what is web browser ?​


Answer 1


A web browser, or simply "browser," is an application used to access and view websites.

Related Questions

The following pseudocode describes how a widget company computes the price of an order from the total price and the number of the widgets that were ordered. Read the number of widgets. Multiple the number of widgets by the price per widget of 9.99. Compute the tax (5.5 percent of the total price). Compute the shipping charge (.40 per widget). The price of the order is the sum of the total widget price, the tax, and the shipping charge. Print the price of the order



The program in Python is as follows:

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

price = widget * 9.9

tax = price * 0.55

ship = price * 0.40

totalprice = price + tax + ship

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)


The question is incomplete, as what is required is not stated.

However, I will write convert the pseudocode to a programming language (in Python)

Get the number of widgets

widget = int(input("Widgets: "))

Calculate price

price = widget * 9.9

Calculate the tax

tax = price * 0.55

Calculate the shipping price

ship = price * 0.40

Calculate the total price

totalprice = price + tax + ship

Print the calculated total price

print("Total Price: $",totalprice)

An array A[0..n - 2] contains `n-1` integers from 1 to `n` in increasing order. (Thus one integer in this range is missing.) Design an algorithm in $\Theta(\log n)$ to find the missing integer. Your algorithm should be given in **pseudo code**. For example, the array `A` could be `{1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}` in which `5` is missing.



I do not understand anything

Explain why it is important for you to build proficiency with Microsoft Word.



Listing proficiency in Microsoft helps push your resume through applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office programs can also increase your earning potential.

Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review. Additionally, having more in-depth knowledge of Microsoft Office applications can boost your earning potential.

What is Microsoft skills?

Your proficiency and expertise with the Microsoft Office family of software products are collectively referred to as Microsoft Office skills.

Although MS Office has many various programs, employers may frequently assess your proficiency with some of the most widely used ones, such as MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, and MS Word.

The most popular business productivity software globally is Microsoft Office.

Therefore, Microsoft's skills on your resume can help it get past applicant tracking systems and into human hands for review.

Learn more about Microsoft, here:



How does a distributed operating system work?



A distributed operating system is system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and physically separate computational nodes. They handle jobs which are serviced by multiple CPUs. Each individual node holds a specific software subset of the global aggregate operating system.

These systems run on a server and provide the capability to manage data, users, groups, security, applications, and other networking functions.

plz mark it as brainliest


Explanation:A distributed operating system is system software over a collection of independent, networked, communicating, and physically separate computational nodes. They handle jobs which are serviced by multiple CPUs. Each individual node holds a specific software subset of the global aggregate operating system.

which one is exit controllefd loop ?
1.while loop
2. for loop
3. do loop
4. none



2 is the ans


bye bye, gonna go to studyy

computer is an ............. machine because once a task is intitated computer proceeds on its own t ill its completion.​



I think digital,versatile

computer is an electronic digital versatile machine because once a task is initiated computer proceeds on its own till its completation.

3 Marks] Q 2. A host has the IP address What are the network address, broadcast address and valid host addresses for the IP subnet which the host is a member of​



Address:         11000000.00010110.0 0101100.10000101

Netmask:     11111111.11111111.1 0000000.00000000

Network:         11000000.00010110.0 0000000.00000000 (Class C)

Broadcast:        11000000.00010110.0 1111111.11111111

HostMin:            11000000.00010110.0 0000000.00000001

HostMax:        11000000.00010110.0 1111111.11111110


diagram of a central processing unit​



A computer never gets tired or bored while working for a long time _______​





The computer possess several qualities including tbe ability to be consistent with its task and accuracy of its output. When describing a person or machine that delivers so much over a long periodof time without being weary, bored or tired, such person or machine could be described as being Diligent. Depending on the task a computer is being used to execute, computer machines are usually being used in a non-stop manner. For instance, firms that works on shift basis may have 3 to 4 working shifts per day with each shift making use of the same computer used by the previous shift everyday for several number of days. Example are telecommunications customer service firms who work on a 24 hours basis.

pleeeese help me for these questions


1 Account

2 online

3 access

4 password

5 internet

6 email

Give two examples of html structure



semantic information that tells a browser how to display a page and mark up the content within a document

What would be the result of the flooding c++ cide assuming all necessary directive
Cout <<12345
Cout< cout < Cout<< number <



See explanation


The code segment is not properly formatted; However, I will give a general explanation and a worked example.

