What is the solution to this system of equations?

a - b + c = -6
b - c = 5
2a - 2c = 4

A) 2

B) -1

C) -3

D) 1


Answer 1


а, b, c


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what is the absolute value of -5/9




Step-by-step explanation:

In short, the absolute value of a number turns that number into a positive value no matter what. Here is a small representation:

Negative -> Positive

Positive -> Positive

Since we are working with a negative value, it will turn positive.

Best of Luck!

At a time hours after taking a tablet, the rate at which a drug is being eliminated r(t)= 50 (e^-01t - e^-0.20t)is mg/hr. Assuming that all the drug is eventually eliminated, calculate the original dose.



2500 mg

Step-by-step explanation:

Since r(t) is the rate at which the drug is being eliminated, we integrate r(t) with t from 0 to ∞ to find the original dose of drug, m. Since all of the drug will be eliminated at time t = ∞.

Since r(t) =  50 (e^-01t - e^-0.20t)

m = ∫₀⁰⁰50 (e^-01t - e^-0.20t)

= 50∫₀⁰⁰(e^-01t - e^-0.20t)

= 50[∫₀⁰⁰e^-01t - ∫₀⁰⁰e^-0.20t]

= 50([e^-01t/-0.01]₀⁰⁰ - [e^-0.20t/-0.02]₀⁰⁰)

= 50(1/-0.01[e^-01(∞) - e^-01(0)] - {1/-0.02[e^-0.02(∞) - e^-0.02(0)]})

= 50(1/-0.01[e^-(∞) - e^-(0)] - {1/-0.02[e^-(∞) - e^-(0)]})

= 50(1/-0.01[0 - 1] - {1/-0.02[0 - 1]})

= 50(1/-0.01[- 1] - {1/-0.02[- 1]})

= 50(1/0.01 - 1/0.02)

= 50(100 - 50)

= 50(50)

= 2500 mg

An investment of $32,000 is worth $38,302 after being compounded monthly at 3%. How many years was the investment
for? (Round to the nearest whole year).


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The compound interest formula tells you the future value of principal P invested at annual rate r compounded n times per year for t years is ...

  A = P(1 +r/n)^(nt)

Solving for t, we get ...

  t = log(A/P)/(n·log(1 +r/n))

Using the given values, we find t to be ...

  t = log(38302/32000)/(12·log(1 +0.03/12)) ≈ 5.9997

The investment was for 6 years.

Write the equation in slope-intercept form. y=2(x−8)+4x




Step-by-step explanation:


y=2x+4x-8, y=6x-8

Use the discriminant to determine the number of solutions to the quadratic equation −40m2+10m−1=0


From the analysis of the discriminant, you obtain that the quadratic function has no real solutions.

In first place, you must know that the roots or solutions of a quadratic function are those values ​​of x for which the expression is 0. This is the values ​​of x such that y = 0. That is, f (x) = 0.

Being the quadratic function f (x)=a*x² + b*x + c, then the solution must be when: 0 =a*x² + b*x + c

The solutions of a quadratic equation can be calculated with the quadratic formula:

[tex]Solutions=\frac{-b+-\sqrt{b^{2} -4*a*c} }{2*a}[/tex]

The discriminant is the part of the quadratic formula under the square root, that is, b² - 4*a*c

The discriminant can be positive, zero or negative and this determines how many solutions (or roots) there are for the given quadratic equation.

If the discriminant:

is positive: the quadratic function has two different real solutions. equal to zero: the quadratic function has a real solution. is negative: none of the solutions are real numbers. That is, it has no real solutions.

In this case, a= -40, b=10 and c= -1. Then, replacing in the discriminant expression:

discriminant= 10² -4*(-40)*(-1)


discriminant= 100 - 160

discriminant= -60

The discriminant is negative, so the quadratic function has no real solutions.

Một miếng đất hình chữ nhật có chu vi 80 mét.Nếu kéo dài thêm 8 mét nữa thì diện tích tăng thêm là 72 mét vuông.Tính chiều dài và chiều rộng hình chữ nhật ban đầu ?



Step-by-step explanation:

(D+R) = 80:2 = 40

D = 40-R

(D+8) * R = 72X

Thay D=40-R

(40-R+8)*R = 72X

R=1.55, D=38.45

Jupiter orbits the sun at a rate of 8 miles per second. How far does Jupitertravel in one day? Tip: There are 86400 seconds in a day.



