What kind of study has a post-test but no baseline measurement?

A: Survey
B: True Experiment
C: Placebo-Controlled study
D: Double-blind study


Answer 1

The kind of study that has a post-test but no baseline measurements is a placebo-controlled study. So the correct option is C.

What is a placebo-controlled study?

This is a study performed during human- trials of a drug. In this study, the people selected for the trial are divided into two groups. One group gets the actual drug or the active treatment and the other group is given a placebo.

A placebo is a substance that has a look and taste similar to the actual drug but it contains no active substance as the drug. This is given to eliminate the chance of a placebo effect.

A placebo is a tendency to feel better when we are receiving treatment for a disease even if the treatment is not having an actual effect.

Since, in a placebo-controlled study, the two groups do not know if they are receiving the actual drug or the placebo, the chances of a placebo effect occurring are reduced to a minimum.

Thus, a placebo-controlled trial is required for a drug trial.

therefore, the correct option is C.

Read more about the placebo-controlled study, here



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Socioeconomic factor , demographic factor, ecological factory

Food maintained at a specific temperature when sitting is known as hot or cold...





The food is thawing when you just leave it out

Food maintained at a specific temperature when sitting is known as hot or cold thawing.

What is thawing?

At the time when frozen food is thawn. So it is the best plan ahead or it should be thawn in the refrigerator at a similar kind of temperature that is likely to be 40 degrees or below.

The three ways can be like

In the refrigerator. In cold water.In microwave.

Hence, the third option is correct.

Learn more about food here: https://brainly.com/question/18790879

Hugging, kissing, holding hands, and sexual relations are all examples of:
O A. Love
B. Physical affection
C. Pressure
OD. None apply


B physical affection

name three dangerouse objects​



1)Human being.


3) Stomach.






1. Nuclear bomb

2. maxim machine gun

3. rifle

what is bacteria caused by



To be put simply, bacteria can be on things that are used quite often such as toilet seats, television remotes etc. If someone does something dirty such as plant seeds in dirt and not wash their hands, the next thing they touch will have bacteria on it. If you touch what has this bacteria on it, it stays on your hand. But if you wash your hands it will be gone, but if you touch your face, mouth, nose or eyes it will travel inside you, causing harm if it is a very bad type of bacteria.

Basically Bacterial and viral infections have many things in common. Both types of infections are caused by microbes -- bacteria and viruses, respectively -- and spread by things such as: Coughing and sneezing. Contact with infected people, especially through kissing and sex. Contact with contaminated surfaces, food, and water

Which of the following pathways is most likely to be active in the adipocytes of a person with untreated type 1 diabetes?
a. fatty acid synthesis
b. glycogenolysis
c. glycolysis
d. lipolysis





Why is comparing yourself to others such a pitfall to low self-esteem?
Because people are often being just as critical of themselves
Because people are different and each has unique qualities to appreciate
Because people see themselves as better than they really are
Because people see themselves as less than they really are


cuz peoples are different and ea h has unique qualities to appreciate

1. Over time, the body needs more and more of a drug to get the high that once came easily. A. True B. False





It's true beacuse the body will start to build a tolerance to side drug

What terms are used to describe the orientation of body parts and regions?



Same as her answer. Hope it helps.

Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science is a basic course that equips the student with
the most essential knowledge and skill pertaining to medical laboratories such as:​




• Importance of laboratory services;

•  Role of medical laboratory technologist;

•  Use of laboratory wares, instruments and sterilization


• Prevention and control of laboratory accidents and;

• Institution of quality control system.  

Mr. Wendt suffers from diabetes which has gotten progressively worse during the last year. He is currently enrolled in Original Medicare (Parts A and B) and a Part D prescription drug plan and did not enroll in a Medicare Advantage (MA) plan during the last annual open enrollment period (AEP) which has just closed. Mr. Wendt has heard certain MA plans might provide him with more specialized coverage for his diabetes and wants to know if he must wait until the next annual open enrollment period (AEP) before enrolling in such a plan. What should you tell him?




If there is a special needs plan (SNP) in Mr. Wendt’s area that specializes in caring for individuals with diabetes, he may enroll in the SNP at any time under a special election period (SEP)



If there is a special needs plan (SNP) in Mr. Wendt’s area that specializes in caring for individuals with diabetes, he may enroll in the SNP at any time under a special election period (SEP)


List 25 healthful foods to meet the requirements of a healthy nutrition plan?



you would need fat, fiber, protein

Chicken avocado olive oil bread beans peas cucumber potatoes yogurt milk strawberries fruits in general alongside meats such as fish, beef, etc just list healthy food your mom would give you to help you grow


Select the correct answer.
Which practice contributes the most to land pollution?
O A disposal of industrial wastes and household garbage
eating unhealthy food for convenience
Oc driving instead of using public transportation
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Which practice contributes the most to land pollution?

