what is the goal of science??


Answer 1
There are three goals in science:1. Investigate and understand the natural world.2. Explain events in the natural world.3. Use those explanations to make predictions.Science seeks to increase man's knowledge and to use that knoledge to directly or indirectly benefit man.
Answer 2

The main goal of science has been building knowledge and understanding, regardless of its potential applications.

What is Science ?

The intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

For example, investigating the chemical reactions that an organic compound undergoes in order to learn about its structure.

Therefore, The main goal of science has been building knowledge and understanding, regardless of its potential applications.

Learn more about Science here ;



Related Questions

The chemical formula for sulfuric acid is H2SO4. In one molecule of sulfuric acid, there are _____.

two atoms of helium
two atoms of oxygen
four atoms of oxygen
four atoms of sulfur oxide

Please help for my summer school, you can take your time (:



four atoms of oxygen


two atoms of hydrogen

one sulphur atom

Four atoms of oxygen

How is the sun related to nuclear, radiant, and heat energy?


Answer:The sun creates energy through nuclear fusion. Kinetic energy creates heat and light.


the sun is related to those by beating really hot

Put the steps of the scientific method into the correct order.

Devise an experiment to prove or disprove.
State conclusions.
Conduct a literature search.
Define the problem.
Propose a hypothesis.



1.  State problem

2. Form hypothesis

3.  Conduct experiment

4.  Interpret data

5.  Draw conclusion


Here’s a random answer so that you can give the original answerer brainliest

Organisms can either be made of one cell or made of more than one cell



The statement is true.


Organisms can be unicellular (made up of one cell) or multicellular (consisting of more than one cell).

I hope this helps in any way :)

Unicellular organisms are made up of only one cell that carries out all of the functions needed by the organism, while multicellular organisms use many different cells to function. Unicellular organisms include bacteria, protists, and yeast.

What type of energy is associated with this movement of the molecules?





Thermal energy,
or heat energy
( same thing)

is the energy that comes from the movement of atoms and molecules in a substance. Heat increases when these particles move faster.

If there is not one scientific method, then what do all scientists have in common???
Plsss I will give brainliest, and 12 points !!



One thing that all scientists have in common is that they find problems in the world, and attempt to seek answers to those problems. Everything that scientists do begins with observations, leading to questions.

Let me know if this helps!

While no single scientific method is uniformly followed by all scientists, there are certain common aspects and concepts that scientists share in their search of knowledge and understanding.

These are some examples:

Scientists rely on empirical evidence gathered via observation, experimentation, and measurement.

Systematic and Objective Investigation: Scientists explore and analyse events using systematic and objective approaches.

Scientific discoveries should be repeatable, which means that other researchers should be able to replicate the tests and achieve identical results.

Thus, although scientists' methodologies and approaches differ between fields, these basic principles drive their research and contribute to the collective growth of scientific knowledge.

For more details regarding scientists, visit:



Why do scientists need to be able to use math?


Many answers. For example because for science experiment researcher they use math to calculate an amount of effected, people and therefore analyze it by those numbers
To make sure that the amount of whatever they’re using is correct

Elements in the same group have _____.

the same number of electron shells
the same number of protons
similar chemical properties
the same number of isotopes



Element in the same group have similar chemical properties.

the same number of electron shells

Why do scientists use models, and why do all models have limitations???
Plsss help! :) I will give brainliest!! :)



Scientists use  models to represent data/evidence. However, all models have limitations. However, models are simplified versions of reality, and can't be totally accurate in representation.

Hope this helps :)


Since models are simpler than real objects or systems, they have limitations. ... It may not predict the behavior of the real system very accurately. But the more computing power that goes into the model and the care with which the scientists construct the model can increase the chances that a model will be accurate.

Each element has a different:

number of protons and electrons
atomic mass and weight
Properties and characteristics
number of neutrons

Please take your time if needed!


Properties and characteristics


(C.  Properties and characteristics.

Hope this helpos!


What makes a good scientific question???
Plsss help! I will give brainliest! :)



A good question is testable,  detailed, measured, and controlled.

Just let me know if you have any other questions.

Details, control and measurements.

Please help with questions 11-13! I’ll give brainliest


11- 3
12- 4
13- 2
11- 3
12- 4
13- 2 hope this helps

Quartz, or silicon dioxide (SiO2), is one of the most abundant minerals on Earth. The diagram shows the atomic arrangement of quartz.

Based on the diagram, which statement best describes the atomic arrangement of quartz?
Group of answer choices

An extended structure that is made of repeating patterns of atoms.

A repeating pattern of small molecules that can move freely past each other

Many different kinds of molecules tha combine to form an extended structure.

Many different kinds of atoms that can move freely past each other.


Based on the atomic arrangement of quartz, it is can be concluded that quartz is an extended structure that is made of repeating patterns of atoms.

What is quartz?

Quartz is a hard crystalline mineral found within the Earth's crust and which is composed mainly of the mineral silica. Silica is mostly silicon(iv) oxide.

Quartz is colourless and its crystalline structure is of a hexagonal prism. The atoms are arranged in a regular repeating grid to form the hexagonal crystal.

Therefore, it is can be concluded that quartz is an extended structure that is made of repeating patterns of atoms.

Learn more about quartz at: https://brainly.com/question/2284988

What is the difference between data and evidence???
Helpppp! I will give brainliest! PLSSS!


