What is the simplest shape in Mathematics?


Answer 1
A point? I am not sure if ur talking about 2d or 3D

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Need answer for this



A) R=1850-25t

B) 1700

C) 74

If the point A at (5, 3) is rotated clockwise about the origin through 90°, what
will be the coordinates of the new point?



(5,-3) in the 4th quadrant

Step-by-step explanation:

The arithmetic mean of 10 consecutive even integers is 3. What is the least of these 10 even integers?




Step-by-step explanation:

2n can be the smallest integer, and 2n + 18 will be the largest integer.

The sum of this, divided by two, will result in the average/mean.

(2n + 2n + 18)/2 = 3

Multiply each side by 2:

(2n + 2n + 18)/2 ⋅ 2 = 3 ⋅ 2

2n + 2n + 18  =  6

Combine the like terms:

4n + 18 = 6

Subtract 18 from both sides:

4n + 18 - 18 = 6 - 18

4n = -12

Divide each side by 4:

4n/4 = -12/4

n = -3

Since we decided to go by 2n:

2n = 2(-3) = -6

The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 cm. If the length is 7 cm, find it width​



The width is 5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter of a rectangle is

P = 2(l+w)

Substitute what we know

24 = 2(7+w)

Divide each side by 2

24/2 = 2/2(7+w)

12 = 7+w

Subtract 7 from each side

12-7 = 7+w-7

5 =w

The width is 5 cm

The formula for perimeter = 2 x length  + 2 x width

Fill in the known dimensions:

24 = 2 x 7 + 2 x width


24 = 14  + 2 x width

Subtract 14 from both sides:

10 = 2 x width

Divide both sides by 2:

Width = 5 cm

Answer: Width = 5 cm.

how can the graph of g(x) =x2+4 be obtained from the graph of f(x) =x2



see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Given f(x) then f(x) + c is a vertical translation of f(x)

• If c > 0 then a shift up of c units

• If c < 0 then a shift down of c units

The graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) shifted up by 4 units

Let f be the function defined as follows:1. If a = 2 and b = 3, is f continuous at x = 1? Justify your answer.2. Find a relationship between a and b for which f is continuous at x = 1.Hint: A relationship between a and b just means an equation in a and b.3. Find a relationship between a and b so that f is continuous at x = 2.4. Use your equations from parts (ii) and (iii) to find the values of a and b so that f is continuous at both x = 1 and also at x = 2?5. Graph the piece function using the values of a and b that you have found. You may graph by hand or use your calculator to graph and copy and paste into thedocument



1. not continuous, as the function definitions deliver different function values at x=1 when approaching this x from the left and from the right side.


2 = a + b


0 = 2a + b


a = -2

b = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

the function is continuous at a specific point or value of x, if the f(x) = y functional value is the same coming from the left and the right side at that point.

1. that means that for x=1

3 - x = ax² + bx


3 - 1 = a×1² + b×1 = a + b

2 = a + b

we have to use a=2 and b=3

2 = 2 + 3 = 5

2 is not equal 5, so the assumed equality is false, so the function is not continuous there.

2. point 1 gave us already the working relationship between a and b.

2 = a + b

only if that is true, is the function continuous at x=1.

3. now for x=2

5x - 10 = ax² + bx

5×2 - 10 = a×2² + b×2 = 4a + 2b

10 - 10 = 4a + 2b

0 = 4a + 2b

0 = 2a + b

4. to find a and b to be continuous at both locations x=1 and x=2 both expressions in a and b must apply.

so, they establish a system of 2 equations with 2 variables.

