What is the density of water (in g/mL) to four significant figures at 20°C?


Answer 1


I calculated it in g/cm^3, It equals 0.9982 g/cm^3

Answer 2

The density of water at 20°C is found to be 0.9982 g/mL.  

What is Density?

Density may be defined as the classical measurement of quantity or mass per unit of volume in a particular substance. According to mathematics, density is simply characterized as mass divided by volume. That is:

[tex]Density = \frac{Mass }{Volume }[/tex]

Density typically describes how much space an object or substance takes up in relation to the amount of matter in that object or substance.

Density only significantly depends on the mass of the body as well as the volume occupied by it. The SI unit of density is kg/[tex]m^3[/tex]. The density remarkably does not vary much with respect to the temperature.

Therefore, the density of water at 20°C is found to be 0.9982 g/mL.  

To learn more about Density, refer to the link:



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difference between atom and ion
plz plz answer ​



Atoms are neutral; they contain the same

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How could you describe the changes that happen when carbon changes form from graphite to diamond
-it is a chemical change, but the intensive and extensive properties of carbon will be maintained
-it is a physical change, but the intensive and extensive properties of carbon will be maintained
-it is a chemical change, which could change some of the intensive and extensive properties of the carbon
-it is a physical change, which could change some of the intensive and extensive properties of the carbon


The correct answer is: it is a chemical change, which could change some of the intensive and extensive properties of the carbon.

To answer this question, we must bear in mind that a chemical change involves the breaking of bonds in a substance and subsequent rearrangement of atoms to form a new substance.

This is why we say that in a chemical change, new substances are formed. Another name for a chemical change is a chemical reaction.

Having said that, it is clear that as graphite changes to diamond, bonds are broken and carbon atoms are rearranged.

This rearrangement of atoms leads to different intensive and extensive properties for graphite and diamond. For instance, graphite conducts electricity but diamond does not conduct electricity. Also, diamond is much denser and harder than graphite. A physical change can not lead to change in  some of the intensive and extensive properties of the carbon.

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A weak acid is an acid which dissociates partially to release few hydrogen protons or ions



11:48 Tue 24 Aug
3. Graphite, aform of carbon, conducts electricity because it has:
(1 Point)



carbon because it is the main answer of these

hi <3

graphite is able to conduct electricity because it has delocalised electrons.


carbon can bond 4 times, but in graphite it is only bonding to three other carbons, leaving one electron free to carry charge

hope this helps <33

is it correct what I have done


Anss\zyew:yes,the answer is very normal and well done

what evidence have you discovered to explain how the fossil record provides relative ages? use the words: mass extinction, superposition, fossils, and relative age



Relative dating is based on the positions of fossils in rock layers. Lower layers were laid down earlier, so they are assumed to contain older fossils. This gives the fossil an approximate age in years. Absolute dating is often based on the amount of carbon-14 or other radioactive element that remains in a fossil up until extinction.

Relative dating is a method of dating where the geologic events are arranged and the rocks are left behind in a sequence. They function on the basis of the stratigraphy and don't provide us with actual numeric data.

It provides us with the relative ages such as mass extinction the fossils are superimposed. It is based on the position of fossils in the layers of the rocks.

Learn more about the discoveries to explain how the fossil record.


Why is it impossible for an element to have an atomic number of 110.5? (1 point)

A_ Exactly half of the isotopes would need an atomic number of 110, and half would need an atomic number of 111, which is very unlikely.

B_ Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons and neutrons.

C_ Atoms with atomic numbers greater than 100 are unstable.

D_ Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons.





I asked my teacher

The number of protons in an atom are always whole numbers hence it is impossible for an element to have an atomic number of 110.5. The correct answer is option D: Atoms of an element all have the same whole number of protons.

We define the atomic number as the number of protons in an atom. The number of protons in all the atoms of en element must be a whole number.

There is no half proton in the atom hence we can not have an atomic number of 110.5.

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I need help ASAP!!!!


TemperatureInternal energyHeatThermal energy

Suppose there was a release of 1 mole of Alpha emission particle and 1 mole of Beta emission particles and both particles are accelerated to 20.50 MeV. What is the total energy in kJ/nuclei? Hint: 1 MeV = 1 x 106 eV and 1 eV = 1.602 X 10-19 J and 1 kJ = 1000 J, and finally in 1 mole there are Avogadro's number of particles which is 6.02214 x 1023 particles/mole. Report your answer in scientific notation to 2 decimal places for example 1.23 x 10-4 would be entered as 1.23 E-4.
238 92 U → 4 2 He + 234 90 Th and then 234 90 Th → 0
-1e + 234 91 Pa



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Someone plz help me !!