In c++, setprecision are used to control the number of digits that appears after the decimal points of floating point values.

setprecision(0) means; no decimal point at all while setprecision(1) means 1 digit after the decimal point

While fixed is used to print floating point number in fixed notation.

Having said that:

Assume the code segment is as follows:

number = 12.345;



cout<<number <<endl;

The output will be 12 because setprecision(0) implies no decimal at all; So the number will be rounded up immediately after the decimal point

In this project you will write a set of instructions (algorithm). The two grids below have colored boxes in different
locations. You will create instructions to move the colored boxes in grid one to their final location in grid two. Use the
example to help you. The algorithm that you will write should be in everyday language
(no pseudocode or programming language). Write your instructions at the bottom of the
Example: 1. Move
the orange box 2
spaces to the right.
2. Move the green
box one space
down. 3. Move the
green box two
spaces to the left.
Write your instructions. Review the rubric to check your final work.
Rules: All 6 colors (red, green, yellow, pink, blue, purple) must be move to their new location on the grid. Block spaces are
barriers. You cannot move through them or on them – you must move around them




Pink: Down 5 then left 2.

Yellow: Left 3 and down 2.

Green: Right 7, down 4 and left 1.

Purple: Up 6 and left 9.

Red: Left 7, down 5 and left 1.

You can do the last one, blue :)



u=up, d=down, r=right, l=left

yellow: l3d2

pink: d5l2

green: r7d4l1

purple: u6l9

red: l7d5l1

blue: r2u7l5

Create a list of lists, named hamsplits, such that hamsplits[i] is a list of all the words in the i-th sentence of the text. The sentences should be stored in the order that they appear, and so should the words within each sentence. Regarding how to break up the text into sentences and how to store the words, the guidelines are as follows: Sentences end with '.', '?', and '!'. You should convert all letters to lowercase. For each word, strip out any punctuation. For instance, in the text above, the first and last sentences would be: hamsplits[0] == ['and', 'can', 'you', 'by', ..., 'dangerous', 'lunacy'] hamsplits[-1] == ['madness', 'in', 'great', ..., 'not', 'unwatchd', 'go']




The following code is written in Python. It takes in a story as a parameter and splits it into sentences. Then it adds those sentences into the list of lists called hamsplits, cleaned up and in lowercase. A test case is used in the picture below and called so that it shows an output of the sentence in the second element of the hamsplits list.

def Brainly(story):

   story_split = re.split('[.?!]', story.lower())

   hamsplits = []

   for sentence in story_split:

       hamsplits.append(sentence.split(' '))

   for list in hamsplits:

       for word in list:

           if word == '':


How are dates and times stored by Excel?​



Regardless of how you have formatted a cell to display a date or time, Excel always internally stores dates And times the same way. Excel stores dates and times as a number representing the number of days since 1900-Jan-0, plus a fractional portion of a 24 hour day: ddddd. tttttt


mark me as BRAINLIEST

follow me

carry on learning

100 %sure

Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900. Times are handled internally as numbers between 0 and 1. To clearly see this, change the number format of cell A1, B1 and C1 to General. Note: apparently, 42544 days after January 0, 1900 is the same as June 23, 2016



1. E-gro.up

2. Faceb.ook

3. Gm.ail

4. Go to www.gm.ail.com

5. Gm.ail

6. Go to www.faceb.ook.com

These are the answers.

Write a program that lets the user enter the total rainfall for each of 12 months into an array of doubles. The program should calculate and display the total rainfall for the year and the average monthly rainfall. Use bubble sort and sort the months with the lowest to highest rain amounts. Use the binary search and search for a specific rain amount. If the rain amount is found, display a message showing which month had that rain amount. Input Validation: Do not accept negative numbers for monthly rainfall figures.



Program approach:-

Using the header file.Using the standard namespace I/O.Define the main function.Check whether entered the value is negative.Find the middle position of the array.Display message if value not found.Returning the value.



