What is the biggest country


Answer 1

Russia is the largest country.

Answer 2


Russia, with about 17 million square kilometers


Related Questions

what are the earth's plate name all 4​



African, Antarctic, Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American, Pacific and South American.

~Hope it helps

Matriarchal" is best defined as a __________.
pattern of ethnic settlements in Central Europe
matrix of ethnic symbols engraved in an arch
domination of a government or social group by females
collection of materials used only by a particular ethnic group



C is the answer C is the answer. C is the answer

C because that makes the most sense

which areas of Earth receive the greatest and the least solar irradiance?



hope this helps


Earth receives different amounts of solar energy at different latitudes, with the most at the equator and the least at the poles

Answer: this is the answer


The regions closest to the equator receive the most direct sunlight because the light is arriving at an angle close to 0°. As a result, a lesser area is illuminated and so there is greater solar irradiance. The regions nearest to the poles receive sunlight at more of an angle, resulting in a larger area of illumination and therefore less solar irradiance.

Between 30% and 60% of the population of Europe was Decimated in the mid 1300 by


The bubonic plague.

4. Which is the best example of qualitative data used by geographers?
(A) Personal descriptions of processes and events
(B) Surveys about how often people visit other places
(C) Census counts such as population statistics
(D) Measurements of distance made using GPS receivers
(E) Tables showing the age distribution of people in a community



Which is the best example of qualitative data used by geographers?

(A) Personal descriptions of processes and events

The best example of qualitative data used by geographers is (A) Personal descriptions of processes and events

A qualitative data tends to describe a quality or characteristics. It is very difficult to quantify or given numerical values for analysis.

Qualitative data can be gotten via observations, questionnaires and so on.

"Personal descriptions of process and events" can be best gotten through interviews in a narrative form. Data gotten would be difficult to quantify. So, such data used by geographers is the best example of qualitative data given among the options stated.

The data gotten from all other options can be measured easily and given numerical values.

Therefore the best answer is  example of qualitative data used by geographers would be (A) Personal descriptions of processes and events.

Learn more about qualitative data here:


Which coordinates lands somewhere inside the USA
115 W, 55 N

35 N, 60 E

40 N, 110 W

80 W, 50 N


40 N, 110 W


checked on maps, and 40 N, 110 W was in the US

hope i helped

Which organelle is responsible for transporting lipids in the cell?
A. nucleus
B. rough ER
C. golgi apparatus
D. mitochondrion



the answer is B. ER ( endoplasmic reticulum)


C) golgi apparatus


Golgi Apparatus also termed as Golgi Complex. It is a membrane-bound organelle, which is mainly composed of a series of flattened, stacked pouches called cisternae. This cell organelle is primarily responsible for transporting, modifying, and packaging proteins and lipid to targeted destinations

The first transcontinental railroad in the United States connected _____.

A. Omaha and Sacramento

B. the Great Lakes and New Orleans

C. New York and Chicago

D. Chicago and Los Angeles





If you look this up you can find a map containing where it was built to

A scientist studying how earthquakes happen imagines the top layer of Earth moving like a block of wood rubbing on sandpaper. This helps the scientist imagine what is happening. What kind of model is this? Explain.



This is model is called  - Block and Sandpaper Model.


In the model above, a block of wood is dragged over sandpaper using an elastic string which causes the block of wood to move in such a way that friction is apparently generated, thus converting energy from one form to the other.

This little model, also known as the "earthquake machine" typifies what happens in the earth's crust during an earthquake. It models the behavior of tectonic plates as they move over one another generating various kinds of energy.


Khó khăn lớn nhất của miền nam trung bộ và nam bộ về khí hậu là



mùa khô kéo dài


Which layer of the atmosphere favours air transport?explain?



Temperature decrease with altitude in troposphere . This phenomenon favours the first convection of air from the lowest layers to higher altitude in the troposphere . this convection goes hand in hand with the formation of clouds ,the so called convective clouds

3.1 Is the Afdaksrivier a perennial or non- perennial?​





Perennial rivers are also known as permanent rivers. They flow throughout the year. It is indicated by the river channel which touches water table throughout the year.

