What kind of extreme sports do you want to try? Why​


Answer 1


Extreme sports, also known as action sports or alternative sports, sporting events or pursuits characterized by high speeds and high risk. The sports most commonly placed in this group are skateboarding, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, in-line roller-skating, street lugeing, and BMX and mountain biking.

Related Questions

Why are independent agencies separate from the executive branch?
Independent agencies have areas of responsibility that fall outside the executive branch.
Independent agencies serve limited purposes within all three branches of government.
Independent agencies serve many purposes across all three branches of government.
Independent agencies do not share any of the responsibilities of the executive branch.


C. Independent agencies serve many purposes across all three branches of government

Answer: Sorry if im late but the answer is D.

Explanation: can I still have the brainlist.

what is the importance of energy? Make a list.​



1)Energy helps us to improve the quality of our life.

2)It supports economic competitiveness.

3)Development of energy generates employment to jobless people.

4)Many objects around us works on electrical energy.

5)We use energy to heat and cool our homes, schools, and businesses.

6). We use energy for lights and appliances.

7) Energy makes our vehicles go, planes fly, boats sail, and machines run.

8) All living things need energy too.

9)People use energy to walk and bicycle, to move cars along roads and boats through water, to cook food on stoves, to make ice in freezers, to light our homes and offices, to manufacture products, and to send astronauts into space.

"just try to be satisfy whatever god has provided to you" . elaborate this statement in your own word



Yes, we should be satisfied with whatever God has provided to us. We should be happy with what we have right now. For example, whatever I have may not be available to others.



In my view,god has provided us what we deserve.He don't provide the money but,he provided the way which we can use to earn money.Likewise,satisfaction in human nature is quite difficult.People often criticise god for their own cats and misdeeds.So,just try to be satisfy whatever god has provided to you.

Keep smiling and hope u r satisfied with my answer.Have a nice day :)

Difference between developed and developing country in 4points


developed country these are the country which are still have lower economy compare to the developed country

Adding a participant variable to a design with an existing independent variable is one way to increase external validity. True or False


The answer to this is True

Andrea's mother says that Andrea has always been Andrea, never really changing. Andrea's mother is probably referring to Andrea's: Please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. beliefs. behavior. personality. attitude.


Personality. Great question!

how do the lack of health education,health services and facilities affect the date rate? write in brief ​



hope it's helpful and have a great day ahead

thank you

3. List the cash crops grown in Province No. 1​



The cash crops grown in province no. 1 are:







discuss the modalities of formation of federal states in brief.​



(1) The main structure of the Federal Democratic Republic of

Nepal shall be of three levels, namely the Federation, the State and the Local level.

(2) The Federation, State and Local levels shall exercise the power of

State of Nepal pursuant to this Constitution and law.

(3) There shall be States consisting of the Districts as mentioned in

Schedule-4 existing in Nepal at the time of commencement of this Constitution.

(4) There shall be Village Institutions, Municipalities and District

Assemblies under the Local level. The number of Wards in a Village Institution

and Municipality shall be as provided for in the Federal law.

(5) Any Special, Protected or Autonomous Region can be set by the

Federal law for social, cultural protection or economic development

(6) The Federation, State and Local levels shall protect Nepal’s freedom,

sovereignty, territorial integrity, independence, national interest, overall

development, multi-party, competitive, democratic, republican, federal system of

governance, human rights and fundamental rights, rule of law, separation of

powers and check and balance, egalitarian society based on pluralism and equality,

inclusive representation and identity.

57. Distribution of State power:

(1) The powers of the Federation shall be vested in

the matters enumerated in Schedule-5, and such powers shall be exercised

pursuant to this Constitution and the Federal law.

(2) The powers of a State shall be vested in the matters enumerated in

Schedule-6, and such powers shall be exercised pursuant to this Constitution and

the State law.

(3) The concurrent powers of the Federation and the State shall be

vested in the matters enumerated in Schedule-7, and such powers shall be

exercised pursuant to this Constitution, the Federal law and the State law.

(4) The powers of the Local level shall be vested in the matters

enumerated in Schedule-8, and such powers shall be exercised pursuant to this

Constitution and the law made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly.

(5) The concurrent powers of the Federation, State and Local levels

shall be vested in the matters enumerated in Schedule-9, and such powers shall be

exercised pursuant to this Constitution, the Federal law, the State law and the law

made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly.

