Which of the following helped African Americans and others move to the
western United States?
A. The Fourteenth Amendment
B. The Declaration of Independence
O c. The Homestead Act of 1862
D. The Enforcement Acts


Answer 1

C. The Homestead Act of 1862

Related Questions

Which of the seven events do you think had the most devastating effect on the relationship between Great Britain and the British colonies?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although your question is incomplete because you forgot to include the events to answer it, we can comment on the following.

One of the events that had the most devastating effect on the relationship between Great Britain and the British colonies was the heavy and constant taxation.

Yes, the  English monarchy imposed many taxations on the colonists that suffered to pay them. We are talking about taxation such as the Stamp Act, the Navigation Acts, or the Tea Act.

These taxations infuriated the colonies. The worst part was that they had to pay taxes but had no voice or representation in the British Parliament. Taxation was one of the most important reasons that initiated the American Revolutionary War in which the US fought the British troops to gain independence.

The European Renaissance was caused, in part, by what factor? A. The expansion of the wealth and power of feudal lords across Europe B. The establishment and expansion of the Catholic Church C. The success of the Crusades in converting Muslims to Christianity D. The spread of the philosophy of individualism in Europe


Answer: A. The expansion of the wealth and power of feudal lords across Europe

Consider the US government’s policies toward the Plains Indians in the 1800s.

Do you think the government was justified in using these policies?

Write a two- to three-sentence response to this question.



In 1830, Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act to allow the federal government to fairly, voluntarily and peacefully trade Native-held territory for land in the “Indian colonization zone”. However, the Native Americans were forced to leave the land where they had lived on for generations.


The government’s policies were set on behalf of the white settlers on the western frontier who aspired to grow cotton on the Indians’ lands, which the settlers thought they deserved.

Not only was unfair but also enforced with terrible violence, on what became known as the Trail of Tears: the trek to Indian Territory by foot, in chains, without any food or any kind of help from the government, where thousands of Indians died.


I said

"I do not think the government was justified in using these policies; They were treating the Plain Indians horrible after coming into their land and kicking them off, taking their resources as well. They were weakening these tribes and harming their cultures; It was wrong of Americans to think they were better then these people and to treat them so horribly. Forcing them to assimilate into American culture and putting them in reservations was wrong. The policies with allotments were also unjustifiable."


Which of these policies was addressed in your answer?





Which statement best explains the main idea of this passage from Hard Times?



wheres the passage? i wont be able to answer it then sorry

we need to see the passage we don’t know what to answerp

New Orleans. Great Lakes Region, parts
of Canada


no it’s not part of canada

When Japanese Americans received compensation for their time in the internment camps, the check was accompanied by


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although the question does not include options, we can say the following.

When Japanese Americans received compensation for their time in the internment camps, the check was accompanied by a letter of apology from President George W. H. Bush.

It was October 1990, when US President George W. H. Bush decided to correct a controversial situation that happened during World War II in America. In that time, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered to built interim camps in California to send Japanese Americans under the suspicion of treason.

So President Bush decided to give checks to survivors. Specifically, More than 82,000. The redress checks were $20,000 to each survivor.

Why princess Margaret couldn't marry Peter Townsend ?​



....Because she didn't like him. (I'm kidding )  

After the war, Margaret fell in love with Group Captain Peter Townsend. ... He proposed to Margaret early the following year. Many in the government believed that he would be an unsuitable husband for the Queen's 22-year-old sister, and the Church of England refused to countenance marriage to a divorced man.


When did President
Lincoln sign and issue this document and at what stage of the Civil War? Did the
document have any real impact?




When did President Lincoln sign and issue this document and at what stage of the Civil War? Did the document have any real impact? ANSWER: Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on September 22, 1862. The second part which officially went in effect January 1, 1863 during the second year of the Civil War.

From 7pm to 10 PM, Josh can either attend a basketball game, a wrestling match or a concert. Suppose that Josh decides to attend the wrestling match and thinks to himself that if he did not go to the match he would go to the concert. The opportunity cost of attending the wrestling match is


Answer: Going to the concert.

