What is the GCF of the expression 5x2y + 10xy2?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]5\cdot \:x\cdot \:x\cdot \:y[/tex]


[tex]2\cdot \:5\cdot \:x\cdot \:y\cdot \:y[/tex]

Common factor:-

[tex]5\cdot \:x\cdot \:y[/tex]


Related Questions

The the intensity I of light (in lumens) in a certain lake at a depth of x feet is given by log(1/12) = -0.00235x. What is the intensity of the light (in lumens) at a depth of 20 feet? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth and label 1 your answer.​



11.45 lumens

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given that


Where x=Depth

I=Intensity of light

We have to find the intensity of the light at a depth of 20 feet.

Substitute the value of x

[tex]log(I/12)=-0.00235\times 20[/tex]




[tex]I=11.45 Lumens[/tex]

Hence, the intensity of the light (in lumens) at a depth of 20 feet=11.45 lumens

18. Which of the following is true for a circle that has a circumference of approximately 75 feet?
O The diameter is approximately 12 feet.
O The radius is approximately 12 feet.
O The radius is approximately 12 square feet.
O The diameter is approximately 12 square feet.



A) The diameter is approximately 12 feet.

Step-by-step explanation:

C= piD

sq ft would be wrong bc this is not talking ab area

Which of the following displays cannot be used to compare data from two different sets?



Scatter plot charts are good for relationships and distributions, but pie charts should be used only for simple compositions — never for comparisons or distributions.

Weights measured in grams of randomly selected M&M plain candies:

0.957 0.912 0.925 0.886 0.920 0.958 0.915 0.914 0.947 0.939 0.842

What is the range of weights of the middle 99.7% of M&M’s?

(round to the ten thousandths place)



The range of weights of the middle 99.7% of M&M’s is between 0.8187 and 1.0203.

Step-by-step explanation:

The Empirical Rule states that, for a normally distributed random variable:

Approximately 68% of the measures are within 1 standard deviation of the mean.

Approximately 95% of the measures are within 2 standard deviations of the mean.

Approximately 99.7% of the measures are within 3 standard deviations of the mean.

Sample mean:

[tex]\overline{x} = \frac{0.957 + 0.912 + 0.925 + 0.886 + 0.920 + 0.958 + 0.915 + 0.914 + 0.947 + 0.939 + 0.842}{11} =  0.9195[/tex]

Sample standard deviation:

[tex]s = \sqrt{\frac{(0.957-0.9195)^2 + (0.912-0.9195)^2 + (0.925-0.9195)^2 + (0.886-0.9195)^2 + ...}{10}} = 0.0336[/tex]

What is the range of weights of the middle 99.7% of M&M’s?

By the Empirical Rule, within 3 standard deviations of the mean, so:

0.9195 - 3*0.0336 = 0.8187.

0.9195 + 3*0.0336 = 1.0203.

The range of weights of the middle 99.7% of M&M’s is between 0.8187 and 1.0203.

Which expression is equivalent to 3(x - y) + y? 3x - 4y 3x - 3y 3x - 2y 3(x - 2y)


9514 1404 393


  (c)  3x - 2y

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the distributive property to eliminate parentheses, then collect terms.

  3(x -y) +y = 3x -3y +y = 3x +(-3+1)y = 3x -2y

Now we have to find,

The expression which is equivalent to,

→ 3(x - y) + y

Let's get the solution,

→ 3(x - y) + y

→ 3x - 3y + y

→ 3x - 2y

Hence, required expression is 3x - 2y.

In a game where only one player can win, the probability that Jack will win is 1/7 and the probability that Bill will win is 1/2. Find the probability that one of them will win. (Enter your probability as a fraction.)


The probability that one of them will win is 9/14

The probability that one of them will win will be 9/14.

Since the probability that Jack will win is 1/7 and the probability that Bill will win is 1/2, then the probability that one of them will win will be:

= 1/7 + 1/2

= 7/14 + 2/14

= 9/14

Therefore, the probability that one of them will win will be 9/14.

Read related link on:


Find the size of unknown angles​


Step-by-step explanation:







2X=53.2 , 3X=79.8 , X+20=46.6

Step-by-step explanation:




6X       =180-20

6X       =160

X        = 160 over 6

X        =26.6


3X      = 26.6 x3


2X       =26.6 x2


X+20  =26.6+20


Im not sure if it's right. Because the total does not make 180 degrees.

What number can go in the box to make the number sentence true?
6 + 0 = 10


I believe it would be 4 lil man

Fraces bonitas para decirle a tu nv?

minimo 6



it's. is now the MA plz I miss you

si pudiera escoger entre vivir eternamente y vivir dos veces

yo escogeria vivir dos veces porque vivir una vida eterna sin ti a mi lado seria el mayor sufrimiento, ahora vivir dos veces me dejaria tranquilo porque despues del final de mi vida podria volver a encontrarme contigo y vivir todos los momentos bellos una vez mas y eso seria un sueño volviendose realidad

is 2012 a term of arithmetic sequence of 5,13,18​


for the given A.P


First term (a)=5

common difference (d) = 9-5=4

Let Tn=2012

a +(n-1) d=2012

5 +(n-1) 4=2012

(n-1) 4=2012-5




n=502.75 -- - - - - -> which is not possible.

