what is x and y on a graph


Answer 1


X is the horizontal axis (up and down)

Y is the vertical axis (right to left)

Answer 2
X is the horizontal axis and Y is the vertical axis

Related Questions

A rectangle has a length of 8ft and a width of 9ft. What is the area of the rectangle, in ft^2?​




Step-by-step explanation:


a colleague needs to move a 500 pound object that's on a lever. the fulcrum is 6 inches from the object. If your colleague weighs 180 pounds how far will your colleague need to be from the fulcrum to move the object? Use the formula B = (P x A) ÷ W, and round your answer to two decimal places.



Step-by-step explanation:

The easier way to figure this is by using the concept of torque in physics. If the torque of the man is greater than that experienced by the box, the lever will tilt in the man's favor (in other words, he will move down and the box will be lifted). Torque is found by multiplying the perpendicular force by the length of the lever arm. Because we want the man's torque to be greater than the box's torque, the inequality is:

[tex]\tau_{man}>\tau_{box}[/tex] and

[tex]180r>500(.1524)[/tex] That decimal is 6 inches in terms of meters.

180r > 76.2 so

r > .42 meters or `16.67 inches. The man has to sit at a distance greater than 16.67 inches in order for the box to be lifted by the lever.

find a number which is when added to it's square the sum will be 72.​


Answer 8




please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

100 points for you if you help me



see below

Step-by-step explanation:

It is given that m<A +m<B = m<B + m<C.  We can subtract angle B from each side using the subtraction property of equality.  That leaves m<A = m<C  We can use the symmetric property so that m<C = m<A


[tex]thank \: you[/tex]

1)An average American human lives about 78.74 years. A survey gave an average time spent going to the bathroom to be 102 minutes per week. If there are 52 weeks in a year, 7 days in a week and 1 day is 24 hours, then how many minutes do Americans spend on the toilet in their life time?

2)How many minutes have you spent on going to the bathroom if you are at the age of 16?​


1) Americans spend 418,784.358 minutes on the toilet in their life time.

2) 85,096.56 minutes if you are at the age of 16.

Find the perimeter of the square. Be sure to write the correct unit in your answer.

21 yd


Perimeter is the distance around the outside.

A square has 4 equal sides:

Perimeter = 21 x 4 = 84 yards

Answer: Perimeter = 84 yd


Perimeter of square = 4 × side

Side = 21 yd

Perimeter = 4 × 21

= 84 yd

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

can i get some help please




Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the area of the circle shown.

We can calculate the area of a circle using the formula A = πr²

where r = radius

The circle shown has a given diameter of 6

We want the radius.

To convert diameter to radius simply divide the measure of the radius by 2

So radius = 6 / 2 = 3

Now to find the area we simply plug in the value of the radius into the area of a circle formula

Area of a circle: A = πr²

r = 3

( Note that the question says to use 3.14 for π )

So π = 3.14

* Substitute values *

A = (3.14)(3)²

3² = 9

(3.14)(9) = 28.26

A = 28.26

And we are done!

Deandre can run 5 miles in 30 minutes.
How many minutes per mile is that?


6 minutes per mile.

As in, 30/5= 6


Deandre can run 1 mile in 6 min

Step-by-step explanation:

What do you get if subtract the sum of -1451 and 1267 from the sum of 1146 and -2172?​



-3502 is your answer

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it will help you



Step-by-step explanation:

We should find the sum of -1451 and 1267 and the sum of 1146 and -2172.

-1451 + 1267 = 1267 - 1451 = -184

1146 + (-2172) = 1146 - 2172 = -1026

Then we subtract -184 from -1026.

-1026 - (-184) = -1026 + 184 = -842

find the third proportional of 3 5 7


Answer: Third proportion is 21/5.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the proportion be x




3:5 = x:7

or, 3/5 = x/7

or, 21 = 5x

or, x = 21/5

Given A(-4,8), D(-7,4), and H(-3,1), plot the points, and
trace the triangle.