//required headers

#include <stdio.h>


using namespace std;

//main function

int main()

{   double rain[12], temp_rain[12], sum=0, avg=0, temp;

   int month=0, i, j, n=12, low=0, mid=0, high=12, x, found=0;

   char month_name[][12]={"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",

   "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};


   //store input values to arrays rain and temp_rain


   {   cout<<"Enter the total rainfall for month "<<month+1<<" :";



       //check whether the entered value is negative


       {   cout<<"Enter a non negative value"<<endl;




       {   rain[month]=temp;



           //total sum is found out and stored to sum






   //find average rainfall



   //display total and average rainfall for the year

   cout<<"Total rainfall for the year: "<<sum<<endl;

   cout<<"Average rainfall for the year: "<<avg<<endl;


   //perform bubble sort on temp_rain array

   for(i=0; i<n-1; i++)    

   {   for (j=0; j<n-i-1; j++)

       {   if (temp_rain[j]>temp_rain[j+1])








   //get search value and store it to x

   cout<<"Enter the value to search for a specific rain amount: ";


   //perform binary search on temp_rain array

   while (low<=high)


      //find the middle position of the array

      int mid=(low+high)/2;

      //if a match is found, set found=1


      {   found=1;



       //ignore right half if search item is less than the middle value of the array

      else if(x<temp_rain[mid])


       //ignore left half if search item is higher than the middle value of the array





   //if a match is found, then display the month for the found value



       for(i=0; i<n; i++)

       {   if(x==rain[i])

               cout<<"Found matching rainfall for this month: "<<month_name[i];






   //display message if value not found


       cout<<"Value not found.";


   return 0;


Examine the following output:
4 22 ms 21 ms 22 ms sttlwa01gr02.bb.ispxy.com []
5 39 ms 39 ms 65 ms placa01gr00.bb.ispxy.com []
6 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms Rwest.plalca01gr00.bb.ispxy.com []
7 40 ms 39 ms 46 ms svl-core-03.inet.ispxy.net []
8 75 ms 117 ms 63 ms dia-core-01.inet.ispxy.net []
Which command produced this output?
a. tracert
b. ping
c. nslookup
d. netstat



a. tracert


Tracert is a computer network diagnostic demand which displays possible routes for internet protocol network. It also measures transit delays of packets across network. The given output is produced by a tracert command.

What is the Best IPTV service provider in the USA?





Comstar.tv. Comstar.tv is the best IPTV provider offering HD 7300+ channels, 9600+ Movies and 24/7 on demand TV shows on your TV, Phone, Laptop or tablet.

After the explosion of the Union Carbide plant the fire brigade began to spray a curtain of water in the air to knock down the cloud of gas.a. The system of water spray pipes was too high to helpb. The system of water spray pipes was too low to helpc. The system of water spray pipes broked. The system of water spray pipes did not have sufficient water supply



d. The system of water spray pipes did not have sufficient water supply


The Union Carbide India Ltd. was chemical factory situated at Bhopal that produces various pesticides, batteries, plastics, welding equipment, etc. The plant in Bhopal produces pesticides. In the year 1984, on the night of 2nd December, a devastating disaster occurred on the Bhopal plant which killed millions of people due to the leakage of the poisonous, methyl isocyanate. This disaster is known as Bhopal Gas tragedy.

Soon after the gas pipe exploded, the fire brigade started spraying water into the air to [tex]\text{knock down}[/tex] the cloud of the gases in the air but there was not sufficient amount of water in the water sprays and so it was not effective.

Thus the correct answer is option (d).

what is the meaning of antimonographycationalis​



Although this word was made up in order to be a contender for the longest word in English, it can be broken down into smaller chunks in order to understand it.

Anti- means that you are against something; monopoly means the exclusive control over something; geographic is related to geography; and the remaining part has to do with nationalism.

So this word means something like 'a nationalistic feeling of being against geographic monopoly,' but you can see that it doesn't have much sense.

(answer copied from  Kalahira just to save time)

smaller answer: So this word means something like 'a nationalistic feeling of being against geographic monopoly,' but you can see that it doesn't have much sense.

A good CRM should Integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to include a question. Here, we just have a statement.

What is your question? What do you want to know?

If this is a true or false question, the answer is "true."

It is true that a good CRM should integrate marketing, sales, and customer support activities measuring and evaluating the process of knowledge acquisition and sharing.

The reason is that effective investment in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) should be able to operate efficientñy with these management aspects in order to increase the productivity and efficiency of the company.

A good CRM has to facilitate the operations of a company, improving time management and people's activities that can produce better results accomplishing the companies goals and fulfilling the key performing indicators (KPI)

Write a function called rotateRight that takes a String as its first argument and a positive int as its second argument and rotates the String right by the given number of characters. Any characters that get moved off the right side of the string should wrap around to the left.



The function in Python is as follows:

def rotateRight(strng, d):

   lent = len(strng)

   retString = strng[lent - d : ] + strng[0 : lent - d]

   return retString


This defines the function

def rotateRight(strng, d):

This calculates the length of the string

   lent = len(strng)

This calculates the return string

   retString = strng[lent - d : ] + strng[0 : lent - d]

This returns the return string

   return retString


The return string is calculated as thus:

This string is split from the index passed to the function to the last element of the string, i.e. from dth to last.