No.of terms can never in fraction.

Hence, 2012 is not a term of given A.P

Answer theas question


(1) Both equations in (a) and (b) are separable.


[tex]\dfrac xy y' = \dfrac{2y^2+1}{x+1} \implies \dfrac{\mathrm dy}{y(2y^2+1)} = \dfrac{\mathrm dx}{x(x+1)}[/tex]

Expand both sides into partial fractions.

[tex]\left(\dfrac1y - \dfrac{2y}{2y^2+1}\right)\,\mathrm dy = \left(\dfrac1x - \dfrac1{x+1}\right)\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

Integrate both sides:

[tex]\ln|y| - \dfrac12 \ln\left(2y^2+1\right) = \ln|x| - \ln|x+1| + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln\left|\dfrac y{\sqrt{2y^2+1}}\right| = \ln\left|\dfrac x{x+1}\right| + C[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac y{\sqrt{2y^2+1}} = \dfrac{Cx}{x+1}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\dfrac{y^2}{2y^2+1} = \dfrac{Cx^2}{(x+1)^2}}[/tex]

(You could solve for y explicitly, but that's just more work.)


[tex]e^{x+y}y' = 3x \implies e^y\,\mathrm dy = 3xe^{-x}\,\mathrm dx[/tex]

Integrate both sides:

[tex]e^y = -3e^{-x}(x+1) + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln(e^y) = \ln\left(C - 3e^{-x}(x+1)\right)[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y = \ln\left(C - 3e^{-x}(x+1)\right)}[/tex]



[tex]y' + \sec(x)y = \cos(x)[/tex]

Multiply both sides by an integrating factor, sec(x) + tan(x) :

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y' + \sec(x) (\sec(x) + \tan(x)) y = \cos(x) (\sec(x) + \tan(x))[/tex]

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y' + (\sec^2(x) + \sec(x)\tan(x)) y = 1 + \sin(x)[/tex]

[tex]\bigg((\sec(x)+\tan(x))y\bigg)' = 1 + \sin(x)[/tex]

Integrate both sides and solve for y :

[tex](\sec(x)+\tan(x))y = x - \cos(x) + C[/tex]

[tex]y=\dfrac{x-\cos(x) + C}{\sec(x) + \tan(x)}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y=\dfrac{(x+C)\cos(x) - \cos^2(x)}{1+\sin(x)}}[/tex]


[tex]y' + y = \dfrac{e^x-e^{-x}}2[/tex]

(Note that the right side is also written as sinh(x).)

Multiply both sides by e ˣ :

[tex]e^x y' + e^x y = \dfrac{e^{2x}-1}2[/tex]

[tex]\left(e^xy\right)' = \dfrac{e^{2x}-1}2[/tex]

Integrate both sides and solve for y :

[tex]e^xy = \dfrac{e^{2x}-2x}4 + C[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{y=\dfrac{e^x-2xe^{-x}}4 + Ce^{-x}}[/tex]

(c) I've covered this in an earlier question of yours.


[tex]y'=\dfrac y{x+y}[/tex]

Multiply through the right side by x/x :

[tex]y' = \dfrac{\dfrac yx}{1+\dfrac yx}[/tex]

Substitute y(x) = x v(x), so that y' = xv' + v, and the DE becomes separable:

[tex]xv' + v = \dfrac{v}{1+v}[/tex]

[tex]xv' = -\dfrac{v^2}{1+v}[/tex]

[tex]\dfrac{1+v}{v^2}\,\mathrm dv = -\dfrac{\mathrm dx}x[/tex]

[tex]-\dfrac1v + \ln|v| = -\ln|x| + C[/tex]

[tex]\ln\left|\dfrac yx\right| -\dfrac xy = C - \ln|x|[/tex]

[tex]\ln|y| - \ln|x|  -\dfrac xy = C - \ln|x|[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\ln|y| -\dfrac xy = C}[/tex]

Ophelia is making homemade spaghetti sauce by combining 48 oz of tomato paste with 6 cups of water.ophelia needs to make a small batch of sauce using only 20 ounces of tomato paste how many cups of water will she need.show your work



1 cup per 8 oz

48/6 = 8

every 1 cup of water 8 oz of tomato paste.

Step-by-step explanation:

can i brainlist

Which of the following is a solution to 2sin2x+sinx-1=0?



270 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

If you plug in 270 in place of the x's, the function is true!

This is correct for Plate/Edmentum users!! Hope I could help :)

Building A is 170 feet shorter than building B. The total height of the two building is 1490 feet. Find the height of each building.



Building A is 660 feet and Building B is 830 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x represent the height of building B.

Since building A is 170 feet shorter than building B, it can be represented by x - 170.

Create an equation and solve for x:

(x) + (x - 170) = 1490

2x - 170 = 1490

2x = 1660

x = 830

So, the height of building B is 830 feet.

Subtract 170 from this to find the height of building A:

830 - 170

= 660

Building A is 660 feet and Building B is 830 feet

Which of the following scatterplots would have a trend line with a negative slope?



