What is the length of segment AB?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

then the sum of the line come home x axis


Related Questions

There are 5 cocoa pods in a bag.
The mean weight of the 5 cocoa pods is 398 grams.
A sixth cocoa pod is put into the bag.
The mean weight of the 6 cocoa pods is 401 grams.
Work out the weight of the sixth cocoa pod that is put into the bag



416 g

Step-by-step explanation:

The mean is calculated as

mean = [tex]\frac{sum}{count}[/tex] , then

[tex]\frac{sum}{5}[/tex] = 398 ( multiply both sides by 5 )

sum of 5 pods = 1990 g

let x be the weight of the sixth pod , then

[tex]\frac{1990+x}{6}[/tex] = 401 ( multiply both sides by 6 )

1990 + x = 2406 ( subtract 1990 from both sides )

x = 416

That is the weight of the sixth pod is 416 g

How do you solve a quadratic equation by factoring


If were you, i will use trial and error to make it easier :)) [if the number is small,you can use trial and error, but if a big number use quadratic eq. Or divide the big num. to get smaller num.]

The total cost of a watch and a radio is Rs 500. If the watch is cheaper than the Equations radio by Rs 150, find their cost.​



the watch is Rs 175

the radio is Rs 325

Step-by-step explanation:

x = price of the watch

y = price of the radio

x+y = 500

x + 150 = y


x + (x+150) = 500

2x + 150 = 500

2x = 350

x = 175


y = 175 + 150 = 325

In an input/output table, all outputs are 0, regardless of the input. What could the function equation be? Select all that apply.

y = 0 x
y = x
y = x/0
y = 0/x



choice A)   y = 0x

choice D)  y = 0/x



Choice A is the same as y = 0 because 0x turns into 0. Multiplying 0 with any number always leads to 0.

Similarly, choice D is the same as y = 0 as well. Dividing 0 over any nonzero value leads to 0. Note the key term "nonzero" here. We cannot have 0 in the denominator. So x = 0 is not allowed for choice D.

So for any nonzero x, we have 0x and 0/x result in the same thing.


Extra info:

Choice B can be ruled out because something like x = 2 leads to y = 2.

Choice C is ruled out because we can never have 0 in the denominator.

Question 3 of 10
Select the action you would use to solve 3x = 12. Then select the property
that justifies that action
Select all that apply.
A. Action: Add 3 to both sides.
B. Action: Multiply both sides by 3.
C. Action: Divide both sides by 3
D. Property. Addition property of equality
E. Property: Multiplication property of equality
DF Property Division property of equality



C. Divide both sides by 3

Step-by-step explanation:




what make you happy in your life



Everything that I get make me happy in my life such loving families who support me is the best my friends who help me in any situation. And most important is teacher who teach me and is helping me to become a successful person.

Multiply. Write your answer in scientific notation






4. Which of the following is an algebra tiles representation of 3x - 2 = -5?




ans = -1

Step-by-step explanation:






pls answer pls pls pls​


= 3×4+3×3-5×2/12




Could someone plz help ^w^ thank you!



The first one:)

Step-by-step explanation:


1. Give me Brainliest, please... (ASAP)



12 - 7 = 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Ellie wants to double her savings
of $5000 by investing her money
for 20 years.
What interest rate does
she need to look for?
Give your answer to 1 d.p.



She will get more money than what she will get in the question

Does Anybody Know The Answer?


Yes. When a graph has more than one line it is a piece wise graph.

please help me !! :)




because x is the horizontal axis and it is moved forward by two because of the addition of 2

factorize. xy^2-y(x-z) -z​



The equation x The equation x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x 2The equation x 2 +xy+xz+yz can be factorised as follows:x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x 2 +xy)+(xz+yz)=x(x+y)+z(x+y)=(x+z)(x+y)Hence, x 2 +xy+xz+yz=(x+z)(x+y)


= (y-1) (xy-z)

Step-by-step explanation:

First we expand them -

= xy^2 - xy - yz - z

= xy(y-1)-z(y-1)

= (y-1) (xy-z)

Hope this helped

Find the measure of



<L is 90°

Step-by-step explanation:

all angles at the center are twice the angles at the circumference and the angle at the center is 180 meaning the angle at the circumference will be half of 180

I hope this helps

Can someone help thanks.




Step-by-step explanation: I presume..

And recall something from Algebra...

I hope it helps...

Square it

And reverse it because of the negative

It is a fraction


[tex] = { \sf{ \frac{1}{ 144 } }}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] = { \tt{ \frac{1}{ {12}^{2} } }} = \frac{1}{144} [/tex]

Evaluate each expression when a = 3, b = 12, c = 4.
1) Зас




Step-by-step explanation:


Let a =3 and c = 4




solve for y and plz show steps​



75 - 35y / 3 + 2y = -4

( 75 - 35y + 6y ) / 3 = -4 [ Taking LCM ]

( 75 - 29y ) / 3 = -4

75 - 29y = -12

29y = 75+12

29y = 87

y = 3

hope that helps ✌

Intuitively, does it make sense that all circles are similar? Why or why not?


Answer with explanation:

Yes, each point on a circle is a fixed distance from the center of the circle. This is called the radius of the circle. By definition, all radii of a circle are equal.