The split string is then concatenated to the beginning of the remaining string

The compound known as butylated hydroxytoluene, abbreviated as BHT, contains carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A 1.501 g sample of BHT was combusted in an oxygen rich environment to produce 4.497 g of CO2(g) and 1.473 g of H2O(g). Insert subscripts below to appropriately display the empirical formula of BHT.





n(C) = 4.497 g/44g/mol = 0.1022

Mass of C = 0.1022 × 12 = 1.226 g

n(H) = 1.473g/18 g/mol = 0.0823 ×2 moles = 0.165 moles

Mass of H = 0.0823 × 2 ×1 = 0.165g

Mass of O= 1.501 -(1.226 + 0.165)

Mass of O= 0.11 g

Number of moles of O = 0.11g/16g/mol = 0.0069 moles

Dividing through by the lowest ratio;

0.1022/0.0069, 0.165/0.0069, 0.0069/0.0069

15, 24, 1

Hence the formula is;



The formula is C1SH240

the grade point average collected from a random sample of 150 students. assume that the population standard deviation is 0.78. find the margin of error if c = 0.98.



[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]



[tex]n = 150[/tex]

[tex]\sigma = 0.78[/tex]

[tex]c = 0.98[/tex]


The margin of error (E)

This is calculated as:

[tex]E = z * \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

When confidence level = 0.98 i.e. 98%

The z score is: 2.326

So, we have:

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{\sqrt{150}}[/tex]

[tex]E = 2.326 * \frac{0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{2.326 *0.78}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = \frac{1.81428}{12.247}[/tex]

[tex]E = 0.1481[/tex]

Express as percentage

[tex]E = 14.81\%[/tex]

An attribute is a(n)?





Which I am not sure of as to what I want to watch a few years back in May but it is not part of Malvolio's that is not a big thing for the world of

What is the name given to software that decodes information from a digital file so that a media player can display the file? hard drive plug-in flash player MP3





A Plug-in is a software that provides additional functionalities to existing programs. The need for them stems from the fact that users might want additional features or functions that were not available in the original program. Digital audio, video, and web browsers use plug-ins to update the already existing programs or to display audio/video through a media file. Plug-ins save the users of the stress of having to wait till a new product with the functionality that they want is produced.


B plug-in



Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the input file using the file.readlines() method. The input file contains an unsorted list of number of seasons followed by the corresponding TV show. Your program should put the contents of the input file into a dictionary where the number of seasons are the keys, and a list of TV shows are the values (since multiple shows could have the same number of seasons).
Sort the dictionary by key (least to greatest) and output the results to a file named output_keys.txt, separating multiple TV shows associated with the same key with a semicolon (;). Next, sort the dictionary by values (alphabetical order), and output the results to a file named output_titles.txt.
Ex: If the input is:
and the contents of file1.txt are:
The Simpsons
Will & Grace
Law & Order
Murder, She Wrote
the file output_keys.txt should contain:
10: Will & Grace
12: Murder, She Wrote
14: Dallas
20: Gunsmoke; Law & Order
30: The Simpsons
and the file output_titles.txt should contain:
Law & Order
Murder, She Wrote
The Simpsons
Will & Grace
Note: There is a newline at the end of each output file, and file1.txt is available to download.
currently, my code is:
def readFile(filename):
dict = {}
with open(filename, 'r') as infile:
lines = infile.readlines()
for index in range(0, len(lines) - 1, 2):
if lines[index].strip()=='':continue
count = int(lines[index].strip())
name = lines[index + 1].strip()
if count in dict.keys():
name_list = dict.get(count)
dict[count] = [name]
return dict
def output_keys(dict, filename):
with open(filename,'w+') as outfile:
for key in sorted(dict.keys()):
outfile.write('{}: {}\n'.format(key,';'.join(dict.get(key))))
print('{}: {}\n'.format(key,';'.join(dict.get(key))))
def output_titles(dict, filename):
titles = []
for title in dict.values():
with open(filename,'w+') as outfile:
for title in sorted(titles):
def main():
filename = input()
dict = readFile(filename)
if dict is None:
print('Error: Invalid file name provided: {}'.format(filename))
output_filename_1 ='output_keys.txt'
output_filename_2 ='output_titles.txt'
The problem is that when I go to submit and the input changes, my output differs.
Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input file2.txt Your output 7: Lux Video Theatre; Medium; Rules of Engagement 8: Barney Miller;Castle; Mama 10: Friends; Modern Family; Smallville;Will & Grace 11: Cheers;The Jeffersons 12: Murder, She Wrote;NYPD Blue 14: Bonanza;Dallas 15: ER 20: Gunsmoke; Law & Order; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 30: The Simpsons Expected output 7: Rules of Engagement; Medium; Lux Video Theatre 8: Mama; Barney Miller; Castle 10: Will & Grace; Smallville; Modern Family; Friends 11: Cheers; The Jeffersons 12: Murder, She Wrote; NYPD Blue 14: Dallas; Bonanza 15: ER 20: Gunsmoke; Law & Order; Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 30: The Simpsons




