A point mutation that changes a codon specifying an amino acid into a new codon coding another amino acid is called: a. Deletion mutation. b. Missense mutation. c. Nonsense mutation. d. Frameshift mutation.


Answer 1

Answer:frame shift


Related Questions

Name the following.

(a) Tissue that forms the inner lining of our mouth.

(b) Tissue that connects muscle to bone in humans.

(c) Tissue that transports food in plants.

(d) Tissue that stores fat in our body.

(e) Connective tissue with a fluid matrix.

(f) Tissue present in the brain​


a) epithelial tissue
b) tendon
c) phloem
d) adipose tissue
e) blood
f) gray matter and white matter.

Some of the cell membrane functions are similar to the ________ of the body.


the skin has cells like that

What is the best description of connective tissue? Question 3 options: All of its cells rest on a basal lamina. All of its cells associate via cadherins in their plasma membrane. All of its cells are electrically connected via gap junctions. All of its cells are sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix.



Connective tissue is a group of tissues in the body that keep the body and its organs in shape while also providing cohesion and internal support.

All of its cells exist sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix is the best description of connective tissue.

What is connective tissue?

Tissue that sustains, protects and provides structure to other tissues and organs in the body. Connective tissue also stores fat, permits the movement of nutrients and other substances between tissues and organs, and allows the repair of damaged tissue. Connective tissue exists created up of cells, fibers, and a gel-like substance.

Connective tissue is discovered in between other tissues everywhere in the body, including the nervous system. The three outer membranes (the meninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord exist composed of dense inert connective tissue.

Connective tissues bind systems together, form a framework and support for organs and the body as a whole, store fat, transport substances, defend against disease, and assist restoration of tissue damage.

Hence, All of its cells exist sparsely distributed in the extracellular matrix is the best description of connective tissue.

To learn more about connective tissue refer to:



Though plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all have cell walls, we place them in different taxa. Which of these observations comes closest to explaining the basis for placing these organisms in different taxa, well before relevant data from molecular systematics became available?



Due to other differences.


The plants, fungi, and prokaryotes all have cell walls, we place them in different taxa because of the other differences such as mobility, mode of nutrition etc. Plants and fungi are not mobile means can not move from one place to another whereas prokaryotes are mobile. Fungi and prokaryotes are heterotrophs means that feed on other organism whereas plants are autotrophs means make their own food. There is also difference in their cell wall i.e. the cell of plants is composed of cellulose, the cell wall of prokaryotes especially bacteria is composed of peptidoglycans and the cell wall of fungi is composed of chitin.

the scientific name of the great egret has recently been changed from Casmerodius albus to Ardea alba. What is a possible reason for the reclassification of egrets?
A) Allopatric speciation
B) Discovery of a different ancestor
C) A change in the mating behaviors
D) A change in their habitat and geological range



B) Discovery of different ancestry


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pls answer this question i think easy



Explanation:it must be c if im wrong then sue me!


B. Food is broken into simpler molecules.


these small molecules are; proteins, amino acids, glucose, e.t.c

predict what happen to the human and the plants if the transport system are affected​


I think we'll be scared and panicked and some people will die of overthinking

Predict: Some pathogens are spread directly from one person to another. This can happen when people come into direct contact or share items, such as drinking glasses. What do you think might affect how quickly a pathogen is spread from person to person?


I think the reservoir ( a human,animal or non living such as soil where the infectious agent normally lives)

secondly the mode of transmission,there are some modes of transmission that allow the pathogen to enter quickly and some that make the process slow.

and also crowding and the presence of co-infections.

i hope this helps

Which concept is illustrated in the flowchart below?

Overproduction arrow pointing Struggle for survival arrow pointing Survival of the fittest arrow pointing Changes in traits of species

Dynamic equilibrium
Genetic manipulation
Material cycles
Natural selection



Natrual selection


your welcome girlies <333

The concept illustrated in the flowchart is Natural selection. The correct option is 4.

What is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process by which species evolve over time as the prevalence of certain traits increases or decreases in a population.

Natural selection, the mechanism by which species evolve over time, is depicted in the flowchart.

Overproduction of offspring causes competition for limited resources, resulting in a struggle for survival.

Based on their inherited characteristics, some people are better equipped to survive and reproduce than others.

These people are said to be "fit," and they are more likely to pass on their positive traits to their children. These advantageous traits become more common in the population over time, causing changes in the species as a whole.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

For more details regarding natural selection, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

Kể tên các biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học. Cho ví dụ. Biện pháp đấu tranh sinh học có những ưu điểm gì?



means translate in English . if I can help I will.