2 = a + b

0 = 2a + b

a = 2 - b

0 = 2×(2-b) + b = 4 - 2b + b = 4 - b

b = 4


a = 2 - 4 = -2

5. I cannot draw a graph here.

just use now the function

3 - x, x < 1

‐2x² +4x, 1 <= x < 2

5x - 10, x >= 2

Find the length of side x in simplest radical form with a rational denominator
Help please!



x = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

x = 3 sin(90) / sin (30)

x = 3(1)/(1/2)

x = 3 ÷ [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

x = 6

Find the value of the polynomial 5x – 4x^2 + 3 at x = 2 and x = –1​



Let the polynomial be f(x) = 5x – 4x^2 + 3

Now, for x = 2,

f(2) = 5(2) – 4(2)^2 + 3

=> f(2) = 10 – 16 + 3 = –3

Or, the value of the polynomial 5x – 4x^2 + 3 at x = 2 is -3.

Similarly, for x = –1,

f(–1) = 5(–1) – 4(–1^)2 + 3

=> f(–1) = –5 –4 + 3 = -6

The value of the polynomial 5x – 4x2 + 3 at x = -1 is -6.

Answered by GAUTHMATH


x=2 => 5×2 - 4×2² + 3 = 10-16+3 = -3

x=-1 => 5×-1 - 4×(-1)² + 3 = -5 - 4 + 3 = -6

Step-by-step explanation:

is in the answer.

remember that squaring a negative number creates a positive result.

A club has 30 members. How many ways are there to select a President. Vice-
President and Secretary from this club? Assume no one can occupy more than one



Answer is 90 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

You multiply the members (30) by the number of positions (3) to get your answer

A 42 inch wire is bent into the shape of a rectangle whose width is twice its
length. Set up an equation to find the length of the rectangle.


Answer: Choice A

2(2L + L)  = 42



The length is L, which is some placeholder for a positive number.

The width is twice as much as this, so it's 2L

The perimeter is found by adding up the four sides (two of which are L, the other two are 2L)

So we have L+L+2L+2L = 2(2L+L) representing the perimeter.

Or we could use this formula

P = 2(L+W)

where L and W are the length and width respectively.

Either way, we end up with 2(2L + L) = 42


42 = 2( l+2l)

Step-by-step explanation:

width = 2 length

Perimeter = 2 (l+w)

42 = 2( l+2l)

Divide each side by 2

42/2 = 2 (3l) /2

21 = 3l

Divide by 3

21/3 = 3l/3

7 = l

The length is 7

width is 2*l = 2*7 = 14

Fill in the blank and dropdown menus to form a true statement below.​



the polygon above has 6 sides . It is a hexagon with 6 obtuse angles interior angles equal to 720° .


the polygon above has 6 sides . It is a hexagon with 6 obtuse angles interior angles equal to 720° .

Step-by-step explanation:


Rachel has 37 videos and decides to purchase 2 more each week. Write an equation describing this situation.



[tex]T = 2w + 37[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let T represent the total amount of videos Rachel has after w weeks.

Rachel already owns 37 videos.

She purchases two more each week.

Therefore, after w weeks, the total amount of videos Rachel has can be represented by the expression:


Then the total after w weeks can be modeled by the equation:

[tex]T = 2w + 37[/tex]

18 weeks and 3 1/2 days

Solve + 17 = 20 for x and plot its value on the number line given below.




Step-by-step explanation:

x/4 + 17 =20

Subtract 17 from each side

x/4 +17-17 =20-17

x/4 = 3

Multiply each side by 4

x/4 *4 = 3*4

x =12

A) 3d = 2d - 2

B) 5d = 4d - 4 ​



3D= -2

5D= -4

Step-by-step explanation:

3D = 2d -2

3d - 2d = -2

d= -2

5d =4d-4

5d - 4d = -4

d = -4

hope it will help you

find y when x=10 if y=8 when x=20




Step-by-step explanation:



10*y = 8*20

10y= 160


Delta math please help



[tex]\approx 13.0[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The Pythagorean theorem is a formula that relates the sides of a right triangle. This formula states the following:


Where (a) and (b) are the legs or the sides adjacent to the triangle angle of the right triangle. Parameter (c) represents the hypotenuse or the side opposite the right angle of the right triangle. Substitute the given values into the formula and solve for the unknown:

[tex]a = 7\\b = 11[/tex]




