what is the first egg or chicken to do if brainliest when there is an explanation


Answer 1




Without Chicken, Chicken egg does not exist.

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which geographic characteristic most influenced where the ancient civilizations of mesopotamia and egypt developed?



They arose in river valleys, which offered mild climates and fertile soil.

What is air pressure?


Answer: It is the weight of air molecules pressing down on the earth.

Explanation: Without air, then their would be no living creatures roaming around on earth.

The air around you has weight, and it presses against everything it touches. That pressure is called atmospheric pressure, or air pressure. It is the force exerted on a surface by the air above it as gravity pulls it to Earth.

Atmospheric pressure is commonly measured with a barometer. In a barometer, a column of mercury in a glass tube rises or falls as the weight of the atmosphere changes. Meteorologists describe the atmospheric pressure by how high the mercury rises.

An atmosphere (atm) is a unit of measurement equal to the average air pressure at sea level at a temperature of 15 degrees Celsius (59 degrees Fahrenheit). One atmosphere is 1,013 millibars, or 760 millimeters (29.92 inches) of mercury.

Atmospheric pressure drops as altitude increases. The atmospheric pressure on Denali, Alaska, is about half that of Honolulu, Hawai'i. Honolulu is a city at sea level. Denali, also known as Mount McKinley, is the highest peak in North America.

As the pressure decreases, the amount of oxygen available to breathe also decreases. At very high altitudes, atmospheric pressure and available oxygen get so low that people can become sick and even die.

Mountain climbers use bottled oxygen when they ascend very high peaks. They also take time to get used to the altitude because quickly moving from higher pressure to lower pressure can cause decompression sickness. Decompression sickness, also called "the bends", is also a problem for scuba divers who come to the surface too quickly.

Aircraft create artificial pressure in the cabin so passengers remain comfortable while flying.

Atmospheric pressure is an indicator of weather. When a low-pressure system moves into an area, it usually leads to cloudiness, wind, and precipitation. High-pressure systems usually lead to fair, calm weather.


Term Part of Speech Definition



layer of gases surrounding Earth.



vehicle able to travel and operate above the ground.

air pressure


force pressed on an object by air or atmosphere.



the distance above sea level.

atmosphere (atm)


(atm) unit of measurement equal to air pressure at sea level, about 14.7 pounds per square inch. Also called standard atmospheric pressure.

atmospheric pressure


force per unit area exerted by the mass of the atmosphere as gravity pulls it to Earth.



an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure.

Celsius scale


scale for measuring surface temperature, used by most of the world, in which the boiling point of water is 100 degrees.



visible mass of tiny water droplets or ice crystals in Earth's atmosphere.

decompression sickness


serious condition resulting from gases forming tiny bubbles in the bloodstream as a body adjusts to a major change in atmospheric pressure. Also known as DCS, divers disease, and the bends.



to force or pressure.

Fahrenheit scale


scale for measuring surface temperature used by Belize, Liberia, Myanmar, and the United States.



power or energy that activates movement.



physical force by which objects attract, or pull toward, each other.

high-pressure system


weather pattern characterized by high air pressure, usually as a result of cooling. High-pressure systems are usually associated with clear weather.

low-pressure system


weather pattern characterized by low air pressure, usually as a result of warming. Low-pressure systems are often associated with storms.



chemical element with the symbol Hg.

mercury barometer


tool that determines atmospheric pressure by measuring how much mercury moves in a glass tube.



person who studies patterns and changes in Earth's atmosphere.



(mbar) unit of pressure equal to .001 bar of atmospheric pressure.



chemical element with the symbol O, whose gas form is 21% of the Earth's atmosphere.



all forms in which water falls to Earth from the atmosphere.


noun, adjective  

(self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) portable device for breathing underwater.

sea level


base level for measuring elevations. Sea level is determined by measurements taken over a 19-year cycle.



state of the atmosphere, including temperature, atmospheric pressure, wind, humidity, precipitation, and cloudiness.



movement of air (from a high pressure zone to a low pressure zone) caused by the uneven heating of the Earth by the sun.


Provide an approximate elevation for points W, X, Y, and Z (Z is pointing right to the line).



the distance between w an x is 2 the distance between x an y is 4 and the distance between y and z is 9


brainliest if this helps?

most deserts northwest?



north or south of the equator.


which layer of the atmosphere is closest to the earth?



The troposphere


It begins at the surface of the earth and extends out.

Answer: The troposphere

Explanation: The troposphere is the atmosphere human's other life forms on land live on. This atmosphere contains air, weather ect.

Hope this helps!

What natural resources does mars have?


mars has 7 natural resources

what are some limits on a access to popular culture



The principal obstacle to popular culture is lack of access to electronic media. Access is limited primary by lack of income. In some developing countries access is also limited by lack of electricity, cell phone service, and other electronic media.


I hope this helps!

Antarctica occupies ____________ of the Earth's land area, but has no permanent population or government.



2.75% is the answer you're looking for.

what is the process called that creates new ocean floor?



Seafloor Spreading


Have a good day!

What had caused the dramatic erosion of the soil in the Dust Bowl states of Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Texas



The Dust Bowl was a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the ecology and agriculture of the American and Canadian prairies during the 1930s; severe drought and a failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent the aeolian processes

At the present time, scientists are confident that _____ processes and features are not restricted to Earth.




how is a scale different from a scale factor?
asap help
no links



Scale is used in geometry to make accurate reproductions of figures; they are different sizes but not proportion. Figures are similar but to scale. Scale factor is used on similar geometric figures. You can find the scale factor of corresponding angles, sides, and even diagonals.

