What is the output of the function: f(x)=2x+5, if the input is 3?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2


[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 11}}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the following function and asked to find the output if the input is 3.

[tex]f(x)= 2x+5[/tex]

The input is what is plugged into the function and its variable is x. The output is the result of plugging in the input and its variable is y.

Substitute 3 in for x,

[tex]f(3)= 2(3)+5[/tex]

Solve according to PEMDAS: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. Multiply 2 and 3.

[tex]f(3)= 6+5[/tex]


[tex]f(3)= 11[/tex]

If the input is 3, then the output is 11.

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The fuel efficiency of a vehicle is 28 miles per gallon and gasoline cost 2.25 per gallon. What is the cost per mile to drive the vehicle?​



$.08 per mile

Step-by-step explanation:

$2.25          gallon

------------ * ---------------

gallon          28 miles



28 miles

$.080357143 per mile

Rounding to the nearest cent

$.08 per mile

The final price of the textbook for an English literature course is 13.5% more than the listed price when tax and shipping costs are included. If the listed price is $147, what is the final price of the textbook?

(Round to the nearest dollar.)



The final price of the textbook rounded to the nearest dollar is $167

Step-by-step explanation:

To solve this problem, we need to find out what 13.5% of $147 equals.

13.5% = 0.135

0.135 x $147 = $19.845

$147 + 19.845 = 166.845

Round to the nearest dollar to get $167

Please help!!!!

CE is tangent to this circle, CD is a radius and ECB=48 what is BAC​




Step-by-step explanation:

From the circle geometry shown, traingle BDC is an isosceles triangle which shows means that their base angels are the same. Hence;

<B = <C

<CBD + <BCD + <D = 180

<BCD + <BCD + <D =180

2<BCD + <BDC = 180

Get <BCD;

<BCD+ <ECB = 90

<BCD + 48 = 90

<BCD = 90 - 48

<BCD = 42degrees

Get <BDC

2<BCD + <BDC = 180

2(42)+ <BDC = 180

84 + <BDC = 180

<BDC = 180 - 84

<BDC = 96

Since angle at the centre is twice that at the circumference, then;

<BAC = 1/2(<BDC )

<BAC = 96/2

<BAC = 48degrees

1. Find the volume of the shipping box using the two methods and show your work plzzzzzzzz i neeeeeeeeeeeeeed help


Step-by-step explanation:

Measure the width, length and height of the shipping box in inches. Multiply the width, length and height of the box to calculate its volume in cubic inches. For example, if the box is 20 inches wide, 24 inches long and 16 inches high, then the volume is (20)(24)(16) = 7,680 cubic


The volume of the shipping box would be 36 9/16

Step-by-step explanation:

One method to find the volume of the shipping box would be (l)(w)(h)

one we plug in our dimensions the equation would become 3 1/4 x 3 x 3 3/4

To simplify this we would first


3 1/4 x 3 x 3 3/4 = 39/4 x 3 3/4

The bolded parts are the pieces we are working on

3 1/4 as an improper fraction is 13/4

13/4 x 3 = 13 x 3/4 = 39/4

- The second step would be to

Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

3 3/4  = ( 3 × 4 ) / 4 + 3/4 = 12 + 3 / 4 = 15/4

Now we have to Multiply

39/4 x 15/4 =  39 x 15 / 4 x 4 = 585/16

Lastly, we have to simplify

585/16 = 36 9/16

Một đài khí tượng thủy văn muốn xem xét khả năng dự báo thời tiết của mình. Từ số liệu thống kê chỉ ra rằng: xác suất dự báo có nắng trong ngày không mưa là 0,95; có nắng trong ngày mưa là 0,8; xác suất một ngày sẽ không mưa là 0,6. a. Tính xác suất dự báo ngày sẽ có nắng. b. Biết đã có dự báo là ngày có nắng, tính xác suất để ngày đó là ngày không mưa.



ask in English then I can help u

Which of the relations given by the following sets of ordered pairs is a function?
o {(5,2), ( - 4, 2), (3,6), (0,4), (- 1, 2)}
o {(5, 4), (5, 6), (5,8), (5, 10), (5, 12)}
{(-3, - 2), ( - 2, – 1), (0, - 1), (0, 1), (1, 2)}
{(7,3), ( – 6,8), ( – 3,5), (0, – 3), (7, 11)}


9514 1404 393


  (a)  {(5, 2), (-4, 2), (3, 6), (0, 4), (-1, 2)}

Step-by-step explanation:

The only relation with no repeated x-values is the first one. The first relation is a function.

Let S be a sample of size 31 from a normally distributed population Omega . It is given that the average of the data in S is 120 and the standard deviation is 18. Construct a 90% confidence interval [a, b] for the population mean based on the data in the sample.



