Which of the following presidents was in
office when portions of the National Park
System were sold to lumberjacks?
A. Teddy Roosevelt
B. William Taft
C. William McKinley
D. Herbert Hoover


Answer 1




Herbert hoover was in office when portions of the national park system were sold to lumberjacks

Answer 2

Herbert Hoover was in office when portions of the National Park     System were sold to lumberjacks.

Who was Herbert Hoover?

Herbert Hoover was the 31st president of the United States. He also became a member of the Republican Party, and held office during the onset of the Great Depression. Hoover became famous for his direction of relief work in Europe after World War I.

In 1917, after the United States entered the war, Hoover was asked to run the U.S. Food Administration. Hoover performed his task quite admirably, guiding the effort to conserve resources and supplies which were needed for the war and to feed America's European allies.

With Secretary of Commerce, Hoover became president of the National Parks Association in 1924. In accepting, he wrote, "Recreation grounds and natural museums are as necessary to advancing our civilization as are wheat fields and factories."

Thus, Herbert Hoover was in office when portions of the National Park     System were sold to lumberjacks (someone whose job is to cut down trees for wood).

Hence, option D is correct.

To learn more about Herbert Hoover here:



Related Questions

Match each Egyptian queen to the time period in which she ruled.



Cleopatra VII

decline of ancient Egypt


Middle Kingdom


New Kingdom


sorry if i can't post the picture of the question having problems (-_-)


Answer: In 58 B.C., Ptolemy XII was exiled and a woman named “Cleopatra Tryphaena” (a different Cleopatra) became ruler of Egypt, dying not long afterwards. She was succeeded by another woman named Berenice IV.


Read the statement below which of the following accurately explains which leader during the middle age of



I don't know


There is not enough information for me to answer this question.

What country did Texas break away from to become independent? Question 9 options: A) Spain B) France C) The United States D) Mexico



The answer is D) Mexico

what points does justice brennan raise to support his ruling?



The correct answers to the question are justice holmes, the first amendment, and Barnette case. These earlier points of law justice Brennan used to support the court's opinion in the case.

Answer: PLS give brainliest!!

He use the following earlier points of law:

- West Virginia Board of Education v. Barnette

- The right to differ is the centerpiece of first amendment

- Boos v. Barry

- The national anthem

Justice Brennan was the primary architect of this time in understanding about the freedom of speech.

Describe the nature of the main spiritual beliefs in Japan during the Heian period and briefly outline how they originated.



Shinto (Japanese: 神道, romanized: Shintō) is a religion which originated in Japan. Classified as an East Asian religion by scholars of religion, its practitioners often regard it as Japan's indigenous religion and as a nature religion. Scholars sometimes call its practitioners Shintoists, although adherents rarely use that term themselves. There is no central authority in control of Shinto and much diversity exists among practitioners.

The advancements in which of the following technologies has most changed the American job market in recent years?
A. computer and Internet
B. manufacturing
C. transportation
D. health care
Please select the best answer from the choices provided A B C D




What is the best way to affect social change? Do you agree with Malcolm X's strong ideas on the ballot or the bullet? Or, do you agree with nonviolent protests & tactics used by Dr. Martin Luther King? Find 2 examples of nonviolent protests working, & 2 examples of violent protests working. Link the articles below.



Acts of Kindness.


Acts of Kindness is the best way to bring social change. I agree with nonviolent protests & tactics used by Dr. Martin Luther King because these protests put pressure on the government which leads to the accomplishment of the goal or demand of the people. The best example of non-violent protests was the protest done by Mahatma Gandhi who got independence from British with the help of non-violent protests.

"Neanderthals were much more like man than thought", if today we meet a Neanderthal face to face: (choose the correct option) *

A. I would recognize it because they were taller and stronger than human beings.
B. They could only live in Europe and no one would notice.
C. I couldn't recognize it because they were so much like us.

Choose the correct option. The Stone Age is divided into Neolithic and Paleolithic, then..

A. Neanderthals worked stone and some metals.
B. Neanderthals lived until the Neolithic because they discovered agriculture.
C. Neanderthals had great knowledge of stoneworking techniques.

Choose the correct option

A. Neanderthals and humans are the same
B. Between Neanderthals and humans there is a minimal difference.
C. Humans were the only ones who made paintings.