Jupiter travels 691200 miles a day

Step-by-step explanation:

I just did 86400 x 8

Plz give brainliest

Solve this inequality: x+ 4< 16



x < 12

Step-by-step explanation:

subtract 4 from both sides:

x + 4 < 16

   - 4     -4

x < 12



Step-by-step explanation:

x+4 <16

x < 16



I hope this will help you

At a birthday party there were five more girls than boys. If the ratio of girls to boys was 4 to 3,
how many girls were at the party? (Make a chart to help you.)


Let number if boys be x

No of girls=x+5


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{x+5}{x}=\dfrac{4}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3(x+5)=4x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x+15=4x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x-3x=15[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=15[/tex]

Number of girls

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x+5=15+5=20[/tex]

Will give brainliest

mplete the equation describing how
x and y are related.
0 1
Y -1 3 7
11 15
y = 4x + [? ]
Enter the answer that belongs in [?]



y = 4x + -1

Step-by-step explanation:

clearly seen.

Suppose that a population begins at a size of 100 and grows continuously at a rate of 200% per year. Give the formula for calculating the size of that population after t years.
A) A = 100 + te^2
B) A = 100 + e^2t
C) A = 100e^2t
D) A = 100 + 2e^t




Step-by-step explanation: Im not so sure ok i sorry if Im wrong

Jack is going to the fair. The fair charges $10 to enter and $0.25 per ticket. How much will be spent by Jack? t = tickets 0.25 + 10 10 + 0.25t​



there is a base charge of 10 (+10)
and each ticket is multiplied by 0.25 (0.25t)


hope this helped :)


10 + .25t

Step-by-step explanation:

The total amount spent is equal to the amount to get in plus the cost of the tickets times the number of tickets

cost = 10 + .25t

Suppose a six-sided die is tossed 1200 times and a 6 comes up 419 times. (a) Find the empirical probability for a 6 to occur. (Enter your probability as a fraction.) (b) On the basis of a comparison of the empirical probability and the theoretical probability, do you think the die is fair or biased



Here both probabilities are not equal.

Therefore the die is not fair and biased.

Step-by-step explanation:

Now n= 1200 times and x = 419 times.

a) Empirical Probability:

         [tex]=\frac{x}{n} \\\\= \frac{419}{1200}\\ \\=0.349[/tex]

Probability = 0.349

b) Theoretical Probability:


Here both probabilities are not equal.

Therefore the die is not fair and biased.

what is the volume of the container



600 cubic inches

Step-by-step explanation:

V = l • w • h

V = 12 • 5 • 10

V = 600 cubic inches

What is the value of 2 in 9,274




Step-by-step explanation:

4 is in the ones place so 4 just 4

7 is in the tens place so it is 70

2 is the hundreds place so 200

9 is in the thousands place so 9.000

Rewrite 3.16 as a fraction (the 6 is repeating)c


[tex]3\frac{16}{99} = \dfrac{313}{99}= 3.161616161616.....[/tex]

Please help me to find this answer




Step-by-step explanation:

Tan(B) = 6/8

B= arctan(3/4)=37

Lena, Hong and David sent a total of 126 text messages over their cell phones during the weekend. David sent four times as many messages as Hong. sent six more messages than Lena. How many messages did they each send?


Step-by-step explanation:

Which is the first sincetist of world

(-2x) (x-3) answer please





You just have to distribute meaning you have to multiply -2x to the equation.

ACD = 30, Line segment AC = x + 1, Line segment CD = 2x + 2. What is x equal to? x =




X+1 + 2X + 2 = 30

3X+3 =30



X= 27/ 3

X= 9

I'm not sure of the solution, but I solved it according to a straight line (Line segment) .

I hope I helped you^_^

I want to know how to solve this equation



the last two answers are the only correct ones

-1/12 to the second power? Halp me plz




Step-by-step explanation:




-1/12 to the second power is 1 I think I really tried I hope this helps

The age of Paul is 1/3 that of Kennedy. In four years time the age of Paul will be the same as Kennedy present age. How old is Paul now?​



Paul is 2 and Kennedy is 6

Step-by-step explanation:

6 × 1/3 = 2

2 + 4 =6

Hello I'm new can anyone help me with this question?
Thank you so much! <3 xoxo


Option 4 is going to be the answer

Find the value of x in each case:


9514 1404 393


  x = 45°

Step-by-step explanation:

The triangle interior angle at I will be the supplement of the angle marked 2x. The triangle interior angle at G will be equal to x, the alternate interior angle with respect to transversal GI crossing the parallel lines.

