What is the fitness of an organism?
O A. The environment the organism lives in
O B. The ability to survive and reproduce
O C. The total population of a species
O D. The number of resources an organism uses


Answer 1


B the ability to survive and reproduce.

Related Questions

READ THE CHAPTERS 1, 2, 3, 4,5 FROM THE BOOK 1 JOHN IN YOUR BIBLE AND ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: ¿Why did John write this epistle? (1:4, 2:1, 2:26) ¿In this epistle, what did John say that God is and begins with the letters "L" and "L"? (1: 5, 4: 8) What kind of person does Juan call a liar or one who lies? (1:10, 2: 4, 22) What did Juan say his hands had felt? (1: 1) What did John say that cleanses us from all sin? (1: 7) If a Christian sins, what should he do? (1: 9) Everything in the world, what does Juan say it is? (2:16) How did Juan call his readers? (2:12, 13) How does John define sin? (3: 4) What does John say about those who are born again? (3: 9) What Old Testament character does John use as an example of those who do not love one another? (3:12) What does Juan call the person who hates his brother? (3:15) How does John say that we should love? (3:18) Why should we not believe every spirit, but rather test the spirits if they are from God? (4: 1) Who or what is greater than the one in the world? (4: 4) What does John say about the commandments of God? (5: 4) Who are the three who bear witness on earth? (5:8) What are the two word phrases that John used at least five times in the last chapter of I John? (5: 2,15,18-20) What does John say we should guard against at the end of this epistle? (5:21)



so1: he wrote that their joy may be complete,that they may not sin and also that they may not be deceived.

2:John says that God is light and love

3:so John calls a liar whomever says that they have not sinned or say they know Jesus but don't obey his commandments or denies that Jesus is the Christ

4:I guess is the manifestation of God's word through Jesus Christ

5: the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sins

6:a Christian should confess their sins

7:everything of this world,lust and pride,are not of God but of this world

8:he called them little children and father's

9:he defines sin as lawlessness

10:he says that none of them commit sin but God's nature abides in the person therefore for those born of him can't commit sin

11:he used Cain who murdered his brother

12:he calls them a murderer

13:he says that we should love in deed and I'm truth

14: because of the presence of many false prophets in the world


what he said.how did you type all of that in one sitting

The leading strand runs in a
direction and is replicated
A. 5' to 3', continuously
B.5' to 3', discontinuously
C. 3' to 5', continuously
D. 3 to 5', discontinuously



option C is correct that is 3` to 5` continuously


when replication begins the two parent DNA strand  are separated one of this is called leading strand and is replicated continuously in the 3` to 5` direction the other strand is lagging strand and is replicated discontinuously in short sections

Which of these best matches an object in the solar system with its characteristic? (3 points)
O comet - orbits a planet
O meteor - a streak of light
O asteroid - has a tail
O planet - orbits the moon​



Meteor → a streak of light


Got it right on the test

A meteor is a streak of light.

What is a solar system?

The sun and the group of celestial bodies that are bound by gravitational force form a solar system. It was formed about 4.6 billion years ago.

What is a comet?

A comet is a relic covered with dust, rock, and ice. It was formed during the solar system's formation. They have a diameter ranging from a few miles to tens of miles.

What is an asteroid?

They are either metallic or rocky bodies and do not have atmospheres. Asteroids come in a variety of sizes and forms.

What is a planet?

Planets are massive astronomical bodies that are neither stars nor remains of stars. They have an orbit and there are 8 planets in our solar system.

What is a meteor?

A meteor appears as a bright streak of light in the sky. It is a space rock that enters the earth's atmosphere. It is often known as a shooting star or falling star.

To learn more about meteors, the solar system, comets, asteroid, and planets here,



The data collected from an experiment shows that as the temperature outside goes up, the number of swimmers at the local pool
goes up. This data shows a/an
Select one:
O a direct relationship
b. indirect relationship
c. inverse relationship
O d. no relationship​



The goal of disinfection of public water supplies is the elimination of the pathogens that are responsible for waterborne diseases. The transmission of diseases such as typhoid and paratyphoid fevers, cholera, salmonellosis, and shigellosis can be controlled with treatments that substantially reduce the total number of viable microorganisms in the water.