Similar polygons have corresponding sides in similar proportion. Regardless of how large a circle is, each point on the circle will still be a fixed distance away from center of the circle. Therefore, the radii are in a constant proportional and all circles are similar.

The triangular prism has a length of 40 centimeters, an end base of 5 centimeters, and an end height of 7 centimeters. What is the volume of this prism?


Step-by-step explanation:

volume of triangular prism= area of cross section *length

volume of triangular prism= area of cross section *lengthv=(1/2bh)l

volume of triangular prism= area of cross section *lengthv=(1/2bh)lv=?,b=5,h=40

volume of triangular prism= area of cross section *lengthv=(1/2bh)lv=?,b=5,h=40 =(1/2*5*7)40

volume of triangular prism= area of cross section *lengthv=(1/2bh)lv=?,b=5,h=40 =(1/2*5*7)40 =(35/2)40



The volume of triangular prism is 700cm³


The volume of triangular prism=700cm^3

Step-by-step explanation:

Good luck


I need this question


Can you translate cuss I can’t understand sorry

cos²x-√3sinxcosx = 0



x= п/2+пn; nE Z    

x= п/6+пn; nEZ

Step-by-step explanation:

(cosx)^2- √3sinxcosx=0

Factorise it


cosx=0                     or                      cosx=√3sinx

x= п/2+пn; nE Z                                 cosx/cosx= √3sinx/cosx

                                                          1/√3= tgx

                                                           x= arctg 1/√3+пn; nE Z

                                                            x= п/6+пn; nEZ

The answer is x= п/2+пn; nE Z    

x= п/6+пn; nEZ

The angle \theta_1θ

theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript is located in Quadrant \text{IV}IVstart text, I, V, end text, and \cos(\theta_1)=\dfrac{9}{19}cos(θ


cosine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis, equals, start fraction, 9, divided by, 19, end fraction .
What is the value of \sin(\theta_1)sin(θ

)sine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis?
Express your answer exactly.

)=sine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis, equals


I guess that we know that the angle θ is in the fourth quadrant, and we know that:

cos(θ) = 9/19

now we want to find the value of sin(θ).

To do it, we can remember that for a point (x, y), such that we can define an angle β between the positive x-axis and a ray that connects the origin with the point (x, y), we can write the relations:

tan(β) = x/y

sin(β) = y/√(x^2 + y^2)

cos(β) = x/√(x^2 + y^2)

Because the angle is in the fourth quadrant, we know that:

x > 0

y < 0.

And we also know that:

cos(θ) = 9/19

then we have:

x = 9

√(x^2 + y^2) = √(9^2 + y^2) = √(81 + y^2) = 19

Solving the above equation we can find the value of y, that we need to remember, is negative:

√(81 + y^2) = 19

81 + y^2 = 19^2

y^2 = 19^2 - 81 = 280

y = √280 = -16.7

Now that we know the value of y, we can replace that in the sine equation to get:

sin(θ) = -16.7/19 = -0.879

If you want to learn more, you can read:


what is the algebraic expression of the quotient of16 and c




Step-by-step explanation:

quotient means divide




Step-by-step explanation:

since it says quotient...

u got to divide

Consider that 45% of Americans own a dog, 25% of Americans own a cat, and 40% of Americans own neither. Draw a Venn Diagram for this situation. Be sure to label every region of the Venn Diagram with a word AND the percentage of Americans that fall in each category.



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

40% own neither, it means 100% - 40% = 60% own either a dog or a cat.

Since 45% own a dog, 60% - 45% = 15% own a cat but not a dog.

Since 25% own a cat and 15% own only a cat, 25% - 15% = 10% own a dog and a cat.

Now, 10% out of 45% own both pets, 45% - 10% = 35% own only a dog.

All the numbers reflected in the attached Venn diagram:

35% - dog10% - both15% - cat40% - neither

 If 2^x-4 = 4^x-6 , then value of x is?​


Answer: [tex]x=1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2^x-4=4^x-6[/tex] is the equation that you've given us.

Now if we plot these two equations on the graph we notice there's an intersection at (1,-2). Therefore meaning that [tex]x=1[/tex].

We can prove that by doing the following calculations to prove that both sides are equal to each other.

The left side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]2^1[/tex], which is itself, 2.


Step 4: Subtract 2 from 4. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


The right side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]4^1[/tex], which is itself, 4.


Step 4: Subtract 4 from 6. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


We know that [tex]x=1[/tex] because when substituting x with 1, we get -2 on both sides. Therefore making this statement true and valid.


These circles are:

A. tangent
B. congruent
C. congruent
D. none of these



A. tangent

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Tangent circles are circles that intersect (or "touch") at exactly one point. These circles appear to have this characteristic.

I hope this helps!

please help me with math



Step-by-step explanation:

a) 4/9*x^4

b) 2/y

If f(x) = x - 4 and g(x) = 3x + 5, find (f + g)(x).





Step-by-step explanation:



D. 4x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:


Wilma worked 38 hours 52 minutes last week. She earns $25.15 per hour. What is wilma's pay for this work period? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth




Step-by-step explanation:

multiply worked hours by her pay per hour



then you round it to the nearest hundredth

since the thousandth is greater than 5 the 8 will round the 7 to an 8

giving you $968.78

Answer: $977.50

Step-by-step explanation:



955.70 + 21.80 = 977.50

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