Explanation: The opportunity cost is simply the loss incurred by choosing a certain option over another. It is simply the cost of the opportunity forgone. In the scenario above, There are three choices : A wrestling match, a basketball match and a concert. However, Josh decision was considering two of the choices ; the wrestling match and the concert. Therefore, if Josh eventually ends opts for the wrestling match, then the opportunity forgone or cost will be the CONCERT.

Answer:Going to the Concert.


What occurred on July 4, 1776? The American colonies declared their independence. The American Revolution finally ended. George Washington was elected president. The House and Senate ratified the Declaration of Independence.


America declared independence

The American colonies formally proclaimed their independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

Thus, Independence Day is a national holiday in the United States that honours this historic occasion.

The Declaration of Independence, which announced the colonies' independence from British domination, was adopted on this date by the Second Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia.

The majority of Thomas Jefferson's work on the text, which articulated the colonies' grievances against the British Crown and upheld peoples' basic rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, was published.

Thus, The American colonies formally proclaimed their independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776.

Learn more about Great britian, refer to the link:



The Jornada was __________.



the answer is A 50 mile stretch of the santa Fe trail


A government's monetary policy is its plan to control taxation and spending. prices. workers' wages. the money supply.



D: The Moneys Supply


A government's monetary policy is its plan to control taxation and spending.

What is monetary policy?

Monetary policy are ways or pattern adopted through policy that can be used to control money.

This policy can help to control interest rate on goods, service and subsidy on goods.

Therefore, A government's monetary policy is its plan to control control taxation, spending and money supply.

Learn more on money supply here


what is the definition of patoralism



(especially of land or a farm) used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle.

"scattered pastoral farms"


Internet definition

The early civilizations of Mesoamerica civilizations were located in what modern-day region?
the region that is now Mexico and the countries in Central America
the region that is now Canada and the United States
the region that extends from Mexico to the bottom of South America
the region that now includes Mexico and the United States



I am not sure but I think the correct answer is the region that now includes Mexico and the United States.

The early civilizations of Mesoamerica civilizations were located in that now includes Mexico and the United States. Thus, option D is correct.

What is civilization?

Civilization can be defined as a complex material or a society in which a particular location is set and the people usually live in that location. Civilization has particular rules and regulations.

Also, they have their own belief system and language that they use. This usually defines the way the people and the civilization the one where they live.

According to early civilization, Mesoamerica was often been converted. These people work converted into the new region of Mexico as well as the United States. They later further developed in the society and colonies were distributed.

Therefore, option D is the correct option.

Learn more about civilizations, here:



Which king of England led the charge to make American colonists pay much higher taxes?



I think the king was George III.


According to my research : By the 1770’s, Great Britain had established a number of colonies in North America. The American colonists thought of themselves as citizens of Great Britain and subjects of King

George III. They were tied to Britain through trade and by the way they were governed. Trade was restricted so the colonies had to rely on Britain for imported goods and supplies. Therewere no banks and very little money, so colonists used barter and credit to get the things they needed. Following the French and Indian War, Britain wanted to control expansion into the western territories. The King issued the Proclamation of 1763 prohibiting settlements beyond the Appalachian Mountains. Colonists who had already settled on these lands were ordered to return east of the mountains. In 1765 Parliament passed the Quartering Act that saidthe colonists needed to find or pay for lodging forBritish soldiers stationed in America. With theFrench and Indian War over, many colonists saw no need for soldiers to be stationed in the colonies. Britain also needed money to pay for its war debts. The King and Parliament believed they had the right to tax the colonies. They decided to require several kinds of taxes from the colonists to help pay for the French and Indian War. These taxes included the Stamp Act, passed in 1765,which required the use of special paper bearing an embossed tax stamp for all legal documents. Other laws, such as the Townsend Acts, passed in1767, required the colonists to pay taxes on imported goods like tea. Many colonists felt that they should not pay these taxes, because they were passed in England by Parliament, not by their own colonial governments. They protested, saying that these taxes violated their rights as British citizens. The colonists started to resist by boycotting, or not buying, British goods. In 1773 some colonists in Boston, Massachusetts