The following is written in Python. It creates the dictionary as requested and prints it out to the output file as requested using the correct format for various shows with the same number of seasons.The output can be seen in the attached picture below.

mydict = {}

with open("file1.txt", "r") as showFile:

 for line in showFile:

   cleanString = line.strip()

   seasons = 0


       seasons = int(cleanString)




   if seasons != 0:

       showName = showFile.readline()

       if seasons in mydict:



           mydict[seasons] = [showName.strip()]

f = open("output.txt", "a")

finalString = ''

for seasons in mydict:

   finalString += str(seasons) + ": "

   for show in mydict[seasons]:

       finalString += show + '; '

   f.write(finalString[:-2] + '\n')

   finalString = ''


what are the physical aspect of a presentation​



1. It has a clear objective.

2. It's useful to your audience.

3. It's well-rehearsed.

4. Your presentation deck uses as little text as possible.

5. Your contact information is clearly featured.

6. It includes a call-to-action.


While saving a document to her hard drive, Connie's computer screen suddenly changed to display an error message on a blue background. The error code indicated that there was a problem with her computer's RAM. Connie's computer is affected by a(n) __________.



The right answer is "Hardware crash".


According to the runtime error message, this same RAM on your machine was problematic. This excludes file interoperability or compliance problems as well as program error possibilities.Assuming implementation performance problems exist, the timeframe that would save the information would be typically longer, but there's still a lower possibility that the adequacy and effectiveness color will become blue but instead demonstrate warning would appear.

Thus the above is the right solution.

Other Questions
The police___ talking to the parents of the missing child.a. is b. are Calculate the percent water in ZnSO4.7 H20. Show your work. A prosecutor discovers possible exculpatory evidence about the defendant but decides to withhold that evidence so that the defense will be at a disadvantage. What is a way that some jurisdictions have sought to ensure the fair exchange of information between parties? Select the correct answer. Which is the best definition of family planning? what is aphids? explain in easy words How do the ice float and the text create meaning? Software and technology that allow people to work together on a task are known as The patient is ordered to receive regular human insulin at 10 units/hr. Onhand is 50 mL of 0.9 NaCl with 100 units of regular human insulin. How manymL/hr should the patient receive? Please help!!! 30 points!!!You can learn a lot about a person by "listening" to nonverbal communication. People express an array of attitudes and emotions without saying a word.Here is your goal for this assignment:Identify and describe instances of nonverbal communicationwhile watching a video, at home, or in class, sit quietly and watch another person for about five minutes.1. Jot down any nonverbal communication that person uses. (For example, he frowns, he chews his pencil, he rests his chin in his hand, etc.)2. What do these nonverbal acts mean? (Translate them.)Locate and describe at least five nonverbal gestures. Must be 90 words or longer VI. A student attaches four drawing pins to a copper rod using candle wax as shown in the diagramThe rod is then heated continuously at one end and the pins fall off in the order 4, 3, 2, 1 Ten times a number a added to three times a second number b divided by a third number c. HELLPPPPPP PLEASEEE!!! pleaseeeee solve thissss pleaseeee A five-year note payable would appear on the balance sheet as a(n) a.disclosure in the notes only. b.long-term liability for the entire amount owed. c.current liability for any portion due within one year. d.intangible asset. HELPPPPPP PLEASE [ILL GIVE YOU BRAINLEST] what are noncommunical disease A real estate agent earns about a 6% commission on each house sold. Howmuch commission would an agent earn on a house that sold for $125,000? 13. Find the length of X (in the picture) In NOP, the measure of P=90, NP = 35, ON = 37, and PO = 12. What ratio represents the sine of N? Plz help with this question I dont get it is an image