What is the value of z for the equation fraction 1 over 3z = −fraction 5 over 6 + fraction 1 over 6z?



Answer 1

9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

  [tex]\dfrac{1}{3z}=-\dfrac{5}{6}+\dfrac{1}{6z}\qquad\text{given}\\\\2=-5z+1\qquad\text{multiply by $6z$}\\\\1=-5z\qquad\text{subtract 1}\\\\\boxed{-\dfrac{1}{5}=z}\qquad\text{divide by $-5$}[/tex]

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we make a sequence of figures with tiles. The first four figures have 1,4,7 and 10 tiles, respectively. How many tiles will the 15th figure have?




Step-by-step explanation:

1 , 4 , 7 , 10

→ Find the difference between each term

4 - 1 = 3, 7 - 4 = 3 and 10 - 7 = 3

→ Put this into the nth term format

3n + x

→ Write the 3 times tables above the sequence and find what you need to take away from the times tables to get to the sequence

3 , 6 , 9 , 12

1 , 4 , 7 , 10

→ Minus 2

3n - 2

→ Substitute 15 as n

3 × 15 - 2 = 43

2067 Supp Q.No. 2a Find the sum of all the natural numbers between 1 and 100 which are divisible by 5. Ans: 1050 ​





Step-by-step explanation:

Natural Numbers are positive whole numbers. They aren't negative, decimals, fractions. We can just divide 5 into 100 to find how many natural numbers go up to 100 and just add them but that is just to much.

There is a easier method.

E.g: Natural Numbers that are divisible by a Nth Number. is the same as adding the Nth Numbers to a multiple of that Nth Term. For example, let say we need to find numbers divisible by 2. We know that 4 is divisible by 2 because 4/2=2. We can add the Nth numbers which is 2 to 4. 4+2=6. And 6 is divisible by 2 because 6/2=3. We can call this a arithmetic series. A series which has a pattern of adding a common difference

Back to the problem, we can use the sum of arithmetic series formula,

[tex]y = x( \frac{z {}^{1} + {z}^{n} }{2} )[/tex]

Where x is the number of terms in our sequence. Z1 is the fist term of our series. ZN is our last term. And y is the sum of all of the terms

The first term is 5, the numbers of terms being added is 20 because 100/5=20. The last term is 100.

[tex]y = 20( \frac{5 + 100}{2} )[/tex]

[tex]y = 20( \frac{105}{2} )[/tex]

[tex]y = 1050[/tex]

Simplify expression 1 1/2



3/2 or 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

Hey there!

[tex]\huge\boxed{\mathsf{1\dfrac{1}{2}}}}\\\huge\boxed{\mathsf{\rightarrow \dfrac{1\times1+2}{2}}}\\\\\\\huge\boxed{{1\times1+2}}\\\huge\boxed{= 1+2}\\\huge\boxed{=3}\\\\\\\huge\boxed{\rightarrow \mathsf{\dfrac{3}{2}}}\\\\\\\huge\boxed{\textsf{Answer: }\bf \dfrac{3}{2}}\huge\checkmark\\\\\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}\\\\\\\\\\\huge\boxed{\frak{Amphitrite1040:)}}[/tex]

A California distributor of sporting equipment expects to sell 10,000 cases of tennis balls during the coming year at a steady rate. Yearly carrying costs (to be computed on the average number of cases in stock during the year) are $10 per case, and the cost of placing an order with the manufacturer is $45. Determine the economic order quantity, that is, the order quantity that minimizes the inventory cost.


The economic order quantity is 300 cases of tennis balls.

The economic order quantity (EOQ) is the minimum quantity that the distributor can order per order to minimize inventory costs.

Data and Calculations:

Sales of tennis balls for the coming year = 10,000 units

Carrying (holding) costs per case = $10

Cost of placing orders with the manufacturer = $45 per order

Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) = square root of (2 * Annual Demand/Sales * Ordering cost)/Carrying cost per case

= square root of (2 * 10,000 * $45)/$10

= square root of 90,000

= 300 cases of tennis balls

This implies that the distributor will place about 33 orders (10,000/300) in the coming year.  With each order, the quantity placed is 300 units.

Thus, the economic order quantity that will minimize the California distributor's inventory costs for the year is 300 cases of tennis balls.

Learn more about economic order quantity here: https://brainly.com/question/9068415

Find the value of x to the nearest tenth of a degree.



Answer is 20.4 .........

The answer is 20.4 because i also got it right

A football team is currently number 19 in overall offence. They have gotten 1,940 yards, while the number one
offence has received 2,728 yards. They've both played four games. How many more yards per game is the top
team receiving?




that's grbrhrhbrhshsheheehebbebdbshwjwwmkwkw


197 yards per game

Step-by-step explanation:

divide both values by 4 and subtract the value of the losing team from the value of the winning team to get your answer.

What is the inverse of the function g (x) = 5 (x - 2)



g − 1 ( x ) =  x/ 5 +  2

Step-by-step explanation:

See the pic for solutions :)

If one big rectangle represents one whole what fraction of area is shaded gold in the two rectangle




Step-by-step explanation:

one big rectangle is 1 or 8/8 and the other is 7 out of 8, therefore we have 8/8+7/8 = 15/8.