While the concentration of organisms in drinking water after effective disinfection may be exceedingly small, sterilization (i.e., killing all the microbes present) is not attempted. Sterilization is not only impractical, it cannot be maintained in the distribution system. Assessment of the reduction in microbes that is sufficient to protect against the transmission of pathogens in water is discussed below.

Chlorination is the most widely used method for disinfecting water supplies in the United States. The near universal adoption of this method can be attributed to its convenience and to its highly satisfactory performance as a disinfectant, which has been established by decades of use. It has been so successful that freedom from epidemics of waterborne diseases is now virtually taken for granted. As stated in Drinking Water and Health (National Academy of Sciences, 1977), "chlorination is the standard of disinfection against which others are compared."

However, the discovery that chlorination can result in the formation of trihalomethanes (THM's) and other halogenated hydrocarbons has prompted the reexamination of available disinfection methodology to determine alternative agents or procedures (Morris, 1975).

The method of choice for disinfecting water for human consumption depends on a variety of factors (Symons et al., 1977). These include:

its efficacy against waterborne pathogens (bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and helminths);

the accuracy with which the process can be monitored and controlled;

its ability to produce a residual that provides an added measure of protection against possible posttreatment contamination resulting from faults in the distribution system;

the aesthetic quality of the treated water; and

the availability of the technology for the adoption of the method on the scale that is required for public water supplies.

Economic factors will also play a part in the final decision; however, this study is confined to a discussion of the five factors listed above as they apply to various disinfectants.

The propensity of various disinfection methods to produce by-products having effects on health (other than those relating to the control of infectious diseases) and the possibility of eliminating or avoiding these undesirable by-products are also important factors to be weighed when making the final decisions about overall suitability of methods to disinfect drinking water. The subcommittee has not attempted to deal with these problems since the chemistry of disinfectants in water and the toxicology of expected by-products have been studied by other subcommittees of the Safe Drinking Water Committee, whose reports appear in Chapter III of this volume (Chemistry) and Chapter IV (Toxicity) of Drinking Water and Health, Vol. 3.

Organization of the Study

The general considerations noted in the immediately following material should be borne in mind when considering each method of disinfection. Available information on the obvious major candidates for drinking water disinfection—chlorine, ozone, chlorine dioxide, iodine, and bromine—is then evaluated for each method individually in the following sections. Other less obvious possibilities are also examined to see if they have been overlooked unjustly in previous studies or if it might be profitable to conduct further experimentation on them. Disinfection by chloramines is dealt with in parallel with that effected by chlorine because of the close relationship the former has to chlorine disinfection under conditions that might normally be encountered in drinking water treatment.

Examine the statement. A scientific theory can become a scientific law, but a scientific law cannot become a scientific theory. If the statement is true, select “True.” If it is false, select the option that is true 1.) True 2.) A scientific theory can become a scientific law, and a scientific law can become a scientific theory. 3.) A scientific law can become a scientific theory, but a scientific theory cannot become a scientific law. 4.) A scientific theory cannot become a scientific law, and a scientific law cannot become a scientific theory.



It's true.


In general, a scientific law is the description of an observed phenomenon. It doesn't explain why the phenomenon exists or what causes it. The explanation of a phenomenon is called a scientific theory. It is a misconception that theories turn into laws with enough research.

When the scientists test the idea, they develop a theory by following a set of logical steps. A theory becomes a scientific law once it has been rigorously examined and accepted. Thus, option A is correct.

What A scientific theory can become a scientific law?

One prevalent fallacy is the idea that hypotheses eventually become laws. Despite the number of supporting examples, hypotheses do not actually become laws after repeated testing.

Scientific laws, like theories, explain occurrences that the scientific community has determined to be verifiably true. In general, laws explain what will occur in a specific circumstance and are proven by a mathematical equation, whereas theories explain how the phenomenon occurs.

