What is the best way to tell whether a passage contains an argument or not


Answer 1


you can tell whether a passage contains an argument or not when there is a proposal and opposal

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Which is an appeal to logos?

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printing a picture of the flag of the United States on your store's sign

showing statistics that "prove" that your reading program improves the reading level of a person by an average of 1.2 grade levels
within 6 months

having a business motto such as the following: "50 Years of Being the Best in the Business!"



I think it's the third answer


Logos is a logical argument towards your point providing evidence to back up your statement. The third answer is the only one that could prove the definition of logos true.


showing statistics that "prove" that your reading program improves the reading level of a person by an average of 1.2 grade levels

within 6 months.


Help me please……………….


4,2,1,3 is what i think but that’s the order i would but it in

That is the best book that I ........ on that subject.
A. had read B. read C. have read D. am reading


That is the best book that I ( have read )on that subject.

reason = because that event has already happend in past but its impact is still on present so it is past perfect..........



Please help!!! Due tomorrow!



Excercize 2

1) False

2) True

3) False

4) False

5) True

6) False

7) True

8) True

9) True

10) False

Excersize 3

1) Cognates

2) Philologist

3) Inflection

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow
on the floor:
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the
Shall be lifted-nevermore!


His eyes it means he’s very intense and the lamp light that throws his shadow and his soul that lies out that shadow is floating

6. A taxi driver picked up a fare at the Hyatt Regency Hotel who wanted to go to the airport. The traffic was heavy, and the taxicab’s average speed for the entire trip was just forty miles per hour. The total time of the trip was eighty minutes, and the customer was charged accordingly. At the airport, the taxi driver picked up another customer who wanted to be taken to the same Hyatt Regency Hotel. The taxi driver returned to the hotel along the same route that he had used just before, and traveled with the same average speed. But this time the trip took an hour and twenty minutes. Can you explain why?



they couldve had a lot of stops



1. what does being born free mean to a student, filipino citizen, and a daughter.

2. When we say a person is free, does it give him or her the right to do anything? Explain

3. How can you experience total freedom

4. Have you experienced inner freedom? How did u feel about it?

5. Absolute freedom mocks justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. reflect on this quote by albert camus



Absolute freedom absolute justice

journey home from school ​



is paradise


i feel like i am going to the right place where i deserve to be.

i always wish home-schoooing is an option

It’s high time that Nepali government _________ more in health sectors.​



It’s high time that Nepali government invested more in health sectors.​

It’s high time that Nepali government spent more in health sectors.​


The question is incomplete, as there are no options to select from.

I will however give a general explanation.

When a sentence contains the phrase "It’s high time", the verb that follows it must be in past tense.

e.g. left, sent, ate, etc.

Since there is no options, I will think of a verb (in past tense) that can fill then blank.

To complete the blank, I will make use of spent or invested

how has our Constitution managed to maintain propertional representation on all areas of the sate?explane


Laws mainly also political workers and law enforcement etc

It says 5.60€ on the label. You've ... me 6.50€.
a. taken
b. deducted
c. reduced
d. charged



it should go with the sentence pronunciation

Write a memoir of 250 to 300 words on the following topic :
Any historical incident that impacted your life



A memoir is an account of your experiences related to events from your personal life or history that you witnessed.

A memoir is sometimes also called an autobiography, as the two terms share the same meaning to some extent.

But here’s the deal:

There is a slight difference between writing a memoir and writing an autobiography, and it is important to truly understand it in order to benefit most from reading an example of memoir.


Memoir Tips

choose an intriguing title (something like The Other Side of Me or A Day to Remember); it can help you a lot to interest the audience;

express your personal opinions and impressions (use for instance: to my mind, in my opinion, it seems, it turned out that, etc.);

add a lot of sensory details (for example, instead of simply stating that a girl had an angry look on her face, you can specify that her face reddened and her teeth were clenched – these are valuable observations, which can make your description more vivid);

write about memories that are important for you – it’s impossible to write a good memoir without feeling a deep connection between yourself and the situation which you describe;

be yourself when writing a memoir – you can hide your point of view in many academic writings, but this type of work requires you to be honest and show your personal traits;

choose a proper tone and try to maintain it throughout your memoir essay – it’s an excellent exercise to develop your writing style;

do research, even if you remember the situation, try to collect as much information as you could, including your friends’ commentaries, photos, blog posts – everything that can reveal more details;

take care about your memoir idea – whether your writing is funny, well-structured, or creative and unusual, it means nothing if you don’t put a message in it.

The most famous memoir books are based on the principles listed above. Keeping to them, you can create a masterpiece or, at least, get an A at your college.

But that isn’t all we can offer you:

How does the author of each text present a story about running track? Use one example from each text and explain your thinking.



Explanation: because  i took the test

Is it ethical for a professor to deny a student an opportunity to write exam since he or she's late n didn't write his or her assignments then allowing other students to write an exam while they are also late , reasons plss​



it is not ethical because it is not fair. reason is because the principle denied one student to write a late exam, but allowed others to. he is having favoritism on all students besides the one he didn't allow to write a late exam. it would be more ethical to allow ALL students an opportunity to write their exams late, or even disallow everone. that would be a less biased choice as a professor.