The first one is A i do not know the second one the third is C

How can a president change public policy almost immediately?

by issuing an executive order
by producing a budget proposal
by urging Congress to pass a law
by posting messages to social media


[tex] \sf How \: can \: a \: president \: change \: public \: policy \: \\ \sf \: almost \: immediately? \\ \\ \longrightarrow \boxed{ \underline{\bf \: by \: issuing \: an \: executive \: order}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{ \sf{Answer}} [/tex]

↬A president of any country can change public policy almost immediately by issuing an executive order. In this sudden case, the president has all right to issue this order based on the interests of the people.

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Courts that use a landmark case as precedent for a decision are (1) using an earlier case as a guide.(2) changing the previous case’s decision.(3) using a third party to review the case.(4) sending the case to a higher court for review.



(1) using an earlier case as a guide.


A court refers to an enclosed space such as a hall or chamber where legal practitioners (judges, lawyers or attorneys and a jury) converge to hold judicial proceedings.

There are different types of courts and these includes;

I. Trial court.

II. Circuit court.

III. Appeal court.

IV. Supreme court.

Legal practitioners such as judges are saddled with the legal responsibility of listening to evidences, facts and thereafter, give a verdict about legal cases based on laws and landmark case.

A landmark case can be defined as an earlier court case that establishes a new law and sets new precedents because of its historical and legal significance. Thus, a landmark case substantially affects how an existing law is interpreted and applied to new court cases.

Some examples of landmark cases around the world are;

I. Kesavananda Bharati Sripadagalvaru & Ors. v. State of Kerala & Anr.

II. Amalgamated Society of Engineers v Adelaide Steamship Co. Ltd.

III. Mahe v Alberta.

IV. McCulloch v. Maryland

V. Law v Canada (Minister of Employment and Immigration).

VI. Tsilhqot'in Nation v British Columbia.

VII. Worcester v. Georgia (1832).

VIII. Gibbons v. Ogden (1824).

This ultimately implies that, courts that use a landmark case as precedent for a decision are using an earlier case as a guide.




Upon removing Spanish control in Cuba, what did the United States place on the island that is still in existence today?


It’s called an “embargo”

Answer: naval military base


Why did the ancient Egyptians mummify their dead?
A. They had not yet devised a true system of burial grounds.
B. They considered it a way to bring the community together.
C. It helped to preserve and protect the deceased in the afterlife.
D. It provided a way for families to stay connected with their relatives.


Answer: C


They belived in the afterlife so they protect their bodies by getting mummified.

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

¿En la sociedad actual existen sublevaciones similares a las acontecidas en 1781?

No de ese grado o de esa magnitud. Sin embargo, al día de hoy todavía existen muchas protestas de personas, no sólo en Bolivia o Argentina, sino en varios países de Latinoamérica y el mundo. Y la razón es que sigue existiendo pobreza, injusticas, y una gran desigualdad entre diferentes sectores sociales.

La llamada Rebelión de Oruro comenzó en la localidad de Oruro, Bolivia, el 10 de febrero de 1781. Esta zona era considerada como una región del Virreinato del Río de la Plata. Los campesinos y la gente humilde se levantó en contra de la opresión española. La gente -mestizos y criollos- ya estaba cansada del control que ejercía la monarquía de España.

Algunos historiadores y académicos consideran que esta rebelión fue una de los primeros movimientos semi organizados en contra de la corona española.

The epic Sumerian poem, survived on 12 stone tablets, is about which hero King?


I think the answer is Gilgamesh
The literary history of Gilgamesh begins with five Sumerian poems about Bilgamesh (Sumerian for "Gilgamesh"), king of Uruk, dating from the Third Dynasty of Ur ( c. 2100 BCE).

what are 3 important beliefs in confucianism



The 3 important beliefs in confucianism is

1. Righteousness

2. knowledge

3. Humaneness

Assinale a alternativa correta sobre o Renascimento Cultural. *
O Renascimento Cultural foi um movimento artístico, cultural, filosófico e político que fez ressurgir a cultura greco-romana que havia “morrido” com a queda do Império romano do ocidente.
A Península Itálica tem lugar de destaque no movimento renascentista em razão da sua posição em relação à expansão comercial e a intensa troca cultural com diversos outros povos que favoreceram novas formas de pensamento.
O ponto de vista renascentista está relacionado a uma visão religiosa, na qual tudo pode ser compreendido através da interpretação de livros como a Bíblia e as regras impostas pela Igreja.
O movimento renascentista foi exclusivamente italiano ligado à figura dos mecenas que patrocinavam grandes artistas para evidenciarem seus próprios nomes.



