What is the value of the expression
x² + 2x - 2xy – 2y + y^2 when x - y = 50 ?


Answer 1

x ² + 2x - 2xy - 2y + y ² = (x ² - 2xy + y ²) + 2 (x - y)

… = (x - y)² + 2 (x - y)

… = 50² + 2 × 50

… = 2600

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Why do you believe the concerns around smartphones were identified as responsibilities and not dilemmas?


Smartphones were created by humans and therefore the concerns that arise from them should be our responsibility. I don’t know how they would be consider dilemmas.

Choose the vocabulary word that BEST completes the sentence.
The food writer ate at the restaurant on three nights to get an accurate picture of its





If you substitute the other 4 words, the sentence simply does not make sense

The best answer would be quality

to maintain good balance in a horizontal relationship, you must…





Working productively and sharing responsibility is the correct choice to maintain a good balance in a horizontal relationship. Hope this helps! Thanks.

3. Cora earns $13 an hour as a cashier. How much will
she earn if she works from 8:00am to 2:00pm?


Answer: Answer is 78 dollars.


from 8:00 am to 2:00pm it would be 6 hours


1 hour = 13

6 hours = 13*6 = 78

Which model best shows the movement of oxygen during photosynthesis?
Ò A. Atmosphere
O B. Soil - Plant
C. Plant - Soil
D. Plant - Atmosphere


D. Plant - atmosphere

How do you grow rice



put some rice in a pot

Then mix it up with some sauce

pour in some dirt

and you'll get some sweet plant


Ideally, you need at least 40 continuous days of warm temps over 70 F. (21 C.) to grow rice.

First, you need to find one or several plastic containers without holes. One or several depends upon how many miniature pseudo rice paddies you want to create. Next, either purchase rice seed from a gardening supplier or buy long grain brown rice from a bulk foods store or in a bag. Organically grown rice is best and it can’t be white rice, which has been processed.

Fill the bucket or plastic container with 6 inches (15 cm.) of dirt or potting soil. Add water up to 2 inches (5 cm.) over the soil level. Add a handful of the long grain rice to the bucket. The rice will sink to the dirt. Keep the bucket in a warm, sunny area and move it to a warm place at night.

Rice plants don’t need too much care from here on out. Keep the water level at 2 inches (5 cm.) or so above the dirt. When the rice plants are 5-6 inches (12.5-15 cm.) tall, increase the water depth to 4 inches (10 cm.). Then, allow the water level to lower on its own over a period of time. Ideally, by the time you harvest them, the plants should no longer be in standing water.

If all goes well, rice is ready to harvest in its fourth month. The stalks will go from green to gold to indicate it is time to harvest. Harvesting rice means cutting and gathering the panicles attached to the stalks. To harvest the rice, cut the stalks and allow them to dry, wrapped in a newspaper, for two to three weeks in a warm, dry place.

Once the rice stalks have dried, roast in a very low heat oven (under 200 F./93 C.) for around an hour, then remove the hulls by hand. That’s it; you can now cook with your very own home grown, long grain brown rice.

Truck A leaves a loading dock and averages 40 miles
per hour until it makes a stop in Dover County. Truck B
leaves the same loading dock two hours after Truck A and
averages 60 miles per hour until it makes a stop in Dover
County as well. If both trucks arrive in Dover County at
the same time, how many miles is Dover County from the
loading dock?


Answer: 240 miles

Explanation: Since Truck A moves 40 miles in one hour, we can say that the truck traveled 40 miles after 1 hour, 80 miles after 2 hours, 120 miles after 3 hours, 160 miles after 4 hours, 200 miles after 5 hours, and 240 miles after 6 hours.

Now since Truck B moves 60 miles in one hour, it moved 60 miles in one hour, 120 miles in 2 hours, 180 miles in 3 hours, and 240 miles in 4 hours.

So when the question tells you that both trucks arrived at the same time, you can find the answer by looking for the distance where the two trucks met. So in this case, it would be 240 miles because Truck A took 6 hours to get to 240 miles and Truck B took 4 hours to get to 240 miles and since Truck A moved 2 hours ahead of Truck B, the answer would be correct.

