what is the good that you have selected?


Answer 1


what do you mean by that


can you please explain more of the question

Related Questions

Chad is the founder of a firm producing self-driving vehicles. Because the industry is so new and chaotic, Chad favors a top-down strategic planning approach in which he exerts strong control over all aspects of the business, from product development and design to manufacturing and marketing. What is wrong with this scenario



a. The self-driving vehicle industry is changing too much for the top- down approach to be effective.


The top-down strategic planning approach involves the company goals and their subdivisions. The aim is to gradually move from the top to down in a specific hierarchy. This approach lies on higher authority and in contrast the bottom-up strategy favors decision making that gives complete staff a voice.

At the end of 2010 Jarrett Corp. developed the following forecasts of net income:

Year Forecasted Net Income
2011 $20,856
2012 $22,733
2013 $24,552
2014 $27,252
2015 $29,978

Management believes that after 2015 Jarrett will grow at a rate of 7% each year. Total common shareholders' equity was $112,768 on December 31, 2010. Jarrett has not established a dividend and does not plan to paying dividends during 2011 to 2015. Its cost of equity capital is 12%.

Compute the value of Jarrett Corp. on January 1, 2011, using the residual income valuation model.





The value of the company is the present value of its residual income where the residual income is the net income in each year minus the implicit cost of capital

residual income=net income-(cost of equity capital*beginning shareholders' equity)


residual income=$20,856-( $112,768*12%)

residual income=$7323.84

stockholders' equity at the end of 2011=$112,768+$20,856=$133,624  


residual income=$22733-( $133624 *12%)

residual income=$6,698.12  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2012=$133,624+$22733=$156,357  


residual income=$24552-(12%*$156357)

residual income=$5,789.16  

stockholders' equity at the end of 2013=$156,357+$24552=$180,909


residual income= $27252-(12%*$180909)

residual income=$5,542.92

stockholders' equity at the end of 2014=$180,909+$27252=$208,161


residual income=$29,978-(12%*$208161)

residual income=$4,998.68  

Terminal value of residual income=2015 residual income*(1+terminal growth rate)/(cost of equity-terminal growth rate)

Terminal value of residual income=$4,998.68*(1+7%)/(12%-7%)=$106,971.75  

value of the company=$7323.84/(1+12%)^1+$6,698.12/(1+12%)^2+$5,789.16 /(1+12%)^3+$5,542.92/(1+12%)^4+$4,998.68/(1+12%)^5+$106,971.75/(1+12%)^5

value of the company=$83,057.11

Reynolds Manufacturers Inc. has estimated total factory overhead costs of $136,400 and expected direct labor hours of 12,400 for the current fiscal year. If Job 117 incurs 1,110 direct labor hours, Work in Process will be debited and Factory Overhead will be credited for a.$12,210 b.$136,400 c.$68,200 d.$1,110



The first step in creating your personal marketing plan is to conduct a career audit.
Apply the "Evaluate your abilities" step in career audit on yourself including your work (if working), a
specific project you did, your academic progress or any major event(s) on your career path.


Answer:Personal marketing plan 1. Outline your distinctive price proposition. In selling, a press release that addresses distinctive variations between like product is thought as a “value proposition”. Triple-crown sales individuals knowledge to elucidate w


The following information relates to last year's operations at the Legumes Division of Gervani Corporation: Minimum required rate of return 12% Return on investment (ROI) 15% Sales $ 900,000 Turnover (on operating assets) 3 times What was the Legume Division's net operating income last year


Answer: $45000


Firstly, the operating asset will be calculated which will be:

Operating asset = Sales / Turnover

= 900,000/3

Operating assets = $300,000

Then, the net operating income will be: Return on investment × Operating assets

Net operating income = 300,000 × 15%

= 300,000*0.15

= $45,000

Therefore, Legume Division's net operating income last year is $45000

Match each example to the appropriate term.

a. Trees used to make paper
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

b. A printing press used to make books.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

c. A method of organizing workers to increase production per hour.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital

d. The skills workers learn during a training session.
1. Human capital
2. Technological knowledge
3. Physical capital



a equals 3

b equals 3

c equals 1

d equals 2

When the value of a currency A reduces as a result of an increase in the value of another currency B, then currency A would be said to have Select one O a, Arranged b. Depreciated OC Devalued O d. Denominated​


the answer is not here the answer is deficit but I will pick depreciated

Ajax, Inc., issued callable bonds with a par value of $1,000,000 that require the payment of a call premium of $10,000. The bonds have a carrying value of $990,000. We call these bonds prior to maturity on September 30.