(6) Any law to be made by the State Assembly, Village Assembly or

Municipal Assembly pursuant to clause (3) or (5) shall be so made as not to be

inconsistent with the Federal law, and any law made by the State Assembly,

Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly which is inconsistent with the Federal

law shall be invalid to the extent of such inconsistency.

(7) Any law to be made by the Village Assembly or Municipal

Assembly pursuant to clause (5) shall be so made as not to be inconsistent with the

State law, and any law made by the Village Assembly or Municipal Assembly

which is inconsistent with the State law shall be invalid to the extent of such


58. Residual powers: The Federation shall have power on any matter not enumerated

in the Federal List, State List, List of Local level or Concurrent List or on any

matter which is not so specified in this Constitution as to be exercised by any


Give details of the nation council as the genesis of Nigeria constitutional development


This Is Your Answer I think

7. Characteristics of a newsworthy incident include: timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest, and: A. Visual interest B. Conflict C. Media agenda D. An easily understood situation



B. conflict


The characteristics of a newsworthy incident include timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest and conflict.

What is a newsworthy incident?

These refer to incident that occur which have the character that makes its reportable.

Thus, an incident must have character of timeliness, proximity, prominence, uniqueness, human interest and conflict.

Therefore, the Option B is correct.

Read more about newsworthy incident



Until the age of one, Joel did not babble or point to things, nor did he make proper eye contact. Moreover, he regularly swayed his body and seemed more interested in inanimate objects. Joel could hardly speak even at 18 months. Joel is most likely to be diagnosed with ________ disorder.



autism disorder due to his behaviour

Renee is starting to spend money quickly to buy the fanciest clothes, car, and hotel rooms because she has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, believing she deserves these things due to her superior powers and abilities. What symptom is Renee displaying


shes self centered and egotistical, probably a narcissist

What does a pharmacist do?​



Pharmacists are medication experts and play a critical role in helping people get the best results from their medications. Pharmacists prepare and dispense prescriptions, ensure medicines and doses are correct, prevent harmful drug interactions, and counsel patients on the safe and appropriate use of their medications.

4) What doyou mean by means and



Ways or method of doing something is known as means

Everything available in our environment which can be used to satisfy our needs is known as resources





describe any three features of Indian democracy.



Indian Democracy is based on the following three points:

Union ListState ListConcurrent List


The Union list people make laws, for example, defense laws and currency laws.The State list people make laws for police, trade, and agriculture.The Concurrent List people rule over the Union and State list.

Lt. Charles just joined the air force. She notices that the people she works with seem to have a way of speaking that is different than other groups she has observed. They use certain words that they all seem to understand. They are tight knit. She starts to use such language in an attempt to become closer to the group. What best explains her actions?



What best explains her actions is convergence.


In communication, convergence refers to adaptations one does to one's speech in order to identify oneself with another individual or with a group. For instance, it is common for couples to develop a way of talking to each other that is specific, that uses certain words, which identifies them as a couple.

That is what Lt. Charles is doing. She is changing her speech in order to be seen as part of the group.

how was the formation of the constitution assembly different from that of the community formed constitution assembly of Nepal.​



the 1st Nepalese Constituent Assembly was a unicameral body of 601 members that served from May 28, 2008 to May 28, 2012. It was formed as a result of the first Constituent Assembly election held on April 10, 2008.The Constituent Assembly was tasked with writing a new constitution,and acting as the interim legislature for a term of two years. 240 members were elected in single-seat constituencies, 335 were elected through proportional representation,and the remaining 26 seats were reserved for nominated members.

The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN (M)) was the largest party in the Constituent Assembly, having won half of the constituency seats and about 30% of proportional representation seats. The Constituent Assembly declared a republic at its first meeting on May 28, 2008, abolishing the monarchy.

In late June 2008, the parties agreed to divide the 26 nominated seats in the Constituent Assembly between nine parties: the CPN (M) was to receive nine of these seats, while the Nepali Congress (NC) and the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) (CPN (UML)) (which respectively placed second and third in the election) would each receive five, the Madhesi Janadhikar Forum would receive two, and the Sadbhavana Party, the Nepal Workers and Peasants Party, Janamorcha Nepal, and the Communist Party of Nepal (Marxist-Leninist) would each receive one nominated seat.Due to its failure in drafting a new constitution, the CA was dissolved on May 28, 2012 after its original and extended total tenure of four years.The next Nepalese Constituent Assembly elections initially slated for November 22, 2012 were held a year later on November 19, 2013 after being postponed several times.