Therefore, Dover county is 240 miles away from the loading dock.

Sorry about the bad explanation (the answer is correct though)

Adam can clean a room in 3 hours. If his sister Maria helps, they can clean it in 2 2/5 hours. How long will it take Maria to do the job alone?


Adam can clean a room in 3 hours. If his sister Maria helps, they can clean it in 225 hours. How long will it take Maria to do the job alone?
2 2 = 12 Together time, 2 2 , needs to be converted to fraction 555
Adan:3,Maria:x,Total: 5 Clearlystatetimesforeachandtotal,usingxforMaria 12
1+1= 5 Usingreciprocals,addtheindividualtimesgivestotal 3 x 12

1(12x) + 1(12x) = 5(12x) 3 x 12
4x+12=5x −4x −4x 12=x It takes Maria 12 hours
Multiply each term by LCD of 12x
Reduce each fraction
Move variables to one side, subtracting 4x Our solution for x

Answer is - 12 hours

you good bronbtihrwithirntibibrinibn bjnj





good night friend

have a good night

If pressure, measured in pascals, is equal to the force of
an object in newtons divided by the contact area in
meters, which of the following combinations of force and
area creates closest to 10,000 pascals of pressure?
A) 200,000 N and 20,000 m²
B) 20,000 N and 10,000 m²
C) 5,000 N and 5 m²
D) 2,000 N and 0.2 m²


2000N and 0.2m^2



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Pressure=\dfrac{Force}{Area}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Pressure=\dfrac{2000}{0.2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Pressure=10000Pa[/tex]

[tex] \huge\green{\overline{\underline{\rm{\purple{꧁⫷ᴀɴsᴡᴇʀ⫸꧂ }}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \large\green{\overline{\underline{\rm{\red{•••••••••••••••••••••••••}}}}} [/tex]

[tex] \sf {P = \frac{Force}{Area}} [/tex]

[tex]\sf{ P = \frac{2000}{0. 2}} [/tex]

[tex]\sf \green {{{ P = 10000Pa}}} [/tex]

[tex] \large\green{\overline{\underline{\rm{\blue{•••••••••••••••••••••••••}}}}} [/tex]



6X54 X 30 329 Зач 6 3 30 Sч Я 9



8,188,830 43a


hey 1988 + 2 = ??????​










I don't know why you couldn't do this on your own. It's simple math, but oh well. I hope this helps dude.

What is the opportunity cost in this scenario?
Mikael has saved $4,000 for his to trip to Brazil. He has calculated that his total transportation expenses will be $1,000. The hotel will cost him
another $1,500. He will spend about $500 on food. He plans on spending the remaining $1,000 for sightseeing and buying souvenirs.
While booking his plane ticket, he realizes that the price has gone up. His total transportation expenses will go up by $200. He realizes that he
cannot cancel his hotel reservation. He also doesn't want to go cheap on food. Finally, he decides to give up visiting the popular Ouro Preto
during his stay in Brazil.


The opportunity cost in this scenario is Sightseeing.

The Opportunity Cost in this scenario will be the amount of  $1,000 that has been made available for  sightseeing and buying souvenirs.

Opportunity Cost is an alternative forgone which a person or an individual give up or forgone  in order to choose  other available alternative when making a  decision  which inturn may  result in  the loss of  gain  that would have been derived  if the alternative forgone was  choosing.

Example of opportunity cost is  giving up

on buying movies tickets for a textbook.

Therefore the opportunity cost in this scenario is Sightseeing.

Learn more about Opportunity cost here:


The Escobar family went on a car trip. They drove 100 miles on country roads and 240 miles on the highway. They drove 50% faster on the highway than on the country roads. Let r represent their rate on country roads in miles per hour. a. Write and simplify an expression that represents the number of hours it took the Escobar family to complete their trip in terms of r. (Hint: 50% faster means 150% of the original rate.) b. Find their total travel time if they drove the posted speed limit.


