What is the main challenge of career planning in changing times?
A.You must make a plan good enough to need no changes,
B.You need to revise your plans often.
C.Rapid change makes it easier to find information
D.Your goals become unimportant to your plan.


Answer 1

The answer is option B. The main challenge of career planning in changing times is that you need to revise your plans often.

The world we live in is dynamic. New inventions, new technology, new methods of doing things always come up with time.

Because of this, when making a career plan, one must be fully aware that the process is not static. That is, changes would occur and as such, you have to revise your plans often so that it is in line with what is obtainable at the time.

Read more on career planning here: https://brainly.com/question/6457203?referrer=searchResults

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report is written for a specific audience; it must always be accurate and objective. ... Types of reports include memos, meeting minutes, expense reports, audit reports, closure reports, progress reports, justification reports, compliance reports, annual reports, and feasibility reports

David opened his own bicycle shop 30 years ago, and although he enjoyed his work, he needed more free time. When Josie requested to work as an apprentice, David was very willing. Before long Josie was able to run the store without any help. This is an example of how:



This is an example of how an apprenticeship can benefit both the business owner and the apprentice.


Apprenticeship is the system or process of hiring someone to train him/her to learn the trade. This method is used in companies and other jobs to train new generations about the trade and also pass on the job.

David may have had the bicycle shop for three decades but now that he desired more free time, he had to pass on the work to someone who can take care of the shop in his place. The apprenticeship of Josie enabled him to have the desired free time while his shop still runs. This is an example of how apprenticeship is beneficial for both parties.

Balancing life in college will require paying attention to which aspects of your life in order
to reach long and short term goals?
Finances, social life, academics and personal life

Class time and study time,

Managing your weight while dealing with cooking or meal plan.

Paying attention only to your social life can lead to career opportunities,



finance , social life , academics and personal life

For managers, the importance of Maslow's contribution is that he showed that workers Group of answer choices are interested only in compensation that helps them fulfill physiological needs. have needs beyond that of just earning a paycheck. are as complex as their organization. expect an employer to fulfill every level in their hierarchy of needs. have needs that cannot be understood by their employer.



have needs beyond that of just earning a paycheck.

On January 1, 2010, Wayne's Waffle House purchased a freezer for $45,000. The freezer had an estimated useful life of 10 years and an estimated residual value of $3,000 at the time of purchase. Wayne spent $10,000 on January 1, 2012, to replace the freezer motor. This replacement increased the freezer's life by 5 years and the residual value by $2,000. Assuming that straight-line depreciation is used, what will be the depreciation expense for 2012





Calculation to determine what will be the depreciation expense for 2012

Using this formula

2012 depreciation expense=Estimated residual value+(Residual value/Estimated useful life)

Let plug in the formula

2012 depreciation expense=$3,000+($2,000/10 years)

2012 depreciation expense=$3,000+$200

2012 depreciation expense=$3,200

Therefore what will be the depreciation expense for 2012 is $3,200

A straight-line production possibilities frontier assumes Group of answer choices the more resources a society uses to produce one good, the fewer resources it has available to produce another good. the opportunity cost of producing a good is constant as more and more of that good is produced. the opportunity cost of producing a good increases as more of that good is produced. resources are specialized; that is, some are better at producing particular goods rather than other goods.



the opportunity cost of producing a good is constant as more and more of that good is produced


In the case of the  production possibilities frontier i.e. on the straight line presumes that the opportunity cost for generating the good should be the similar or constant when the more and more goods are generated or produced

So as per the given options, the above statement should be selected

And, the same is to be relevant

Which of the following statements is true?
A. ASC 740 focuses on the income tax expense or benefit on the income statement
B. ASC 740 focuses on the balances in the deferred tax assets and liabilities on the balance sheet
C. ASC 740 focuses on the income taxes paid or refunded in the Statement of Cash Flows
D. ASC 740 focuses on the computation of a company's effective tax rate in the income tax note to the financial statements



B. ASC 740 focuses on the balances in the deferred tax assets and liabilities on the balance sheet


ASC 740 applied the asset and liability approach for determining the current tax payable of the company and deferred tax payable for the company both should be refundable also its main focus is on the company balance sheet

So as per the given options, the option b is correct as it focused on the deferred tax asset and the deferred tax liabilities that to be shown on the balance sheet

So, other options should be wrong

Pls help pls

Why is there a huge demand of professionals in the field of agriculture??


Agriculture is a important field in countries development.Agriculture contributes 10-50℅ GDP to most of the countries.Agricultural determines the Development rankings.Agriculture helps the country to feed all the citizens .Hence there is a huge demand of professionals

Daniel wants to buy a laptop computer, and he has $300 in savings. He can purchase a new computer for $279 or a refurbished [repaired or renovated] computer for $100. What should Daniel do next?