48 NO seña hfjxsmisns sisbxbd

Step-by-step explanation:


Use the point-slope form from the previous question and fill-in the following table of values.

The point-slope equation went through the following 2 points: (0, -1) and (1, 2)

(0, -1)

(1, 2)

(2, )

(3, )



Step-by-step explanation:

Slope of line through (0,-1) and (1,2) = (-1 - 2)/(0 - 1) = 3

Point-slope equation for line of slope 3 that passes through (0,-1):

y+1 = 3(x-0)

When x = 2:

y+1 = 3(2-0)

y = 3·2 - 1 = 5

When x = 3:

y+1 = 3(3-0)

y = 3·3-1 = 8

help with math it would help with summer school



[tex]A). \ \ \frac{(72\pi + 9\pi )}{4} \ in^2[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


radius of the circle, r = 9 inches

the part of the circle cut out = one-forth of the complete circle

the angle of the sector cut out θ= ¹/₄ x 360 = 90⁰

Area of the complete circle = πr² = π x 9² = 81π in²

Area of the sector cut out = [tex]= \frac{\theta }{360} \pi r^2 = \frac{90}{360} \pi (9^2) = \frac{1}{4} \times 81\pi = \frac{81 \pi}{4} = \frac{(72\pi + 9\pi)}{4} \ in^2[/tex]

Therefore, the only correct option is A. [tex]\frac{(72\pi + 9\pi )}{4} \ in^2[/tex]

If (x^2−1)/(x+1) = 3x + 5, then x + 3 =
(A) -3
(B) -2
(C) 0
(D) 2
(E) 4


The answer is C) 0
Because math

Write the expression as a single trigonometric function.
cos 5x cos 6x- sin 5x sin 6x




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\cos 5x\ \cos 6x- \sin\ 5x \sin 6x[/tex]


Express as a single function

In trigonometry, we have:

[tex]\cos(A + B) = \cos A\cos B - \sin A \sin B[/tex]

By comparison, we have

[tex]\cos(5x + 6x) = \cos 5x\cos 6x - \sin 5x \sin 6x[/tex]

[tex]\cos(11x) = \cos 5x\cos 6x - \sin 5x \sin 6x[/tex]

Find the x- and y-intercept of the line


the answer:
(36,0) (0,9)

Find the area of a triangle with legs that are: 12 m, 15 m, and 9 m.



108 meters squared or m^2

Step-by-step explanation:

* means multiply

15 is probably hypotenuse because its the longest

12 and 9 are probably base and height

area = base * height

area = 12 * 9

area = 108



Step-by-step explanation:

Dylan has a coworker who is always showing up late and then not finishing his work on time. It's frustrating the other members of the team. What can he do that might help the situation? a) Complain about the coworker to other team members O b) Ask his coworker if he understands his job responsibilities c) Tell his boss that the coworker is slacking off O d) Complete his coworker's work for him


the answer is bbbbb ask his co worker if he understands his job responsibilities

factor the expression completely. -30+36x



6 (-5 + 6x)

Step-by-step explanation:

Rewrite the number 30 as 6×5 and 36 as 6×6

Factor out the common number, which is 6

so, 6 (-5 + 6x)



Just factor out -6 from the expression. Thank you!

The mass varies directly as the Kinetic energy (K) and inversely as the square of the velocity (V). if the kinetic energy is 80 Joules and the velocity is 4 meters per second, then the mass is 10 kilograms. Express the mass as a function of kinetic energy and velocity.



m = [tex]\frac{2K}{v^2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given mass (m ) varies directly as K and inversely as v² then the equation relating them is

m = [tex]\frac{kK}{v^2}[/tex] ← k is the constant of variation

To find k use the condition m = 10 when K = 80 and v = 4 , then

10 = [tex]\frac{80k}{4^2}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{80k}{16}[/tex] ( multiply both sides by 16 to clear the fraction )

160 = 80k ( divide both sides by 80 )

2 = k

m = [tex]\frac{2K}{v^2}[/tex] ← equation of variation

The expression of mass as a function of kinetic energy and velocity is m = 2K/V².

What is an expression?

Expressions are defined as mathematical statements that have a minimum of two terms containing variables or numbers.

We have been given that the mass varies directly as the Kinetic energy (K) and inversely as the square of the velocity (V).

m ∝ K/V²

m = cK/V²

Here c is the constant of variation,

If the kinetic energy is 80 Joules and the velocity is 4 meters per second, then the mass is 10 kilograms.

We have to determine the value of c

Here m = 10 , K = 80 and V = 4 , then

Substitute the values in m =  cK/V²

10 = c(80)/4²

10 = c(80)/16

10 = 5c

c = 10/5

c = 2

Substitute the value of c = 2 in the equation of variation,

⇒ m = 2K/V²

Hence, the expression of mass as a function of kinetic energy and velocity is m = 2K/V².