The Demand function for a product is given by:

D(q) = - 0.0003q^2 - 0.04q + 23.56

where q is the number of units sold and D(q) is the corresponding price per unit, in dollars. What is the average rate of change of Demand between 40 and 175 units sold?



The average rate of change of Demand between 40 and 175 units sold is of -0.1045.

Step-by-step explanation:

Average rate of change:

The average rate of a function f(x) in an interval [a,b] is given by:

[tex]A = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a}[/tex]

In this question:

[tex]D(q) = -0.0003q^2 - 0.04q + 23.56[/tex]

What is the average rate of change of Demand between 40 and 175 units sold?

[tex]a = 40, b = 175[/tex]. So

[tex]D(40) = -0.0003*40^2 - 0.04*40 + 23.56 = 21.48[/tex]

[tex]D(175) = -0.0003*175^2 - 0.04*175 + 23.56 = 7.3725[/tex]


[tex]A = \frac{f(b) - f(a)}{b - a} = \frac{7.3725 - 21.48}{175 - 40} = -0.1045[/tex]

The average rate of change of Demand between 40 and 175 units sold is of -0.1045.

A local church holds an annual raffle to raise money for a new roof. They sell only 500 tickets at $50 each. This year's prizes include: $3,000 in cash, four $100 Amazon gift cards, and two $75 Visa gift cards. You buy one ticket. What is your mathematical expectation for this game



The expectation for an event with outcomes:

{x₁, x₂, ..., xₙ}

Each one with probability:

{p₁, p₂, ..., pₙ}


Ev = x₁*p₁ + ... + xₙ*pₙ

There are 500 tickets sold.

1 of these, wins $3,000  (this is the event x₁)

4 of these, wins $100     (this is the event x₂)

2 of these, wins $75        (this is the event x₃)

The others do not have a prize.

So the probability of winning the $3000 is equal to the quotient between the number of tickets with that prize (1) and the total number of tickets (500)

p₁ = 1/500

Similarly, the probability of winning $100 will be:

p₂ = 4/500

And for the $75 prize:

p₃ = 2/500

Then the probability of not winning is:

p₄ = 493/500

Then the expected value for a single ticket is:

Ev = $0*493/500 + $75*2/500 + $100*4/500 + $3000*1/500

Ev = $7.1

If you take in account that you pay $50 for the ticket, the actual expectation should be:

E = $7.10 - $50 = -$42.90

One time Maria took 27 minutes to walk 1.8km to school. She left home at 07:48 . Write down the time Maria arrived at school




Step-by-step explanation:

the time would be 8:15 7:48 + 27 = 8:15

HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


9514 1404 393


  D. 72 heads in 100 flips

Step-by-step explanation:

A probability calculator will tell you the probabilities of the given outcome with a fair coin are ...

  A: 0.0625

  B: 0.04395

  C: 0.15498

  D: 3.9×10^-6


It is "improbable" that a fair coin will give 72 heads in 100 flips. So, it is reasonable to assume the coin is not fair if that is the result.

whats the value of 5 in the product of 6,541 x 100




Step-by-step explanation:

The product would be 654,100. Replace the other numbers to find the value of 5. The value of 5 is 050,000 or 50,000.

I hope this helps!

Assume that the helium porosity (in percentage) of coal samples taken from any particular seam is normally distributed with true standard deviation 0.74. (a) Compute a 95% CI for the true average porosity of a certain seam if the average porosity for 19 specimens from the seam was 4.85. (Round your answers to



The answer is "(4.518, 5.182)"

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\sigma = 0.74[/tex]

The aveage porosity for a sample of [tex]n = 19[/tex] specimens is


Thus, the[tex]95\%[/tex] confidence interval for the true mean is

[tex]=\bar{x}\pm Z_{\frac{0.05}{2}} \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}\\\\=4.85\pm 1.96 \frac{0.74}{\sqrt{19}}\\\\=4.85\pm 0.332\\\\=(4.518, 5.182)[/tex]

Therefore, one can state that the true average porosity will lie  between 4.518 and 5.182 with the 95\% confidence.

two cars started to move towards each other at the same time. the speed of the first car was twice the speed of the second car. they met in two hours. if the distance traveled altogether was 300 km find the rates of the cars.