A scatter plot shows a negative trend if y tends to decrease as x increases. A scatter plot shows no trend if there is no obvious pattern.




P(S or T) = 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Divide 5x^2+3x-2 by x + 1


5x + 8

I used long division

Expand 3(5y-3) can someone answer this please



15y -9

Step-by-step explanation:



3*5y -3*3

15y -9

Answer: 15y-9

Explanation: To expand 3(5y-3), we need to distribute. This means that we need to multiply the numbers on the outside of the parentheses with the numbers on the inside of the parentheses. In this case, we need to multiply 3 times 5y and 3 times -3. Let’s do so now.


This is your answer! When expanded, you expression changes to 15y-9.

Hope this helps! Comment below for more questions.

what are the zeros of this function?



the Ans is c

Step-by-step explanation:

actually I don't know how to explain

15. Find the x- and y-intercepts for the lineal equation - 3x + 4y = 24

Please explain steps! ❤️



x (-8,0)

y (0,6)

Step-by-step explanation:

at the x-intercept, y = 0

at the y-intercept x=0

sub those values into your equation!

for the x-intercept,

-3x = 24

x = -8

for the y-intercept,

4y = 24

y = 6

The graph shows the functior f(x) = 2X
What is the value of x when f(x) = 8?


Answer: b

Step-by-step explanation:

Help please guys thanks




Step-by-step explanation:

(625 ^2)^(1/8)

Rewriting 625 as 5^4

(5^4 ^2)^(1/8)

We know that a^b^c = a^(b*c)


5^8 ^1/8






Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] { {(625}^{2} )}^{ \frac{1}{8} } \\ { ({25}^{2 \times 2} )}^{ \frac{1}{8} } \\ {25}^{4 \times \frac{1}{8} } \\ {5}^{2 \times 4 \times \frac{1}{8} } \\ {5}^{ \frac{8}{8} } \\ {5}^{1} \\ = 5[/tex]

If f(x) = negative 3X -2, what if f(-5)?



f(- 5) = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute x = - 5 into f(x)

f(x) = - 3x - 2 , then

f(- 5) = - 3(- 5) - 2 = 15 - 2 = 13

Evaluate z^2−3 z+4 , when z=−4




Step-by-step explanation:

=z²-3z+4 when z is 4




It should be -19

I got the answer by plugging it into Desmos scientific calculator.

Approximately 5% of calculators coming out of the production lines have a defect. Fifty calculators are randomly selected from the production line and tested for defects. What is the probability that exactly 2 calculators are defective?



0.2611 = 26.11% probability that exactly 2 calculators are defective.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each calculator, there are only two possible outcomes. Either it is defective, or it is not. The probability of a calculator being defective is independent of any other calculator, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

5% of calculators coming out of the production lines have a defect.

This means that [tex]p = 0.05[/tex]

Fifty calculators are randomly selected from the production line and tested for defects.

This means that [tex]n = 50[/tex]

What is the probability that exactly 2 calculators are defective?

This is P(X = 2). So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 2) = C_{50,2}.(0.05)^{2}.(0.95)^{48} = 0.2611[/tex]

0.2611 = 26.11% probability that exactly 2 calculators are defective.

A population of 1,000 students spends an average of $10.50 a day on dinner. The standard deviation of the expenditure is $3. A simple random sample of 64 students is taken. a. What are the expected value, standard deviation, and shape of the sampling distribution of the sample mean



expected value is the mean : 10.5

Standard error for the sampling distribution : 0.375

it has a bell-shaped curve  with 99.7%  of the values between  9.375  and 11.625

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer would be to 10.5

1. Consider a lottery with three possible outcomes:-$125 will be received with probability 0.2-$100 will be received with probability 0.3-$50 will be received with probability 0.5a. What is the expected value of the lottery



The expected value of the lottery is $80

Step-by-step explanation:

To get the expected value, we have to multiply each outcome by its probability

Then we proceed to add up all of these to get the expected value of the lottery

we have this as ;;

125(0.2) + 100(0.3) + 50(0.5)

= 25 + 30 + 25 = $80

what’s the missing side of the polygons



the missing side is 21!!!!!!!!

i got 21 but i may be wrong :)

find x in this similar triangles



6. x = 4

8. x = 13

Step-by-step explanation:

Using similar triangles theorem,

6. (5+4)/5 = (4x + 2)/(4x + 2 - 8)

9/5 = (4x + 2)/(4x - 6)

Cross multiply

9(4x - 6) = 5(4x + 2)

36x - 54 = 20x + 10

Collect like terms

36x - 20x = 54 + 10

16x = 64

16x/16 = 64/16

x = 4

8. (4x + 13)/20 = 52/16

(4x + 13)/20 = 13/4

Cross multiply

4(4x + 13) = 13(20)

16x + 52 = 260

16x = 260 - 52

16x = 208

x = 208/16

x = 13

what is the value of tan 0 in the unit circle below


Tangent = opposite / adjacent, or in this case Tangent = y / x.

Tan = (1/2) / ([tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] / 2)

1 / [tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] / 3

Hope this helps!

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