See attached

Step-by-step explanation:

The points are plotted and connected to make a triangle


The diameter of a cylinder is 4 m. If the height is triple the radius, which is the closest to the
?volume of the cylinder
75.40 m3 o
251.33 m3 o
100.53 m3 o
613.19 m3 o



A. 75.40 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

Diameter of cylinder (d) = 4 m

Radius (r) = ½(d) = ½(4) = 2 m

Height (h) = 3 × r = 3 × 2 = 6 m

Volume of cylinder = πr²h

Substitute the values

Volume of cylinder = π*2²*6

Volume of cylinder = π*4*6

Volume = π*24

Volume = 75.40 m³

Find the circumference of this circle
using 3 for TT.
C ~ [?]
C = id




Step-by-step explanation:

The diameter is 24

pi is approximated by 3

The circumference is given by

C = pi *d

   = 3 * 24

    = 72

ef is the median of trapezoid abcd (please explain the answer im so confused lol)


Step-by-step explanation:

Okay, so...

The Median of a trapezoid is directly in the middle. For some weird mathimatical reason you won't ever need to know unless it's on an exam or you become a math major, its midsegment is the average of the top length and the bottom length.

In other words,

EF = ( BC + AD ) / 2

So for part 1, we can use that equation to find x.

[tex]EF = ( BC + AD ) / 2[/tex]

Insert known equations.


Simplify within parentheses.








[tex](4x-2x) +(-18+18)=(2x-2x)+(4+18)[/tex]


Divide both sides by 2.


Part 2 is a lot easier now. All we have to do is plug in 11 for x.

[tex]BC =x+12[/tex]

[tex]BC = 11+12[/tex]

[tex]BC = 23[/tex]


[tex]AD = 4x-18[/tex]

[tex]AD = 4(11)-18[/tex]

[tex]AD = 44-18[/tex]

[tex]AD = 26[/tex]


[tex]EF = 3x-4[/tex]

[tex]EF = 3(11)-4[/tex]

[tex]EF = 33-4[/tex]

[tex]EF = 29[/tex]


Part I: x = 11

Part II:

BC = 23AD = 26EF = 29

Find f(x)+g(x)




Step-by-step explanation:


= x²+6x-5+x²-3x-1


A vegetable tray contains 10 red peppers and 4 green peppers. What is the ratio of the number of green peppers to the number of yellow peppers?
A. 4:0
B. 2:5
C. 2:7
D. 4:10



4 : 0

Step-by-step explanation:

10 red and 4 green

There are 0 yellow peppers

green: yellow

4 : 0

Use inductive reasoning to predict the next three numbers in the pattern.
9 ,3 ,1 ,1/3, 1/9
Predict the next three numbers in the pattern.



the next 3 numbers in the pattern are 1/27 , 1/81. , and 1/243

Step-by-step explanation:

to go from 9 to 3 you either have to subtract 6 or divide by 3. if you subtract 6 it doesn't match with the numbers. if you divide by 3 it matches. you can multiply 1/9 by 1/3 or divide by 3. it end with the same answer

We have that The Next 3 patterns are


From the Question we are told that

Pattern. 9 ,3 ,1 ,1/3, 1/9


Using in inductive reasoning the pattern progresses as a function of  dividing by 3


The next three number are





The Next 3 Numbers are


For more information on this visit


write an inequality and show on a number line all numbers greater (-3) but less than equal to3




You plot this on a number line by writing and open circle on -3 and drawing and arrow from that open circle all the way until 3 and them draw a closed circle on 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

1) Let f be the function defined by the
graph shown at right, with y = f(x).
a) What is the value of f(-9)?
10 11 12
b) How many solutions are there to
the equation f(x) = -2? (Just
state how many there are.)
c) State any and all intervals on which fis decreasing
d State any and all values of x for which fax>0. Ilse intervals to do this


I think it’s C I hope this helps

Which polygon has an interior angle sum of 1080°?



its octagon. first and last one it has total 8 sides

The polygon with an interior angle sum of 1080° is an octagon

simplify the radical expressions pleaseeeeee help I haven’t done algebra in 2 years


For the first one, simplify the radicals. The 3 root 8 can be rewritten as 3 root 4 root 2, which turns into 6 root 2. The 4 root 3 can’t be simplified, so just multiply. 6*4=24 and the root 2*root 3 turns into root 6. So your answer for the first one is 24 root 6.