After phosphates and nitrates have entered a water
system, identify the correct steps of Eutrophication.
I. Oxygen levels drop
II. Underwater plants die
III. Fish and invertebrates die
IV. Algae grows rapidly


After phosphates and nitrates enter a water system, the steps of eutrophication include the rapid growth of algae, death of underwater plant species, depletion of oxygen in the water, and the death of fishes and invertebrates. The correct option would be B.

Eutrophication refers to the excessive enrichment of water bodies by nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates thereby facilitating the rapid growth of some aquatic species with negative effects.

Once a water body becomes excessively enriched with phosphates and nitrates, the following is a sequence of events that follows:

Algal bloom: the nutrients facilitate the rapid growth of algaeThe bloom of algal species results in the death of underwater plants as a result of inadequate light.The death of the underwater plants and the accompanying microbial activities in decomposing them cause oxygen levels in the water to drop.Reduction in oxygen level causes fishes and other water invertebrates to die due to hypoxia

Therefore, the correct steps of eutrophication according to the illustration is IV, II, I, and III.

More on eutrophication can be found here: https://brainly.com/question/13232104

Dose anyone know the answer



Anthracite is the answer

Does cellular respiration follow the law of conservation of energy?


Yes. Every chemical reaction obeys the law of conservation of mass.

Believe it!!

Pls follow me.

Una especie de mariposa presenta rasgos fenotípicos diferentes entre los miembros de sus poblaciones. Estos rasgos van desde una coloración verdosa y antenas cortas (características recesivas). El fenotipo más común (características dominantes) de esta especie es de coloración amarilla y de antenas tan largas que se pueden doblar. Realice el cruce entre dos mariposas que presentan fenotipo más común, pero de genotipos heterocigotos y determine los posibles rasgos fenotípicos que se pueden presentar.



can you please translate for us into English

Economic impact of agricultural pollutants on water sustainability for agricultural production. summarise your findings in a table form​





sbospka ai9wlhzux5 s8fvekg

Which ocean borders the western coast of South America



Pacific Ocean


here is your answer

The Pacific Ocean borders the western coast of south america

answer these two please


the answer to question one is a dissecting microscope.
The answer to question two is the third option about three-dimensional images

is the presence of industry in developing nations high? what about developed nations?​



Developing countries don't have lots of industries, so it's not high

Developed nations have a wide variety of industries


Suppose you traveled back in time and located the first animals to have evolved feathers. You found that these animals were tree-dwelling ectotherms, able to run quickly but unable to fly. You also noticed that only males had feathers. Which hypothesis of feather evolution would these data most support? Feathers initially evolved in a role associated with ________.



Feathers initially evolved in a role associated with sexual selection.


In species where only males had feathers, these feathers can be considered to have evolved into a role associated with sexual selection. This is because in these species, males used their feathers as a sexual attraction for females, in this case, females chose the males that had more attractive feathers to mate and generate new individuals for the species. An example of this can be seen in the peacock, where the tail with lush feathers is only present in males and is intended to sexually attract females.

Answer me!!!!
Read the descriptions of two experiments below.
Experiment 1: A group of students did a test to see if the
acidity of water affects the growth of pea plants. They
followed a logical method and performed their experiment
once, using a control group and experimental groups. The
results supported their hypothesis.
Experiment 2: A group of students did a test to see if the
acidity of water affects the growth of bacteria in the water,
They used a control group and experimental groups. They
repeated their experiment several times and received the
same results each time.
Which experiment is more likely to be reliable, and why?
O A. Experiment 2, because it gave the same results every time
O B. Experiment 1, because its results supported the hypothesis
O C. Experiment 1, because it followed a logical method
O D. Experiment 2, because its setup included a control group





Because it is giving you the same results ( i just did the test and got it right)




just took the test

Whch part of reproductive system produces semen​


The answer is Testicles (testes)

match each term to its definition
a steam of plasma



The solar wind is a plasma, a stream of charged particles (ions and electrons) that are continuously escaping from the Sun into the interplanetary medium.

What happens during S phase?

O A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

O B. DNA separates into two nuclei.

O C. The cell splits in two.

O D. Cytoplasm is manufactured.


Answer: A. Chromosomes are duplicated.

Explanation: This is the correct answer on the quiz.

Chromosomes are duplicated in S phase. Therefore, option (A) is correct.

What do you mean by S phase?