Answer: Hey I'm sorry I didn't get to answer your question it's just that I need the points because I don't have enough to get help with my question. I hope you get the answer that you need for you question. Good Luck :)..


The expression that represents the number of hours it took the Escobar family to complete their trip in terms of r is 260/r

The expression for the total time of travel?

Let r represent their rate on country road and R represent their rate on highway.

So, we have:

R = (100% + 50%) * r


R = 1.5r

Rate is calculated using:

Rate = Distance/Time

So, we have:

r = 100/t and R = 240/T

Make T and t the subject

t = 100/r and T = 240/R

The total time of travel is:

Total = t + T

So, we have:

Total = 100/r + 240/R

Substitute R = 1.5r

Total = 100/r + 240/1.5r


Total = 100/r + 160/r

Evaluate the sum

Total = 260/r

The total time of travel

The speed limit is 40mph

This means that:

r = 40

In (a), we have:

Total = 260/r

Substitute 40 for r

Total = 260/40


Total = 6.5

Hence, their total time of travel is 6.5hours

Read more about rate and distance at:



Depth perception is not important in determining proper following distance.

A. True
B. False


The answer to this is false

Depth perception is not important in determining proper following distance is the false statement.

What is lack of depth perception?

The brain is able to integrate both images into a single 3-D image in a process called stereopsis. With the help of this information, it is possible to calculate both the distance between the items and their distance from one another.

Thus, the statement is not true.

For more details about lack of depth perception, click here:



Given the equation
[tex]y = x(x + 2) - 15[/tex]
which of the following inequalities gives all possible true values of x, given that
[tex]y < 0[/tex]

Answer choices:

[tex]x > 3[/tex]
[tex]0 < x < 3[/tex]
[tex] - 5 \leqslant x \leqslant 3[/tex]
[tex] - 5 < x < 3[/tex]


Answer:   [tex]\Large \boldsymbol{d) -5<x<3}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \Large \boldsymbol {} y=x(x+2)-15 =0 \\\\x^2+2x-15<0 \\\\\left \{ {{x_1+x_2=-2} \atop {\!\!\!\!\!\!x_1x_2=-15}} \right.=> x_1=-5 \ ; \ x_2=3 \\\\\\(x+5)(x-3) <0\\\\\\signs : +++ (-5) --- (3) +++[/tex]

                                  //////////  [tex]\Large \boldsymbol{} x \in (-5 \ ; \ 3) \ \ or \ \ -5<x<3[/tex]

1. What is "FAFSA?"

2. When applying for a tuition loan, what should be your primary guideline?

3. Where does one go to find the FAFSA form?


1. The free application for Federal Student Aid

2. not sure

3. studentaid.gov

The primary guideline for a college student that is applying for a tuition loan is to have ideal repayment options.

What is FAFSA?

FAFSA is an acronym for Federal Application for Student Aid and it can be defined as a form that is issued to either current or prospective college students in the United States of America, in order to determine whether or not they're eligibile for student loans and financial aid.

The primary guideline for a college student that is applying for a tuition loan is to have ideal repayment options and an understanding of different types of loans.

In order to access the Federal Application for Student Aid (FAFSA), you should visit their official website or download the myStudentAid mobile application.

Read more on FAFSA here: https://brainly.com/question/1339985

if you need to learn first skill what you prefer read or write​



I think you must first read

Reading should be first because you wouldn’t be able to read what your writing

Which group represents external customers of an organization


The buyer of the company's products and services. :)



[tex]\boxed{\sf a(b+c+d)=ab+ac+ad}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -2xy^2(x^3y-2x^2y^2+5xy^3)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto -2x^4y^3+4x^3y^4-10x^2y^5[/tex]

Hope it helps

What type of relationship involves people who don’t share the same status?
A. parallel
B. horizontal
C. vertical
D. Circular


The correct option is (b) Vertical relationship.


I need help with math



Got it


U r really cute lol. Tell me what kind of math

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