Your best friend has just been suspended from school for truancy. write a letter to him/her expressing your displeasure and advising him/her to turn a new leaf.



dear friend


i am very happy that you are suspended for school now i cant get scholded by my teachers

stay safe stay happy

i hate you soso much

be safe from corona when you will return school i should sit with you so if you have corona i also may be suffer so be safe

your very loving bestfriend



here you go on the

basic of my life

a. What is the main attraction of a birthday party?​


The main attraction of the birthday party would be anything like ;dreses they wear, foods they had served ,drinks,decoration, cakes and balloons, etc. it would also be a person's personality.

You witness a bank robbery, and follow the perpetrator down an alleyway. He stops at an orphanage and gives them all the money.
Would you:
A) Report the man to police since he committed a crime
B) Leave him alone because you saw him do a good deed





He's basically Robin Hood lol

Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this



(C)  Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.


Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworker have to work harder to make up for this

What would you be most and least likely to do?

(A) Be patient. Give her more time to learn the job so that her productivity will increase.

(B) Ask her how the job is going. Let her know you're available if she has any questions.

(C) Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficiently.

(D) Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.

You would be most and least likely to: Provide her with suggestions and pointers on how to complete tasks correctly and efficiently.

What is a limitation of first-person narration in a story?
A. The reader is too far removed from the story's action.
B. The thoughts of too many characters are displayed.
C. The other characters' views and thoughts are left out.
D. The reader does not feel a connection to the narrator.


C. Sorry if it’s wrong lol.

What’s your __________? - I am Spanish



yar isme batana kya hai send me

What’s ur nationality

What Is the Main Topic in this sentence, or is there none?

The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale. Club members will meet in the gym at 11:30 A.M. to start the sale. Each item is only $1!



The Spanish Club is holding its annual bake sale.


The main sentence is what describes what will happen in the rest of the text and this sentence basically explains that there will be an annual bake sale hosted by the Spanish club

Fill in the blanks using appropriate reflexive and emphatic pronouns. 1. She washes her clothes ………………….. a) herself b) her c) herselves 2. We enjoyed ………………….. at the party. a) ourself b) ourselves 3. The little boy sat by ………………… a) himself b) him c) himselves
He absented ………………… from the class.

a) himself

b) himselves

c) him

5. The minister …………………… said this.

a) himself

b) him

c) himselves

6. She was so much in love with …………………… that she thought of none else.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves

7. He …………………… told me this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) him

8. You …………………… know better than anybody else.

a) yourself

b) yourselves

c) your
He ..................................... is responsible for this.

a) himself

b) themselves

c) himselves

10. She is old enough to dress................................... now.

a) her

b) herself

c) herselves​




I hope this helps!

pls ❤ and give brainliest pls

describes Phonemic Awareness?



Phonemic awareness means to the specific ability to focus and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. Phonemes combine to form syllables and words.

Hi! ❤️ pls help asap pls



add a comma after the word fierce


place a comma between the two adjectives (fierce and protective)


add a comma after the word fierce


Multiple choice question
2.Who is _______ person in your class?


the more intelligent

the most intelligent

the intelligentest



the most intelligent


Who is the most intelligent person in your class. Hence option 3 is correct.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence is defined as the capacity to pick up new information, comprehend it, or handle challenging circumstances. Intelligence can offer unique perspectives that alert to potential risks and opportunities, evaluate likely outcomes of suggested policy options, provide leadership profiles on foreign figures, and warn of counterintelligence and security threats to official trips.

You must develop receptivity if you want to become intelligent in the classroom. Always be open to hearing what people have to say and make an effort to comprehend them. Even if you believe that you are accurate, you should still pay attention to other people so that you can pick up on their knowledge and, if necessary, be corrected if you are mistaken.

Thus, Who is the most intelligent person in your class. Hence option 3 is correct.

To learn more about intelligence, refer to the link below:



Please correct the following sentence.

hi my name is jessica. it’s a really cool name dont u think



Hi my name is Jessica it's a really cool name don't you think.



(Their, They’re, There) was hardly a week that went by that I didn’t go to tutoring to get the help I needed.


Vas happenin!
Hope your day is good
There is correct
Their is used for people
They’re is they are

Answer: There


Happy Learning! : )

In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet," the main focus is the tragic love story between
Romeo and Juliet. However the play also tells the story of fighting between the
Montagues and Capulets. What is this called?




here is a link I hope this helped you :)


Answer: subplot.


The subplot of the long-standing rivalry between their two families (the Montagues and the Capulets) unfolds to increase conflict and add to the drama of these young lovers' forbidden romance

Ramesh loves swimming .Everyone likes him​


swim swim that's answer


Tip: Try using words that might appear on the page you’re looking for. For example, "cake recipes" instead of "how to make a cake."

In a sort of Runic time is a example of figurative lanuage




I think it's Personification and Rhyme.


That's because in a sort of Runic time, Personification and Rhyme are more connected than Alliteration and Onomatopoeia.

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