Between G1 phase and G2 phase, DNA replication takes place during S phase of the cell cycle. The processes that take place during S-phase are tightly controlled and highly conserved.

The cell replicates its genetic material entirely during the S phase of DNA synthesis; At the end of S phase, a normal diploid somatic cell with a DNA complement of 2N acquires a DNA complement of 4N.

DNA synthesis or replication occurs during the S phase of the cell cycle, which occurs prior to the interphase. Before entering mitosis or meiosis, the cell's genetic material is replicated in this manner, leaving enough DNA for daughter cells to divide.

Learn more about S phase:



Một các thể của một loài sinh vật khi giảm phân tạo giao tử. Trong số giao tử được sinh ra người ta nhận thấy số loại giao tử mang 2 NST có nguồn gốc từ mẹ là 6. Quá trình giảm phân diễn ra bình thường, không xảy ra trao đổi chéo.
a. Xác định bộ NST 2n của loài và tên loài.
b. Tính tỷ lệ loại giao tử nói trên?
Cho rằng tỉ lệ thụ tinh của giao tử đực và cái đều là 100%. Toàn bộ các hợp tử đều phát triển thành cá thể con.



i cant understand


because your language in vietnam

A pseudogene is a Group of answer choices second copy of a gene that functions when the original copy becomes damaged. gene that is unrelated in sequence to another gene but has the same function. gene that evolved by gene duplication and the acquisition of mutations to yield a gene product that has a slightly different function from that of the original gene product. gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


Answer: Gene that arose through gene duplication, but by acquiring mutations became nonfunctional.


A gene is a functional unit of heredity formed by DNA. They possess a sequence of nitrogenous bases that during translation is read by ribosomes to produce molecules called proteins.  A pseudogene is a DNA sequence that resembles a gene, but which has been inactivated in the course of evolution by mutations in its sequence. Thus, it is a gene that derives from other known genes and whose functions are different, may have lost their functionality or have radically changed it. To this day, it is not known exactly how pseudogenes are created, however some theories are as follows:

1. A gene duplication can generate two copies of a gene when only one is needed. A mutation would then occur that deactivates one of the copies. In addition, the duplication event may not be complete, so that the copy has incomplete promoters.  

2. They may be fragments of the messenger RNA transcript of a gene may be spontaneously reverse transcribed and inserted into the chromosomal DNA. They lack the promoters of normal genes, so they are not expressed normally.

3. A gene may become non-functional or inactivated if such a mutation becomes fixed in the population. This can occur by normal means such as natural selection or genetic drift.

During a stay in the hospital, an accident victim develops symptoms of bacteremia. A blood sample shows the presence of Gram-positive cocci in pairs. Lab tests determine that the bacteria are non-hemolytic and bile salt tolerant. The bacteremia is likely due to





Enterococcus is reason for nosocomial infection with predilection for older patients with multiple comorbidities. It is usually caused by longer stay in hospital.  The infections may include urinary tract infections, wound infection and intra abdomen or pelvic infections.

What are true of multicellular organisms



hope this answer help you

2. Slime moulds cannot be put neither in kingdom Plantae nor in kingdom Animalia. Give reason.

3. Give the disadvantages of the two kingdom classification.



3. In the two-kingdom classification following are drawbacks:-

The plants comprised of photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic species. Fungi, that feed on dead organic matter, were placed under photosynthetic plants. There was another class of classification needed were the organisms with the same characteristics were clubbed into one kingdom. This system did not distinguish between the eukaryotes and prokaryotes, unicellular and multicellular organisms and photosynthetic (green algae) and non-photosynthetic (fungi) organisms. There are some organisms which neither fall into plant nor animal kingdom like Lichens.


Hope my answer is helpful.. If yes, plz mark me as brainliest

See the image below!



it is cytosine part of deoxyribonucleic acid

please help me out, name all 3 parts of the atom. ​


1. Proton
2. Neutron
3. Electron

In the atom, the arrow 1 depicts the proton. The arrow 2 depicts the neutrons, and the arrow 3 depicts the electrons. All three of these are subatomic particles.

What is an atom?

An atom is the fundamental structural unit of matter. It consists of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are negatively charged particles that are present outermost shell of the atom, while protons are positively charged particles that make up the core of the atom. The neutron doesn't have any charge.

Both neutrons and protons make up the core of an atom, while electrons revolve around them. A neutral atom has equal numbers of protons and electrons. Example: the sodium atom.

Hence, the atom showing arrow 1 is a proton, arrow 2 is a neutron, and arrow 3 is an electron.

To learn more about atom, refer the following link,



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