Learn more about the expressions here:



Based on a random sample of 50, a 95% confidence interval for the population proportion was computed. Holding everything else constant, which of the following will reduce the length of the confidence interval by half? (CHECK ALL THAT APPLY): A. Quadruple the sample size. B. Change the confidence level to 68%. C. Double the sample size. D. Change the confidence level to 99.7%. E. Decrease the sample proportion by half.


The length of the confidence interval is the margin of error, which is the ratio of the standard deviation and the square root of sample size. Hence, to reduce the length of confidence interval by half, Quadruple the sample size.

Recall :

Margin of Error = σ/√n

Evaluating an hypothetical scenario :

Let standard deviation, σ = 2

Sample size = 50

Margin of Error = 2/√50 = 0.554

Using Quadruple of the sample size : (50 × 4) = 200 samples

Margin of Error = 2/√200 = 0.277

(0.227 ÷ 0.554) = 0.5

Therefore, increasing the sample size, reduces the margin of error. Hence, using quadruple the sample size, will reduce the margin of error by half.

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/13403969

Erica’s family is moving away from California. They decided to have a moving sale and sell each item for 70% off the price they originally paid for it. The sofa had an original price of $799, and the love seat had an original price of $549. What is the total cost of both items after the discount?


Find the sale price by multiplying the original price by 70% then add the two prices together to get the total.

799 x 0.70 = 559.30

549 x 0.70 = 384.30

Total: 559.30 + 384.30 = $943.60

what is the tan invers of 3i/-1-i​


z = 3i / (-1 - i )

z = 3i / (-1 - i ) × (-1 + i ) / (-1 + i )

z = (3i × (-1 + i )) / ((-1)² - i ²)

z = (-3i + 3i ²) / ((-1)² - i ²)

z = (-3 - 3i ) / (1 - (-1))

z = (-3 - 3i ) / 2

Note that this number lies in the third quadrant of the complex plane, where both Re(z) and Im(z) are negative. But arctan only returns angles between -π/2 and π/2. So we have

arg(z) = arctan((-3/2)/(-3/2)) - π

arg(z) = arctan(1) - π

arg(z) = π/4 - π

arg(z) = -3π/4

where I'm taking arg(z) to have a range of -π < arg(z) ≤ π.

Which expression is equivalent to (4x^(3)y^(5))(3x^(5)y)^(2)



[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 36*x^{13}y^7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:




The equivalent expression

We have:



[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 4x^3y^5*9x^{10}y^2[/tex]

Further expand

[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 4*9*x^3*x^{10}y^5*y^2[/tex]

Apply laws of indices

[tex](4x^3y^5)(3x^5y)^2 = 36*x^{13}y^7[/tex]

Circled one I need help with thank you!!



If a set has “n” elements, then the number of subset of the given set is 2n and the number of proper subsets of the given subset is given by 2n-1. Consider an example, If set A has the elements, A = {a, b}, then the proper subset of the given subset are { }, {a}, and {b}

Symbol that can be used-

The symbol "⊆" means "is a subset of". The symbol "⊂" means "is a proper subset of".

Hope it helps you... pls mark brainliest if it helped you.

Abigail plans to repaint some classroom bookcases. She has 6/25
gallons of paint. All of the bookcases are the same size and each requires 2/3​
gallon of paint. How many bookcases will the custodian be able to repaint with that amount of paint?



Step-by-step explanation: Hello! Do

Which points lie on the graph of f(x) = loggx?
Check all that apply.


Step-by-step explanation:




I need help ASAP please



yes how can I help you???

which polygon will NOT tessellate a plane?


Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is regular octagon

i think

Cho hai tập hợp A={1;2;3;4},B={2;4;6;8} . Tập hợp nào sau đây bằng tập hợp A ∩B ?



A∩B ={2;4}

Step-by-step explanation:

Chúc bạn học tốt

Alan's aunt gave him $95 to spend on clothes at the mall. He bought 5 shirts that cost $6 each and a pair of pants that cost $17. How much money does Alan have left to buy more clothes? (one more)



he has 48 dollars left to spend on clothes

Need the help thanks guys




Step-by-step explanation:

x^2 - x

Take the coefficient of x


Divide by 2


Square it

(-1/2)^2 = 1/4

Add it

x^2 -x +1/4

Find the equation of the line that contains the point (4, -2) and is perpendicular to the line y = - 2x + 5.
y = 2x - 10
y = - 2x + 6
y = - 1/2x
y = 1/2x - 4



It's option D. y = 1/2x - 4

Step-by-step explanation:

I used Desmos to find the answer, hope the graph helps!

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