He should buy a refurbished computer


This saves him 179  dollars

An attorney, a newly licensed sole practitioner, opened a trust account at a local bank into which she deposited a check from a client that constituted an advance payment for future legal services to be rendered by the attorney. Subsequently, the attorney also deposited her own funds into the account in order to pay bank service charges on the account. The attorney did not deposit into the trust account an engagement fee received from another client. The engagement fee represented payment to the attorney for accepting the case, being available to handle the case, and agreeing not to represent another party in the case. The fee did not require the attorney to perform additional legal services. The attorney maintained records related to all account transactions in accordance with the state rules of professional conduct, which are identical to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Is the attorney subject to discipline with regard to her actions concerning the trust fund account


Based on the information given in the question, it should be noted that the attorney will not be subjected to discipline regarding her actions concerning the trust fund account.

The reason why the attorney won't be subjected to any discipline is because the property of the client was kept by the attorney properly and it was separated from her own property. Also, necessary records were maintained by the attorney.

In conclusion, the attorney is not subject to discipline with regard to her actions concerning the trust fund account.

Read related link on:


You are concerned that the accountant in your organization might have the chance to modify financial information and steal from the company. You want to periodically have another person take over all accounting responsibilities to catch any irregularities. Which security principle are you implementing by periodically shifting accounting responsibilities



The security principle that I'm implementing is Job rotation.

Which profession do you prefer ro choose for your career?Engineer or Architect? Why?​





In my opinion,

Architects create new design concepts that push how modern day construction is executed.Architecture is one of the few professions that is never static.” Recently, architects have become more and more concerned with environmental and socially responsible building practices and materials.

Do you think that interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession?Give your opinion.​



For many people, interest is a driving factor for motivation and happiness in their life. Interest is one of the important parts while choosing a career. When we love what we are doing, we will always put our best performance forward and strive to learn more. Consequently, that will enhance our self-confidence as well.


It is important to know yourself and your capacities. Your strengths are things you can leverage on, things you can use to push yourself further. On the other hand, your weaknesses are not your downfall. So,interest and capacity is important in our career.

Yes, I think interest and capacity play a great role to get success in a profession.

What is interest?

An interest is a desire or want to do/hear something or someone. interest can be stated as an emotion that a person possess regarding something. a person is said to be interested if that particular thing excites or gives a joyful feeling to person while doing that particular act. interest is very essential in a profession to be successful because if a person is not interested in particular subject and profession how can that person provide best services out of that profession.

What is capacity?

Capacity is an ability of a person to perform a particular job or to do a particular task. capacity here refers to the thinking capacity or mental capability that is required in a profession. this is another ingredient that is very important to be successful in any profession.

for example you cannot ask a 5 year old to be judge in a court because that person doesn't possess such professional skill along with it he is not capable to think and provide service for same profession.

What is profession?

A profession is a field of work that requires special knowledge and training over a period of time. a person doing profession is known as professionals. the profession is basically a way of knowing and learning skills and education for a particular subjects such as law, medical. the practitioners of professions are said to be expert of such profession.

Hence, to get successful in a profession, interest and capacity is very important and essential as interest creates curiosity and eagerness to learn that particular profession in every manner and explore every aspect of that profession to provide best service out of it along with it the capacity to grasp and learn such skills to be expert in such profession is also required.

Therefore, a successful professional is one that have interest in that particular field and also capable to learn and evolve in that particular profession according to need and requirement.

Supporting answer

To learn more about profession here https://brainly.com/question/23186207


Suppose the town of Falls Valley has a mosquito problem. After a bad summer, the town accountants explain that the marginal cost of providing one more treatment for mosquito control is $100,000. The town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal: Group of answer choices social cost of mosquito control is more than $100,000. benefit for any individual citizen is at least $100,000. social cost of mosquito control is less than $100,000. benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.



The correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000".


Marginal cost refers to the additional cost incurred in order to provide an additional unit of a commodity.

For a community, town, or country, benefit is maximized when the marginal cost of providing a good or service to the community, town, or country is equal to the sum of the marginal benefit for all individual citizens of the community, town, or country.

Based on the above explanation, the correct option is "benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000". That is, the town should provide the additional mosquito control only if the marginal benefits for all individual citizens add up to at least $100,000.

Sports and marketing have to compete on which angle if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market?

cheapest prices

scarcest supply

most appealing

quickest distribution



cheapest prices


Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a business firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. Thus, it comprises all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.

In sales and marketing, pricing of products is considered to be an essential element of a business firm's marketing mix because place, promotion and product largely depends on it.