Therefore, A testable explanation of a natural event is what constitutes a scientific hypothesis. The concept of gravity, for instance, explains why an apple always falls to the ground when.

Learn more about scientific theory here:



____is associated with deamination of protein​



Deamination is the removal of an amino group from a molecule

Deamination is associated with deamination of protein​


in humans , deamination  takes place primarily in the liver, it can also occur in the kidney. if there's excess protein intake , deamination is used to break down proteins with amino acids for energy

through what are larger molecules are formed?​



Through combination of each monomer using covalent bonds.


Most macrmolecules are made from single subunits or building blocks called monomers combine with each other using covalent bonds to form larger molecules known as polymers. In doing so, monomers release water molecules as byproducts.

what is difference between pressure exerted by liquid than by a solid​


pressure of solids occurs only due to the weight of the solid, whereas pressure of liquid occurs due to both weight and movement of the liquid molecules

A key component in the formation of organic compounds, such as nucleic acids and ATP


The correct answer is Phosphorus I just took the test.

Endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue, which normally grows inside the uterus, grows outside the uterus. Based on the model, what effects would you expect these growths to have on the female reproductive system and on fertility?



Endometrosis could negatively affect the probability of gestating an embryo if they are growing inward. The affection of the fallopian tubes and the uterus could alter the implantation or even generate complications for the embryo during pregnancy.

In addition, endometriosis generates painful conditions in the abdominal area to the point that it is considered as menstrual cramps during menstruation, women who suffer from this disease suffer a lot during the menstrual cycle.

Regarding the reproductive system, those female reproductive systems that suffer from this disease are considered potentially malignant, since many malignant neoplasms are incited to appear in these foci of excessive proliferation of the endometrium.


Endometriosis can affect the walls of the fallopian tube and the uterus, since it occurs in the endometrium, that is why it bears that name.

The macroscopic appearance of this lesion at the histological level is a tumor nodule, since they are proliferative foci.


abnormal tissue growing on the ovaries might affect ovulation, making it harder or impossible for women to get pregnant. The extra tissue may cause pain, since the tissue is growing in places it is not meant to be growing


answer from plato

for edmentum

Functions of the large intestine include Select one: A. most of the chemical breakdown of food. B. absorption of bile salts. C. secretion of vitamins. D. reabsorption of water and compaction of feces. E. production of gas to move waste toward the rectum.


I'm afraid brainly won't let me upload the answer so I attached it to a file.

It appears that your answer contains either a link or inappropriate words. Please correct and submit again!

Help? You are studying an outcrop where the lower layer is limestone and the layer directly on top of the limestone is sandstone. Near the bottom of the sandstone layer are small, weathered pieces of limestone entirely contained within the sandstone. Explain how these pieces of limestone came to be contained within the sandstone.



Due to mixing of particles present in the upper layer of limestone with sandstone during deposition.


The parent layer was limestone layer which is older than sandstone layer. This sandstone layer spreads on the limestone layer because of wind. The wind moves these sandstone from other region and their deposition occurs on the limestone layer. During deposition of sandstone, some particles of limestone which are present at the surface mixes with the sandstone so that's why in sandstone layer, small and weathered pieces of limestone are present.

Which plant cells might not contain any chloroplasts?





please mark as brainliest :)

what is the balanced equation for photosynthesis.


C6H12O6+6O2 that is the equation

What is the difference between geophysical and geochemical testing


Answer:Geochemistry  is about the chemical connection with the earth. On the other hand, geophysics is concerned with the physical relation with the earth.


Immigration will cause a population to increase if

A. the birth rate is greater than the death rate

B. the birth rate and death rate are balanced

C. the birth rate doubles and the death rate does not

D. the death rate is greater than the birth rate



If the birth rate is greater than death rate.

The answer to the problem is A.

Water rises in the xylem tubes due to
gravitation pull.
transpiration pull.


My answer to the question is Transpiration pull.