Write down journal entry.


Answer: please see explanation column for answers.


The journal entry is as follows:

To record the bonds payable and retirement

Date                   Account titles and explanation    Debit           Credit

Sept 30,       Bonds payable                            $1,000,000

Loss on bonds retirement                              $20,000

             To Discount on bond                                                   $10,000

                To cash                                                                      $1,010,000


Loss on bonds retirement:Total Cash disbursements - carrying value  

= (par value of the bonds+ call premium) -carrying value

= ($1,000,000 + $10,000) - $990,000

= $1,010,000 - $990,000

= $20,000

The purpose of an analysis of an account is to illustrate - in the account for the period under audit



all changes


Financial accounting is an accounting technique used for analyzing, summarizing and reporting of financial transactions like sales costs, purchase costs, payables and receivables of an organization using standard financial guidelines such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

An auditor refers to an authorized individual who review, examine and verify the authenticity and accuracy of business financial records or transactions.

The purpose of an analysis of an account is to illustrate all changes in the account for the period under audit. Thus, an audit of historical financial statements most commonly includes the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and the statement of changes in stockholders' equity.

There are two (2) main types of financial analysis;

I. Vertical analysis.

II. Horizontal analysis.

In Financial accounting, Horizontal analysis can be defined as an analysis and evaluation of a financial statement which illustrates or gives information about changes in the amount of corresponding financial statement items, benchmarks or financial ratio over a specific period of time. It is one of the most important technique that is used to measure how a business is doing financially. Hence, it is also referred to as the trend analysis.

Under the horizontal analysis of financial statement, we use the financial statements of two or more periods; earliest and latter periods.

Generally, the earliest is chosen as the base period while all other items on the statement for a latter period will be compared with the items on the statement of the base period.

The assumptions of the production order quantity model are met in a situation where annual demand is 3650 units, setup cost is $100, holding cost is $24 per unit per year, the daily demand rate is 20 and the daily production rate is 100. What is the production order quantity for this problem




Calculation to determine the production order quantity for this problem

Sqrt [ (2*3650*100)/ (24*(1-20/100)) ] = 500

Sqrt [ (2*50000*20)/ (10*(1-20/100)) ] = 500




Budgeted overhead for Cinnabar Industries at normal capacity of 30,000 direct labor hours is $6 per hour variable and $4 per hour fixed. In May, $310,000 of overhead was incurred in working 31,500 hours when 32,000 standard hours were allowed. The overhead volume variance is Group of answer choices $10,000 favorable. $11,000 favorable. $5,000 favorable. $8,000 favorable.



Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable


Giving the following information:

Estimated overhead allocation rate= 4 + 6= $10 per direct labor hour

Actual number of hours= 31,500

Standard hours were allowed= 32,000

To calculate the overhead volume variance, we need to use the following formula:

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate*standard allocation base) - (Estimated manufacturing overhead rate* Actual amount of allocation base)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= (10*32,000) - (10*31,500)

Manufacturing overhead volume variance= $5,000 favorable

Wood used in the production of furniture. select a type of costs 2. Fuel used in delivery trucks. select a type of costs 3. Straight-line depreciation on factory building. select a type of costs 4. Screws used in the production of furniture. select a type of costs 5. Sales staff salaries. select a type of costs 6. Sales commissions. select a type of costs 7. Property taxes. select a type of costs 8. Insurance on buildings. select a type of costs 9. Hourly wages of fur



Variable costs change with the volume of production.

Fixed costs remain constant for a certain level of production.

Mixed costs have an element of both in that they are constant but will change if a certain level of production is passed.

1. Wood used in production of furniture ⇒ Variable cost

2. Fuel used in delivery trucks  ⇒ Variable cost

3. Straight-line depreciation on factory building  ⇒ Fixed cost

4.Screws used in production of furniture ⇒ Variable cost

5. Sales staff salaries ⇒ Fixed cost

6. Sales commissions ⇒ Variable cost

7. Property taxes ⇒ Fixed cost

8. Insurance on buildings ⇒ Fixed cost

9. Hourly wages of furniture craftsmen ⇒ Variable cost

_____ stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows it to sell. The number of these shares usually exceeds the number of shares issued (and outstanding), often by a large amount.