1st one is Science and the 2nd one is Bias

which branch science consist of?



Modern science is typically divided into three major branches that consist of the natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy and Earth science), which study nature in the broadest sense; the social sciences (e.g. psychology, sociology, economics, history) which study people and societies; and the formal ...


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a) Mg2+, Na+, Al3+
b) Na+, Al3+ , Mg2+
c) Mg2+ , Al3+ , Na+
d) Al3+ , Mg2+, Na+
guys pls help i will venmo you money





this is because of nuclear charge (no. of protons)

atomic radius is inversely proportional to nuclear charge.

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Constant Variable
Control Variable
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable



Independant variable


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Regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Wavelength (m)Frequency (Hz)Radio> 1 x 10-1< 3 x 109Microwave1 x 10-3 - 1 x 10-13 x 109 - 3 x 1011Infrared7 x 10-7 - 1 x 10-33 x 1011 - 4 x 1014Optical4 x 10-7 - 7 x 10-74 x 1014 - 7.5 x 1014

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A. positive
B. negative
C. neutral


Positive, due to the protons

4.4 x 10^-9
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How to Convert a Number to Standard Form

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A photon of 498mm was emitted from a silicon atom. calculate the energy of all the atomic levels of silicon and show that the atomic levels are quantized.​


A photon is an elementary particle that has zero invariant mass and travels in a vacuum with a constant velocity. It is capable of generating electromagnetic phenomena since it carries all forms of electromagnetic radiation:

X-rays Ultraviolet light Visible light Gamma rays Infrared light Radio waves Microwaves and radio waves

The photon presents wave and corpuscular properties, this means that it behaves as a wave in certain phenomena, such as refraction in a lens; and as a particle when it interacts with matter to transfer energy. The latter is expressed as follows:

[tex]E=\frac{hc}{lambda} = hv[/tex]

E is the energy, in physics it is defined as the capacity to do work.h is Planck's constant, a physical constant that plays a role in the theory of quantum mechanics and it is a constant between the energy of a photon and the frequency of its electromagnetic wave ([tex]E = hv[/tex]) Its value is 6.63 x 10^-34 J/s.c is the speed of light, which is 3x10^8 m/s.lambda (λ) is the wavelength, the distance traveled by a periodic disturbance propagating in one cycle.  v is the frequency of the wave, it is the inverse of the wavelength, the number of repetitions per unit time of any periodic event.

This means that each photon has energy that is proportional to the frequency of light.  In this case, the energy is quantized, which means that the energy of the photons is restricted to certain values. The energy at subatomic levels occurs in packets that refer to the photon, which are the packages of energy and each one correspond to different types of radiation.

This differs from classical waves, which can gain or lose arbitrary amounts of energy.

If we apply the equation and replace the information, we have:

[tex]E=\frac{6.63 x 10^{-34} J/s x 3 x 10^{8} m/s }{498 nm} = 3.99 x 10^{-28} J[/tex]

So 3.99 x 10^-28 J is the amount of energy of the photon of 498 nm emmited from a silicon atom.

Now we will show that the atomic levels are quantized. An atom has ground state (n=1) energy of 13.6 eV. Higher states means the atom is at an excited state. When this happens, an electron from an atom loses energy and makes a transition to a lower state. To avoid this and conserve energy, the atom emits a photon with an amount of energy that equals the difference of energy between a ground state and another state. So we can calculate the energy of the electron in different states.

[tex]E_{n} = \frac{-13.6 ev}{n^{2} }[/tex]

[tex]E_{1} = \frac{-13.6 ev}{1^{2} }=-13.6 ev[/tex]

[tex]E_{2} = \frac{-13.6 ev}{2^{2} }=-3.4 ev[/tex]

[tex]E_{3} = \frac{-13.6 ev}{3^{2} }=-1.511 ev[/tex]

N represents the principal quantum number, which is the overall energy of each orbital. This energy increases as its distance from the nucleus increases. Here we can se that the value of energy of n=1 is higher than energy of n=2, and this one is higher from the energy of n=3. This means each level has a specific energy and it is quantized according to the value of n.

So, a photon is an elementary particle which carries radiation and presents a wave-corpuscle duality, where particles may exhibit wave-like behavior in some experiments while appearing as particles in others. A photon is emmited when an atom loses energy, to conserve this energy and avoid a transition to a lower state.  The electron energy is quantized because it is restricted to characteristic values, only taking non-continuous values. In this question, the amount of energy of the photon emmited is 3.99 x 10^-28 J. And the atomic levels are quantized according to the principal quantum number.

Learn more about photons here: https://brainly.com/question/18101137

A statement that describes what scientists expect to happen every time under a given set of conditions is call a scientific





it is called a scientific law

What series does the following compound belong to?