[tex]7^2+11^2=c^2\\\\49 + 121= c^2\\\\170=c^2[/tex]

Inverse operations,

[tex]170=c^2\\\\\sqrt{170}=c\\\\\\c \approx 13.0384[/tex]

Please help please please help



Step-by-step explanation:

  Number               Estimate using a single digit and power of 10  

23,898,497                      2 × 10⁷          

0.000136                          1 × 10⁻⁴

26,857                              3 × 10⁴

0.0302                             3 × 10⁻²


pls tell fast




Step-by-step explanation:

Firstly, we need to multiply -24 and 2. This gives us -48. Next, we need to multiply 15 and 11 to get 165. Currently, our fraction is -48/165. Once we simplify the fraction, by 3, we get -16/55.

Last month, a cafe had 3200 customers. 600 of them ordered gluten-free meals. What percentage of the customers ordered gluten-free meals?



Step-by-step explanation:





Step-by-step explanation:

The floor is in the shape of square. Louis measures the area as 445 square feet. Find the diagonal of the floor.



29.83 ft

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you find the square root of 445, which is 21.09.

Then you use the Pythagorean theorem, which is a^2 + b^2 = c^2

because a and b are the same value you plug it in

21.09^2+21.09^2 = c^2

You end up getting:


You then square root both sides to get:

c = 29.83, which is option 3

the third one fam ……




It's A

Step-by-step explanation:




the first answer: -10a^4 + 17a^2s-6s^2

Step-by-step explanation:


The coordinates or rectangle ABCD are (2,-2), (8,-2), (8,-5), (2,-5).
What are the coordinates of rectangle ABCD after a translation of (x - 3, y + 5)



(2,-2) --> (-1, 3)

(8,-2) --> (5, 3)

(8,-5) --> (5, 0)

(2,-5) --> (-1, 0)

2,2 which is A nothing else not B or C to begin with




see image...

the three makes it "taller", the 4x , " speeds up the frequency", and the "+ [tex]\pi[/tex]"

will phase shift it to the right

Step-by-step explanation:

A fruitseller bought 50 kg of fruits. He sold 30 kg of fruits for the cost price of 35 kg of fruits and he sold the remaining quantity for the cost price of 18 kg of fruits. Calculate his profit or loss percent in the total transaction.​




Step-by-step explanation:

For arguments sake lets assume each fruit cost $1.

He spent $50 for the fruit.

His income from the 30 kg he sold was $35.

His income from  the remaining 20Kg  was $18.

Total income = $35 + $18 = $53

So his profit was  53 - 50 = $3.

= (3/50) * 100

= 6%

Can you answer this math homework? Please!



y = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

If x = 1, then: 3 x 1 + y = 9 (first equation)

3 x 1 + y = 9

3 + y = 9

y = 9 - 3

y = 6

need a little help with this​




Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the slope formula

m = ( y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( -12 - 3)/(4 - -2)

   = (-12-3)/(4+2)





Step-by-step explanation:

(y2-y1)/(x2-x1) = -15/6 = -5/2

What ordered pairs are the solutions of the system of equations in the graph below?



(- 8, 8 ) and (- 4, 1 )

Step-by-step explanation:

The solution to a system of equations given graphically is at the points of intersection of the two

They intersect at (- 8, 8 ) and (- 4, 1 ) ← solutions

You and your mom enter a drawing with 3 different prizes. A total of 10
people entered the drawing, and prizes are awarded randomly.
There are 720 ways to award the prizes.
What is the probability that you win first prize and your mom wins second




Step-by-step explanation:

there are 504 possibilities of your mom winning and 7 out of tjose are the odds of her winning.

8/720 is the answer

Find the center and radius of the circle x2+y2=4



The center is (0,0) and the radius is 2

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a circle is

(x-h)^2 + (y-k)^2 = r^2  where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius


(x-0)^2 + (y-0)^2 = 2^2

The center is (0,0) and the radius is 2

What is the factored form of 3x+24y?




Step-by-step explanation:

3*x +3*8y

Factor out 3


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