What is the theme of "Fighter" by Walter Dean Myers?
respond with 2 RACE paragraphs.


Answer 1


Social injustice/police brutality. Value of life


Social injustice, police brutality and value of life are the important components of the theme of the short story ''fighter'' which is written by Walter Dean Myers. In this short story he writes about the injustice that happen in the society as well as the aggressive behaviour of the police which leads to police brutality.

In this story, he describes the importance of life and its value to the reader. In such type of society there is no value of life of the people, killings are normal thing that occurs or happens in such type of society.

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Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities. Short essay




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What do the actions of the humans in this passage most reveal about their motivations and values?



weres the passege????


Who makes me a poem on this subject please ……….

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Only you can answer this question. Everybody feels differently when their school closes down. Factors such as your age, religious beliefs, home situation, and background all have to be taken into account. Only you know who you were before the schools closed down, and only you know who you are now.

When writing a poem, I would recommend keeping it short and sweet, and following a basic rhyme scheme with a simple rhythm, just for the sake of simplicity.

I hope this helps!

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Identify and describe two social issues that Realist writers worked to improve by making more Americans
care about the problems. For each issue, name a writer who wrote realistically about the situation.




The first American to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1930) was Sinclair Lewis. He wrote about nothing but social issues. The 1920s was his golden era.

The two I'm most familiar with is the two I'll write about. The first was Dodsworth, which is perhaps his masterpiece.

It is the story of a rich industrialist who decides to give it all up and live in Europe. His wife was the real meat of the book; it is her life that bears the pointed satire of the book. Lewis was not enamored with everything American and she was what he despised most. She was frivolous, wasteful, cruel, but she had a hold on Dodsworth. And that is the point of the book. Lewis painted her the way he did because he was trying to awaken America into being more useful, more dedicated and less unthinking than they were in the 20s. It's a dark novel, very realistic in its contents, and not too overly hopeful that things would improve. Still in spite of her, he hoped. Lest you think that Lewis had his knife sharpened on women's hide, the woman Dodsworth eventually falls is everything his wife is not.

The second book I'll talk about is Babbitt. George Babbitt was the embodiment of another trait Lewis was not fond of. He hated unthinking  hypocrisy and George was both. He was a hypocrite and unthinking. He was a likable buffoon (that's my interpretation -- it certainly was not what Lewis thought) who got along by agreeing with everyone -- not realizing what he was doing at all. The book actually takes Babbitt apart by mocking his lack of anything that resembled centrality or intelligence. He had no real political will. He opposed everything that those in power had to say, particularly the clergy who were themselves taken apart in Elmer Gantry.

A very old but astonishingly good movie still about Elmer Gantry was made in 1960 and if you live in a mid sized city they likely have it. It shows Gantry at his best/worst. Dodsworth is also a film and it too is a masterpiece. Babbitt has his own film but he is much slimier in Elmer. Babbitt's film is much older than 1960. It's too bad he only had a cameo part.

I've not covered Gantry, because some people are very sensitive about how Religion is treated. And I add this caution: if you are sensitive to how religion is written about, then don't watch Gantry. Lewis shows no mercy. The film is much kinder and enough of Gantry shines though that we tend not to like him. His charm does nothing for him.

The films

Dodsworth and Elmer Gantry.

8) I'm so tired from fatigue that I feel as if a roller ____me
A. had run over
B. will run over
C. is running over
D. has run over
9. The rescue team ___more victims of the quake alive if they____ better equipment.
A. saved - had
B. were able to - had
C. had saved - would have had
D. might have saved - had
10. Marcus ___over to help with the project over the weekend, but he will be taking his mother to hospital for some tests.
A. is coming
B. may come
C. would come
D. will come​





had run over me

9) might have saved if they had

10) may come

8. is running over

9.saved - had

10.is coming

La Tomatina on the last Wednesday of August every year.
A. hold B. held C. is held D. be held



C. is held


step by step explanation




D. be held

Which option is the best point of comparison between the genres of horror
and comedy?
A. The role of fear in the story
B. The importance of the past
C. Hijinks and absurd situations
D. The direction of a typical plot


The answer would be:

D: The direction of a typical plot.

a peace above all earthly dignities a still and quiet conscience explanation



Answer:William Shakespeare

Henry VIII, Act 3, Scene 2. Wolsey responds to Cromwell’s question of how he is after his downfall. He has abandoned ambition and achieved redemption, finding true happiness and peace at last.