Carboxylic acid


I'm not entirely sure, but this should be it

When a liquid flows slowly, which of the following is accurate regarding its
A. it has a low viscosity
B. it has a high viscosity
C. it has a negative viscosity
D. it has a neutral viscosity


The answer is B, it has a high viscosity.

Explanation: Viscosity is a measure of resistance to liquid flow. Thus, a higher value means it has more resistance and thus flows more slowly.

this table resembles a condensed version of the modern periodic table. using the full periodic table as a reference, type the symbols for the elements from part A into this table based on their appropriate group and period. ​



H, He ---------

Li, Be, --,C, F, Ne

Na, Mg, --,Si, Cl, Ar

K, Ca, Cu, Ge, Br, Kr

Rb, Sr, Ag, Sn, I, Xe

Cs, Ba, Au, Pb, At, Rn

Please give brainliest, I spent a lot of effort on this.

GABReva 2. Explain the usefulness of friction​



Friction always slows a moving object down. ... Friction can be a useful force because it prevents our shoes slipping on the pavement when we walk and stops car tyres skidding on the road. When you walk, friction is caused between the tread on shoes and the ground. This friction acts to grip the ground and prevent sliding.

The metal zirconium becomes superconducting at temperatures below 3.4000K.
Calculate the temperature at which zirconium becomes superconducting in degrees Celsius. Be sure your answer has the correct number of significant digits.



-269.75 degrees Celsius


Why are intensive properties useful for identifying a substance?

They are chemical properties.
They describe the amount of substance you have.
They are physical properties.
They do not depend on the amount of substance you have.




They do not depend on the amount of substance you have.

Intensive properties useful for identifying a substance because they do not depend on the amount of substance you have.


Intensive properties are physical properties of a substance that do not depend on the size or amount of a sample e.g. density, temperature, colour, boiling point etc.

On the other hand, extensive properties are dependent on the size of a substance e. g. mass, volume, weight etc.

Intensive properties of a substance do not change with respect to size, hence, they can be used in the identification of a substance.

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define mitochondria. ​



An organelle found in large numbers in most cells, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. It has a double membrane, the inner part being folded inwards to form layers (cristae).


How to convert 104 Km to M





by 1km=1000m





Therefore,m=104000 ans

104 kilometers is equal to 104,000 meters.

A conversion factor is a ratio that shows how two different units of measurement relate to each other. You can convert a value from one unit to another by multiplying or dividing the original value by a conversion factor.

For example,

Since there are 1000 meters in a kilometer, we need to multiply the distance in kilometers by 1000 to convert it into meters.

So, to convert 104 kilometers to meters:

104 Km * 1000 = 104,000 meters

Therefore, 104 kilometers is equal to 104,000 meters.

Learn more about conversion factor, here:



What does it mean to be in the path of totality?(1 point)

You are on part of Earth that can see a total lunar eclipse.

You are on part of Earth that can see a partial lunar eclipse.

You are on part of Earth that is in the umbra of the moon’s shadow.

You are on part of Earth that is in the penumbra of the moon’s shadow.


To be in the path of totality means that

You are on part of Earth that is in the umbra of the moon’s shadow.

The path of totality is the track the Moon's umbral shadow leaves across the surface of the Earth. Its width measures up to 200 miles and its length measures up to 10,000 miles.

When the moon covers the earth's surface, a total solar eclipse has occurred.

An individual who is on the path of totality can observe the occurrence of a total solar eclipse within a short while.

Summarily, a person who is on the path of totality can see a total lunar eclipse.

Learn more about the path of totality here:


ASAP. Five stars + brainless.

A procedure calls for 4 parts reagent A to 16 parts water.What is the dilution of reagent A in water?

a) 4/16
b) 1/5
c) 1/4
d) 4/12


my guess answer iss 1/4 if incorrect sorr

1/5 is the dilution of reagent A in water.


The dilution factor of the diluted solution is determined by dividing the final volume of the diluted solution by the volume of the undiluted solution.



                 D.F = Dilution factor

                 [tex]V_f[/tex] = Final volume of the diluted solution

                 [tex]V_i[/tex]= Initial volume of the undiluted solution

And the dilution is represented as 1 : D.F.


4 parts of the reagent and 16 parts of water are mixed together to form a diluted solution.

To find:

The dilution of reagent A in water


Parts of reagent A =[tex]V_i = 4[/tex]

Parts of water = 16

Final volume of solution = [tex]V _f = 4 + 16 = 20[/tex]

The dilution factor of reagent A:


The dilution of the reagent A = [tex]1:5=\frac{1}{5}[/tex]

1/5 is the dilution of reagent A in water

Learn more about Dilution here:



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