What molecule is required each time the myosin head detaaches from one site and reattaches to another



The adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule


The actin filaments are often associated with myosin to produce muscle contraction. These myosin filaments are considered to be 'molecular motors' capable of converting the chemical energy contained in the ATP molecule to mechanical energy, thereby producing cell movement. Myosin heads bind to actin filaments in order to generate a power stroke. When the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) molecule binds to myosin, the myosin head detaches to the actin filament. During this process, the ATP molecule is broken down and then the released energy is used by the myosin filament to return to its original position.

I need help again, sorry


15,000 Kcal of energy will be transferred from green plants to rabbits
1,500 Kcal of energy will be transferred from rabbits to weasels
150 Kcal of energy will be transferred from weasels to eagles

What are two ways that society affects the progress of science?



Technology usually affects society more directly than science because it solves practical problems and serves human needs (and may create new problems and needs). In contrast, science affects society mainly by stimulating and satisfying people's curiosity and occasionally by enlarging or challenging.


Why is the communication results circle linked to the circle labeled science and society



Because these circles have three factors that are directly interconnected.


As you know, communication is one of the primary factors for the creation and maintenance of societies. Societies grow and develop with communication as a starting point and a link between people and the actions that a society lives.

Science, in turn, is also directly influential in the creation and development of society, since it is a transforming factor that shapes society through its constant evolution.

As science evolves, society changes and communication must accompany these changes, so that both society and science continue to exist.

For this reason, we can say that the circle of communication results is linked to the circle called science and society, because these factors are directly interconnected.

If an element has 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 8 neurons, then what’s the atomic number



The atomic mass is the number of protons, plus the number of neutrons. In this case, 8 + 6 = 14.


The six protons (atomic number) tells me that this is carbon; the six electrons tell me that this is a carbon atom, rather than a carbon ion (an ion is when the number of electrons does not equal the number of protons, making the atom electrically non-neutral). The eight neutrons tell me that this is an isotope (in other words, a version) of carbon called carbon-14, which happens to be mildly radioactive; and therefore useful to archaeologists in dating human artifacts.

The atomic number is the number of protons that is in the atom. If an element is having 6 protons, 6 electrons, and 8 neurons, then its atomic number will be 6, i.e. Carbon.

What is atomic number?

Atomic number is the number of a chemical element as represented in a periodic system.

These elements are arranged in order of increasing number of protons in the nucleus.

The number of protons is always same as that of electrons in the neutral atom, which is also the atomic number.

Thus, here the number of protons given is 6 so the atomic number will be 6.

For more details regarding atomic numbers, visit:



Fomites are Group of answer choices insects that transmit pathogens from an infected host to a non infected host. animal sources for human pathogens. inanimate objects involved in the indirect contact transmission of pathogens. fecal material from infected hosts. silent carriers of infectious diseases.



Fomites are inanimate objects involved in the indirect contact transmission of pathogens.


Fomites are inanimate objects involved in the indirect contact transmission of pathogens. These objects include a whole range of items mostly found in indoor environments. When pathogens  such as viruses and bacteria come in contact with these objects through various human and animal activities such as sneezing or coughing, use of toilets etc; these pathogens remain active on these objects and can then cause disease when others come in contact with these objects.

Common fomites in the home include toilet seats and handles, doorknobs, kitchentops, bed coverings , mobile phones, light switches as well as as toys. In offices, door handles, stairway railings as well as wring materials are common fomites. Especially concerning is the issue of disease transmission by fomites in healthcare facilities since there is constant exposure of surfaces and equipments to various pathogens.

To help prevent the spread of diseases by fomites, regular handwashing and disinfection of commonly touched surfaces is required.

an example of biogeochemical cycle would be the A. carbon cycle B. fire cycle C. trophic cycle



Carbon Cycle


please answer fast
difference between fish and frog on the habitat and structure of heart



the answer is this


hope this help

good luck for your homework

How many significant figures in 20.8cm?​



[tex]\Huge \boxed{3}[/tex]


Significant figures include non-zero digits and in between zeros.

2    0   .   8

20.8 has 3 significant figures.


[tex]\huge\boxed{3 \ significant \ figures}[/tex]


There are 3 significant figures in

 2   0   .   8

According to the rules of significant figures:

=> All non-zero digits are significant.