Price can be defined as the amount of money that is required to be paid by a buyer (customer) to a seller (producer) in order to acquire goods and services. Thus, it refers to the amount of money a customer or consumer buying goods and services are willing to pay for the goods and services being offered.

Hence, sports and marketing have to compete on the cheapest prices, if they want to be relevant to the 21st century market because it's the most important factor that influences the willingness of a consumer to buy a good or take a service.

What are the basic points to be considered while running the occupation? for each of them​







I need points 5),:6)6

Barclay Bikes manufactures and sells three distinct styles of bicycles: the Youth model sells for $420 and has a unit contribution margin of $165; the Adult model sells for $970 and has a unit contribution margin of $510; and the Recreational model sells for $1,120 and has a unit contribution margin of $560. The company's sales mix includes: 5 Youth models; 9 Adult models; and 6 Recreational models. If the firm's annual fixed costs total $6,620,000, calculate the firm's contribution margin per composite unit.



the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775


The computation of the firm's contribution margin per composite unit is given below:

= $165 × 5 + $510 × 9 + $560 × 6

= $825 + $4,590 + $3,360

= $8,775

Hence, the  firm's contribution margin per composite unit is $8,775

Therefore the same is to be considered and relevant

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the: Group of answer choices pure community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses. same standards used by the Social Security Administration. pure community rating approach for college communities. cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for individuals and small businesses.



adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.


The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires insurance companies to adhere to the adjusted community rating approach for individuals and small businesses.

The general term for the payments for the use of resources is ______?
A. wages
B. rent
C. interest
D. factor payments​


A. Wages is the general term for the payments for the use of resources

The umbrella word used to describe payments for the usage of resources is Factor payments. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is factor payment?

Factor payments in economics are the compensation that individuals receive for providing the factors of production—land, labor, capital, or entrepreneurialism. Payments made with limited resources or production inputs in exchange for useful services.


Rent, wages and salaries for work, interest and dividends are the factor payments received for land, labor, and capital, respectively. It describes one method for determining GDP using income.

The factor income technique, also referred to as the "income approach," calculates GDP by adding employee wages, rent, interest, and profit. Payments provided to production factors, such as rent, interest, profit, wages, etc., are referred to as factors payments.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about payment from here:



If Texia specializes in food, it can produce 1,000 units of food and 0 units of clothing this year. If it specializes in clothing, it can produce 500 units of clothing and 0 units of food. This year Urbania can produce either 500 units of food and 0 units of clothing or 200 units of clothing and 0 units of food. (assume linear production possibility frontiers) _______has the absolute advantage in the production of clothing and ________has the absolute advantage in the production of food. Texia; Texia Texia; Urbania Urbania; Texia Urbania; Urbania



Texia; Texia


A country has absolute advantage in the production of a good or service if it produces more quantity of a good when compared to other countries

Texia can produce 1000  units of food while Urbania can produce 500  units of food . Texia produces more food

Texia can produce 500 units of clothing while Urbania can produce 200 units of clothing. Texia produces more clothing

Texia has an absolute advantage in both activities

Which situation best illustrates an effect of globalization?
A. A chef from China opens traditional Chinese restaurants in
B. A politician from Australia promises to lower taxes for all citizens.
C. A pilot from the United States flies passengers all around the
D. A butcher in Tanzania only accepts meat raised on local ranches.





the chinese restaurant may offer traditional food where people in Europe might enjoy food with chopstick

PLS HELPPP FASTTT!!!! Which of the following is not consistent with the efficient market hypothesis?

a. Stock prices should follow a random walk.
b. Index funds should typically outperform highly managed funds.
c. News has no effect on stock prices.
d. There is little point in spending many hours studying the business pages looking for undervalued stocks.



c. News has no effect on stock prices.


A foreign exchange market can be defined as a type of market where the currency of a country is converted to that of another country. For example, the conversion of the United States of America dollars into naira, rands, yen, pounds, euros, etc., at the foreign exchange market.

Efficient market school is the market school which argues that forward exchange rates do the best possible job for forecasting future spot exchange rates, so investing in exchange rate forecasting services would be a waste of time because it is impossible to have a consistent alpha generation on a risk adjusted excess returns basis as market prices are only affected by new informations.

The efficient market school also known as the efficient market hypothesis (EMH) is a hypothesis which states that, asset (share) prices reflect all information and it is very much impossible to consistently beat the market. Also, forward exchange rates are exchange rates controlling foreign exchange transactions at a specific future date or time.

According to the efficient market hypothesis, News has an effect on

the prices at which a stock is sold because it affects demand and supply.