An authorized stock is the number of shares that a corporation's charter allows to sell.

Authorized stock is the legal number or limit of shares that a company allows or authorizes to be sold or put in the market. This factor of policy is applicable as per the charter that the corporation allows or is legally viable to provide.

In the issue of sharing shares of a company, an organization can allow only a certain limit of shares that can be sold. This limit is the number of shares that a corporation can issue to its shareholders or investors.This stock is different from issued stock which refers to the actual number of stocks that the company has sold.Rather, authorized stock is the amount of shares that can be sold by the company and being provided in the market to be bought by shareholders or investors.

Thus, we can conclude that whatever limit a corporation allows or provides to be sold is the authorized stock. And it is only this number of shares that can be issued or given to a shareholder to buy.

Learn more about authorized stock here:


o What’s the Difference Between Non-Formal and Informal Learning



I hope this will help you

CompuGlobal is an American firm producing computers. CompuGlobal imports computer components from Taiwan and assembles them domestically. Suppose that in the United States, a computer sells for $800 and that 60% of the computer’s value comes from the value of the imported components. The United States imposes a 50% tariff on computers and a 10% tariff on the computer’s components. Assume that costs of producing components are the same in the United States and Taiwan and that transit costs are nonexistent. Based on the information provided, the effective rate of protection that CompuGlobal receives from the tariff is


Answer: 110%


The effective rate of protection is used in measuring the final tariff in a particular sector and it's expressed as:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)


g = effective protection rate

ai = nominal tariff rate = 0.6

t = cost of intermediate input = 0.5

ti = nominal tariff on intermediate input = 0.1

The computer price here is $800 while the input price is 60% of $800 which will be:

= 60% × $800 = $480

nominal tariff rate = 480/800 = 0.6

Nominal tariff on final goods, t = 50% = 0.5

Tariff on imported input, ti = 10% = 0.1

Using the formula:

g = (t -ai,ti) / (1 - ai)

g = [0.5 - (0.6×0.1)] / (1 - 0.6)

g = (0.5 - 0.06) / 0.4

g = 0.44/.0.4

g = 1.10

g = 110%

The effective rate of protection is 110%

This year, Herb Partnership generated $740,000 ordinary business income. Herb has two equal partners: Savory LLC and Sweet Corp., an S corporation. Savory LLC has three members: Mr. Parsley, an individual who owns a 40 percent interest; Mrs. Rosemary, an individual who owns a 35 percent interest; and Sage Inc., a C Corporation which owns a 25 percent interest. Sweet Corp. has 100 shares of outstanding stock, all of which are owned by Ms. Mint, an individual.

Identify the taxpayers who must pay tax on the partnership income, and determine how much income must be reported by each.


No equivalent fraction of the equation is instructions to follow and analyze the diagram below the complete 5509 50 507MLG equals 43.6%, MLI equals 46.4%, GH equals $35.81 calls equals style equation to the 4396 equals I’m

Juanita is deciding whether to buy a dress that she wants, as well as where to buy it. Three stores carry the same dress, but it is more convenient for Juanita to get to some stores than others. For example, she can go to her local store, located 15 minutes away from where she works, and pay a marked-up price of $124 for the dress:

Store (Minutes) Travel Time Each Way Price of a Skirt (Dollars per skirt)
Local Department Store 15 102
Across Town 30 85
Neighboring City 60 76

Assume that Juanita takes opportunity costs and the price of the suit into consideration when she shops. Juanita will minimize the cost of the suit if she buys it from the:______. .



Neigboring city


is solicitation with the promise of reward is the highest level of sexual harassment






The following data relate to direct labor costs for August: actual costs for 5,500 hours at $24.00 per hour and standard costs for 5,000 hours at $23.70 per hour. The direct labor rate variance is a.$1,500 unfavorable b.$1,500 favorable c.$1,650 unfavorable d.$1,650 favorable


Answer: c. $1,650 unfavorable


The direct labor rate variance shows the difference between the cost of direct labor that the company thought it would incur vs what it actually incurs for the period.