Periodic or non-perennial rivers are those rivers which do not have a constant flow throughout the year. It mainly consists of those rivers which flow only during the rainy season.

How does social media spread fake news​


Answer: It's complicated..

Explanation: Basically, social media can be full of lies and fake things that they want you to believe in.

For example, when news reporters report stories or incidents that have happened they probably include some things that didn't happen.

Now I'm not saying that this happens with ALL news reporters or writers.

Point is people can spread fake news by telling lies, adding in things that didn't really happen in that situation, rumors about celebrities, and so on.

Hope that this helps! :)

Many people believe that enormous power also comes with great responsibility. Some journalists abused their position of authority, while many entered the profession in order to report the truth and disseminate credible information. Most people who posted on social media never bothered to double-check the information.

Why social media is bad for society?

Although social media has many advantages, it can also be a place for torcher and exclusion, the normalizing of risk-taking behavior, false expectations about one's appearance and sources of popularity, and harm to one's mental health.

Young people are exposed to media content that makes it difficult for them to discriminate between what is real and what is not, which encourages confusion and mindless imitation. The rise in teenage aggression, sexual activity, and dangerous conduct is significantly influenced by the media. A staggering 94.3 percent of respondents blamed social media for disseminating false information, and 79.3 percent claimed that social media mostly hurts the journalistic sector. A Medill Centennial panel discussion in February covered the survey.

Learn more about Social Media here:



True or False: East Asia has been one of the worlds greatest success stories of the 21st century


Kinda sounds like an opinion question but based on stats true

True :East Asia has been one of the worlds greatest success stories of the 21st century

Use the drop-down menus to select the part of Earth best described by each phrase.



inner core


inner core because it always penetrating other particles to be released out of the earth

(Q020) Identify the true statement. a. The geothermal gradient is the rate of change in pressure with depth in the Earth. b. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface. c. The calculated density at the Earth's center makes scientists almost certain that the inner core is composed of diamond. d. The pressure at the Earth's center is less than 300 times greater than normal atmospheric pressure.


Answer: b. The temperature at the Earth's center may almost equal the temperature of the Sun's surface.


The Earth's core is very very hot due to various factors such as heat from radioactive materials decaying and the heat the earth had when it was formed. It is estimated that the temperature here is around 5,200° C which means that it can melt even Tungsten.

This is almost equal to the surface temperature of the sun which is around 5,500° C.

Does any one know where I can get A level geography notes online ?
Thank you


just search up geography notes online and see what comes up


gceguide website






They work for either AQA or CIE

you can also check slideshare.net as many people post as and a level notes, just search through thoroughly.

Your welcome

Based on this map, what gives China more power on the Security Council
than Brazil or Colombia?
A. China has more delegates in the United Nations.
B. China is a permanent member of the Security Council and has
veto power.
C. China has a much larger population than Brazil and Colombia
D. China controls more money than other members of the Security



B. China is a permanent member of the Security Council and has

veto power.


As China is a permanent member of the UNSC and has veto power, alongside the other permanent members: United States, Russia, France, and England. Or formally, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the United States of America, the Russian Federation, the French Republic, and the Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

On the other hand, Brazil and Colombia are not permanent members. Yet, Brazil is becoming very powerful in the international market; it is a BRICS(M) country (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, and Mexico). *Note, it is not a Second World Country but rather a developing country.*

B.) China is a permanent member of the security council and has veto power.

We Nepalese people have diversified climate verification lifestyle and other variation due to cultural variation explain​



We nepalese people have diversified climate verification lifestyle and other variation due to cultural variation because Nepali itself is divided into 3 regions (terai,hilly and mountain).

People of different culture/ethnicity live in their particular regions such as Sherpas, Manangis,Lopas etc are inhabitant of mountain region. Rai,Limbu,Chettris etc are inhabitant of hilly and Tharus,Brahmin

,Madhesi etc are inhabitant of terai.

Their inhabitants differ their lifestyle as terai people are inhabitant of hot climate,hilly people are inhabitant of mild climate and people on the mountain are inhabitant of cold climate. They celebrate their own culture on the basis of their inhabitants.