Examine the diagram in the introduction (paragraphs 1-5) and read the selection below. Our sun is just one of at least 200 billion stars in our own Milky Way galaxy. Similarly, our solar system is one of many solar systems, and even our galaxy is just one of many galaxies. Scientists believe there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in the universe. How does the diagram support the information in the selection above?

A. It shows that there are numerous galaxies and solar systems.

B. It shows the relationship between solar systems and galaxies.

C. It illustrates the different types of galaxies that exist in the universe.

D. It illustrates the difference in size between planets and their suns.

Please help​


I thinh the answer is B

What might happen if the strong force didn't exist?



All stars would be unable to produce energy by fusion. Atomic Nuclei would fly apart.


Hope this helps!

Where is air pollution the worst?

rural areas
coastal regions



its cities


i just did this


d. cities


How to mine bedrock..........



Wen your creative mode that's all


How to mine bedrock..........

Bedrock is a block that is not intended to be broken in Survival mode.But u can break it in creative mode xD

What is a bushfire?

Can you write that in your own words please


Bushfires are wildfires that burn through natural vegetation such as woodland, scrubland, grassland, or savannahs. These fires are difficult to control and unpredictable.

These fires are more common in locations with hot, dry weather, such as Australia, Greece, Africa, and parts of the United States, such as California.

should polar bear tourism be encouraged or discouraged in churchill, Manitoba?

I’ll give brainly !



Polar bear viewing tourists perceive climate change to be negatively impacting polar bears


Polar bear viewing tourists perceive climate change to be negatively impacting polar bears but do not necessarily understand how they themselves contribute to GHG emissions, or understand offsetting possibilities. The polar bear viewing industry is estimated to contribute 20,892 t/CO2 per season.

How was the galapagos islands formed explanation for kids.


six different volcanoes joined together

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the earth's rotation on air circulation?



Currents Tutorial


Because the Earth rotates on its axis, circulating air is deflected toward the right in the Northern Hemisphere and toward the left in the Southern Hemisphere. This deflection is called the Coriolis effect.




b: The colonies resumed trade

Have a nice day!

the southernmost himalayas are known as _____



Siwalik Range


Southernmost range of hills in Himalayas. Near Nepalese border with India.

. How much would the bananas 2 pounds weigh, if that same mass of
bananas were on Jupiter?



5.05 lbs


2/9.81 m/s^2 * 24.79 m/s^2

9.81 m/s^2 = Force of gravity on Earth

24.79 m/s^2 = Force of gravity on Jupiter

Ejemplos de la cultura del receptor


Ejemplos de la cultura del receptor son:

No Interrumpir al emisor.Prestar atención al mensaje del emisorHablar respetando un orden y no cuando otro habla.No hablar o hacer ruidos mientras el emisor transmite su mensaje.Poder decodificar el mensaje

En la comunicación el receptor es aquella persona que recibe el mensaje emitido por el emisor.

La cultura del receptor incluirá lo que este debe realizar o realiza para recibir el mensaje y decodificarlo. Aquí entran:

Dejar que el emisor emita su mensaje sin interrumpirlo y en silencio para poder  recibirlo e interpretarlo correctamente.Prestar atención para decodificarlo y elaborar una respuesta.Respetar turnos a la hora de hablar para poder recibir el mensaje correctamente.

En conclusión, la cultura del receptor implica todas las acciones que esta persona realiza para recibir el mensaje de forma correcta.

Aprende mas sobre la comunicación en:


Distance decay is most closely associated with which geographical concept?.



Spacial interactions


why did some european monarchs try to adopt enlightenment ideals?



To be the only country to do so


The enlightened despots supported the philosophies ideas. They also had no intention of giving up power. The changes they made were motivated by 2 desires: They wanted to make their countries stronger and their won rule more effective.Explanation: yea

In one or two sentences, explain why and how the map of africa has changed over time.



When the first World Book was published in 1917, there were only two independent countries in Africa: Abyssinia (now Ethiopia) and Liberia. Together, they made up less than 5 percent of the land area of the continent. The rest of Africa was divided into colonies controlled by the European nations of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the United Kingdom.

Organized groups in some African colonies began demanding self-government early in the 1900’s. But a mass independence movement did not take shape until after World War II (1939-1945).

Some countries gained their independence relatively peacefully. In 1951, Libya, which was an Italian colony in 1917, became the first country in Africa to gain independence. In 1956, France granted Morocco and Tunisia independence. That same year, the United Kingdom granted Sudan independence as well. Other countries saw much bloodshed before their independence was granted. In Algeria, a bloody revolt raged against the French from 1954 until the country won independence in 1962. In Kenya, members of a movement called Mau Mau revolted against British control in the 1950’s. The revolt failed, but it contributed to Kenya’s eventual decolonization in 1963.

Explanation: Today, Africa is divided into 54 independent countries. Several European countries still control a few small islands: the Madeira Islands (controlled by Portugal), Mayotte and Réunion (France), and Saint Helena (United Kingdom).

on december 22, where is the location of the most intense, direct sunlight on the planet?



Tropic of Capricorn


The sun's vertical rays strike the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5° north of the Equator, during the June solstice. The subsolar point then begins its migration south, and vertical rays strike the Tropic of Capricorn, 23.5° south of the Equator, during the December solstice.

is deposition constructive, destructive, both, or neither



Deposition is both constructive and destructive.


Constructive forces include volcanic eruption.

Destructive forces include weathering and erosion.

How does earth's geography affect weather and climate.



Geography affects the weather in many ways. ... Topographical features like mountains affect the weather mostly in the way that they direct air currents. For example, air is forced to rise over mountains. Moist air will cool as it rises, and then the clouds release the water, causing precipitation like rain or snow.Oct 17, 2017


U just have to go and search about the question online

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