Formula is:

Direct labor rate variance = Actual cost of direct labor - Standard cost of actual hours of direct labor

= Actual hours * (Actual cost - Standard cost)

= 5,500 * (24 - 23.70)

= $1,650 unfavorable

Unfavorable because the actual cost incurred was more than the cost anticipated.

Nissan has flexible agreements with its suppliers and transporters to accommodate unexpected surges in demand without disruptions in service or in customer satisfaction. This is an example of the _______ process.



This question is incomplete, the options are missing. The options are the following:

a) Product development and commeercialization.

b) Supplier-relationship management.

c) manufacturing flow management.

d) Returns management.

The correct answer is the option B: Supplier-relationship management.


To begin with, in the business management field the concept known as "Supplier-relationship management" refers to the system used by the managers of a company with the purpose of improving the relationships specifically with the suppliers of it, therefore that it seeks for the better arrengements with them and how to develop better strategic ways of improving both parties benefits in their contracts. That is why that the SRM is focus on maximizing the value of the interactions between the company and its suppliers so therefore that the case presented by Nissan is related to the process of using an excellent SRM.

What is the loan amount if the interest rate is 7.5% per year and the monthly interest payment is $1,250?



The amount of the loan was $ 13,953.48.


To determine what is the loan amount if the interest rate is 7.5% per year and the monthly interest payment is $ 1,250, the following calculation must be performed:

1250 x 12 = 15,000

1,075X = 15,000

X = 15,000 / 1,075

X = 13,953.48

Therefore, the amount of the loan was $ 13,953.48.

Test the following sentences to see if headwords and verbs agree:

a. The statement on the income tax form about deduction for children and other dependents were simply unreadable.
b. The type of career that many graduates are hoping to pursue pay high salaries and provide long vacations.
c. Apparently, the use of robots in factories have been responsible for a great deal of worker dissatisfaction.
d. The problems associated with government deregulation have been responsible for the economic plight of several major airlines in recent years.
e. The impact of computers on our lives is comparable to the impact of the industrial revolution.
f. The amount of money and time I spend on computer games is more that I can afford.



a). The statement on the income tax form about the deduction for children and other dependents was simply unreadable.

b). The type of career that many graduates are hoping to pursue pay high salaries and provide long vacations.

c). Apparently, the use of robots in factories has been responsible for a great deal of worker dissatisfaction.

d). The problems associated with government deregulation have been responsible for the economic plight of several major airlines in recent years.

e). The impact of computers on our lives is comparable to the impact of the industrial revolution.

f). The amount of money and time I spend on computer games is more than I can afford.


Subject-verb agreement is described as the grammatical rule according to which the subject, as well as, the verb must agree with one another in number. As per the rules, if the subject(noun or noun phrase) is singular, it will take a singular verb while if the subject is plural(noun or noun phrase), it will carry a plural verb.

According to this rule, the first and third sentence fails to follow this agreement. The first sentence inadequately carries a plural verb 'were' with the singular noun ('The statement') and similarly, the third sentence wrongly employs plural verb 'have' with the singular noun 'the use.' The other sentences are grammatically appropriate as the verbs and noun phrases agree in number.

Edelman Engineering is considering including two pieces of equipment, a truck and an overhead pulley system, in this year's capital budget. The projects are independent. The cash outlay for the truck is $19,000 and that for the pulley system is $20,000. The firm's cost of capital is 12%. After-tax cash flows, including depreciation, are as follows:

Year Truck Pulley
1 $5,100 $7,500
2 5,100 7,500
3 5,100 7,500
4 5,100 7,500
5 5,100 7,500

a. Calculate the IRR for each project.
b. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project?
c. Calculate the NPV for each project. Round your answers to the nearest dollar, if necessary.
d. What is the correct accept/reject decision for this project?



Find attached excel file


The internal rate of return is the discount rate at which the present value of future cash flows is the same as the initial investment outlay, which can be determined using excel the IRR function shown below:


values are the cash flows from initial investment outlay up until the cash inflow in year 5.

The net present value is the present value of future cash flows discounted at the firm's cost of capital minus the initial investment outlay

Groupon offers online coupons for bargains at local shops and restaurants. Which of the following is a reason that rivals are limiting its growth?
a. Not many firms possess the same capability
b. Its core capability is easily imitated
c. Its core capability is not easily imitated.
d. There are few equivalent capabilities.



b. Its core capability is easily imitated


In Business management, a strategy can be defined as a set of guiding principles, actions and decisions that an organization combines so as to achieve its business goals, attract customers and possess a competitive advantage over its rivals in the industry.