Write an article to your college newspaper between 150-200 words about the advantages and disadvantages of using social media by college students



Originally, Social Media was a way to interact with friends and family but later on, Business Organizations have taken interest in this popular communication method to reach out to customers. Social Media plays a significant role in helping to grow businesses. Social Media platforms are becoming a natural place to reach targeted potential customers as 50% of World’s population use social media now a day. Many business organizations recognize the benefit of social media as a communication platform to communicate with their customers.

Here are some of the advantages of using social media to build a brand or to run an existing business

By using social media, a business organization can create a real human connection to the customers

Social Media plays an important role in Lead Generation by offering an easy way for the customers to express interest in their business.

Social Media is becoming the most important part of a sales funnel of any business as a number of people using social media is growing day by day.

Social Media is an excellent platform to promote one’s well-researched content in front of new people to grow the audience base.

Social Media gives business owners the opportunity to connect with their fans and followers every time they log in to their account.

Conclusion to social media essay

Social Media is a crucial tool for almost all kinds of businesses. Business organizations use this platform to find and engage with customers, generate sales through promotion and advertising and offering customers after sale service and support. Though Social Media is becoming an important part for business organizations, unplanned activities in Social Media can kill a business too.

Final Words: – Social Media is becoming an important part of our life, thus an essay on Social Media was needed. Taking this in mind, We, Team Guide to Exam have decided to write an essay on Social Media. In this essay on Social Media, we are trying to include different category wise short essays for students of different standards. In addition to that, we have written a long essay on Social Media (700+ Words) for higher-level students.

POINTS ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Read the following description:

In a story, a prince must discover the source of a mysterious mist that is covering the kingdom, preventing crops from growing. The prince travels to the top of a mountain and discovers a lonely dragon whose tears are creating the mist. The dragon is gentle and kind, but the kingdom's residents fear him. The prince tells the people that the dragon is harmless. They befriend the dragon, the crops are saved, and the dragon becomes an official protector of the kingdom.

What are two literary themes that can be identified in this description?

The challenges of cooperation and the importance of economic success

The difficulties of leadership and the importance of identifying others' skills

The importance of not prejudging others and the value of nonviolent solutions

The value of community and the dangers of standing out



A and C


It is definitely not D and probably not B, so A and C are the most likely answers.

I know it is C because the Prince didn't judge the dragon and gave a non-violent solution to include the dragon.

Analyze one of three poems - "The Lady of Shalott" by Alfred, Lord Tennyson,
Sonnet 50 by William Shakespeare, or "Grievance" by Amy Lowell - and then write a
new poem that uses the same meter, rhyme scheme, and form as the one you
analyzed. Your original poem should be at least two stanzas long (about 8 lines), or
exactly 14 lines if you're writing a sonnet.
Your assignment should include the following elements:
• An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of
the poem you've chosen to analyze
• An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your
chosen poem
• 8 - 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen
• An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the
poem you've chosen to analyze


●An introduction paragraph with a hook and a thesis statement about the theme of thepoem you've chosen to analyze●An analysis paragraph that describes the rhyme scheme and meter of your chosen poem●8 – 10 annotations that go into detail about the poetic elements in your chosen poem●An original poem that follows the same form (sonnet, ballad, or free verse) as the poemyou've chosen to analyze

____ church on the corner is progressive.



The church on the corner is progressive


we use the because we are talking about particular church which is on the corner

When you find information that is not relevant to your main research question or supporting questions, what should you do?

А. do more research on that topic
B. disregard the information
C. include the information in your research notes



B Disregard the information.

We choose to disregard the information as to save time and energy. Since the information we gathered is totally unrelated(we can say that because it's not in the supporting questions also), we can as well as disregard it and proceed.