O Renascimento Cultural foi um movimento artístico, cultural, filosófico e político que fez ressurgir a cultura greco-romana que havia “morrido” com a queda do Império romano do ocidente.


Antes de explicar a sua pergunta, eu preciso que você saiba que esse não é o site brasileiro, mas sim o site americano, nesse caso, você só pode postar perguntas em português na aba "world languagens".

O renascimento cultural foi um ovimento artisticos, cultural, filosofico e politico, como a sua pergunta mostra. Ele tinham um foco no racionalismo e no humanismo, colocando o ser humano como o elemento principal das atividades produziddas. Esse movimento regeitou a religiosidade e trouxe de volta a cultura greco-romana, que havia sido esquecida com o passar do tempo.

The United States of America was formed because



They Declared Independence from England


The US began the revolutionary war to break free from England in 1775 and they succeeded in doing so, they then had to create their government which was originally from the Articles of Confederation, but it created a very weak central government. The US created the Constitution and it is still there.

Who sparked the independence movement in Mexico?



Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla sparked the Mexican independence movement in 1810. Hidalgo was ordained as a Catholic priest in 1778, and his early...

Don Miguel Gregorio Antonio Ignacio Hidalgo-Costilla y Gallaga Mandarte Villaseño was the person who sparked the Mexican Independence Movement. He was also known by the names Don Miguel Hidalgo Y Costilla or Miguel Hidalgo. He was a priest of Mexican Roman catholic.

What does the existence of large mounds, like the ones shown in
the image, indicate about the Midwest Native Americans?




In the Midwest region, there were many tribes that lived there. The Blackfeet, Sioux, and Chippewa were the three largest tribes in this region. These tribes never settled in one place because the tribes were well know for their religious ceremonies, hunting skills, and war customs.

What is the best description of opportunity cost?
all the options NOT chosen
the next best thing NOT chosen
the price paid for a good or service
the market value of a good or service



Dno. is the answer of upper question

Which is a corrupt political machine of the late 1800s?

A: The Rough Riders

B: Tammany Hall

C: The Jungle

D: Tweed's Boys





What was different about religious practices in Pennsylvania and
A. All colonists in Pennsylvania were Quakers, but none in
Massachusetts were.
B. Pennsylvania was full of Anglicans; Massachusetts had Puritans.
C. Pennsylvania allowed different religions; Massachusetts did not.
D. Pennsylvania was mostly Roman Catholic; Massachusetts was
mostly Puritan.






Which strategies or policies have governments used throughout history to unite their nations?
Choose all answers that are correct.

A. Unifying the legal code
B. Standardizing weights and measures
C. Introducing feudalism
D. Accepting religious toleration



A. Unifying the legal code

B. Standardizing weights and measures

D. Accepting religious toleration


I just took the test

A b c that the answer for the question u welcome

When the Depression began, the federal government had a system of direct relief for giving food or money to those in need.





The Statement is False.

What is Economic Depression?

An Economics depression is known to be as the period of long term downturn in overall economic activity in the economies or known to be as the slowdown in economy.

There is no system of direct relief for giving money or the food to those who need actually at the period of depression there is no availability there as economic is in downface.

Therefore Option False is correct.

Learn more about Economic Depression here:



In 60 words or fewer, write how many of your CDs you would trade for an MP3 player. Think about what else you would need to make that trade.



If I had CDs that I could trade for an MP3 player, it would depend on many things.

It would depend on..

What genre they like

Quality of the CDs(any fingerprints or scratches)

Quantity of CDs(they might be able to sell the CDs for a good profit?)

Do they have their original cases and if so, what condition are those cases in?

Exploration can be traced to the
Phoenicians, Muslims, and Chinese
was the front-runner in
European exploration.
A. Russia
B. Polynesia
C. Vikings
D. Portugal



D. Portugal


I’m really stuck with this question, it’s the last question so please can anyone help me





Americans are racist due to Donald trumps activity making Americans hating  Asians and therefore leading the Asians to death.  

don't report me as racist i was just answering the question

The Heiji War was _____.


Answer: The Heiji War was a civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans.



A civil war between the Taira and Minamoto clans


What effect of the fall of the Roman Empire does the farmer describe?


the decline in literally
Hopefully it help you

Select the correct answer.
What similarity can be drawn between state and national governments?
Both have three branches of government and a constitution.
Neither uses any form of direct democracy.
O c.
Both have constitutions that are difficult to change.
Both have the ability to raise and control a military.



A) Both have three branches of government and a constitution.

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