When 4-year-old Michael hit his sister, his Mom placed him in a time-out by having him stand in a corner for 4 minutes. A time-out is considered to be positive reinforcement. positive punishment. negative reinforcement. negative punishment. continuous reinforcement.



Negative punishment



This is simply an act or an event that tends to reduce/decrease the behavior that it follows it.

Positive punishment

This is when a behavior is accompanied quickly by the presence of a stimulus that reduces the future occurrence of the said behavior.

Negative punishment

This is commonly known as a response behavior that is accompanied quickly by the removal of a stimulus or a decline in the intensity of the stimulus, that therefore reduces the future occurrence of similar responses under similar conditions.

Punishment often tends to weakens or reduces the probability of a behavior occurring again.

what are the effect of longitude any 4​


I am not sure buuut I think that the effect of longitude is time difference in places they help us locate places

8.3.2 Quiz: Government and the Economy
Question 8 of 10
A mixed market economy is similar to a command economy because it:



Because it's partly controlled by the government


A mixed economic system has features of both a command and a free-market system. because it is partly controlled by the government and partly based on the forces of supply and demand

which two changes of state can occur when a substance gains thermal energy ? A sublimation B deposition C vaporization D condensation



Exercises nswer the following questions in very short.
How are developing countries different from least developed one.Write in a sentence.


Developing countries are actively evolving while least developed are stationary.

On the basis of an eyewitness description, a student was arrested in connection with the murder of a security guard who was killed during a protest at a college. The police brought the student to the police station and gave him his Miranda warnings. The student then asked to speak with his attorney. Before the attorney could arrive, the eyewitness walked into the station, saw the student, and told the police that this was the person she had seen kill the security guard. The prosecution sought to introduce at trial evidence of the eyewitness identification. The defense moved to have evidence of the identification suppressed.
The court should ______________



I think the court should carry out an autopsy on the body of the security guard to find out the actual cause of the death incase the eyewitness was wrong. then if the student was indeed the cause of the death he/she must be arrested with a death sentence.

I hope this helps

Your driver license could be revoked if you are found guilty of: Group of answer choices operating a vehicle without required insurance discharging diesel fumes from the exhaust pipe operating a vehicle with a burned out headlight or tail light discharging a firearm from a vehicle



discharging a firearm from a vehicle and operating a vehicle without required insurance discharging can revoke you license but  discharging a firearm from a vehicle can put you in state jail


This answer would end in state prison

which are the newly created district s of Nepal?



Kathmandu, August 31

According to the constitution, four districts — Nawalparasi-Bardaghat-Susta-east, Nawalparasi-Bardaghat-Susta-west and eastern Rukum and western Rukum — were carved out of the two districts.


Hope it help you friend

I am from Nepal

Which are the densely populated district of Rais?​



Six districts are the densely populated such as Kathmandu, Rupandehi, Morang, Kailali, Sunsari, Jhapa.


Rai people are an indigenous and tradition people of Nepal. They are inhabitants of eastern Nepal and other states like Sikkim, western Bangladesh and word Rai means a headman and form an ethnic group.

Pleasure and participation sports focus on personal engagement and the notion that _____. Multiple choice question. the body is to be trained and subordinated in a quest for achieving competitive success the body is to be nurtured and enjoyed in a quest for challenging experiences equal participation diminishes the value of winning humiliation, shame, and derogation are consistent with the underlying spirit of these sports\



The body is to be nurtured and enjoyed in a quest for challenging experiences


Good luck <3

what is London declaration?



The London Declaration was a declaration issued by the 1949 Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference on the issue of India's continued membership of the Commonwealth of Nations, an association of independent states formerly part of the British Empire, after India's transition to a republican constitution.


Drafted by the Indian statesman V. K. Krishna Menon, the Declaration stated the agreement of the prime ministers to the continued membership of India in the organization after it becomes a republic. By that declaration, the Government of India had expressed its acceptance of the King as "the symbol of the free association of its independent member nations and as such the Head of the Commonwealth."

The Declaration dealt only with India, seen as an exceptional case, and it did reaffirm that the other members of the British Commonwealth owed common allegiance to the Crown. However it did establish a precedent that republicanism was not incompatible with membership in the organization.

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