]\dfrac{6}{5}[/tex] not equivalent to [tex]\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex].


If a, b, c are real numbers, then

[tex]\dfrac{a}{b}=\dfrac{a\times c}{b\times c}[/tex]

The given fraction is [tex]\dfrac{3}{2}[/tex]. It can be written as:

[tex]\dfrac{3\times 2}{2\times 2}=\dfrac{6}{4}[/tex]

The number 3 is multiplied by 2 to get 6. So, the 2 should also be multiplied by 2. The ratio should be [tex]\dfrac{6}{4}[/tex], not [tex]\dfrac{6}{5}[/tex].

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

Find sin 0
A. 16/20
B. 12/16
C. 12/20
D. 16/12




Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle

sin theta = opp side / hypotenuse

sin theta = 16/20



[tex]{ \tt{ \sin( \theta) = \frac{opposite}{hypotenuse} }} \\ \\ { \tt{ \sin( \theta) = \frac{16}{20} }}[/tex]

convert into power notation -1/81​



-1/9^2 is the power notation for your questions

Step-by-step explanations

Identify the equation of the circle that has its center at (9, 12) and passes through the origin.



(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 225

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the length of the radius

If is the distance from the center to the point

d = sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2 )

   = sqrt( (0-9)^2 + (0-12)^2)

   = sqrt ( 81+144)

  = sqrt(225)

  = 15

The equation for a circle is

( x-h) ^2+ (y-k)^2 = r^2

(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 15^2

(x-9)^2 +(y-12)^2 = 225

What could be the coefficient of x once the variable term is isolated on one side of the equation? Check all that apply.
3x - 6(5x + 3) = 9x + 6

1. Distribute: 3x - 30x - 18 = 9x + 6

2. Combine like terms: -27x - 18 = 9x + 6




Step-by-step explanation:

3x - 6(5x + 3) = 9x + 6


3x - 30x - 18 = 9x + 6

Combine like terms:

-27x - 18 = 9x + 6

There are two possible ways to isolate x

On the left

Subtract 9x from each side

-27x - 18 -9x = 9x-9x + 6

-36x -18 = 6

On the right

Add 27x from each side

-27x - 18 +27x = 9x+27x + 6

-18 =36x+ 6

The circles are concentric. True False



true, to my knowledge concentric circles are just circles that all have one main center.

Step-by-step explanation:

TRUE bc they have only one main centers like the person above said !

Does (x, y) satisfy an equation?




Step-by-step explanation:

What is the slope of the line shown below?
O A. -3
O B. -1
O c. 1
O D. 3
-10 1



It's C. 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Use slope intercept form.

Which of the following is a characteristic of science?



Step-by-step explanation:




i got it right on the test


A house owner wishes to cover their roof with solar panels. Each solar panel is of the following size.

->The roof section is rectangular 7.2 m by 4.4 m.

->Each solar panel measures 1400 mm by 850 mm.

There needs to be at least a 30 cm gap left at each edge of the roof section. The house owner thinks he can have at least 15 solar panels fitted to the roof section.

Can u agree? If yes, show the working. (Hint: He can rotate the solar panel)




Step-by-step explanation:

The roof is Rectangular :

Dimension of roof section : 7.2 m by 4.4 m

Area of roof = length * width

Area of roof = 7.2 * 4.4 = 31.68 m²

Dimension of solar panels = 1400 mm by 850 mm

Converting to m:

1000mm = 1 m

1400/1000 by 850/1000 = 1.4 m by 0.85 m

Area each solar panel = 1.4 * 0.85 = 1.19 m²

Gap left at each edge :

30cm gap about the 4 edges gives a square with side length 30cm:

30cm = 30/100 = 0.3m

Area of gap left = 0.3² = 0.09 m²

Total area that can be covered = (31.68 - 0.09) m² = 31.59 m²

Maximum number of panels that can be placed on roof section :

Total area that can be covered / area of panel

31.59 m² / 1.19 m²

= 26.54 panels

An acute angle of a right triangle measures 30°, and the length of the triangle's hypotenuse is 10 ft. Find the missing angle measure and side lengths.



missing angle <60 and side lengths 5, 5[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

we understand from the given information that  the triangle in question is a special right triangle

and since this is a special triangle the side lengths follows :

the side length that sees <90 is represented by 2x

the side length that sees <60 is represented by x[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

and the side length that sees <30 is represented by x

2x = 10 so x = 5 and  x[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] = 5[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

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