O A disposal of industrial wastes and household garbage

You and a coworker seem to have a hard time seeing eye - to - eye on a number of different things . Today , she does something that makes you especially angry . What should you do? a) Tell your boss that you can't work with her anymore . b) Talk to your coworkers about how much she is driving you crazy. c) Scream at her that you've had enough of her behavior. d ) Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having



d ) Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having


If you walk away and calm down for a bit, you will be less angry and less likely to yell or get upset.


Walk away until you can speak with her calmly about the issues you have been having


A mental struggle coming from opposing demands or struggles is:
A. Schizophrenia
B. Depression
C. External conflict
D. Internal conflict



External conflict


A mental struggle coming from opposing demands or struggles is :- = External conflict .

Hope it is helpful to you

stay safe healthy and happy ☺️

I think the answer is C (External conflict)

A trainer has a client request their records how must that request be made


Answer: Face to Face

Answer: face to face

If healthcare provider suspect trafficking they should



Mandated Reporting

If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation: Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 888-373-7888. Anti-Trafficking Hotline Advocates are available 24/7 to take reports of potential human trafficking.Feb 27, 2020

https://www.franciscanhealth.org › ...

Healthcare Workers: Understand 

If you believe you may have information about a trafficking situation: Call the National Human Trafficking Hotline toll-free hotline at 888-373-7888.

food under 100 calories pls


Blueberries and more

Why do most people get diarrhea after being exposed to an intestinal bacteria infection


Several types of bacteria can enter your body through contaminated food or water and cause diarrhea. Common bacteria that cause diarrhea

A child of divorce may exhibit which of the following behaviors
A. Relieved
B. Guilty
C. Depression
D. All apply


d. all apply is correct

Option D. All apply are the reasons for a child of divorce.

What is child of divorce?

Children from divorced families may share more externalizing issues, such as conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than children from two-parent families. 7 In addition to increased behavior problems, kids may also experience more conflict with peers after a divorce.

Studies have demonstrated that children who experience divorce often have an increase in antisocial conduct, anxiety, and depression, along with improved delinquent and aggressive behavior.

Hence, Option D. All apply are the reasons for a child of divorce.

To learn more about child of divorce refer to:



After learning about our laws against smoking and drinking alcohol, write a one paragraph reaction with at least 5 sentences about the government’s ways to cease cigarette smoking in the country.
You can type in your reaction by clicking the 'add submission' tab and type your reaction.



they accept the 《vapotage》but no smock ing that have no sense .

Which of the following is not a function of protein?
A. Supplies the body with energy.
O B. Helps keep the body warm.
O C. Helps build and maintain muscles.
O D. Helps fight off infection.



The answer is option B on this question

Answer b is the correct answer for this question.

A nanny or sitter hired to care for children in their home must follow health and safety guidelines set by CCR


the answer is true, if that’s what your looking for

How does sugar in the blood get absorbed by our cell normally


It uses white blood cells

The gluteus maximus is located superior to which muscle?

Biceps brachii
Erector spinae





Joe's manager, Claire, is very busy this week at the warehouse. Joe has been placed in charge of finding room for some new deliveries but he has some questions to ask Claire. Which behavior would demonstrate that Joe respects her time ? a) Calling Claire after work hours to discuss his questions b) Booking a two-hour meeting for tomorrow to discuss all his questions at once c) Emailing Claire a long list of questions d) Booking a ten-minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions


Answer: D- booking a 10 minute meeting to discuss his most urgent questions.


Question 27
The sex glands in the male are the
a. gametes
b. androgens
C. glans
e. spermatozoa



e. spermatozoa is the correct answer

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Answers. ...The answers are prostate gland,Cowper Gland and the seminal vesicles


.Gonads are the male and female primary reproductive organs

Good evening, I need help answering this question, please and thank you

Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d Individuals can learn to manage the change

i think is d or c ?


D is correct I believe. Hope that helps
d is correct! hope this helps!!

Một thuốc có tỉ lệ ion hóa là 40%, sinh khả dụng của thuốc là 30%. Hỏi nồng độ thuốc được hấp thu vào máu là bao nhiêu?


What language do you speak? If you can translate into English i can help you


um yeah what language so that i can translate it, when you do ill get back to you as soon as i can :)


The aerobic exercise helps to increase:__________

a. flexibility
b. cardiorespiratory
c. musculoskeletal fitness
d. the ability to perform moderate-to-high-intensity activity involving large muscle groups for long periods of time.



b) Cardio respiratory


Just as exercise strengthens other muscles in your body, it helps your heart muscle become more efficient and better able to pump blood throughout your body. This means that the heart pushes out more blood with each beat, allowing it to beat slower and keep your blood pressure under control. Aerobic exercise boosts your good cholesterol (HDL), and lowers your bad cholesterol (LDL).

Hope this helps ya! Best of luck <3

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