demonstrated their frustration by dressing up like Indians, sneaking onto ships in the harbor, and dumping imported tea into the water. This was called the Boston Tea Party. The British

took action by closing the Boston port. A similar but smaller tea party took place in Yorktown, Virginia in 1774. The First Continental Congress met in 1774 to make a list of complaints about the way Britain was treating the colonies. Many

people in America felt their concerns were not being heard, and this caused more unhappiness in the colonies. In April of 1775, a group of colonists fought against the British army in the Battles of Lexington and Concord. In 1775,

the Second Continental Congress decided to form a Continental Army, which consisted of citizens from 13 colonies. George Washington was selected to be the Commander-in-Chief of the

Army. The colonies were ready to fight for their rights.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu. During the Crusades, Muslim forces repeatedly attacked the Christian ______ Empire. In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire. The city was renamed _____



Muslim forces repeatedly attacked the Christian Byzantine Empire.

In 1453, Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Empire. The city was renamed Istanbul


The crusades were arguably started because of the constant attacks of the Muslim forces on the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine Empire is the medieval version of the Eastern Roman Empire, and as explained in the question, it was a christian state.

In 1453, after a long siege, the Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople, which had been the Eastern Roman Empire for over 1,000 years. After the conquest, the Turks changed the name of the city to Istanbul.


What were the social, political, and economic changes experienced by Americans on the home front during world war II.

please be specific and answer for all 3 social, political and economic!

thank you!



k Nishant


here is the answer

After the December 7, 1941, Japanese attack on the American naval fleet at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the U.S. was thrust into World War II (1939-45), and everyday life across the country was dramatically altered. Food, gas and clothing were rationed. Communities conducted scrap metal drives. To help build the armaments necessary to win the war, women found employment as electricians, welders and riveters in defense plants. Japanese Americans had their rights as citizens stripped from them.

From the outset of the war, it was clear that enormous quantities of airplanes, tanks, warships, rifles and other armaments would be essential to beating America’s aggressors. U.S. workers played a vital role in the production of such war-related materials. Many of these workers were women. Indeed, with tens of thousands of American men joining the armed forces and heading into training and into battle, women began securing jobs as welders, electricians and riveters in defense plants.

this is the information

Which sentence describes a detail from the myth of Prometheus and
A. A god forbids the gift of fire.
B. A hero tames a flying horse.
C. A king solves a baffling riddle.
D. An artist pines after a statue.



A ... a god forbids the gift of fire

Answer: A


A significant effect of the first great awakening was that it
A. Stopped new churches from growing
B. Slowed the growth of universities
C. Caused division among religious groups
D. Led to less religious tolerance





it caused division among groups, since there remained a traditional religious establishment

Answer: C. Caused division among religious groups

Henry David Thoreau was a transcendentalist who wrote about what



passive resistance to injustice or B



passive resistance to injustice or B


passive resistance to injustice or B

Explain how the global balance of economic and political power after WWII led to the ideological struggle of the Cold War.



After WWII, the balance of power was split between two countries: the United States, and the Soviet Union. These two countries became the two world superpowers that would shape the geopolitics of the world in the following decades.

The United States is the capitalist country, that supports a market economy, and whose allies are located in Western Europe.

The Soviet Union is the socialist country, that supports a planned economy, and whose allies are located in Eastern Europe.

This ideological struggle also led to a military struggle in what was known was the "Cold War". Two military alliances were formed: NATO, that included the U.S. and its allies, and the Warsaw Pact, that included the Soviet Union and its allies.

With the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the U.S. became victorious in this struggle, and enjoyed for a brief period, a great degree of geopolitical power as the sole superpower of the world.

what are four things you know about Early republic




The Early Republic, c.1780-1830, was a period of transition. The new independent nation expounded the Founding Fathers ideals of equality and expanded its borders beyond what was imaginable before 1776. Modern America emerged by the end of the era and a new nation driven by industrialization, gave rise to a capitalistic economy.