What is the best way to describe "sometimes" in the following sentence? "She sometimes returns her books late."
A. A when adverb modifying a verb
B. A how often adverb modifying a verb
C. A how often adverb modifying an adverb
D. A when adverb modifying an adverb



B)  how often adverb modifying a verb


In the sentence, "She sometimes returns her books late." the adverb "sometimes" describes how often the "verb" happens so it is rightful to say that the adverb talks about the frequency of the action. On the other hand, the other choices provided are inappropriate to describe the scenario and the construction of the sentence.

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.


“ Sometimes people say silly things. They do not intend to be mean.”

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean! This option correctly splits the independent clause in a complete sentence by adding an exclamation point at the end to indicate the speaker's tone. So, the correct option is C.

What is Sentence?

A sentence is a semantically complete unit of speech composed of one or more words that expresses an entire thought, idea, or message. It usually has a subject and a predicate and might be a statement, an inquiry, an order, or an exclamation.

A set of words must meet specific grammatical conditions in order to be termed a sentence. A subject (the person, place, thing, or idea about which the sentence is about) and a predication (the part of the sentence that indicates what the subject does or what is being done to the subject) are examples of these. A phrase must additionally possess a logical structure and express a complete notion on its own.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Sentence, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Read the sentence:

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.

Sometimes people say silly things, they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things; they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean!Sometimes, people say sill they not intend to be mean.

in all the world , there ( be) _____only 14 mountains that (reach)____above 8,000 meters



In all the world, there will be only 14 mountains that will reach above 8,000 meters.

Choose the Right Part of Speech
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. The BOY is eating. (What part of speech is the word "BOY" in this sentence?)
a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. adverb
2. The girl ate some delicious FRUIT.
a. adjective b. noun c. verb d. adverb
3. Mary WILL TAKE a course in quantam physics this fall.
a. adjective b. noun c. pronoun d. verb
4. The students ARE WRITING a long essay for class.
a. noun b. adverb c. verb d. adjective
5. Everyone THINKS the cafeteria food is terrible.
a. verb b. noun c. pronoun d. adjective
6. The child kicked the BLUE ball yesterday.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
7. I am SAD.
a. pronoun b. verb c. adjective d. noun
8. These birds all FLY together.
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective
9. The black FLY is swimming in my soup.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. pronoun
10. It is dark in here. We need to turn on the LIGHT.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adjective d. noun
11. It is dark in here. We should LIGHT a candle.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adverb d. noun
12. A truck is very heavy. A feather, on the other hand, is very LIGHT.
a. verb b. adjective c. adverb d. noun
13. The ice is very thin. Be careful! You must walk LIGHTLY on the ice!
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective



1:C - Noun

2:B - Noun

3:D - Verb

4:C - Verb

5:A - Verb

6:B - Adjective

7:C - Adjective

8:B - Verb

9:A - Noun

10:D - Noun

11:A - Verb

12:B - Adjective

13:B - Verb


A noun is is the name of a place, thing, animal, person or concept.

An adjective is a word used to describe a noun or a pronoun.

A verb is a word used to describe an action.

All of the following are basic elements to look for when determining the subject of a painting, except
O time period
O color
O overall scene
O composition



composition Explanation:

C : composition of a painting gives a small amount of the painter and his intentions for drawing. The time period reveals evidence of a real person , color is definitely a eye catcher reveals who the subject was the scene will tell you the stays of the person. Their outloook on the art

Reread Nick's dialogue with Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby. Do you think that Nick trusts Jordan's ideas about Gatsby? What makes you think so? Cite specific textual evidence to support your answer.


Based on the dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

This is highlighted when Jordan mentions that Gatsby had told her that he went to Oxford but she doesn't believe him

What is a Narration?

This refers to the storytelling that is done about a particular event and shows the sequence of actions involved.

Hence, we can see that based on the complete text, there is a dialogue between Nick and Jordan at the end of the excerpt from The Great Gatsby, we can infer that Nick seems to trust Jordan's ideas about Gatsby.

Thus, the specific example is cited above.