In this scenario, Groupon offers online coupons for bargains at local shops and restaurants. A reason that rivals are limiting its growth is simply because its core capability is easily imitated i.e offering of coupons for bargains.

Comparative advantage in economics is the ability of an individual or country to produce a specific good or service at a lower opportunity cost better than another individual or country.

The comparative advantage gives a country a stronger sales margin than their competitors as they are able to sell their specific products or render their peculiar services at a lower opportunity cost.

Under IFRS, when a lessee recognizes a balance sheet asset and liability for a new lease: the asset and liability are equal. the asset is typically greater than the liability. the liability is typically greater than the asset.



the asset and liability are equal.


IFRS 16 lease and IAS 17 deals in important changes where the lease transactions are reported in the lessee financial statement

In this the assets and liabilities that are occured from the lease should be initially determined on the present value basis

Also the assets and liability are equivalent to each other

Therefore the first option is correct

Kluber, Inc. had net income of $911,000 based on variable costing. Beginning and ending inventories were 56,100 units and 54,200 units, respectively. Assume the fixed overhead per unit was $1.80 for both the beginning and ending inventory. What is net income under absorption costing?
a. $811,730
b. $904,160
c. $1,010,270
d. $907,580
e. $911,000



Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580


Giving the following information:

Fixed overhead per unit= $1.80

Net income= $911,000 (variable costing)

Beginning inventory= 56,100 units

Ending inventory= 54,200 units

Under absorption costing, fixed manufacturing overhead is a product cost. We need to incorporate into the cost of goods sold the fixed overhead from beginning inventory and deduct the fixed overhead allocated into ending inventory.

Net operating income= 911,000


Fixed overhead beginning inventory= (1.8*56,100)


Fixed overhead ending inventory= (1.8*54,200)

Net operating income (absorption)= $907,580

Classical economists believed that: _________
a) budget deficits and surpluses were necessary for the control of economic fluctuations.
b) market economies are inherently unstable because of fluctuating aggregate demand.
c) market economies suffer prolonged periods of recessions and depressions.
d) price flexibility automatically directs market economies to full employment



the answer is D


A stock has a beta of 1.45, the expected return on the market is 19 percent, and the risk-free rate is 5.00 percent. What must the expected return on this stock be? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)


Answer: 25.30%


This can be calculated by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):

= Risk free rate + Beta * (Market return - Risk free rate)

= 5% + 1.45 * (19% - 5%)

= 5% + 20.3

= 25.30%




100 invites per week.

The new invite limits have been introduced by LinkedIn according to which you can’t send more than 100 invites per week. When you have reached the limit, a notification will pop up saying you’ve reached weekly limits.

You can’t do anything about it until the new week starts and the weekly limit resets.

3. Explain how the employees of an American organization and Bangladeshi organization will be culturally different in terms of power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity-femininity inde




POWER DISTANCE  :  This dimension deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal – it expresses the attitude of the culture towards these inequalities amongst us. Power Distance is defined as the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organisations within a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally.

Bangladesh scores high on this dimension (score of 80) which means that people accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. Hierarchy in an organization is seen as reflecting inherent inequalities, centralization is popular, subordinates expect to be told what to do and the ideal boss is a benevolent autocrat                                            MASCULINITY  :        A high score (Masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational life.

A low score (Feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A Feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (Masculine) or liking what you do (Feminine).

Bangladesh scores 55 on this dimension and can be considered a a Masculine society. In Masculine countries people “live in order to work”, managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and performance and conflicts are resolved by fighting them out.                                                                                                                  UNCERTAINTY AVOIDANCE  :        The dimension Uncertainty Avoidance has to do with the way that a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen? This ambiguity brings with it anxiety and different cultures have learnt to deal with this anxiety in different ways. The extent to which the members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these is reflected in the score on Uncertainty Avoidance.

Bangladesh scores 60 on this dimension and thus has an high score. Countries exhibiting high Uncertainty Avoidance maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas. In these cultures there is an emotional need for rules (even if the rules never seem to work) time is money, people have an inner urge to be busy and work hard, precision and punctuality are the norm, innovation may be resisted, security is an important element in individual motivation.          

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