Data is just data and has no intrinsic meaning on its own. Evidence has to be evidence for or of something; an argument, an opinion, a viewpoint or a hypothesis. The evidence you use depends on your argument.
Data is calculated and evidence is pre existing

Explain the law of conservation of energy.


Energy is conserved. It never appears or disappears. It just changes from one kind of type to another. The Universe contains the same amount of energy it started with. This amount can never change.


Energy cannot be destroyed or created but can be transformed from one form to another

Put the steps of the scientific method into the correct order.

Devise an experiment to prove or disprove.
State conclusions.
Conduct a literature search.
Define the problem.
Propose a hypothesis.



1. Define the problem

2. Conduct a literature search

3. Propose a hypothesis

4. Devise an experiment to prove or disprove

5. State conclusions

Explanation: In order to begin an experiment, you must first define a problem or question that you will be answering. Then you must research the problem in order to form a hypothesis, or an educated guess. Then you should devise and execute an experiment to answer your question. The conclusions that you draw will either prove or disprove your hypothesis. Hope this helps!

1. Define problem
2. Hypothesis
3. Search
4. Experiment
5. Conclusion

Sodium chloride (NaCl) is made from ___ of sodium (Na) and ___ of chlorine (Cl).

Blanks: One Atom and Two Atom



one atom, one atom.


Sodium chloride is made from one sodium atom and one chlorine atom.

Sodium has a charge of +1,  Chlorine has a charge of -1. These cancel each other out leaving only one atom for both sodium and chlorine.

The correct answer is one atom for each space

Select all that apply.

Which items are properties of bases?

skin damage




soapy and bitter


This answer: Bitter and soapy

How is radiant energy from the microwave transformed into heat energy?


The waves emitted from the microwave sends the molecules within the object into a faster motion. The heat is generated from the faster movement of the molecules in the object. ... It is only transformed into new substances or energies.

Radiant energy comes from gravitational and electromagnetic radiations. This energy from the microwave is transformed into heat energy by the faster-moving molecules.

What is energy conversion?

Energy conversion is the process of transformation of the energy from one form to another that also follows the law of conservation of mass or matter. Radiant energy is the heat or energy that is given out by electromagnetic waves in the form of various waves.

This radiant energy has its own characteristics that differentiate it from other waves. The waves from radiant energy have a molecular speed that gets increased by the temperature and this increases collision and kinetic energy producing new substances and generating heat.

Therefore, the movement of particles in microwave transforms the radiant energy into heat energy.

Learn more about energy conversion, here:



Use complete sentences to explain how the mass of hydrogen is conserved during cellular respiration.

pls make it simple and not write a whole paragraph




The mass of hydrogen is conserved during cellular respiration as it follows the Law of Conservation of Matter.


the law of conservation of matter


The mass of hydrogen is conserved during cellular respiration as it follows the Law of Conservation of Matter.

The Law of Conservation of Matter states that the reactants must equal the products, which is demonstrated through the equation that demonstrates cellular respiration.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H20

This shows that hydrogen has been conserved throughout the entire process (H representing Hydrogen) as the product has the same amount of hydrogen as the reactants.

What is one example of a scientific model? (this is science I don't know why can't find it on "pick a subject" so yeah)




I’ll try helping

well there’s multiple types of scientific models what kind are you looking for?

Why is it necessary to ensure that unreacted chlorine gas is passed into a fume cupboard when reacting with alumnium?


The person above is correct.
The person above is correct

To make a 450g solution with a mass by mass concentration of 7%, how much salt and water do you need to mix?


Answer:salt: 31. 5g

water: 418. 5g



salt: 31. 5g

water: 418. 5g


Part 1: Name two elements that have the same properties as potassium (K). (4 points)
Part 2: Determine the number of protons, electrons, and neutrons present in an atom of magnesium (Mg). Explain how you determined your answer using complete sentences. (6 points)



Part 1: Sodium and Rubidium.

Part 2:

Protons = 12

reason: protons are equal to the atomic number of an atom. For Magnesium, atomic number is 12.


[tex] = { \tt{24 - 12 }} \\ = { \tt{12 \: neutrons}}[/tex]

reason: neutrons is given by formula:

[tex]{ \tt{neutrons = mass \: number - atomic \: number}}[/tex]

where mass number of magnesium is 24.

electrons: = 12 electrons

reason: Magnesium atom has electrons summing up to 12

part 1: hydrogen and sodium? my memory is so bad ngl

part 2: 36 because there are 12 protons, 12 electrons, and 12 neutrons in an atom of magnesium.

Draw an energy flow diagram showing the energy transformation from one form to another.



this is the flow! your answer can be found online

Energy transformations convert one form of energy into another form of energy such as in batteries where chemical energy is converted to electrical, light and heat energy.

What is energy transformation?

Energy transformations are changes which occur between different energy forms such that one energy form is converted to another form of energy.

Some examples of energy transformation are as follows:

electric fan converts electrical energy to mechanical energy generators convert mechanical energy to electrical energy electric cookers convert electrical energy to heat energy. chemical energy in batteries converted to electrical, light and heat energy

Therefore, energy transformation convert one form of energy into another form of energy.

Learn more about energy transformation at: https://brainly.com/question/14754310

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