=> Zeroes that come between 2 non-zero digits are also significant.

So, 3 significant figures in the term 20.8 cm.

how is chloroplast similar to bacterium??



it i simlr because they are both i the cell


in the cell


they are similar in size. duplicate their DNA and other structures and then divide into two identical organelles

cientists tried inserting the jellyfish gene that codes for luminescence into bacteria. Not all bacteria where transformed. Which bacteria were transformed?
a Only the bacteria that glow in the dark were transformed.
b Both glowing and non-glowing bacteria were transformed.
c Only the bacteria that can now survive in the sea were transformed.
d Only the bacteria that do not glow in the dark were transformed.



a. Only the bacteria that glow in the dark were transformed.


If the bacteria can now glow in the dark, they have been transformed. If not, they have not been transformed.

How are surface waves different from body waves? Which are more damaging?




surface waves decay more slowly with distance than body waves, which travel in three dimensions. Particle motion of surface waves is larger than that of body waves, so surface waves tend to cause more damage.


surface waves decay more slowly with distance than body waves, which travel in three dimensions. The particle motion of surface waves is larger than that of body waves, so surface waves tend to cause more damage. Surface waves. Their side-to-side motion (like a snake wriggling) causes the ground to twist from side to side, that's why Love waves cause the most damage to structures. Rayleigh waves create a rolling, up, and down motion with an elliptical and retrograde particle motion confined to the vertical plane in the direction of propagation.


why it is necessary to water the plant for experiment​



To activate the process of germination.


So the plants can get the whole photosynthesis step because it need sunlight and water to continue to grow.
Other Questions
Read the excerpt from Tools of the Spymaster."The numbers that Major Tallmadge assigned to members of the Culper Ring were from a secret writing system he invented. He substituted digits for words that would be used in messages. "Long Island," for example, was 728, "arms" was 7, and "city" was 88. There was a number for each month, such as 341 for "January." He made four copies of his codes. He kept one and gave the others to Woodhull, Townsend, and General Washington. For words that did not have a number code, Tallmadge gave his agents a cipher. In a cipher, each letter in a message is replaced by another letter or a number.Which statement is best supported by text evidence from the excerpt?All members of the Culper Ring received a copy of Tallmadges code.A cipher was a common instrument used during the American Revolution.Words that did not have a number code could not be used in secret messages.General Washington could read messages written in Tallmadges code. 12-8. 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The company charges $5 per sq ft, AND has a minimum charge of 3 sq ft per order (meaning if a customer orders something SMALLER than 3 sq ft they still are charged as if they ordered 3 sq ft, never less - but if they order something larger than 3 sq ft they just pay regularly by the sq ft). What would you charge someone who orders a piece of glass 12in X 12inUsing the same sq ft charge ($5 per sq ft) and remembering the rule about when to use the minimum charge, what would you charge someone ordering a piece of glass 48in X 48in? * g what constitutes a healthy or normal bmi? what are some of the reasons it is useful to have a single number, such as a bmi, to describe a height/weight relationship? what are the drawbacks? the fastest land dwelling creature is the cheetah. fact or opinion Una profesora compra 28 manzanas para compartir con sus estudiantes; al da siguiente revisa la cesta con las frutas y ve que se le han daado 2/7 del total de manzanas que haba comprado. Para reponer las frutas daadas ella debe comprar a. Assume that the selections are made with replacement. Are the events independent? The probability of getting two orders from Restaurant D is . The events (1) independent because choosing the first order (2) the choice of the second order. (Round to four decimal places as needed.) b. Assume that the selections are made without replacement. Are the events independent? The probability of getting two orders from Restaurant D is . The events (3) independent because choosing the first order (4) the choice of the second order. Suppose X1, X2, . . . , Xn is a random sample from an exponential distribution with parameter ????. Assume that Xis are independence and the individual pdf is given by: ????(x, ????) = ????????. Find the Maximum likelihood estimator of this function Which of the following helped African Americans and others move to thewestern United States?A. The Fourteenth AmendmentB. The Declaration of IndependenceO c. 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