Name at least two extinct species that share a close evolutionary relationship with humpback whales.


Thewissen and other collaborators announced that Indohyus, a small deer-like mammal belonging to a group of extinct artiodactyls called raoellids, was the closest known relative to whales.


The extinct species called Pakicétus and Indohyus may have had close evolutionary ties to humpback whales. The differences between Indohyus, Pakicetus, and Humpback whales are that Indohyus and Pakicetus both had legs and lived on land, while whales live in the ocean and have no legs. Although the embryo of a humpback whale has limbs that are dormant when it is adult, this could indicate that the animal's ancestors lived on land. Pakicetus and Indohyus are similar to humpback whales because their heads are shaped like long whale skulls. Everything is constantly changing due to evolution, the fossil record of the humpback whale is probably incomplete.

in a volcanic eruption molten magma rocks, ash and gases come up through a) gate b) vent c) pipe d) drain​



it come out throw vent ok

Mention the significance of Northern Plains​



Extremely fertile and good for crops,  rivers are navigable throughout the year,  flat land- good for roads and railways,  irrigational facilities, and for construction of H.E.P. Plants.


Northern Plains have fertile soil which is needed to grow crops. They are drained by rivers Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus. To feed the country, Northern Plains are necessary.  

o Very short answer questions Which force is responsible for the moon revolving round the earth?​



Gravitational force is responsible for the moon revolving the earth .


Earth's gravity.


trust me bro.

write two each example for metallic and non metallic mineral​


Metallic minerals: Iron, copper, gold

Non-metallic minerals: Gypsum, marble, mica


Metallic minerals include Chalcopyrite, Iron, Copper, Bauxite, Tin, Manganese

Non metallic minerals include limestone, manganese, mica, gypsum, coal, dolomite, phosphate, salt, and granite


How many genes are in a virus DNA?



This virus genome synthesizes 75 genes encoding for known proteins. Among them, 69 genes are found to exist in a single copy and three genes in two copies each

Hope this will help if not so sorry :)


there are 75 genes in a virus DNA please give me brainliest

Which country is #3 marking on this map? (With Map)
A. Syria
B. Lebanon
C. Turkey
D. Israel





A country in the Middle East, touching the Mediterranean Sea.

Lebanon is a small Middle Eastern country situated on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. Hence option B is correct

How is Lebanon ?

It is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and beautiful landscapes. The country has a population of around 6 million people, consisting of different religious and ethnic groups, including Muslims, Christians, and Druze.

Lebanon has faced numerous political and economic challenges over the years, including civil war, political instability, and regional conflicts. In recent years, the country has been facing a severe economic crisis, with high unemployment, inflation, and a shortage of basic goods.

Despite these challenges, Lebanon remains a vibrant and resilient country, with a thriving arts and culture scene, delicious cuisine, and friendly people.

Beirut, the capital city, is known for its lively nightlife, beautiful beaches, and historical landmarks. Lebanon is also home to many UNESCO World Heritage Sites, such as the ancient city of Byblos and the ruins of the Roman city of Baalbek.

Thus option B is correct .

Learn more about  Lebanon here



Which is the only state from which water runs in three directions?


Wyoming is the only state from which water runs in three directions

Which of the following best describes the kind of conflict between opposing
groups with different ideas on how society should be organized?
O A. Treaty or alliance
O B. Trade war
O C. Ideological
O D. Financial



Because societies Being organized financially will help balance everything in the long term

Place the following events in chronological order



In chronological order means that we must put the events in the order in which they happened.

1. Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

2. India gains independence

3. A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated

A conflict breaks out at the Saikh GoldeN Temple = 10 June 1984Indira Gandhi is assassinated = October 31, 1984India gains independence = August 15, 1947Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister = August 15, 1947 (8.30 a.m)


1. India gains independence

2.Jawaharlal Nehru is elected prime minister

3. A conflict breaks out at the Sikh Golden Temple

4. Indira Gandhi is assassinated


What's a representation of something using objects ?


a physical model??
explanation :


physical model. A representation of something using objects.

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