Read more about The Great Gatsby here:



who was the author of a farewell to arms


The author would be Ernest Hemmingway


Ernest Hemingway,


hope this helped :)

help! how does Flannery O’Connor use literary techniques to influence characterization?


Answer:In “A Good Man is Hard to Find” Flannery O’Connor uses literary techniques such as conflicts, foreshadowing, imagery, simile, and irony to create eccentric characters and a twisted plot. She is never direct and spins her conversations into long detailed stories.


Review the script Mona used for her presentation about the solar system.

Mars is one of the planets in the solar system. It is near Earth, and there are some robotic machines exploring Mars. There might be life on the Red Planet.

Other planets include Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, Uranus, and Neptune. Earth is a planet too, and it is the third planet from the Sun. The sun is in the middle of the solar system which is part of the Milky Way which is a galaxy in the universe.Planets go orbiting around the sun in circles, and orbit means go around.Is there life on other planets? We don’t know, but there probably is.

Which of the following suggestions might help Mona to improve her presentation?
A I think you should choose a different subject; this one is too hard.
B I don’t really understand what you’re saying; you should make it clearer.
C You should make it better by adding more information to it.
D Try organizing your presentation spatially, using a map of the solar system.


Answer:the answer is c


Answer: You should make it better by adding more information to it.

1) You should keep the milk in the refrigerator_____________ it doesn’t go bad.


The answer is: so that

You should keep the milk on the refrigerator “so that” it doesn’t go bad.

Answer: no


After the creature tells Frankenstein his tale and requests he makes him a companion creature:_________
a. Frankenstein is eager to start the task as he is confident immediately that this is the solution to both his and the creature’s suffering.
b. Frankenstein is unsure. He is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.
c. Frankenstein tells the creature he must think on the matter further and promises to meet him again in the same location in two weeks’ time with an answer.
d. Frankenstein outright refuses. He and the creature argue at great length about prospect and still Frankenstein cannot be convinced. It is not until the creature threatens to kidnap Elizabeth that Frankenstein complies.


Answer: B. Frankenstein is unsure. He is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.


When the creature tells Frankenstein his tale and requests he makes him a companion creature, Frankenstein is unsure as he is moved by the creature’s story, but every time he looks at him, he is again moved by disgust and distrust, and questions the creature several times before agreeing.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

i first(meet)my best friend three years ago





i first met my best friend three years ago

We can actually deduce here that the correct sentence will become: I first met my best friend three years ago.

What is correct sentence?

A correct sentence is actually known as the sentence that is correctly written and which have all the grammatical functions correct.

We can see here that "meet" is the word that should be changed into "met". This is because the sentence itself is in the past so the verb should be in past tense.

Learn more about correct sentence on https://brainly.com/question/16726894


Paraphrase what Okita's poem says about the topic of American Identity.



The main idea of Okita's poems is that cultural heritage and physical appearances do not determine what it means to be an American. Orika expresses more about how people can experience the culture.

10 sentences about post box ​



Post Office Is Used to Send and Receive Letters.

India Post Operates All Post Offices in India.

India Post Headquarters Is Located in New Delhi.

India Post Was Established in 1854.

Every Post Office Has Its Own Pin.

There Is a Post Box Outside the Post Office.

The Color of the Post Box Is Red.

which type of figurative language is illustrated in this sentence : He glided across the field like a snake.


The answer is simile because they use the word like




because there demstrating him like a snake

What do these lines tell you about the attitude men on Earth had toward any men on Mars?

It is curious to recall some of the mental habits of those departed days. At most terrestrial men fancied there might be other men upon Mars, perhaps inferior to themselves and ready to welcome a missionary enterprise. (4 points)
Select one:
a. If they existed, they could teach humans things.
b. If they existed, they would leave humans alone.
c. If they existed, they would be interested in humans.
d. If they existed, they would need help from humans.


personally i would say D. the word inferior leads me to think that humans would probably have to help them.

The men on Earth would have taught the human things to the men on Mars if they really existed.

Option A is the correct answer.

The men on Mars, if existed, then they can take help from men on Earth regarding how to live a life with the resources that they have. As the men on Earth know how to survive with available resources, therefore they can help

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