The angle marked 3x is the sum of these "remote" interior angles:

  3x = 180 -2x +x

  4x = 180 . . . . . . . . . add x; next, divide by 4

  x = 180/4 = 45 . . . . . degrees

  x = 45°

A 7% acid solution will be mixed with a 15% acid solution. 20 L of a 12% acid solution needs to be made.

Identify the two variables in the problem by completing the following statements: * Let r represent: Let y represent:​



Let r = amount of the 7% solution

y represent the amount of the 15 percent solution

r =7.5 L

y = 12.5 L

Step-by-step explanation:

Let r = amount of the 7% solution

y represent the amount of the 15 percent solution

.07r + .15 y = (r+y) .12

r+y = 20

y = 20-r

.07r + .15 (20-r) = (20) .12


.07r+ 3 - .15r = 2.4

-.08r = 2.4-3

-.08r = -.6

Divide by-.08

r =7.5

y = 20-7.5

y = 12.5

Each machine at a certain factory can produce 90 units per hour. The setup cost is 20 dollars for each machine and the operating cost is 26 dollars per hour (total, not 26 dollars per machine per hour). You would like to know how many machines should be used to produce 40000 units, with the goal of minimizing production costs.
First, find a formula for the total cost in terms of the number of machines, n:_______
TC = ______
machines for a total cost of The minimum total cost is achieved when using dollars.



a)  [tex]Total Cost=20n+\frac{(\frac{40000}{90}*26)}{n}[/tex]

b)  [tex]n=24[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Rate r=90 units per hour

Setup cost =20

Operating Cost =26


Generally the equation for Total cost is mathematically given by

[tex]Total Cost=20n+\frac{(\frac{40000}{90}*26)}{n}[/tex]

[tex]T_n=20n+\frac{11556}{n}\\\\T_n=\frac{20n^2+11556}{n}.....equ 1[/tex]


[tex]T_n'=\frac{n(40n)-(40n^2+11556)}{n_2}\\\\T_n'=\frac{20n^2-11556}{n^2}.....equ 2[/tex]

Equating equ 1 to zero




Substituting n

For Equ 1



For Equ 2



Does the function ƒ(x) = (1∕2) + 25 represent exponential growth, decay, or neither?
A) Exponential growth
B) Impossible to determine with the information given.
C) Neither
D) Exponential decay



A) Exponential growth

Step-by-step explanation:

The profit earned by a hot dog stand is a linear function of the number of hot dogs sold. It costs the owner $48 dollars each morning for the day’s supply of hot dogs, buns and mustard, but he earns $2 profit for each hot dog sold. Which equation represents y, the profit earned by the hot dog stand for x hot dogs sold? y=48x−2 y=48x+2 y=2x−48 y=2x+48



c. y=2x−48


It is telling us that it costs $48 each morning to buy the day's supply of hot dogs, so we must subtract that from our pay, and it will be our y intercept

It also says he earns $2 per hot dog, so that will be our slope (rate of change)

Hope it helps! :]

y = 2x - 48 equation represents the profit earned by the x hot dog sold.

What is linear equation?

A linear equation is an algebraic expression in which highest power of the given variable is equals to one.

Given that, the profit earned by a hot dog stand is a linear function of the number of hot dogs sold.

It costs the owner $48 dollars each morning for the day’s supply of hot dogs, buns and mustard, but he earns $2 profit for each hot dog sold.

We need to establish an equation that represents the total profit,

According to the question,

x represents the number of hot dogs sold

y represents the total profit earned

Cost required for supply = $48

Profit on each hot dog sold = $2

As per the condition given, the required linear equation is =

y = 2x - 48

Hence, y = 2x - 48 equation represents the profit earned by the x hot dog sold.

Learn more about linear equation here :



The sum of the interior angles of a regular nonagon (9-gon) is equal to


The sum of the interior angles is 1260°

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