For the next one you can’t have a radical in the denominator so just multiply by root 3/ root 3, which gives you 6 root 3/3 which simplifies into 2 root 3.

Need help ASAP plz



C) postulate

An axiom or a postulate is an accepted statement of fact.



Im pretty sure its definition

PLEASE FAST lenear equations



y = 43

Step-by-step explanation:

(y-4)/3 = (y+9)/4

4(y-4) = 3(y+9)

4y-16 = 3y+27

4y-3y = 27+16

y = 43

Find two numbers whose sum is sixty eight and whose difference is twenty two



45 and 23

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x equal the first number and y equal the second number.

We can set the following equations up with our information:



Adding the two equations together, we get:


Dividing by two, we receive [tex]x=45[/tex]

We can plug this into our first equation to get [tex]45+y=68[/tex].

Subtracting 45 from both sides, we get [tex]y=23[/tex].

The two numbers are 45 and 23, solved using system of equations.

What is a system of equations?

A system of equations is a set of equations, involving similar variables used to solve for the variables simultaneously.

How to solve the question?

In the question, we are asked to find the two numbers, whose sum is 68 and the difference is 22.

We assume the two numbers to be x and y.

The sum of the two numbers is given to be 68.

This can be shown as an equation, x + y = 68 ... (i).

The difference of the two numbers is given to be 22.

This can be shown as an equation, x - y = 22 ... (ii).

Equations (i) and (ii) together makes a system of equation in the variables x and y.

To solve for the system of equation, we add (i) and (ii), to get:

x + y = 68

x - y = 22


2x  = 90,

or, x = 45.

Substituting x = 45 in (i), we get:

x + y = 68,

or, 45 + y = 68,

or, y = 23.

Thus, the two numbers are 45 and 23, solved using system of equations.

Learn more about system of equations at



Complete the equation to represent finding x, the greater integer. x(x – ) = 143 What is the greater integer?



[tex]x * (x - 2) = 143[/tex]

Where [tex]x = 13[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]x (x - \_) = 143[/tex]


Complete the blank

The complete question implies that the product include 2 consecutive odd numbers.

Two numbers whose products equal 143 are: 11 and 13

i.e. [tex]11 * 13 = 143[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]x * (x - \_) = 13 * 11[/tex]

By comparison, we have:

[tex]x = 13[/tex]

[tex]x - \_ = 11[/tex]

Collect like terms

[tex]\_ = x - 11[/tex]

Substitute 13 for x

[tex]\_ = 13 - 11[/tex]

[tex]\_ = 2[/tex]

So, the complete equation is:

[tex]x * (x - 2) = 143[/tex]

Where [tex]x = 13[/tex]





Step-by-step explanation:

Got it right on edge.

Rewrite this equation in the form y = ax + b.
2y = 4x - 8
Enter the correct answer.
Clear all



y = 2x -4

Step-by-step explanation:

2y = 4x - 8

Divide each side by 2

2y/2 = 4x/2 - 8/2

y = 2x -4

A company wants to determine the level of interest among its employees for an annual summer picnic. The company wants to survey
200 employees.
What is the best way to randomly choose these 200 employees?


Answer: Use employee identification numbers to randomly select 200 employees

Step-by-step explanation:

Random sampling refers to a sampling technique whereby each sample has an equal chance of being selected. It is an unbiased representation of the entire population and this is vital in drawing conclusion.

From the options given, the best way to randomly choose these 200 employees will be to use employee identification numbers to randomly select 200 employees.

who can help me out with this one?​



(x + 1)² + (y - 2)² = 9

Step-by-step explanation:

Equation of the circle with center (h, k):

(x - h)² + (y -k)² = r²  where r is radius

Center(-1 , 2) ;  r =3

(x - [-1])² + (y - 2)² = 3²

(x + 1)² + (y - 2)² = 9

factorize: xy-3x - 5y + 15



Step-by-step explanation:




I don’t know what to write but ye I need help with this question. Thanks


Answer: the first table.

Step-by-step explanation:

The terms in the domain (x) should have only one range (y)


A) x: -3, 0, -2, 8

    y: -1, 0, -1, 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Function has only one output for each input.


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