Early Republic Timeline

Presidents of the Early Republic

John Adams (1797-1801)

Thomas Jefferson (1801-1809)

James Madison (1809-1817)

James Monroe (1817-1825)

John Adams Papers (Avalon Project)

Thomas Jefferson Papers

The Papers of Thomas Jefferson (Avalon Project)

Thomas Jefferson Papers: An Electronic Archive

James Madison Center

The James Madison Papers

The Papers of James Madison (Avalon Project)

The Papers of James Madison (University of Virginia)

The James Monroe Papers

Robert Fulton's Steamboat

Robert Fulton's Steamboat


Two defining events of the Early Republic were the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and the Lewis and Clark Expedition that spanned the period 1804 to 1806. Both of these events supported the nation's vision to explore and settle the American West.

Lewis and Clark (National Geographic)

Lewis and Clark (PBS)

The Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition

Primary Documents in American History--Louisiana Purchase

The Louisiana Purchase: A Heritage Explored

The Louisiana Purchase; 1803 and Associated Documents

Emerging Modern America

The period from approximately 1780-1830 saw many advances. Americans witnessed such noteworthy inventions as Ben Franklin's bifocals, Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin, the suspension bridge and the mechanical reaper. In addition Robert Fulton's Steamboat modernized transportation and the building of the Erie Canal was also a transportation milestone.  

Robert Fulton Papers (New York Public Library)

Erie Canal

History of the Erie Canal

Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

Teaching with Documents: Eli Whitney's Patent for the Cotton Gin

hope it helps you please mark me as brainiest

What were the state governments like after the revolutionary war



the revolutionary war officially ended in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris. The constitutional convention did not occur until four years later so the document went into effect in 1789.


which explains a lot in 1783 to 1789 both parts are different in the effect that happened

According to Aristotle, poetry is a form of



According to Aristotle, poetry is a form of analyzing its constitutive parts and then drawing general conclusions.

Hope this helps you!

What is the role of religion in Lincoln’s understanding of the war? What role does religion play in his understanding of the United States more broadly


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

It is well known that President Lincoln did not profess any religion. But later in his life, a couple of personal incidents, such as the deaths of his sons and the beginning of the American Civil War, made Lincoln seriously reflect on the issue of the existence of God.

We can say that the role of religion in Lincoln's understanding of the war was that he questioned if the faith of the Union could be on the hands of a supreme being called god.  Historians consider that Lincoln has two main topics to reflect on. If God had a specific purpose to allow the war between people of the same country, and number two, what could be god's idea on the issue of slavery.

The role that religion played in his understanding of the United States more broadly was to consider that there could have been an ulterior motive for the issue of war. He accepted the idea that probably neither side, Confederates, and the Union, could be right. That a moral or religious lesson was part of the war equation that affected and divide the nation.

That is why in one of his speeches, Lincoln mentioned that "A house divided against itself cannot stand," paraphrasing a quote from Jesus of Nazareth. Indeed, the speech was known as "the House Divided speech."

How Did humanism impact political thinking during the renaissance?


During the Renaissance, Humanism played a major role in education. Humanists —proponents or practitioners of Humanism during the Renaissance—believed that human beings could be dramatically changed by education. The Humanists of the Renaissance created schools to teach their ideas and wrote books all about education

What did Britain lose in the French and Indian war


Answer:France lost its mainland possessions to North America.


France lost its mainland possessions to North America. Britain now claimed all the land from the east coast of North America to the Mississippi River. Everything west of that river belonged to Spain. France gave all its western lands to Spain to keep the British out.

What was the largest ethnic minority within the Austrian Empire in 1848?




Hello friend

The answer is Magyars

Hope this helps

plz mark as brainliest!!!!!!!!

1. In your opinion why did European rulers want to pay for
expeditions to explore new lands?​



There are three main reasons for European Exploration. Them being for the sake improving their economy, spreading the religion of Christianity, and the glory of acquiring more spices, gold, and better trading routes.


Who is the president of Singapore?


halimah yacob is the president


[tex]\Large \boxed{\mathrm{Halimah \ Yacob}}[/tex]


The current president of Singapore is Halimah Yacob. Halimah Yacob has been serving as president since 2017.

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