The WBS is best suited for design and construction projects that have tangible outcomes. When the final outcome of the project is less tangible or it is the result of a series of steps or phases, some project managers choose to utilize a(n) ___________. Multiple Choice Responsibility Matrix (RM) Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS) Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Modified Process Breakdown Structure (PBS) Project Priority Matrix (PPM)



Process Breakdown Structure (PBS)


Since in the question it is mentioned that WBS should be best suited for design & construction projects so there is tangible results

now if the final result should be lower tangible so here the project manager should select the project breakdown structure as the process of the project should be driven via requirement of the performance but not with the plans or the blueprints

Starting from long-run equilibrium at A with output equal to and the price level equal to P1, if there is an unexpected monetary contraction that shifts aggregate demand from AD1 to AD3, then the long-run neutrality of money is represented by the movement from:



A to G.


Aggregate demand curve shifts to left when there is reduction in demanding. It is caused by decline in consumer spending. The equilibrium price level will tend to be affected by this movement of demand curve.

Karl and Kara own a business that specializes in providing outdoor adventure experiences for tourists. They employ a staff of eight adventure guides who are responsible for providing each client with a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience. Recently, Karl and Kara received a number of complaints about the guides from clients. Karl believes that the problem can be resolved by providing the guides with additional customer service and communication training. But Kara suggests that before investing resources into training, they should conduct a needs assessment to see if training is the best solution, and if so, which type of training would be the most beneficial.


Answer: Needs assessment


Your question isn't well written as you've already given the answer to the question which is needs assessment.

A needs assessment is used for determining the needs as well as addressing the needs between the present conditions and the desired conditions.

The main purpose of needs assessment is in order to know the people whom are in need and the types of needs.

If I pay $20 per month on
Patreon do I have to pay
$5 per week?



yes you have to pay $5 per week

yes because there is 4 weeks in a month.
20 per month / 5 per week = 4 weeks

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. What will this process MOST likely include? A. visiting a bank and paying a fee B. uploading documents to a computer C. getting someone to cosign for his box D. applying for a loan


Answer: Answer is A,,,,,,,,,,

Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. The process MOST likely include is visiting a bank and paying a fee. Thus the correct option is A.

What is a Bank?

A bank is referred to as a financial institution that allows an individual to deposit and withdraw cash and allow them to borrow funds with a fixed interest rate for investment.

The bank provides you with a key when you rent a deposit box from them, and you must apply it in combination with a second "guard key" kept by a bank employee to open the box.

In the given case, it is explained that Lucia wants to use a safe deposit box. Banks are referred to as financial institutions that are connected or authorized by Government due to which they are considered as safe.

Therefore, option A is appropriate.

Learn more about Bank, here:



two principles of fraud insurance​


hi buddy

here is your answer

Insurance fraud involves any misuse of insurance policies or applications in order to illegally gain or benefit. Insurance fraud is usually an attempt to exploit an insurance contract for financial gain. The majority of insurance fraud cases involve exaggerated or false claims.

hope it helps

please mark me pls


Which statement best describes the outlook for small businesses in international markets? Multiple Choice The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market. Most foreign buyers prefer to deal with large, well-known corporations rather than small businesses. Higher business costs eliminate the profit opportunities in global markets. The threat of terrorist activities prevents small businesses from competing internationally.



The correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."


An international market can be described as a market that exists outside of a company's home country's international borders. This is different from a domestic market that is located within company's own country.

The international market comprises of the whole world or all the countries in the world. As a result, the international market is larger and more profitable than the domestic market for small businesses.

Therefore, the correct option is "The world is a larger, and potentially a more lucrative market than the U.S. domestic market."

Record the following selected transactions for January in a two‐column journal. Once you have completed that, answer questions 1 – 5 related to your work.

(a) Earned $7,000 fees; customer will pay later.

(b) Purchased equipment for $45,000, paying $20,000 in cash and the remainder on credit

(c) Paid $3,000 for rent for January.

(d) Purchased $2,500 of supplies on account.

(e) A. Allen $1,000 investment in the company.

(f) Received $7,000 in cash for fees earned previously.

(g) Paid $1,200 to creditors on account.

(h) Paid wages of $6,250.

(i) Received $7,150 from customers on account.

(j) A. Allen withdrawal of $1,750.

2. For part (h), which two accounts are affected?

Question 2 options:

Fees Earned and Cash

Wages Expense and Cash

Accounts Payable and Cash

Rent Expense and Cash



a) Dr: Receivable (Asset) 7000

Cr: Service Revenue (Income) 7000

b) Dr: Equipment (Asset) 45000

Cr: Cash (Asset) 20000

Cr: Payable (Liability) 25000

c) Dr: Rent (Expense) 3000

Cr: Cash (Asset) 3000

d) Dr: Inventory (Asset) 2500

Cr: Payable (Liability) 2500

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