Step-by-step explanation:

Let v be the speed of the slower car

2v is the speed of the faster car

In 2 hrs, the slower car travels a distance of

2 hr(v km/hr) = 2v km

In 2 hrs, the faster car travels a distance of

2 hr(2v km/hr) = 4v km

2v + 4v = 300

6v = 300

 v = 50 km/hr

2v = 100 km/hr

Which expression is equivalent to: 16x - 16
4(2x - 2)
4(4x - 16)
4(4x - 4)​




Step-by-step explanation:

If you like my answer than please mark me as brainliest

It’s 4(4x-4)
Using the distributive property you would take the 4 outside of the parentheses, and multiply it by the 4x and then by the -4 inside the parentheses. 4•4x=16x. 4•-4=16 (remembering that a negative times a positive is still a negative)

Water is flowing into a tank at a rate of 20 cm3/min. At the start, there is 250 cm3 of water in the tank.
(i) How much water will be in the tank after 30 minutes?
(ii) Find the time when there is 1210 cm3 of water in the tank.



i) 410 cm³

ii) 48 min

Step-by-step explanation:

we start with 250 cm³.

and then we fill in 20 cm³ per minute.


after 30 minutes we have

250 + 8×20 = 250 + 160 = 410 cm³


how long (how many minutes) does it take to reach 1210 cm³ in the tank ?

well, first we subtract the start amount (250).

and then we see how often 20 cm³ will "fit" into the remainder. and then we know how many minutes the water has to run.

1210 - 250 = 960 cm³

so, the incoming water needs to reach 960 cm³ to have a total of 1210 cm³.


960 cm³ / (20 cm³ / min) = 960 cm³ min / 20 cm³ =

= 960 min / 20 = 48 min

Tuition. The tuition at a community college increased from $2,500 to $2,650 per semester. What was the percent of increase in the tuition?​



6 percent increase

Step-by-step explanation:

2650 divided by 2500 gives you 1.06 which means if 2500 is 100 percent 2650 would be 106 percent so the answer is a 6 percent increase



Step-by-step explanation:

another way of doing this type of calculation is...

NEW-OLD  =  2650-2500  = 150     = .06 = 6%

   OLD                2500            2500

What is the volume of a pyramid below?

600 cm^3

750 cm^3

900 cm^3

1800 cm^3


Answer: 600 cm³

Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of square pyramid = (1/3) · b² · h

b = base edge length = 10 cmh = height = 18 cm

Therefore, the volume can be calculated as

[tex]\frac{1}{3} *10^{2}*18=\frac{1}{3}*100*18=\frac{1}{3}*1800=\frac{1800}{3}=600[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

it is pyramid and finding its volume we use the 3 components that is length, with and the height

1/2 base x width x height

5 x 18 x 10 = 900cm³

Question 3 (5 points)
Draw a right isosceles triangle.


I drew it so here’s an example


Step-by-step explanation:

Vẽ góc vuông. - Trên hai canh góc vuô dùng thước thước có chia khoảng vẽ hai đoạn thẳng bằng nhau có chung một điểm và nối hai điểm còn lại.

please help answer question



Mark me brainlist please please please please


Step-by-step explanation:

Determine whether the series is absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent.
[infinity]Σ n =1 (-1)^n - 1/n√n


Answer: hello your question is poorly written attached below is the complete question


The series is absolutely convergent

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine whether the series is absolutely or conditionally  convergent or divergent. apply the Root Test

The series is absolutely convergent

attached below is the solution

The number line shows the record low temperatures for four states.. what is the difference, between the low temperature in Hawaii and the low temperatures In south Dakota
A -70°F
B -46°F
C 46°F
D 70°F​



D 70°F

Step-by-step explanation:

Difference between temperature in Hawaii and in South Dakota is 12°F - (-58°F) = 12°F + 58°F = 70 °F

Please help brainliest will be given

Complete the equation describing how
x and y are related.
0 1 2 3 4
3 8
V 2
y = 5x + [?]
Enter the answer that belongs in [?].



y = 5x + 3

Step-by-step explanation:

When x = 0 y = 3 so the y-intercept will be 3

And the equation is y = 5x + 3 where the slope is 5

Leena is arranging 3 different books in a row on a shelf. Create a sample space for the arrangement of a detective story (D), a mystery story (M), and a comic book (C).



There are 6 DIFFERENT POSSIBLE arrangements as obtained using the factorial method and they are :


Given :




To use the factorial method, we find the factorial value of the number of books to be arranged

Number of different possible arrangements = (number of books)!

Number of books = 3

Hence, 3! = 3 * 2 * 1 = 6 ways

The sample space :







THEREFORE, there are 6 different samples on the SAMPLE SPACE.

learn more :





5/2 or 2½ or 2.5

Step-by-step explanation:

20/8 = 2.5

10/4 = 2.5

build and sketch 2x2+7x+6)



Step-by-step explanation:

An advertiser goes to a printer and is charged $36 for 80 copies of one flyer and $46 for 242 copies of another flyer. The printer charges a fixed setup cost plus a charge for every copy of single-page flyers. Find a function that describes the cost of a printing job, if xx is the number of copies made.




Step-by-step explanation:

4 + 1n(x-1)=3 solve for x


[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 4+10(x-1)=3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 4+10x-10=3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 10x-6=3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 10x=3+6[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto 10x=9[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf \longmapsto x=\dfrac{9}{10}[/tex]

Find the Antilog of 547.840​



It's impossible because the figure is greater than 10

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{antilog \: of \: x = \frac{x}{ log} = {10}^{x} }}}[/tex]


[tex]{ \sf{anti(547.840) = {10}^{547.840} }} \\ { \tt{ \red{math \: error \: !}}}[/tex]

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